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new team include a rebranding of the conference.

They have negotiated a new media deal with Fox and ESPN as well as providing separate on-demand Pac12 networks though the local cable affiliates. Two other efforts include the addition of two new members schools, Colorado and Utah and working with the BCS committee on a national collegiate football championship format.

MAY 15th, 2012

NEXT MEETING: May 22nd, 2012 Program: Debbie Roessler, The Great Oakland Fire Disaster Invocation & Greeter: Ron Mucovich

Dannette discussed rumors that Texas would join the conference but said that the revenue sharing requirement would not allow that to happen at least for now. She reviewed the various stakeholders in the conference as well as the main attributes or pillars of the conference West coast advancement, Innovation and Excellence. Dannette identified the individual logos, marks or shields for each of the teams and how the schools are tied to the individual networks. She showed a video showcasing the history of both the area and the conference. She identified the different sports to be televised including football, mens and womens basketball and Olympic events. The conference headquarters is still in Walnut Creek with the television networks being located in San Francisco. Several questions were fielded with a final discussion on the BCS football championship challenges.

~~ COMING UP ~ *May 29 Steve Carlson Nexis Preparedness when Major Disasters Hit *June 5 Frank May My Adventure in Bangkok **June 12 Stuart Swiedler St. Marys College in the Mid 20th Century The Railroad, The War and Water *June 19 Nora Avelar The Social Media Are You On Facebook? ** June 26 Annual Demotion Dinner and Change of Officers *Indicates a regular Tuesday noon luncheon meeting **Indicates monthly evening meeting

Danette Leighton Chief Marketing Officer, Pac 12 Athletic Conference and our speaker. Ron Radakovich Friend of Ron Mucovich

The invocation was given by Mary Elena Dochterman who described the historic rise of the role of women in Rotary. Eighty-four District Governors are women this year. President Nora announced that there will be a Board Meeting this evening at the Serbian Church beginning at 5PM. The District Assembly will be held this Saturday, May 19 at Solano College beginning at 8:30 AM and concluding right after lunch. Any club members are invited to attend. Just sign up on the district website,


This weeks speaker, Dannette Leighton, was introduced by Ron Mucovich. Dannette is the new Chief Marketing Officer for the Pac12 Conference. She has held similar positions with the Sacramento Kings and Monarchs, Arizona University and Sony Sports Marketing. Dannette was the recipient of a Rotary scholarship and has worked with Rotary raising over three hundred thousand dollars for PolioPlus.

Frank May briefly described his trip to the International Convention in Bangkok. He thanked the club for the chance to make this trip of a lifetime. He indicated that PolioPlus was still the prevalent program and theme at this years meetings. Cliff Dochterman briefly described the Rotarian of the Year award to be given out at the Demotion Dinner next month. He handed out the ballots to our members. The ballots were returned to Cliff. This years winner will be announced at the Demotion Dinner.

Dannette identified the new executive team of the Pac12 Conference headed up by Larry Scott. The goals of the

Al Simonsen discussed the Annual Field Day which will th be held on May 30 . Many of us have signed up for help but more volunteers are needed. Let Al know if you are able to help out. Angelo Costanza announced that our Camp Royal th students will attend the club meeting on May 29 . He also th announced a Bocce Ball practice session on June 8 at 9AM at the Martinez Bocce Ball Courts. The annual th tournament is on June 16 . For any people who have signed up but are unable to play, please let Angelo know as there are substitutes available who want to participate. Rich Render announced that the results of our latest EWaste event have not come in yet. President Nora announced that a Celebration of Women in Rotary will be held this Friday from 8:30AM until 1:30Pm at the Roundhilll Country Club in Alamo. Call Nora if you are interested in attending. Nora also announced that the District Awards and th Installation ceremony will be held In Corning on July 14 . This event is a lot of fun and an easy drive from the bay area. The Club has been asked by the City of Moraga to participate in a community project to install new playground equipment in Rancho Laguna Park. We would like to participate but are awaiting more specific information. The planned dates for this project are June st rd 21 through the 23 . Debbie Roessler announced an Arts by the Glass th winetasting event to be held on May 24 from 5PM until 7PM. This event benefits the Hacienda. An initial glass of wine costs $8 with additional tastings available.


This week we give a special Thank You to the several Rotarians who manned our booth at the Moraga Community Faire. Helpers included Tony Schoemehl, Kevin Reneau, John Erickson, Nora Avelar, Debbie Roessler, Herb Wehmeyer, and Gary Irwin. Booth visitors included Lad and Leslie Lynch, Cliff and Mary Elena Dochterman, Frank and Linda May, Jim and Linda Campbell and Ray and May Kan.

Honorary Rotarian Lou Roessler entered his way cool Corvette in the car contest. He won a prize for his entry.

Rotary International Theme for 2011-12 REACH WITHIN TO EMBRACE HUMANITY



Louise Schopke celebrated her 11 wedding anniversary with her husband, Ron at Rons daughters house in Nevada. Al Simonsen paid the big bucks for a three week vacation in Hawaii. Al was resting up for the field day coming up in a couple of weeks!! Debbie Roessler had a couple of happy bucks for Lous success in winning a raffle prize at the Community Faire as well as avoiding further hip surgery this year. Jim Campbell offered a spin for a recent trip to New Orleans. Kevin Reneaus daughter plans to attend TCU. She has won a scholarship but Kevin hopes for a big lottery win to help with the rest of the college tuition and board!! Tony Schoemehl offered a buck for his granddaughters ability to do a forward somersault. He is hoping for success in the 2027 Olympics!!


May 12 Moraga Community Faire May 19 District Assembly, Vallejo May 30 Moraga Rotary Annual Field Day th June 8 Bocce Instruction at Martinez courts. June16 Bocce Ball Tournament, Martinez June 26 Annual Demotion Dinner Aug. 3-5 OMPA Swim Meet

I would like to take a moment to thank the Rotary Club of Moraga for the chance to represent you at the Rotary International Convention held recently in Bangkok. It is truly a life changing experience to see Rotarians from all over the world describe the service projects that are underway.

I hope that everyone who has not had the chance to attend the convention will have the opportunity to do so. Thank you, again, for this chance at the trip of a lifetime.

MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2011-12 President..Nora Avelar President-elect..... Frank May Past President .....Tony Schoemehl Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations....Rich Render International Service Chair..Colin Barnard MembershipFrank May Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary International...Kalyan Banerjee District Governor, 5160 ...David Dacus Assistant District Governor.Debbie Roessler
Newsletter Editor for May Frank May

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