Japan Culture

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Japanese lifestyle Basically, Japanese lifestyle changed dramatically after World War II, when a large number of people

from rural areas migrated to urban areas to earn better quality of life. Many traditional of Japanese customs have been replaced by Western ways. In general, the most extensive changes have taken place in the big cities and have had the greatest effect on the younger generation. Today Japan is one of the most urbanized of countries with almost 20% of its total population concentrated in the greater Tokyo area alone. Some of the changes that have occurred in Japanese cities are very significant for patterns of social and individual life. It can be proved when Japanese especially young generation no longer use traditional cloth such kimono they prefer to use modern cloth as their everyday clothes. However in particular events they still wear traditional clothing. Furthermore, several years ago they use traditional houses which are made of wood as their shelter and it consist of three generations living under the same roof, yet todays urban households ted to consist of parents and their children only; meanwhile the grandparents live in another place.

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