Lifeboat Drill Procedure

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Lifeboat Drill Procedure 1.

Enter lifeboat and check hooks through sight glasses then allow the crew onboard 2. Turn battery to Both position 3. Make sure that all crew have lifejackets and hard hats and gloves on. 4. Instruct one crew member to go forward and another aft. 5. Radio check to the boat deck Boat deck, boat deck, lifeboat # x radio check over on channel 12 VHF 6. Ensure crew are sitting down 7. Instruct crew member with release cable to lower to one meter 8. At 1m tell the crew member to stop and start the engine and remove pin from the hydrostatic interlock lever 9. Once engine is started instruct the crew member with the release cable to lower to water 10. Once in the water, wait for the hydrostatic interlock to go GREEN then move the lever downwards 11. The hooks will open release the falls. Wait for the boat deck to raise the falls then slowly drive away from the ship. (Make sure all hatches are closed until away from the ship side). 12. Drive around but stay relatively close to the ship, once away from the ship, raise the hydrostatic interlock lever and replace the pin. Once this is done instruct the crew to reset the hooks. 13. Once the hooks are reset and a positive confirmation is received, check the hooks yourself and hand control to the second in charge. 14. Once you have checked the hooks radio to the boat deck Boat deck, boat deck lifeboat # x hooks reset. 15. Drive around and check all systems are working correctly. 16. Once the call to come to the falls has been received, acknowledge by radio and make your way to the ships side. 17. When approaching enter at a shallow angle and at a low speed. 18. Ensure that the forward and aft crew are ready with the boat hooks to attach the falls to the hooks. 19. Once the hooks are attached and you have positive confirmation, switch off the engine. Then physically check the hooks through the sight glass and report to the boat deck Boat deck, boat deck lifeboat # x hooks set and ready to be hoisted. 20. Make sure that all crew are sitting down and then fill in the comment card on the way up. 21. Before you leave turn the battery to the Off position and make sure crew remove hard hats and gloves before leaving the lifeboat.

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