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Effective PowerPoint

Get Your Message Across

Effective PowerPoint

Be Seen
Make sure your text is big enough This is 28 point Arial
Anything below 24 points is too small

Effective PowerPoint
Use contrasting color schemes (design templates) These colors contrast Thesecolorsdontcontrast Thesecolorsdontcontrast
These colors contrast (harder to read?) These colors contrast (harder to read?)

Effective PowerPoint

Be Clear
Use a sans-serif font (Arial, Verdana) Serif fonts are harder to read on-screen Italics are harder to read on-screen Use bold or color for emphasis

Effective PowerPoint

Simple is best
Basic light colored background and dark text Avoid distracting images Limit transitions, animations, and sound effects Dontgethunguponlooks

Effective PowerPoint

Plan Ahead (remember your purpose) Plan Carefully (get it under control) Plan for Disaster (next mouse click?)

Effective PowerPoint

Dont read your screen

Remember, PowerPoint presentations shouldntbeusedascuecards.Bullet points should prompt you. Besides, your audience will read faster than you will talk. Plus your back will be them.Whichleadstothenextpoint

Effective PowerPoint

Avoid long sentences

6 words per line 6 lines per slide Understanding vs. Overload

Effective PowerPoint
Use images to communicate

Effective PowerPoint
Not to decorate

Effective PowerPoint

Always save to the hard disk

Floppies/Zip disks stink Periodically save to network USBFlashdrivesaregreat!

Effective PowerPoint

Use PowerPoint Shows

Bypass the PowerPoint Interface File>SaveAsPowerPointShow File name ends in .pps

Dont be afraid!

Who needs bullets?

Dont use PowerPoint as a crutch

Simple. Remember?

Effective PowerPoint


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