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Second Mid Semester Test (April-2012)

Course: M.Tech Subject Name: Duration: 2 Hr. M.M: 40 Note: (I) All questions are compulsory. (II) All question carry equal marks. (8*5)
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 What do you understand by Information theory? State all various units of information. What is entropy? For binary system prove that entropy is maximum when P1=P2=0.5. What is mutual information? Explain the concept of average mutual information. Write short notes on Huffman Coding. Show that the entropy is maximum when all the message are equiprobable. What do understand by cryptography? Explain encryption and decryption. What are the main features of RSA algorithm? Explain with the help of example. With the help of block diagram, explain DES (Data Encryption Standard).

Sem: IInd ITC & Cryptography Code: MCSE-202

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