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Conclusion As a citizen of the Philippines, it is really important to be acquainted with the life of our national hero here in our own country and that is certainly about the biography of Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Besides reading books about the history or biography of our national hero, another one good way for us to make it more understandable is its transmission to films. In this way, it will aim to further expand our knowledge about the character, vision and how Jose Rizal lived his life with his own ideas and principles. After watching the movie Jose Rizal, I realized that Jose Rizal really deserves to be called our national hero. He serves as a good example to everybody as a son, a brother, as husband and as a worthy citizen of this country. With so much thought on whom do I consider the modern Jose Rizal, I believe that it must be the Lady Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago. Like Rizal, she is educated and refined. She graduated with Latin honors from the prestigious University of the Philippines. She even attended some of the most prestigious universities in the world including Harvard University in the United States of America. But despite of this education gained outside the country, she unselfishly gave it back to the country, ---she---being in the public service for majority of years of her life. She has rendered many years serving the best interest of the Filipino people as evidenced by her good track record in public service. This background is impressive, being a woman---playing many roles. Like Rizal, Senator Santiago is fearless in making her exposes. She applies the law to the fullest extent no matter how offensive to those violated it regardless of authority; and we are all living witness to that. I admire Senator Santiago for a strong stand on law enforcement because she believes that to be a worthy Filipino; our integrity should not be impaired. I admire her for her significant roles in resolving diplomatic issues confronting the country in which our rights as Filipinos must prevail. Her works may not be as comparable to those works of our National Hero, but her works are strong manifestations that she truly lives with the ideals of Dr. Rizal, thus for me, making her the Rizal of this generation.

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