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Rating Scale: Inspiration Notes

Evaluative Criteria

4: Expert Excellent

3: Practitioner Very Good

2: Apprentice Unclear

1: Novice Lacks Effort

Inspiration notes include properly formatted Cardigan heading Inspiration notes are neat and organized Inspiration notes effectively implement color Inspiration notes include basic information about the brain including, but not limited to the corpus callosum, amygdala, and reticular formation Inspiration notes include specific information about the right and left hemisphere traits Inspiration notes include specific information about how brain dominance impacts peoples lives Inspiration notes include properly formatted Cardigan heading Inspiration notes are neat and organized Inspiration notes implement color Inspiration notes include most of the basic information about the brain including, but not limited to the corpus callosum, amygdala, and reticular formation Inspiration notes include information about the right and left hemisphere traits Inspiration notes include information about how brain dominance impacts peoples lives Inspiration notes include Cardigan heading Inspiration notes are disorganized Inspiration notes include some of the basic information about the brain including, but not limited to the corpus callosum, amygdala, and reticular formation Inspiration notes include some information about the right and left hemisphere traits Inspiration notes include some information about how brain dominance impacts peoples lives Inspiration notes include Cardigan heading Inspiration notes are disorganized Inspiration notes include little information about the brain including, but not limited to the corpus callosum, amygdala, and reticular formation Inspiration notes include little information about the right and left hemisphere traits Inspiration notes include little information about how brain dominance impacts peoples lives

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