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GREGG SHORTHAND A LIGHT-LINE PHONOGRAPHY for the MILLION By JOHN ROBERT GREGG, S8.C.D. Anniversary Edition THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON.-SAN FRANCISCO. TORONTO LONDON SYDNEY Copyright, 1893, By John R. Gregg Copyright, 1got, By Joha R. Gregg Copyright, 1916, 1929. By The Gregg Publishing Company Copyrighted in the United States of America Great Britain and Ireland, France Germany, Tealy and Spain J+7x-Dioo PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PREFACE Anyone who examines the Shorthand textbooks of the last three cen- turies will be impressed with che fact that they have reflected the uses to which shorthand was put at the time the books were written ‘The pedagogy of shorthand has changed as radically as the content of the cextbooks. Up to the time Gregg Shorthand was introduced, the con- ventional pedagogy was to teach the theory of a system as a whole before attempting to apply the theory in the accual writing of connected matter While the system would undoubredly have made its way into public favor by its own inherent strengeh, we believe that its success and progress through- out the world have been hastened enormously by the teachability of its textbooks In keeping with the progress in business and in education, the Gregg Manual was revised in 1893, 1901, and 1916, this latter edition being the ‘one used at present. Each revision marked a step forward in simplifying and popularizing the study of shorthand. Each revision has placed increas- ing emphasis upon the desirability of teaching shorthand as a skill subject from the beginning and throughout the entire course. This method enables che teacher to direct the maximum of effort coward the training of che student in actual facility in writing and che minimum of effort to expositions of rales and principles. When it became known that a revision of the Manual was in preparation, hundreds of protests were received from teachers. Many of them declared emphatically that the 1916 edition was entirely adequate. A great many said that they “‘love it’ (this expression occurs again and again in cheir letters) and that they “know it by heart The sentiments expressed are iii

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