Principia Discordia

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RAW Intro , Omar Intro , Title Page , Index , Version Notes ,

You hold in your hands one oI the Great Books oI our century Inord.
Some Great Books are recognized at once with a Iusillade oI critical
huzzahs and gonIolons, like Joyce`s Ulvsses. Others appear almost Iurtively
and are only discovered 50 years later, like Mobv Dick or Mendel`s great
essay on genetics. The Principia Discordia entered our space-time
continuum almost as unobtrusively as a cat-burglar creeping over a
In 1968, virtually nobody had heard oI this wonderIul book. In 1970,
hundreds oI people Irom coast to coast were talking about it and asking the
identity oI the mysterious author, Malaclypse the Younger. Rumors swept
across the continent, Irom New York to Los Angeles, Irom Seattle to St. Joe.
Malaclypse was actually Alan Watts, one heard. No, said another legend
the Principia was actually the work oI the SuIi Order. A third, very
intriguing myth held that Malaclypse was a pen-name Ior Richard M. Nixon,
who had allegedly composed the Principia during a Iew moments oI
lucidity. I enjoyed each oI these yarns and did my part to help spread them. I
was also careIul never to contradict the occasional rumors that I had actually
written the whole thing myselI during an acid trip.
The legendry, the mystery, the cult grew very slowly. By the mid-
1970`s, thousands oI people, some as Iar oII as Hong Kong and Australia,
were talking about the Principia, and since the original was out oI print by
then, xerox copies were beginning to circulate here and there.
When the Illuminatus trilogy appeared in 1975, my co-author, Bob
Shea, and I both received hundreds oI letters Irom people intrigued by the
quotes Irom the Principia with which we had decorated the heads oI several
chapters. Many, who had already heard oI the Principia or seen copies,
asked iI Shea and I had written it, or iI we had copies available. Others wrote
to ask iI it were real, or just something we had invented the way H.P.
LovecraIt invented the Necronomicon. We answered according to our
moods, sometimes telling the truth, sometimes spreading the most GodawIul
lies and myths we could devise Inord.
Why not? We Ielt that this book was a true Classic (literatus
immortalis) and, since the alleged intelligentsia had not yet discovered it, the
best way to keep its legend alive was to encourage the mythology and the
controversy about it. Increasingly, people wrote to ask me iI Timothy Leary
had written it, and I almost always told them he had, except on Fridays when
I am more whimsical, in which case I told them it had been transmitted by a
canine intelligence vast, cool and unsympathetic Irom the Dog Star,
Now, at last, the truth can be told.
Actually, the Principia is the work oI a time-traveling anthropologist
Irom the 23rd Century. He is currently passing among us as a computer
specialist, bon vivant and philosopher named Gregory Hill. He has also
translated several volumes oI Etruscan erotic poetry, under another pen-
name, and in the 18th Century was the mysterious Man in Black who gave
JeIIerson the design Ior the Great Seal oI the United States.
I have it on good authority that he is one oI the most accomplished
time-travelers in the galaxy and has visited Earth many times in the past,
using such cover-identities as Zeno oI Elias, Emperor Norton, Count
Cagliostro, Guillaume oI Aquitaine, etc. Whenever I question him about
this, he grows very evasive and attempts to persuade me that he is actually
just another 20th Century Earthman and that all my ideas about his
Extraterrestrial and extratemporal origin are delusions. Hah! I am not that
easily deceived. AIter all, a time-traveling anthropologist would say just
that, so that he could observe us without his presence causing culture-shock.
I understand that he has consented to write an AIterward to this
edition. He`ll probably contradict everything I`ve told you, but don`t believe
a word he says Inord. He is a master oI the deadpan put-on, the plausible
satire, the philosophical leg-pull and all branches oI guerilla ontology.
For Iull beneIit to the Head, this book should be read in conjunction
with The Illuminoids by Neal Wilgus (Sun Press, Albuquerque, New
Mexico) and Zen Without Zen Masters by Camden Benares (And/Or Press,
Berkeley, CaliIornia). 'We are operating on many levels here, as Ken
Kesey used to say.
In conclusion, there is no conclusion. Things will go on as they
always have, getting weirder all the time.
Hail Eris. All hail Discordia. Fnord?
-Robert Anton Wilson
International Arms and Hashish Inc.
Darra Bazar, Kohat
5th edition introduction:
by Kerry Thornley, Discordian Society Co-founder
II organized religion is the opium oI the masses, then disorganized
religion is the marijuana oI the lunatic Iringe.
Most disorganized oI all religions, Discordianism alone understands
that organization is the work oI the Devil. Holy Chaos is the Natural
Condition oI Reality, contrary to popular belieI. Theologians cite Order in
the Universe as prooI oI a Supreme Intelligence, but a glance is enough to
see that the stars are not actually in neat little rows. (Oh, sure, there is the
Big Dipper and the Little Dipper - but iI they were really connect-the-dot
drawings there would be numbers next to the stars.) Theology is just a
debate over who to Irame Ior creating reality. What we imagine is order is
merely the prevailing Iorm oI chaos.
Every Iew thousand years some shepherd inhales smoke Irom a
burning bush and has a vision or eats moldy rye bread in a cave and sees
God. From then on their Iollowers kill one another at the slightest
provocation. Haunted houses called temples are built by one side and torn
down by another - and then bloody quarrels continue over the crumbling
Organized religion preaches Order and Love but spawns Chaos and
Fury. Why?
Because the whole Material Universe is exclusive property oI the
Greco-Roman Goddess oI Chaos, ConIusion, StriIe, Helter-Skelter and
Hodge-Podge. No Spiritual power is even strong enough to dent Her chariot
Ienders. No material Iorce can resist the temptation oI Her FiIth Intergalactic
Bank oI the Acropolis Slush Fund Ior GraIt and Corruption.
All this was revealed to me in an absolutely unIorgettably miraculous
event in 1958 or 1959 in a bowling alley in Friendly Hills or maybe Santa Fe
Springs, CaliIornia, witnessed by either Gregory Hill or Malaclypse the
Younger or perhaps Mad Malik or Reverend Doctor Occupant or some guy
who must have vaguely resembled one or another oI them.
With the help oI a Chaosopher`s Stone I Iound the Goddess Eris
Discordia in my pineal gland (on Cosmic Channel Number Five) and ever
since I have known the answers to all the mysteries oI metaphysics,
metamystics, metamorphics, metanoiacs and metaphorics. (BeIore that I
didn`t even know how to install a plastic trash can liner so it wouldn`t Iall
down inside the Iirst time somebody threw away garbage.)
You, too can activate your pineal gland simply by reciting the entire
contents oI this book upon awakening each morning, rubbing sandalwood
paste between your eyes each evening upon retiring, banging your Iorehead
against the ground Iive times a day, reIraining Irom harming cockroaches
and meditating (deIined as sitting around waiting Ior good luck).
When your pineal gland Iinally lights up you will never again, as long
as you live, have to relax.
Eris Discordia will solve all your problems and She will expect you in
return to solve all Her problems. In these very pages you will learn about
converting inIidels. Later on, you will be taught how to annoy heretics. You
will also be required to resolve Zen-like riddles, such as: II Jesus was
Jewish, then why did he have a Puerto Rican name?
Once you become adept at leaning on backsliders, you will qualiIy Ior
a calling. Maybe you will be a Chaosopher (who delivers commentaries on
chaos) or perhaps, instead, a Chaoist (who goes around stirring up chaos) or,
perchance, a Knower (who knows better than to do either one).
But under no circumstances may you become a Prophet. We don`t
intend to jeopardize our nonprophet status.
What we lack in Prophets, however, we make up Ior in Saints. Only a
Pope may canonize a Saint, but every man, woman and child on this planet
is a genuine and authorized Pope (genuine and authorized by the House oI
the Apostles oI Eris). So you can ordain yourselI - and anyone or anything
else - a Saint.
Times weren`t always so easy. When in 1968 I Iirst declared myselI a
Saint, Gregory Hill said, 'That`s impossible, insisting, 'Only dead people
can be Saints, adding, 'and Iictional characters, guessing, 'You are neither
But it happened that, although I was no longer a believer, I was still
on the membership roles oI the Church oI Jesus Christ oI Latter Day Saints.
So Greg was too late. Me and all the other Mormons were already Saints -
and some oI us living ones - no matter what he said.
Nowadays only the Mormons have more Saints than the Discordian
Society. But we plan to catch up with them. Won't you please join our
Sainthood Drive? Moral perIection isn't necessary Ior Discordian Sainthood.
You just have to suIIer a lot.
So many other privileges oI membership in our religion come to mind
that I don't know where to begin. For instance, you don't have to get out oI
bed early on Sunday morning to attend church. You can sleep in. How many
Christian denominations - Ior all their talk oI brotherly love - are that
You can even be a Discordian in good standing without ever having to
so much as look at another Discordian - early in the morning or any other
time. That`s an advantage to mail-order religion that the more conventional
Iaiths try to play down.
What is so unusual about Discordian Abnormail - as we call it - is
decentralization. Don`t contact me here at Orthodox Discordian Society
Hindquarters! Send your letters, notes, relics, sacraments and writs oI
excommunication to one another. That, says Discordian Episkopos Ol` Sam
(36 Erskine Drive, Morristown, NJ 07960), is eristic abnormail - adding:
'UnIortunately, the majority oI eristic abnormail is nothing but inane gossip,
masturbatory in-jokes, trivial variations oI stale dogma, snide put-downs oI
those not weird in exactly the same was as us`, and similar such garbage ad
naseum; and that`s good too! (I like the way Ol` Sam always keeps a
positive attitude.)
Our outreach program is called aneristic abnormail and is deIined by
Ol` Sam as 'weird things sent in Iun to those still trapped in the Region oI
Thud - squares, that is. When some order-bound heathen makes an
especially unenlightened public remark, that unsuspecting dolt is likely to
receive a Jake - whole mail box Iull oI weird shit Irom Discordians
everywhere on the same day. 'For maximum beneIit, says Ol` Sam, 'a
good Jake should be in response to a particularly gross maniIestation oI the
Aneristic Delusion, not merely intended to chastise, but to teach and amuse
as well (or else make them hopping mad). The best Jakes involve a lot oI
Discordians, all conspiring to contact the subject on Jake Day - a shining
example oI Discordian accord, as paradoxical as that sounds. (II you think
that sounds paradoxical, wait until you hear about the Discordian accordion.)
Another advantage to Discordianism over the world`s other great
religions is that we tell you about the Fendersons. While it is true that you
don`t have to be a Discordian beIore becoming a Fenderson, the Taoists - Ior
instance - don`t even know about the Fendersons. And those who know do
not speak.
Fenderson Discordian Graham Trievel explains that 'a Fenderson is a
member oI a Iamily you can join by saying you are one. Yes, anybody who
wants to be a Fenderson can be a Fenderson. Just say these three words, I`m
a Fenderson.` It`s as simple as that.
Genealogy buIIs will be interested to know, 'Our Fenderson
IoreIather can be reached at: S.J. Glew, 5611 Lehman Road, DeWitt, MI
48820 ..... Blame him.
All Fendersons add Fenderson to their existing name or they use the
last name oI Fenderson with entirely new Iirst and/or middle names. 'For
example, you can call me Graham Fenderson Trievel, Fenderson Graham
Trievel, or Graham Trievel Fenderson. (And you can call me Saint Ignatius
But you must at all times keep in touch with other Fendersons. 'This,
says Fenderson, 'is easy to accomplish as you can make anybody you want a
Fenderson, even iI they don`t want to be one.
Write Graham Fenderson Trievel about how to get a 1989 Fenderson
Iamily reunion baseball cap at Rt. 113, Box 481, Lionville, PA 19353. But
he warns, 'I`ll be collecting names and addresses oI Fendersons Ior possible
Iuture publication.
II you become a Discordian and also want salvation in the Industrial
Church oI the SubGenius (Box 140306, Dallas TX 75214) you are Iree to
maintain a duel membership. Or iI you live outside oI Texas (in some state
where dueling is illegal), you can be an honorary SubGenius and a
dishonorary Discordian both at once.
You might even say SubGeniusism is our sister Iaith or brother
religion - or at least our Marine-Corps buddy theology, because J.R. 'Bob
Dobbs was my Marine Corps buddy in Atsugi, Japan (where he
distinguished himselI by shooting his own toe while on guard duty -
although he was only aiming Ior a Ily on the tip oI his boot). Dobbs want on
to become a supersalesman and trance medium who until his untimely
assassination channeled Prescriptures that occasionally mentioned Eris
Discordia, iI not always as kindly as prudence would dictate.
Out oI these Prescriptures came the SubGenius Church - so named
because you only qualiIy to join iI your IQ is below genius.
A pipe in his mouth and a maniacal gleam in his eyes were trademarks
oI 'Bob and so his Ianatical cult sues Ior copyright violation anyone whose
eyes gleam in a similar Iashion. Other exciting Ieatures oI the SubGenii
include their spirited quest Ior Slack, their brave determination to be
Overmen, their understandable disgust with Technoboredom, their
unblushing Crass Commercialism and their keen pride in their Northern
Tibetan abominable snowman ancestry.
You can Iind out more by sending them your bank account.
II, on the other hand, you would rather join the Bavarian Illuminati,
you have to bury your bank account in a cigar box in your yard. One oI their
underground agents will Iind it and contact you.
Our religion is so completely inIiltrated with agents oI the Ancient
Illuminated Seers oI Bavaria that iI, Ior instance, you pass out Fair-Play-For-
Switzerland Ilyers Ior us you are assured oI rapid advancement to more
important work Ior the Illuminati.
Both the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton
Wilson and the Illuminati Board Game by Steve Jackson mention the
Discordian Society almost as oIten as they speak oI the neIarious Bavarian
Conspirators themselves. Prestige oI intimate association with the Illuminati
is enormous because they have absolutely ruled the whole world Ior the past
Iive thousand years.
Unlike the Illuminati, who are everywhere, the Right Reverend Jesse
Sumps`s First Evangelical and Unrepentant Church oI No Faith is an
exclusive Discordian Iranchise. Upon receiving a precious Mao button that
said, 'We must have Iaith in the Party and we must have Iaith in the
masses, Sump exclaimed: 'No Iaith! No Iaith in the Party, no Iaith in the
masses, no Iaith in God and no Iaith in the ruling class! and thus the First
Evangelical and Unrepentant Church oI No Faith began. Jesse Sump has
Iaith in Eris Discordia, though, 'because everybody has just got to believe in
Perhaps the chieI diIIerence between the Discordian Society and
Sump`s outIit is one oI style. We got it. They don`t.
But iI you like working yourselI into a Irenzy at camp meetings in
order to Ioam at the mouth, speak in tongues, handle snakes, run moonshine
and experience phantasmagoria, the No Faith Church will make you happy
as a pig in mud.
OI course, all the high-church glitter oI the
Paratheoianametamystichood oI Eris Esoteric is not just yours Ior the asking.
We solicit no donations, demand no tithes, charge no admission, levy no poll
tax and run only a Iew niIty religious novelty stores on the side. But certain
obligations adhere to the more hallowed maniIestations oI Discordianship.
Eating hot dog buns is prohibited, except on Friday - when it is
compulsory. Stepped on cockroaches will earn you no points with our
Blessed Saint Gulik. You must discipline yourselI under a certiIied
Slackmaster until you are capable oI drinking beer and watching television
with total concentration. All bowling alleys are sacred to Discordians and, iI
necessary, you must give your liIe to protect them Irom desecration - iI
anyone ever decides to desecrate bowling alleys. Finally, you must not rest
until all the sheep are brought into the Iold. (And when we convert all the
sheep we are going to the dogs next, then wolves, goats and, at the anointed
hour, human beings.)
Goddess also expects you to work on yourselI. You must devote your
Iull attention to every task you perIorm so you will realize - in a Ilash oI
sudden enlightenment - how conIusing it is. You must master one Little
Moron riddle aIter another until, with years oI study, there is no longer any
separation in your perception between subject and object, between you and
the Little Moron.
Then there are bigots, who will persecute you because they hate Eris
Discordia, and have no better sense than to judge an entire religion by the
behavior oI a single deity.
But beIore I was a Discordian, when I entered my room only to be
reminded by its disarray that it was a mess, I Ielt a sense oI deIeat. These
days when that happens I just say, 'Hail Eris! - our customary salute to any
embodiment oI chaos - and then I cheerIully carry on, secure in the
knowledge that the constellations look no better.
BeIore I was a Discordian, I wasted a lot oI time arguing with
evangelists about God and Jesus. Now they waste a lot oI time arguing about
Eris Discordia with me.
BeIore I was a Discordian, I took liIe much too seriously. When you
take liIe too seriously you start to wonder what the point oI it all is. When
you wonder what the point is in liIe, you Iall into a trap oI thinking there is
one. When you think there is a point, you Iinally realize there is no point.
And what point is there in living like that? Nowadays I skip the search Ior a
point and Iind, instead, the punch lines.
BeIore I was a Discordian, I was distressed by the ineIIiciency and
inhumanity oI organizations. Now I am vindicated by their ineIIiciency and
BeIore I was a Discordian, I used to be aIraid oI my own shadow. Ah,
but now my shadow is aIraid oI me!
Having at last glimpsed the value oI Discordianism, you are hereby
ready to be awed by the importance oI the little book you hold in your hands
this very moment.
Five years oI Discordian Society activity transpired beIore the First
Edition oI Principia Discordia rolled oII District Attorney Jim Garrison`s
mimeograph machine (without his knowledge) in New Orleans in 1964. That
was the work oI Gregory Hill and Lane Caplinger, a Discordian typist in the
DA`s oIIice.
During the next Iive years Greg produced bigger and Iunnier editions,
with a little help Irom me (but not as much as the enemies oI our Iaith
By no means is the Principia our only scripture. All along Greg has
been writing what he says is a summary oI the Universe, but evidently it will
be quite some time beIore he completes it. Additionally, there are piles and
piles oI Discordian leaIlets and broadsides cranked out by zealous converts
Irom everywhere - with new ones arriving in the mail each month - but
Goddess only knows where they all are now or remembers what they said.
There is also Chaos: Broadsheets oI Ontological Anarchism by Hakim Bey
(Grim Reaper Books) oI the Unarmed Expropriation Committee oI the John
Henry McKay Society and Bishop oI Persia (in Exile) oI the Moorish
Orthodox Church oI America. But out most exalted testament oI all is The
Honest Book oI Truth - oI which there is, alas, only one copy locked away in
the Closed Stacks oI the Akashic Records. Only qualiIied Discordian
Episkoposes with activated pineal glands may copy passages Irom it - and
these may only be published when they can be shown beyond a reasonable
doubt to have redeeming social value, such as by educating you or arousing
purient interest.
But this Fourth and FiIth Combined Edition oI Principia Discordia is
unquestionably the most inIluential oI all the great, immortal works oI
signiIicant literature our classic Greek Goddess has inspired.
Who would even venture to guess how many wretched and thankless
lives these Iew astonishing pages have deprived Iorever oI meaningless
purpose? Who can say how many seminarians read the Principia and decided
to change vocations and become clowns, or many landlords it has caused to
sell their estates and buy yachts or airplanes Ior smuggling marijuana, or
how many politicians it has inspired to vanish alone into the high mountains
and become sagacious hermits, or how many investment bankers it has
turned into anarchists?
Slim Brooks was just an ordinary merchant seaman dwelling in the
New Orleans French Quarter until he read Principia Discordia. Then he
became the mysterious Keeper oI the Submarine Keys who would never tell
anyone what submarine or why it was locked.
Roger Lovin was just a dashing, talented and handsome con artist who
was too shallow to settle into any one thing. But Ior years and years aIter he
read the Principia, under his Discordian Name oI Fang the Unwashed, he
consistently and with unswerving devotion to the task excommunicated
every new person any oI the rest oI us initiated into the Discordian Society.
Robert Anton Wilson was just a Playboy advisor who wrote saIe and
insipid answers to inquiries Irom readers about the size and present
whereabouts oI John Dillinger`s penis until he read this remarkable tract.
Then he became Mord the Malignant and wrote a whole library Iull oI
widely read books about the Illuminati and how to make Synchronicity work
Ior you in Iinding quarters on the sidewalk.
Mike Gunderloy was just a compulsive reader oI Ianzines until the
IateIul day he read Principia Discordia (under the mistaken impression it
was another Ianzine). Now he is Ukulele the Short oI the Discordian Society
and big-time publisher oI Factsheet Five.
Elayne Wechsler was just some broad with a Iunny bone until she
read the Principia and asked the question that led to my great deIinition oI
theology. 'Why, she wanted to know, 'is the Discordian Society, which
worships a Iemale divinity, so male dominated? Recalling that more
women than men are devout about Christianity with its male God and His
male Son, I decided that people like religions that blame reality on the
opposite sex. So let that be a lesson to us males. Behind every great idea
there is a broad with a Iunny bone.
So there is no telling how much happier and better adjusted reading
this book will make you. Principia Discordia is both a psychological laxative
and a spiritual corn plaster. Unsolicited testimonials can be mailed to me in
care oI Out oI Order - the sectual organ oI the Orthodox Discordian Society
- at Box 5498, Atlanta GA 30307.
How Discordianism will change you is not, however, the real
question. Anybody can be changed by something they read. No wit,
imagination, creativity, talent or energy is required Ior that much. How will
you change the Discordian Society is the real question - a question you
should be asking yourselI Irom page 00001 all the way through page 00075,
a question you should keep asking yourselI long aIter you reverently close
the covers oI Principia Discordia, wrap it careIully in silk, solemnly return it
to its golden box and bow Iive times aIter resting it in its place oI honor on
your altar.
Most neophyte Discordians are either too cautious or too serious.
They constantly ask permission to do this or that like there are rules hidden
away somewhere in the Iolds oI our robes oI oIIice. Or they labor at length
over ponderous metaphysical schemata with no gags in them, as iI the sole
ironclad rule oI our Society isn`t that you have to be Iunny, as much as
possible and as oIten as possible - or else.
But we are indulgent toward monks who catch on in due time. Seldom
do I beat anyone with my trusty staII - and certainly never without their help.
On the subject oI personal encounters with other Discordians - and
sometimes even the most careIul among us cannot avoid them - keep in
mind the lodge grips oI our Disorder. Somewhere in the Iollowing pages you
will learn the Turkey Curse. Among Zen Buddhists it is said, 'When you
meet another bodhisattva on the road, greet him with neither words nor
silence. That leaves you with a vast selection oI barnyard noises Irom
which to choose.
But as you crow like a rooster or quack like a duck or moo like a cow,
scrutinize your brother or sister Discordian with alert interest - never
cracking a smile - to see how he or she will respond. An oinking reply that is
too loud indicates a swaggering bravado which Ialls short oI mature eristic
enlightenment, but that is Iar better than a Ieeble and spiritless neigh.
Perhaps best oI all is simply uttering a mondo. That is like picking up
the telephone when it rings and saying, 'Wrong number, please! However
much you think about a mondo it makes no sense - even clamps and pliers
cannot get hold oI it. Yet at the same time, iI it is a good mondo, the longer
you think about it the more it seems light it ought to make sense - although
you can never Iigure out why. Beyond that much, a truly great mondo sticks
to your mind like hot pine pitch - gumming up your thought process Ior
weeks on end.
When the Zen Master Joshu was still a monk, his master - Nansen -
struck him in answer to some dumb remark or other. Joshu grabbed
Nansen`s arm, glared at the master and said, 'From now on do not hit people
by mistake! Nansen replied as Iollows: 'The whole world can tell a snake
Irom a dragon, but you cannot Iool a Zen monk. That`s a genuinely great
From this much you can see why meeting other Discordians in person
can be harrowing. Besides the pen is only mighter than the sword at a range
greater than Iive Ieet. When the SubGenius Church held its Iirst Devival,
Reverend Ivan Stang oI the Dallas Clench expressed surprise at how nice
and polite all the Ians oI his Dobbswork were, adding, 'It`s almost
disappointing. Still, the wise take no unnecessary chances.
As you can tell, we are much indebted to other religions. Not only
SubGeniusism and Zen and Taoism have inspired us, but also
Zoroastrianism - which practiced Iire worship. We too, pay homage to Iire in
certain circumstances - such as when it is burning the writings oI Ialse
prophets or is producing inhalable quantities oI cannabis smoke. Our
tradition is rooted in a medieval rite called the Mass oI the Travesty in which
marijuana was the sacrament. According to The Emperor Wears No Clothes
by Jack Herer, the Mass oI the Travesty 'can be liked to a Mel Brooks,
Second City-TV, Monty Python, or Saturday Night Live - e.g., Father Guido
Sarducci-type group - doing irreverent, Iarcical or satirical take-oIIs on the
dogmas, doctrine, indulgences, and rituals oI the R.C. Ch. mass and/or its
absolute belieIs. UnIortunately, the humorless Roman Catholic Church
authorities oI the 15th century thought the Mass oI the Travesty was
heretical - and that was the true story oI how marijuana got its bad name,
which it has never since been able to shake oII.
Actually, the Mass oI the Travesty may have been a disguised
remnant oI the original Greek Discordianism. For history indicates there
must have been, among those ancient ones, Erisian Mysteries. (But iI so,
they were never solved.) Eris tells us they existed and were the work oI
Malaclypse the Elder, a mystery writer by trade who also tutored the
philosopher Diogenes in lamp maintenance, barrel keeping, rock rolling,
public masturbation and Cynicism - until Diogenes was with it enough to
Iend Ior himselI.
No outpouring oI gratitude would be complete without acknowledging
the desert religions oI the Middle East which keep that part oI the world
alive with action to this day - and Irom which we inherited our Ianatical
determination to be at all times, right or wrong, as unreasonable as possible.
Translated into Latin this commitment is the motto on our coins, seals, rings,
plaques and tomb stones: Semper Non Sequitur!
Much oI our grandeur is also derived Irom Hinduism. From the Aryan
mystery cult we acquired our soma-drinking habit. Soma, in turn, IortiIied us
with the conIidence that we are better than people who look diIIerent than
us. From Verdanta we learned how to Sanskrit our temple walls. Tantra
taught us our many strange sex secrets. That staying up all night to smoke
ganja and dance and sing can be passed oII as religious activity was
something we learned Irom the Bauls oI Bengal. But surely the cult oI Kali,
Cosmic Mother, Giver and Taker oI LiIe, resembles Discordianism most.
We asked Eris about this and She said Kali is short Ior the Greek Kallisti,
which was engraved on the party-crashing Golden Apple oI Discord dealt
with later on in this inIormative volume. She added that Her own Iull name
is actually Eris Kallisti Discordia, but took the FiIth Amendment when we
asked iI this means She and Kali are one in the same.
Our borrowings Irom Christianity are so obvious that mention oI them
is almost insulting to whatever modicum oI intelligence you possess. But
Irom that tradition we gained our craIty distrust oI the reality principle as
well as the rather singular notion oI an Only Begotten Son.
We asked Goddess iI She, like God, had an Only Begotten Son. She
assured us that She did and gave His name as Emperor Norton I - whom we
assumed was probably some Byzantine ruler oI Constantinople. Diligent
research eventually turned up the historical Norton, as we call Him, in the
holy city oI San Francisco - where He walked his IaithIul dog along Market
Street scarcely more than a century ago.
Gregory Hill has since become the world`s Ioremost authority on
Joshua A. Norton who, on September 17th oI 1859, crowned HimselI the
Emperor oI the United States and Protector oI Mexico. Just beIore then, He
vanished Ior a number oI days - perhaps into the wilderness where maybe
He was tempted by the Devil, probably to organize His liIe and get His
aIIairs in order.
Certainly they looked like that`s what they needed. For on the day
beIore his disappearance Norton, heretoIore little more than a successIul
businessman, cornered the rice market - only to be Ioiled by the unscheduled
arrival oI a whole shipload oI rice Irom the Orient. A lesser man would have
been thrown out oI step by that event which Ior Him became a step to the
When the U.S. Congress Iailed to obey His Majesty`s Royal Order to
assemble in the San Francisco Opera House, Norton Iired every last member
oI that rebellious organization. Thus, the people oI San Francisco knew
better than to incite His Imperial wrath. His Royal Decrees were printed Iree
oI charge in the newspapers, the currency He issued was accepted in the
saloons, local shopkeepers paid the modest taxes He occasionally demanded
and on at least one occasion a tailor Iurnished Him with a new set oI Royal
Although a madman, Norton wrote letters to Abraham Lincoln and
Queen Victoria which they took seriously.
One night a gang oI vigilantes gathered Ior a pogrom against San
Francisco`s Chinatown. All that stood in their way was the solitary Iigure oI
Norton. A sane man would not have been there in the Iirst place. A rational
man would have tried to reason with them. A moralist would have scolded
them. A man as daIt as Norton usually seemed would have loudly ordered
them to cease and desist in the name oI His Royal Imperial authority. All
such tacks would probably have been Iutile, and Norton resorted to none oI
He simply bowed His head in silent prayer. The vigilantes dispersed.
Discordians believe everybody should live like Norton.
So write your legislative representatives demanding harsh laws with
teeth in them requiring people oI all Iaiths - especially Christians and
especially on Sunday - to live as Joshua A. Norton did.
About Iive years ago I had a dream in which someone was yelling,
'SIGNS IN THE SKY! When I looked up I saw balloons and blimps
carrying aloIt big neon letters that said: 'NORTON DIED! WANT NO
But when Emperor Norton died, tens oI thousands oI San Franciscans
Ilocked to His Iull Masonic Iuneral. Pilgrimages to His grave are still
Perhaps occasionally the soul oI Emperor Norton descends once more
into the world to momentarily inhabit the body oI an otherwise
undistinguished inIidel. One day I was sitting in a hamburger stand in
rundown midtown Atlanta. A burned-out speed Ireak at a nearby table
looked at me with a pleasant smile and said, 'I`m King oI the Universe. I
don`t know what I`m doing in a place like this.
And perhaps that`s the big attraction oI our Iaith. II you want, you can
be King oI the Universe. Jesse Sump is Ancient Abbreviated CaliI. oI
CaliIornia. I am Bull Goose oI Limbo and President oI the Fair-Play-Ior-
Switzerland Committee. Camden Benares is Pretender to the Throne oI
Lesbos. Greg Hill is PolyIather oI Virginity-in-Gold. Sabal Etonia is High
Constable oI Constantinople. You can declare yourselI Archbishop oI
Abyssinia or Curator oI the Moon - we don`t care but your mailman will be
According to L.A. Rollins in LuciIer`s Lexicon a Discordian is one
who likes to wear Emperor Norton`s old clothes. II anything could be added
to that deIinition, I cannot think what.
As I indicated earlier, my own background is Mormon. Since Iew are
Iamiliar with the oII-beat creeds oI that unusual sect, Mormonism doesn`t
land itselI to broad satire readily. Yet the temptation is Iorever with me to
swipe such startling rituals as, say, baptism oI the dead.
Based on the rule that you cannot enter the Celestial Kingdom unless
your name is recorded in Salt Lake City, all who passed away without the
beneIit - at any time in the past - must, Ior their own good, be sooner or later
baptized. (So strong a conviction is this among the Saints that when my
uncle died and leIt a lot oI unpaid bills my Aunt Lena made oII with his
church records one day while doing volunteer secretarial work, secure in the
Iaith his soul would be locked outside the Pearly Gates until or unless she
brought them back.)
But Mormon baptism oI the dead is a cop-out because in spite oI
stressing the importance oI complete physical immersion Ior the living, they
dunk the deceased by proxy. A Discordian Church oI Ladder Night Saints
could open graves Ior the purpose oI submerging skeletons and corpses.
Then it could lower them back down beIore dawn. That would give us an
exciting mission which would heighten our commitment by inviting
persecution - a Iunction served in the early days oI Latter Day Saint Church
history by polygamy.
Technically the Mormons practiced only polygyny - one husband with
a plurality oI wives. Polyandry - one wiIe with more than one husband - is
also a Iorm included by the generic term oI polygamy. Discordians are Iree
to practice all varieties oI polygamy and polymorphous perversity as well.
Marriage is an institution which should adjust itselI to the needs oI
individuals and not the other way around. Any Discordian Episkopos may
perIorm group marriage ceremonies, short-duration marriages, same-sex
marriages and, with special permission, straight monogamous weddings.
II Mormonism is out oI the mainstream, it still does not rival in that
way an obscure Japanese religion called PerIect Liberty. May Goddess damn
me iI I am putting you on: PerIect Liberty teaches salvation through playing
golI (as close to our own theory oI salvation through nonsense as anyone
else has come). For that reason PerIect Liberty owns many oI the regular
golI courses that dot the U.S. and Japan.
Personally, I think we Discordians could work out a similar path to
liberation via surIing. That sounds like a program that would work Ior me.
Unlike Will Rogers, I cannot honestly say I`ve never met a man I didn`t like.
But certainly I have never met a surIer I didn`t like.
When Pope Paul excommunicated Saint Christopher - who happens to
be the Patron Saint oI SurIers - Ior what seems to us like the rather
negligible Iault oI never existing, the Discordian Society adopted him, along
with Saint Patrick (discharged Ior the same reason at the same time).
Already an experienced beach bum, with many years on the sands oI
Florida`s Sun Coast, I think I might very well spend the twilight years oI my
liIe in the holy land oI CaliIornia mastering the graceIul art oI riding a
surIboard. When I am ready to take on disciples, you can probably Iind me
somewhere along the stretch between Venice and San Diego, praying to Eris
Ior surI. But joining me will entail sacriIices because a Discordian surIer
will be prohibited Irom owning anything but a surIboard, trunks, a
toothbrush, a beach towel and an automobile (maybe a hot rod or dune
buggy). Because surIing is not just a sport; it`s a liIestyle. And
Discordianism is not just a religion; it is a mental illness.
Should you arrive too late, during the Iirst many years oI my next
liIetime I shall be Iound in the Simon Bolivar School Ior Boys oI the
Discordian Convent oI San Medellin, Ciudad de Sandoz, Columbia - where
instead oI beating pupils Ior misconduct, the nuns give them blow jobs and
then threaten delinquents with a termination oI Iavors. (At least that`s what
Discordian San Juan Batista, Keeper oI the Seven Veils, tells us.)
But enough oI this vocational planning.
II the Discordian Society is to become the world`s next great cargo
cult it will be due to the eIIorts oI the House oI Mirrors. Not only have we
nunneries, but recognized and accepted heresies, powerIul lobbies complete
with popcorn concessions and everything Irom progressive belaboring
unions to square sewing circles. Many are mentioned in the /Principia/
proper and I don`t think it proper to repeatedly engage in repetitive
repetition by repeating things repeated later on because I hate redundancy.
But there are also some new ones, such as the Ignorant Rescue
Mission with its rousing slogans: 'Rescue the ignorant! Save the dead! Cast
out lepers! (Members dress in old band or military brass-button jackets and
help attractive Iemales get adequate sex.)
There are also the Brunswick Shriners, Moral Regurgitation, Citizens
against InIant Sexuality, the Crack House Integration oI the Black Lotus
Society, the Misplaced Bolivian Wild Animal Relocation Fund, the Laurel
Foundation Ior the Recognition oI Unique Achievement, the Gould
Charitable Trust Ior Dynamic Population Control, the Patrio-Psychotic
Anarcho-Materialism Study Group and the Sovereign State oI ConIusion.
Also not mentioned in the Principia - our many business ventures. No
church likes to engage in the unseemly practice oI boasting oI its great
wealth, but since I am being paid by the word I will list the names oI our
Iinancial assets: the Brooklyn Bridge Holding Company, the Umbrella
Corporation, the Spare Change Investment Corporation, Junk Mail
Assossiates, San Andreas Shoreline Properties, the Fast Buck Riding
Academy, the InIormed Sources News Syndicate, Fly-by-Night Drug
Transport, InIinite Vistas, Ltd., Everglades Land Investment, Cosa Nostra
Amusements oI New Jersey and the Laughing Buddha Jesus Ranch oI Pinga
Grande, Texas, Inc.
No doubt you are a little conIused. Jesus, God and the Devil get such
Irequent billing in our religion - whereas most other Iaiths never advertise
the competition. That`s mostly because oI the neoGnostical inIluence oI
Jesus was not the Son oI God at all but - as He says again and again in
The Bible - He was the Son oI Man. Actually, His mission was to warn us
against God - a laser-armed computer-robot space station sent to regulate or
destroy humanity. (Our very own Dr. Van Mojo Iinally got rid oI YHVH-1
by sticking hat pins in a tetherball, but that`s another story.)
As Ior the Devil - that is somebody our religion tried to do without Ior
a long time. We didn`t think we needed a Devil, especially with Eris
Discordia`s reputation being what it is already.
But religions without devils are like politicians without enemies or
perpetual motion machines. II they are possible, they might just work. But
who will ever know?
Our Devil came through the back door aIter introducing himselI as
Mr. GreyIace. You will read about him in 'The Curse oI GreyIace. AIter
blaming the Iirst Iew evils on him we realized how handy he was and gave
him a liIelong membership beIore we determined his true identity.
What really Iooled us is that his Iace is gray - and that`s Iar Irom
being his only resemblance to J.R. 'Bob Dobbs, the SubGenius Messiah oI
Mediocrity. But then so many gray-Ilanneled American males look like
'Bob, that is hardly evidence oI conspiracy.
One diIIerence: GreyIace never smiles except when he is showing you
how stupid you are; 'Bob always smiles except when he is showing you
how stupid you are. For that reason the SubGenii call GreyIace the Anti-
'Bob, but in both our churches seers and sages know he is the Devil.
No matter whether he calls himselI GreyIace or the Anti-'Bob he
acts like the Devil, because his most Iamous line is: 'Let me organize it Ior
But no doubt you are also curious about Eris. Where does she hang
out these days - now that Olympus has gone tourist?
Eris Discordia is in Limbo, where all we virtuous pagans and our gods
and goddesses go between liIetimes. Think oI Key West in the oII-season
and you`ve got it.
Imagine an open-air bar at about ten in the morning. An aging
bareIoot Greek beauty with an Art GarIunkel hairdo is giving Zeus, the
bartender, a hard time with a barbed wit that always leaves him bereIt oI any
retort besides an extended middle Iinger.
Another attraction oI Limbo is a nonstop party Ior the IaithIul, but
Zeus has child support bills and Eris never was much oI a party animal,
contrary to popular belieI.
Nor will you Iind any SubGenii at that party, or anywhere else in
Limbo. With bikers and Nazis - iI they were good Nazis - skinheads and
pillars oI the Church oI the SubGenius go to Vahallah.
Bad people oI every persuasion go to the Region oI Thud.
A sprawling astral subdivision where there is nothing to do but eat and
watch television and where all the houses, yards and people look pretty
much alike, Thud keeps up with the Joneses. Most Christians are there, but
in their creed it is called Paradise.
Only souls who, in the eyes oI Eris, went out oI their way to be a pain
in the ass during their earthly sojourns are in Hell. Harry J. Aslinger
qualiIies. But still, the perils oI Hell are exaggerated. Fire and brimstone are
sources oI heating during cold snaps, but our human rights group, Amnasty
InterIactional, reports that nothing in Hell is any worse than the hideous
shade oI pink on its walls.
There are also such things as Nirvana - an exclusive resort Ior
extinguished Zen Masters - and the Happy Hunting Grounds, where
traditional Native American braves and warriors are the Iorest rangers. Dead
cops (and GurdjieIIians who Iorgot to remember themselves) go to the
Moon, a big precinct station in the sky, controlled by space aliens, where
there are twice as many laws as here - converted to its present use Irom what
was originally a slain space monster`s hollow titanium skill.
You can only be asking yourselI at this point how these guys could
possibly be taking all this shit seriously. II we weren`t serious, do you really
think we would have published so many tracts and pamphlets at our own
expense Ior so many years? Do people who are not serious stay awake nights
thinking up new theologies and scriptures? Who but serious Ianatics would
have risked their lives by exposing their work to the readership oI our Iirst
mass-circulation publisher, Loompanics?
Let me answer by asking what being serious has to do with believing
what we write. But that isn`t to say we don`t at least believe in Goddess -
even iI we are skeptical oI what She says. But that is now, aIter more than
three decades oI Discordianism. No way did we think there was an Eris
Discordia at Iirst. But as Greg says, 'At Iirst I thought I was Iucking around
with Eris. Now I see that Eris is Iucking around with me.
A Discordian must believe that Eris Discordia rules the Material
Universe - and that She won it Irom God in a divorce suit during the
BeIoreliIe, and that the French anarchist Pierre Joseph Proudhon was Her
attorney at the trial, and that nobody is Her Prophet, and that eating hotdog
buns is a sin. All else is a matter oI individual conscience.
Graven images and icons and pictures oI Eris are all right as long as
they are Ilattering.
SaIe sex - with a condom, rubber gloves and a wet suit is Iine as long
as you don`t Iall in love.
You may covet your neighbor`s ass - providing your neighbor is into
You may drink, but not to escape problems. (Like the MaltaIarians oI
the SubGenius Church, you may only drink to create problems.)
There is no prohibition against prayer - which is not to say we think it
is a wise activity.
You don`t have to believe in Eristic Avatars to be a Discordian, but it
helps. Eristic Avatars are sent down into Reality, the original Rorschach, Ior
the purpose keeping things Irom becoming so well ordered that they stop
working. This they oIten accomplish by insisting that certain arbitrary
interpretations oI reality are the only valid ones. That causes StriIe which
results in ConIusion which revitalizes Holy Chaos. Most Eristic Avatars
display certain signs by which they can be certiIied, such as employment as
civil servants. So Iar, the most successIul Eristic Avatar has been ConIucius.
Eristic Avatars can also be ascertained by the Iact that they are always
ignorant oI their mission and have no idea they are serving Eris or, Ior that
matter, that they are even promoting conIusion.
That is made possible by the Law oI Eristic Escalation, oI which you
must be innocent to serve as Eristic Avatar. (For an unknown reason, it does
not work as well Ior those oI us who are guilty oI it.)
This Law pertains to any arbitrary or coercive imposition oI order. It
is: Imposition oI Order Escalation oI Chaos.
Fenderson`s Amendment adds that the tighter the order in question is
maintained, the longer the consequent chaos takes to escalate, BUT the more
it does when it does!
Armed with the Law oI Eristic Escalation and Fenderson`s
Amendment any imbecile - not just a sociologist - can understand politics.
So I will translate into the lingua Iranca oI the Western world: An
imposition oI order creates a chaos deIicit, which compounds until it is paid
oII (by enduring all the outstanding chaos).
OI course, Eris thinks all chaos is outstanding. But we mortals Iind
too much oI a good thing a little overwhelming. Thus we cringe when we
encounter an anerism - a pronouncement, that is, which is innocent oI the
Law oI Eristic Escalation.
II you hear that outlawing prostitution will eradicate rape, you are
listening to an anerism - a maniIestation oI Aneristic Delusion. (II you read
'The Sacred Chao on pages 00049 and 00050 - instead oI skipping over it
in the recommended way - you will comprehend the anamysticmetaphorics
oI aneristics.)
An anerism nearly always enters the world through the mouth oI a
politician - but it can come by way oI any authority Iigure such as a minister
or a teacher or a parent or a boss or Ronald McDonald.
'We need more laws with stiIIer penalties to rid our community oI
drugs, says an innocent pawn oI Eris. To be sure, these laws make
smuggling and selling and buying drugs more risky. That, in turn, drives up
their prices - thus making them more proIitable. So more money and work
goes into expanding the market Ior the contraband - in keeping with the Law
oI Eristic Escalation.
Or, as the Taoist sage Chuang Tzu simply said, 'The more laws there
are, the more crime there is.
(IdentiIication and elucidation oI anerisms is a Iavorite pastime oI
politically conscious Discordians - who note that the whole text oI my
'Epistle to the Paranoids on page 00069 is a psychological anerism.
Goddess punished me Ior it, about Iive years later, by turning me into a
paranoid myselI. A conspiracy helped Her. As oI this writing, I am still
paranoid - according to my Iriends.) (Or are they my enemies?)
ProliIeration oI crime in the wake oI multiplication oI laws is more
than a matter oI expanded deIinition. Governments are impositions oI order
designed to discourage theIt and killing. But they wind up taking more in
taxes than all the Ireelance crooks around could steal. Their wars involve
more killing than all the meanest toughs and hoodlums can hope to rival.
Laws were unknown to the True People oI Old, says Chuang Tzu. All
during the paleolithic and the neolithic there could hardly have been any
laws, because the cave paintings in France and Spain depict no battle scenes.
We know that in the time oI Moses many laws did not seem necessary
or desirable because the second time he came down Irom Mount Sinai he
said: 'The good news is I got Him down to ten; the bad news is that one oI
In Limbo there are only Iive laws: 1) No making anybody do anything
they don`t want, except mind their own business; 2) No shitting or pissing in
the streets; 3) No spitting on the Iloors; 4) No undated notices on the bulletin
board; 5) No eating oI hotdog buns. That sounds like a program that will
work Ior me because there is nothing in there against swiping jokes.
Nearly all the graphics in Principia Discordia, by the way, were ripped
oII. (I don`t know why, because Greg and I are both passable artists.) The
Discordian Society does not condone plagiarism. (Our rates Ior ills are quite
reasonable.) Discordians hold all unoriginality in contempt. (Our Iamiliarity
with Discordian themes is unsurpassable.) HenceIorth, no Discordian shall
rip oII graphics. (Contact me, or Greg, Ior your eristic artistic needs.)
All I can say in our deIense is at least we were honest about it. As we
reached the end oI the Third Edition, Greg pasted in a little blurb that
credited the graphics to Rip-OII Press - which he snipped out oI something
that was actually printed by Rip-OII Press. How`s that Ior a rip-oII?
You will also notice an unusual number oI unusual rubber stampings
scattered about among the Iollowing pages. That was Greg showing oII his
rubber stamp collection. Few hobbies are as psychologically gratiIying -
especially when some bureaucrat is making you wait, with his or her back to
you Ior a moment - as collection rubber stamps. This is also an exciting way
to recoup some oI your tax losses. But you must abide by the laws oI the
Rubber Stamp Congress. All Discordians are permitted to collect rubber
stamps provided they don`t mention the Discordian Society iI they are
caught. Just point out to them that among people oI all Iaiths stamp
collecting is a popular hobby. And tell them your religious preIerence is
none oI their business. Tell them that collecting stamps in the name oI your
nameless religion is your Constitutional right and then, to make your point,
take the FiIth Amendment. They will Iind themselves in a legalistic
On most occasions mentioning your Discordian Society aIIiliation is
perIectly acceptable. II perchance, you are idiotic enough to somehow
Ioolishly blunder and end up in the military, insist they stamp
DISCORDIAN on your dog tags. Because we are sick and tired oI hearing
there are no Discordians in Ioxholes.
You might also wish to list 'Discordian as your religion on job
applications - especially iI you are already on unemployment and don`t want
the damned jobs anyhow.
A secret method oI identiIying your Discordianship Ior the beneIit oI
other Discordians is by wearing a pull-oII aluminum beer-can tab, strung
through its ring, around your neck. That is called an All-Seeing Eye oI Eris
(complete with Tear) and it will help other members oI the Discordian
Society keep out oI your way.
Or iI you are an extrovert - and are not even ashamed oI it - you can
get up on a soap box and rant Ior Goddess right out in public. Personally I
preIer standing on a wooden box but, anyway, you get at least Iive points Ior
every rant you deliver. Extra points are awarded Ior handling hecklers with
aplomb - or with anything else besides your Iists.
A secret oI dealing with hecklers, incidentally, was imparted to me by
a proIessional rabble rouser who used to speak in Hyde Park. You memorize
a bunch oI standardized put-downs good Ior all occasions. So no matter what
your tormentor says, you can Iire back with something like: 'Hot air makes
a balloon go up. What`s holding you down?
Another secret oI ranting was revealed by Rev. Ivan Stang when, oI a
rejected submission to The Stark Fist, he said: 'It wandered, but not
enough. A Iine rant doesn`t just wander, it positively meanders. (Use this
introduction as a model.) Keep changing the subject so your listeners, with
their short attention spans, won`t get bored. II you change themes between
45 and 72 times a minute (a rhythm close to the human heartbeat) - and
mystiIy them by mixing metaphors - pretty soon those suckers will be putty
in the palm oI your hand at your Ieet wrapped around your little Iinger.
You can also learn a great deal by studying magniIicent orators oI the
past. Huey P. Long taxed Standard Oil ten dollars Ior each barrel they
pumped in Louisiana and then gave them back 90 oI it under the table.
Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton.
Mark Anthony kept saying, '...but these are honorable men, all
through his speech. Remember how eIIective that selective repetition was in
swaying the emotions oI the actors in Shakespeare`s play who were cast as
Roman citizens.
Do not Ior a moment think you cannot be an exceptional orator iI you
can just Iind some way to keep repeating yourselI hypnotically and changing
the subject oI your speech Irequently at the same time.
Winston Churchill pointed out another attribute oI good rhetoric: it is
sincere. You must yourselI really be against the Germans buzz-bombing
London beIore you can persuade the English people it is a rotten notion.
Natural aptitude also plays its part. America has known no greater
public speaker than Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose son once quipped, 'Father
wanted to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every Iuneral.
And that`s important to keep in mind, because iI you want to be the bride at
every Iuneral and the corpse at every wedding you just are not made oI the
right ingredients. Your timing is oII.
In that case you could have better luck with eyeball-to-eyeball
conversations, the versatile art oI one-on-one seduction which you want to
learn anyway. Here, too hypnotic repetition is a key to unlimited potential.
Pick any theme out oI the air Ior repeating - a word, a name or a number will
do. Let us say, Ior this example, that you choose the number Iive into your
pitch. Again and again, Iive times Iive, over and over, drive that mother
home until your victim is entranced in the FiIth Dimension. Then dazzle
them with all the techniques in 'A Primer Ior Erisian Evangelists on page
Such mood setters as lighting and music are also important. For
maximum results, illuminate the room with strobe lights. Play Beethoven`s
FiIth Symphony in the background. They will be putty eating out oI your
II you are repelled by having anything to do with human beings
whatsoever - as individuals or in groups - then you were probably meant to
be a great Discordian writer such as myselI.
That being the case, my advice to you is consider that rousing literary
Iorm known as the maniIesto. Not only should you read The Communist
ManiIesto so you can Iind our how to get bankers to Iinance your activities,
you should also study the lesser-known but equally great specimens oI this
genre. What especially comes to mind in this respect is that underground
classic anonymous authorship, 'ManiIesto oI the Artistic Elite oI the
As it has not yet been anthologized, I reproduce it here in Iull just as it
appeared in issue #2 oI False Positive (c/o Donna Kossy, Box 953, Allston,
MA 02134):
ManiIesto oI the Artistic Elite oI the Midwest
Artistic elite is a misnomer. We claim unity with the American
Midwest where we were born and raised. We support the secession oI
the Midwest Irom the Ialtering carcass oI the American way. We Ieel
that the Midwest should sign its own treaties and create its own
alliances. We support liberation Ior Quebec! We don`t believe in the
balance oI terror hypothesis and wish to be counted out oI all Iuture
nuclear war. We believe in the sanity and stability oI the Midwest and
reIute those oI either coast who see the heartland as oppressive,
backward, uncultured (we are redneck, motherIucker), etc. This is
propaganda created by the intellectual power elite oI the East in their
cynical and ruthless attempt to keep the chains on middle america. We
claim solidarity with the Third World as an exploited people! As one
oI the richest Third World nations we vow to beat our Winebagos in
plowshares in order to do our part in the growing Third World
alliance. We call Ior the cessation oI the telecommunications
monopoly and destruction oI all over the air methods oI
propagandizing. No more Lucy. No more Beaver. No more corporate
propagandizing Ior the consumerist ethic. Free TV! A new localized
media system will be created. No more sensationalist news coverage.
Constant and open exchange oI ideas and a reIutation oI present mass-
subscribed theories oI the Iree exchange ideas. No more enslavement
to the Marlboro cowboy! No more enslavement to the Ialse illusion oI
American individuality. Real individuality, not hype. No more
Charlie`s Angels. No more escapism. This is a call Ior the Midwest
peoples to be concerned with their own lives, not the lives the West
thinks we have and the East demands we have. This is a call Ior
solidarity oI all Midwestern peoples so that we can reIute the ideas oI
the East, to call a halt to the convenient image oI the Midwest as a
passive land Iilled with bumpkins and hayseeds. OI easily led puppets,
oI a land easily dominated by the ideas and wills oI our English
speaking cousins. We`re not your puppets anymore! We need to
restructure our Eastern dominated universities. Solidarity with the
Canadian Midlands. Solidarity with the Ukraine! An end to the
industrial monopoly oI the world`s resources. An end to the blight oI
consumerism. An end to the present sectioning oI the world and unity
with all oppressed peoples!
Sponsored by the Organization of Indiana Artistic Elites.
Note the presence here, in spite oI a lack oI explicit Discordianism, oI
all the characteristics oI an excellent maniIesto: mixed emotions expressed
with all the vitriolic vehemence oI unmixed emotions.
So iI there is a cause about which you are ambivalent, do like Karl
Marx did. Pen its maniIesto.
No Discordian ManiIesto yet exists. We need at least Iive. That will
generate controversy and conIuse GreyIace.
My own Iavorite Holy Name - Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst - Iunctions
in that way. It is a walking identity crisis. Anybody can say or do anything in
the name oI Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst. For better or worse, that never Iails
to conIuse the authorities.
This tradition started in 1960 when I was basic training clerk in
Marine Air Base 11. I typed in the Ravenhurst moniker on a training lecture
roster, listing him as a truck driver in motor transport - serial number
1369697, rank: private.
When Ravenhurst, Omar K., Iailed to answer the role call somebody
called the captain in charge oI motor transport to Iind out where Ravenhurst
was. OI course nobody in the motor pool ever heard oI any such private.
Motor transport called administration. No Ravenhurst on record there,
either. A clerk-typist Irom administration Corporal Chadwick, came by to
ask me about the mysterious Marine.
Upon returning to his desk, Chadwick completed an IRC card - a
condensed record - which would have to do until Ravenhurst`s entire Iile
arrived Irom his last duty station: Marine Barracks, East British Outer
An unusual man, this Ravenhurst - with his IQ oI 157. How many
other truck drivers spoke 17 languages but, in ten years oI service, had never
been recommended Ior promotion?
You would imagine that one glance at such statistics would arouse
suspicion. But some days later there occurred within my earshot a
conversation between two lieutenants and the swaggering staII sergeant who
headed basic training (who, so as to protect his identity Irom ridicule, I shall
call Karen Elliot instead oI Sergeant Garcia).
'Where do you Iigure he learned 17 languages - including Upper and
Lower Swahili? one oI the oIIicers wondered aloud.
'I`ll bet his parents were missionaries, contributed Karen Elliot.
'Most men make private Iirst class in about six months. This guy has
been a private Ior ten years! I`m going to recommend him Ior promotion,
announced the other lieutenant.
'You better have a talk with him Iirst, sir, Karen Elliot warned. 'You
just never can tell about them intelligent guys.
Chadwick, who was lurking nearby, suddenly shouted: 'THERE HE
A big chunky truck driver whose nickname was Buddha happened to
be dampening the dust in that vicinity with a water-tank equipped with a
sprinkler in back.
Eager to score some points with the oIIicers, Karen Elliot ran over and
yelled at the Buddha.
Buddha stopped the truck and shut oII the engine and then said,
with a weak laugh.
'Oh, spake the Buddha, beIore starting up the truck again and
driving oII.
Stories like that spread rapidly and so did the Ravenhurst name. On
his behalI, I Ior my part answered a survey on improving basic training.
More realistic combat conditions on the obstacle course and Iield training in
venereal disease control where among his recommendations.
Later on, I added to our Iiles an application by Ravenhurst Ior oIIicer
training school. Reason: 'I have been a private Ior ten years, so the only way
I expect to be promoted is iI I try Ior second lieutenant. Across the page
was stamped: APPROVED. Nevertheless, Ior some unexplained reason,
Ravenhurst remained a private.
AIter I was discharged I ran into Bud Simco, who remained in the
same unit a short while longer than me. 'About a month aIter you mustered
out, there was a dress rehearsal Ior the biggest inspection oI the year.
'By then Ravenhurst had a wall locker with his name on it and a
bunk. Somebody even added a touch oI realism by putting an old pair oI size
six shoes with holes in them under Ravenhurst`s bunk.
'There was only one other guy in that cubicle and he was pretty bent
out oI shape because Ravenhurst was never there in the mornings to help
sweep. Once or twice he even brought it up with the top sergeant.
'When the big day came, they even shut down radar center.
Everybody had to stand inspection. No exceptions.
'Colonel Fenderson and the top sergeant walked down the isle,
inspecting one cubicle at a time. It was junk on the bunk, he added,
indicating the most thorough inspection there is - with every piece oI gear
spread out neatly on the bunk. 'Only one bunk with bedding on it was
empty. Only one man was missing.
'They wanted to know who Ravenhurst was and, more importantly,
where he was. Nobody knows, but the other guy in his cubicle reminds the
top sergeant than Ravenhurst is a malingerer.
'Then they ask iI anybody has ever seen this Ravenhurst. Private
Monty Cantsin pipes up. Every aIternoon Ravenhurst sits right there on his
'Well then, what does this Ravenhurst look like? Cantsin stretches out
both arms and says, Oh, he`s a big mountain oI a man!` But just then the
top sergeant bends over and picks up these little size six shoes.
'They call up motor transport. For the hundredth goddamned time,`
the captain tells the top sergeant, there is nobody named Ravenhurst in
motor transport.` So the brass huddle together and decide Ravenhurst must
have mustered into squadron without checking in with his assigned work
station - so he could just Iuck oII all the time. So they are ready to hang him
- as soon as they Iind him.
A Iutile base-wide manhunt was conducted beIore Sergeant Karen
Elliot heard they were searching Ior Ravenhurst. Somehow - perhaps by
examining the basic training Iiles - he discovered that Ravenhurst was a
hoax earlier and now he spilled the beans in exchange, I`m sure, Ior many
A Iew days later a letter oI commendation, dictated by Colonel
Fenderson, appeared on the squadron bulletin board - congratulating Private
Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst Ior outstanding conduct.
In 1968, when Robert Anton Wilson and I decided to Iorm a
conspiracy with no purpose - so that investigators would never be able to
Iigure out what it was doing - I told him about Ravenhurst and invited him,
or anyone else he recruited, to do anything, anywhere, any time under the
already-ubiquitous name. We decided to call that conspiracy, however
unoriginally, the Bavarian Illuminati - a caper that culminated eventually in
the Illuminatus! Trilogy.
As Ior Ravenhurst, the last I heard was the KGB was trying to Iind
him so they could make him Chairman oI the American Communist Party.
I`m sure they got the wrong Fenderson.
Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, Pvt., USMC (Ret.) 1anuary 23, 1991
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Some excerpts Irom an Interview with Malaclypse the Younger by THE GREATER
GREATER POOP: Are you really serious or what?
MAL-2: Sometimes I take humor seriously. Sometimes I take seriousness humorously.
Either way is irrelevant.
GP: Maybe you are just crazy.
M2: Indeed! But do not reject these teachings as Ialse because I am crazy. The reason
that I am crazy is because they are true.
GP: Is Eris true?
M2: Everything is true.
GP: Even Ialse things?
M2: Even Ialse things are true.
GP: How can that be?
M2: I don`t know man, I didn`t do it.
GP: Why do you deal with so many negatives?
M2: To dissolve them.
GP: Will you develop that point?
M2: No.
GP: Is there an essential meaning behind POEE?
M2: There is a Zen Story about a student who asked a Master to explain the meaning oI
Buddhism. The Master`s reply was 'Three pounds oI Ilax.
GP: Is that your answer to my question?
M2: No, oI course not. That is just illustrative. The answer to your question is FIVE
FOURTH EDITION ODD= II/2, xii, 68Chs3136
being a Beginning Introduction to
The Erisian Mvsterees
as Divinely Revealed to
Omnibenevolent PolyIather oI Virginity in Gold
Dedicated to The Prettiest One
Surrealists, Harlequinists, Absurdists and Zonked Artists Melee
is one maniIestation oI
about which
you will learn more
and understand
are a tribe
oI philosophers, theologians,
magicians, scientists,
artists, clowns,
and similar maniacs
who are intrigued
and with
3 The Sacred Chao (illustration)
4 Five Commandments (The PentabarI)
5 Zen Story
6 Telegram to Jehova
7 Birth oI The Erisian Movement
11 Battle Hymn oI The Eristocracy
12 On Prayer
13 Heaven is down...
14 Norton`s Money
15 Eris - Greek Geneology
16 Law oI Fives
17 Myth oI The Apple oI Discord
19 Erisian Hymn
20 POEE Chart
21 POEE Symbol
23 Application Form
24 POEE Priests
26 Erisian AIIirmation
27 Legionnaire CertiIicate
27 St. Gulik
28 How To Start a POEE Cabal Without
Messing Around With The PolyIather
29 Baptismal Rite
31 Mysteree Oath
32 The Discordian Society
33 The Golden Apple Corps
33 Numeral V Sign
34 Calendar
35 Holy Names
36 Pope Cards
37 Parable oI The Bitter Tea
38 Sermon on Ethics & Love
39 Apostles oI Eris
41 How Honest Book oI Truth was Revealed
42 Curse oI GreyIace
43 Mandala
44 Cosmology (Book oI Uterus)
46 Orders oI Discordia
47 Entropy (Norbert Wiener)
48 Zarathud`s Enlightenment
49 The Sacred Chao (text)
52 Hodge/Podge TransIormer
53 Brunswick Shrine
54 Starbuck`s Pebbles
55 Eris during 3125 years (Brazil letter)
56 Cosmogeny (Void`s Daughters)
59 Syadastian Chant
60 ClassiIication oI Saints
61 Occultism
62 Astrology
63 GreyIace and Negativism
64 The Turkey Curse
65 Arguments Ior Evangelists
66 "Sink" (game)
67 Chain Letter (Joint EIIort)
68 Avatar ClassiIication
69 Epistle to the Paranoids
71 Super Secret Crypto Cypher Code
72 Illuminati (letter)
74 Salvation
The PENTABARF was discovered by the hermit
Apostle Zarathud in the FiIth Year oI the
Caterpillar. He Iound them carved in gilded stone,
while building a sun deck Ior his cave, but their
import was lost Ior they were written in a
mysterious cypher. However, aIter 10 wks & 11
hrs oI intensive scrutiny he discerned that the
message could be read by standing on his head and viewing it upside down.
I - There is no Goddess but Goddess and She is Your Goddess. There is
no Erisian Movement but The Erisian Movement and it is The Erisian
Movement. And everv Golden Apple Corps is the beloved home of a
Golden Worm.
II - A Discordian Shall Alwavs use the Official Discordian Document
Numbering Svstem.
III - A Discordian is Required during his earlv Illumination to Go Off
Alone & Partake Jovouslv of a Hot Bog on a Fridav, this Devotive
Ceremonv to Remonstrate against the popular Paganisms of the Dav. of
Catholic Christendom (no meat on Fridav), of Judaism (no meat of
Pork), of Hindic Peoples (no meat of Beef), of Buddhists (no meat of
animal), and of Discordians (no Hot Dog Buns).
IJ - A Discordian shall Partake of No Hot Dog Buns, for Such was the
Solace of Our Goddess when She was Confronted with The Original
J - A Discordian is Prohibited of Believing What he Reads.
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Bv Camden Benares, The Count of Five
Headmaster, Camp Meeker Cabal
A serious young man Iound the conIlicts oI mid 20th Century America
conIusing. He went to many people seeking a way oI resolving within
himselI the discords that troubled him, but he remained troubled.
One night in a coIIee house, a selI-ordained Zen Master said to him, 'Go to
the dilapidated mansion you will Iind at this address which I have written
down Ior you. Do not speak to those who live there; you must remain silent
until the moon rises tomorrow night. Go to the large room on the right oI the
main hallway, sit in the lotus position on top oI the rubble in the northeast
corner, Iace the corner, and meditate.
He did as the Zen Master instructed. His meditation was Irequently
interrupted by worries. He worried whether or not the rest oI the plumbing
Iixtures would Iall Irom the second Iloor bathroom to join the pipes and
other trash he was sitting on. He worried how he would know when the
moon rose on the next night. He worried about what the people who walked
through the room said about him.
His worrying and meditation were disturbed when, as iI in a test oI his Iaith,
ordure Iell Irom the second Iloor onto him. At that time two people walked
into the room. The Iirst asked the second who the man sitting there was. The
second replied 'Some say he is a holy man. Others say he is a shithead.
this, the man was enlightened.
Just prior to the decade oI the nineteen-sixties, when Sputnik was alone and
new, and about the time that Ken Kesey took his Iirst acid trip as a medical
volunteer; beIore underground newspapers, Viet Nam, and talk oI a second
American Revolution; in the comparative quiet oI the late nineteen-IiIties, just
beIore the idea oI RENAISSANCE became relevant...
Two young CaliIornians, known later as Omar Ravenhurst and Malaclypse
the Younger, were indulging in their habit oI sipping coIIee at an allnight bowling
alley and generally solving the world`s problems. This particular evening the main
subject oI discussion was discord and they were complaining to each other oI the
personal conIusion they Ielt in their respective lives. "Solve the problem oI
discord," said one, the other, "chaos and striIe are the roots oI all conIusion."
Suddenlv the place became devoid of light. Then an utter silence enveloped
them, and a great stillness was felt. Then came a blinding flash of intense light, as
though their verv psvches had gone nova. Then vision returned.
The two were dazed and neither moved nor spoke Ior several minutes. They
looked around and saw that the bowlers were Irozen like statues in a variety oI
comic positions, and that a bowling ball was steadIastly anchored to the Iloor only
inches Irom the pins that it had been sent to scatter. The two looked at each other,
totally unable to account Ior the phenomenon. The condition was one oI
suspension, and one noticed that the clock had stopped.
!!!!' !"# %&'() '* +,-'.
10. The Earth quakes and the Heavens rattle,
the beasts of nature flock together and the
nations of men flock apart, volcanoes usher up
heat while elsewhere water becomes ice and melts,
and then on other davs it fust rains.
11. Indeed do manv things come to pass.
HBT, The Book of Predications, Chap. 19
0, 1J+K4A ALA+ GC+AK
/ .+A10/0GB
There walked into the room a chimpan:ee, shaggv and grev about the
mu::le, vet upright in his full five feet, and poised with natural mafestv. He carried
a scroll and walked to the voung men.
"Gentlemen," he said, "whv does Pickerings Moon go about in reverse
orbit? Gentlemen, there are nipples on vour chests, do vou give milk? And what,
prav tell, Gentlemen, is to be done about Heisenbergs Law?" He paused.
And with that he revealed his scroll. It was a diagram, like a vin-vang with
a pentagon on one side and an apple on the other. And then he exploded and the
two lost consciousness.
They awoke to the sound oI pins clattering, and Iound the bowlers engaged
in their game and the waitress busy with making coIIee. It was apparent that their
experience had been private.
They discussed their strange encounter and reconstructed Irom memory the
chimpanzee`s diagram. Over the next Iive days they searched libraries to Iind the
signiIicance oI it, but were disappointed to uncover reIerences only to Taoism, the
Korean Ilag, and Technocracy. It was not until they traced the Greek writing on
the apple that they discovered the ancient Goddess known to the Greeks as ERIS
and to the Romans as DISCORDIA. This was on the IiIth night, and when they
slept that night, each had a vivid dream oI a splendid woman whose eyes were as
soIt as a Ieather and as deep as eternity itselI, and whose body was the spectacular
dance oI atoms and universes. Pyrotechnics oI pure energy Iormed her Ilowing
hair, and rainbows maniIested and dissolved as she spoke in a warm and gentle
I have come to tell vou that vou are free. Manv ages ago, Mv consciousness
left man, that he might develop himself. I return to find this development
approaching completion, but hindered bv fear and bv misunderstanding.
You have built for vourselves psvchic suits of armor, and clad in them, vour
vision is restricted, vour movements are clumsv and painful, vour skin is bruised,
and vour spirit is broiled in the sun.
I am chaos. I am the substance from which vour artists and scientists build
rhvthms. I am the spirit with which vour children and clowns laugh in happv
anarchv. I am chaos. I am alive, and I tell vou that vou are free.
During the next months they studied philosophies and theologies, and
learned that ERIS or DISCORDIA was primarily Ieared by the ancients as being
disruptive. Indeed, the very concept oI chaos was still considered equivalent to
striIe and treated as a negative. "No wonder things are all screwed up," they
concluded, "they have got it all backwards." They Iound that the principle oI
disorder was every much as signiIicant as the principle oI order.
With this in mind, they studied the strange yin-yang. During a meditation
one aIternoon, a voice came to them:
It is called THE SACRED CHAO. I appoint vou Keepers of It. Therein vou
will find anvthing vou like. Speak of Me as DISCORD, to show contrast to the
pentagon. Tell constricted mankind that there are no rules, unless thev choose to
invent rules. Keep close the words of Svadasti. TIS AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS
NO MINDS. And remember that there is no tvrannv in the State of Confusion. For
further information, consult vour pineal gland.
"What is this?" mumbled one to the other, "A religion based on The
Goddess oI ConIusion? It is utter madness!"
And with these words, each looked at the other in absolute awe. Omar
began to giggle. Mal began to laugh. Omar began jumping up and down. Mal was
hooting and hollering to beat all hell. And amid squeals oI mirth and with tears on
their cheeks, each appointed the other to be high priest oI his own madness, and
together they declared themselves to be a society oI Discordia, Ior what ever that
may turn out to be.
(* ")220
bv Lord Omar
Mine brain has meditated on the spinning oI the Chao;
It is hovering o`er the table where the ChieIs
oI StaII are now
Gathered in discussion oI the dropping oI the Bomb;
Her Apple Corps is strong!
Grand (and gory) Old Discordja!
Grand (and gory) Old Discordja!
Grand (and gory) Old Discordja!
Her Apple Corps is strong!
She was not invited to the party that they held
on Limbo Peak; *
So She threw a Golden Apple, stead oI turn`d
t`other cheek!
O it cracked the Holy Punchbowl and it made
the nectar leak;
Her Apple Corps is strong!
* "Limbo Peak" refers to Old Limbo Peak, commonlv called bv the Greeks "Ol Limb Peak."
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Persons in a Position to Know, Inc.
MAL-2 was once asked by one oI his Disciples iI he oIten prayed to Eris. He replied with
these words:
No, we Erisians seldom prav, it is much too dangerous. Charles Fort has listed manv
factual incidences of ignorant people confronted with, sav, a drought, and then praving
ferventlv -- and then getting the entire village wiped out in a torrential flood.
14. Wipe thine ass with What is Written and
grin like a ninnv at what is Spoken. Take
thine refuge with thine wine in the Nothing
behind Evervthing, as vou hurrv along the Path.
HBT, The Book of Predications, Chap. 19
Heaven is down. Hell is up.
This is proven by the Iact
that the planets and stars
are orderly in their
while down on earth
we come close to the
primal chaos.
There are Iour other
but I Iorgot them.
--Josh the Dill
!@A 24/DDJG/4 P+AAQD FA+A 0,? J0*4CA0GAK
3B ?@A 24/DDJG/4 P+AAQD
The Romans leIt a likeness oI Her Ior posterity -- She was shown as a
grotesque woman with a pale and ghastly look, Her garment is ripped and
torn, and as concealing a dagger in Her Bosom. Actually, most women look
pale and ghastly when concealing a chilly dagger in their bosoms.
Her geneology is Irom the Greeks and is utterly conIused. Either She was
the twin oI Aries and the daughter oI Zeus and Hera; or She was the
daughter oI Nyx, goddess oI night (who was either the daughter or wiIe oI
Chaos, or both), and Nyx`s brother, Erebus, and whose brothers and sisters
include Death, Doom, Mockery, Misery and Friendship. And that she begat
ForgetIullness, Quarrels, Lies, and a bunch oI gods and goddesses like that.
One day Mal-2 consulted his Pineal Gland* and asked Eris iI She really
created all oI those terrible things. She told him that She had always liked
the Old Greeks, but that they cannot be trusted with historic matters. "They
were," She added, "victims oI indigestion, you know."
SuIIice it to say that Eris is not hateIul or malicious. But She is mischievous,
and does get a little bitchy at times.
*THE PINEAL GLAND is where each and everv one of us can talk to Eris. If
vou have trouble activating vour Pineal, then trv the appendix which does
almost as well. Reference. DOGMA I, METAPHYSICS =3, "The Indoctrine
of The Pineal Gland."
- Horace
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The Law oI Fives is one oI the oldest Erisian Mysterees. It was Iirst
revealed to Good Lord Omar and is one oI the great contributions to
come Irom The Hidden Temple oI The Happy Jesus.
POEE subscribes to the Law oI Fives oI Omar`s sect. And POEE also
recognizes the Holy 23 (235) that is incorporated by Episkopos Dr.
Mordecai Malignatius, KNS, into his Discordian sect, The Ancient
Illuminated Seers oI Bavaria.
The Law oI Fives states simply that:
The Law oI Fives is never wrong.
In the Erisian Archives is an old memo Irom Omar to Mal-2: "I Iind
the Law oI Fives to be more and more maniIest the harder I look."
The Nagas of Upper Burma say that the sun
shines by day because, being a woman, it
is afraid to venture out by night.
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O U(5) V"))"!5 P:7<S:'!5
It seems that Zeus was preparing a wedding banquet Ior Peleus and
Thetis and did not want to invite Eris because oI Her reputation as a trouble
maker. *
This made Eris angry, and so She Iashioned an apple oI pure gold**
and inscribed upon it KALLISTI ("To The Prettiest One") and on the day oI
the Iete She rolled it into the banquet hall and then leIt to be alone and
joyously partake oI a hot dog.
Now, three oI the invited goddesses,*** Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite,
each immediately claimed it to belong to herselI because oI the inscription.
And they started Iighting, and they started throwing punch all over the place
and everything.
Finally, Zeus calmed things down and declared that an arbitrator must
be selected, which was a reasonable suggestion, and all agreed. He sent them
to a shepherd oI Troy, whose name was Paris because his mother had had a
lot oI gaul and married a Frenchman; but each oI the sneaky goddesses tried
to outwit the others by going early and oIIering a bribe to Paris.
Athena oIIered him Heroic War Victories, Hera oIIered him Great
Wealth, and Aphrodite oIIered him The Most BeautiIul Woman on Earth.
Being a healthy young Trojan lad, Paris promptly accepted Aphrodite`s
bribe and she got the apple and he got screwed.
As she had promised, she maneuvered earthly happenings so that
Paris could have Helen (the Helen) then living with her husband Menelaus,
King oI Sparta. Anyway, everyone knows that the Trojan War Iollowed
when Sparta demanded their Queen back and that the Trojan War is said to
be The First War among men.
And so we suIIer because oI The Original Snub. And so a Discordian is to
partake oI No Hot Dog Buns.
Do you believe that?


** There is historic disagreement concerning whether this apple was of metalic gold or
*** Actuallv there were five goddesses, but the Greeks did not know of the Law of Fives.
/9": A'(
B'C( %98.
5. An Age of Confusion, or an Ancient Age, is one in which
Historv As We Know It begins to unfold, in which Whatever Is
Coming emerges in Corporal Form, more or less, and such
times are Ages of Balanced Unbalance, or Unbalanced
6. An Age of Bureaucracv is an Imperial Age in which Things
Mature, in which Confusion becomes entrenched and during
which Balanced Balance, or Stagnation, is attained.
7. An Age of Disorder or an Aftermath is an Apocalvptic Period
of Transition back to Chaos through the Screen of Oblivion into
which the Age passeth, finallv. These are Ages of Unbalanced
HBT, The Book of Uterus, Chap. 3
!" PoIIte chIIdren wIII aIways remember that a church Is the oI
For the Eristocracy and the Cabalablia
A. The Five Apostles oI Eris
B. The Golden Apple Corps (KSC)
C. Episkoposes oI The Discordian Society
D. POEE Cabal Priests
E. Saints, Erisian Avatars, and Like Personages
For the Disciples oI Discordia
A. OIIice oI My High Reverence, The PolyIather
B. Council oI POEE Priests
D. Eristic Avatars
E. Aneristic Avatars
NOTE: A, B, and C are POEE PROPER; while D and E are POEE IMPROPER
For the Bureaucracy
A. The Bureau oI Erisian Archives
B. The Bureau oI The POEE Epistolary, and
The Division oI Dogmas
C. The Bureau oI Symbols, Emblems, CertiIicates and Such
D. The Bureau oI Eristic AIIairs, and
The Administry Ior The Unenlightened Eristic Horde
E. The Bureau oI Aneristic AIIairs, and
The Administry Ior The Orders oI Discordia
For the Encouragement oI Liberation oI Freedom, and/or the Discouragement oI the Immanentizing oI
the Eschaton
A. The Breeze oI Wisdom and/or The Wind oI Insanity
B. The Breeze oI Integrity and/or The Wind oI Arrogance
C. The Breeze oI Beauty and/or The Wind oI Outrages
D. The Breeze oI Love and/or The Wind oI Bombast
F. The Breeze oI Laughter and/or The Wind oI Bullshit
For what is leIt over
A. Miscellaneous Avatars
B. The FiIth Column
C. POEE POPES everywhere
D. Drawer "O" Ior OUT OF FILE
E. Lost Documents and Forgotten Truths
The Five Fingered Hand oI Eris
The oIIicial symbol oI POEE is here illustrated. It may be this, or any similar device to
may be vertical, horizontal, or else such, and it may be elaborated or simpliIied as
The esoteric name Ior this symbol is THE FIVE FINGERED HAND OF ERIS,
commonly shortened to THE HAND.
NOTE. In the lore of western magic, the is taken to svmboli:e horns, especiallv the horns of Satan or
of diabolical beasties. The Five Fingered Hand of Eris, however, is not intended to be taken as satanic, for
the "horns" are supported bv another set, of inverted "horns." Or mavbe it is walrus tusks. I dont know
what it is, to tell the truth.
67'55+083,9 039, 01 1/+ 67'55+083,9 039, 01 1/+ 67'55+083,9 039, 01 1/+ 67'55+083,9 039, 01 1/+
1"108 150(,:"59013"( ": 1/+ 93() 1"108 150(,:"59013"( ": 1/+ 93() 1"108 150(,:"59013"( ": 1/+ 93() 1"108 150(,:"59013"( ": 1/+ 93()
0() 088 1/01 5+,+9;8+, 316 0() 088 1/01 5+,+9;8+, 316 0() 088 1/01 5+,+9;8+, 316 0() 088 1/01 5+,+9;8+, 316
<=5+1"( <=5+1"( <=5+1"( <=5+1"(
POEE (pronounced "POEE") is an acronym Ior The PARATHEO-
ANAMETAMYSTIKHOOD OF ERIS ESOTERIC. The Iirst part can be taken to
mean "equivalent deity, reversing beyond-mystique." We are not really esoteric,
it`s just that nobody pays much attention to us.
the High Priest oI POEE, and POEE is grounded in his espiskopotic revelations oI
The Goddess. He is called The Omnibenevolent PolyIather oI Virginity in Gold.
The POEE HEAD TEMPLE is the Joshua Norton Cabal oI The Discordian
Society, which is located in Mal-2`s pineal gland and can be Iound by temporaly
and spacialy locating the rest oI Mal-2.
POEE has no treasury, no by-laws, no articles, no guides save Mal-2`s pineal
gland, and has only one scruple -- which Mal-2 keeps on his key chain.
POEE has not registered, incorporated, or otherwise chartered with the State, and
so the State does not recognize POEE or POEE Ordinations, which is only Iair,
because POEE does not recognize the State.
There is the neophyte, or LEGIONNAIRE DISCIPLE.
The LEGIONNAIRE DEACON, who is catching on.
The HIGH PRIEST, the PolyIather.
POEE LEGIONNAIRE DISCIPLES are authorized to initiate others as Discordian
Society Legionnaires. PRIESTS appoint their own DEACONS. The
POLYFATHER ordains Priests. I don`t know about the POPES.
II you like Erisianism as it is presented according to Mal-2, then you may
wish to Iorm your own POEE CABAL as a POEE PRIEST and you can go
do a bunch oI POEE Priestly Things. A "POEE Cabal" is exactly what you
think it is.
The High Priest makes no demands on his Priests, though he does rather
expect good will oI them. The OIIice oI the PolyIather is to point, not to
teach. Once in a while, he even listens.
Should vou find that vour own revelations of The Goddess become
substantiallv different than the revelations of Mal-2, then perhaps The
Goddess has plans for vou as an Episkopos, and vou might consider
creating vour own sect from scratch, unhindered. Episkoposes are not
competing with each other, and thev are all POEE Priests anvwav (as soon
as I locate them). The point is that Episkopos are developing separate paths
to the Erisian mountain top. See the section "Discordian Societv."
There are no particular qualiIications Ior Ordination because iI you want to
be a POEE Priest then you must undoubtedly qualiIy. Who could possibly
know better than you whether or not you should be Ordained?
An ORDAINED POEE PRIEST or PRIESTESS is deIined as "one who
holds an Ordination CertiIicate Irom The OIIice oI the PolyIather."
Seek into the Chao if thou wouldst be wise
And find ve delight in Her Great Surprise'
Look into the Chao if thou wantest to know
Whats in a Chao and whv it aint so'
(HBT, The Book of Advice, 1.1)
!"#$% '"()*+$ ", '-(#*-./ 0"(1+2(.
The PolyIather wishes to remind all Erisians the POEE was conceived not as
a commercial enterprise, and that you are requested to keep your cool when
seeking Iunds Ior POEE Cabals or when spreading the POEE word via the
market place.
BEFORE THE GODDESS ERIS, I (name or holv name), do herewith declare mvself a
The presiding POEE OIIicial (iI any) responds:
!" $%&'()' *"$)
+" ,"(-./) 0"12
3"/4 5"16 .7$
89"//4 59.":
; <'&: +(: =(%7$/'0"7'
>"7("' 5.0./
II you cannot Iind the PolyIather, or having Iound him, don`t want anything to do with
him, you are still authorized to Iorm your own POEE CABAL and do Priestly Things,
using the Principia Discordia as a guide. Your OIIicial Rank will be POEE CHAPLIN Ior
THE LEGION OF DYNAMIC DISCORD, which is exactly the same as a POEE PRIEST
except that you don`t have an Ordination CertiIicate. The words you are now reading are
your ordination.
1 Write the ERISIAN AFFIRMATION in Iive copies.
2 Sign and nose-print each copy.
3 Send one to The President oI the United States.
4 Send one to
!/0 1234567842 +9290 %:702: 65 (:7849:70 28; %0;;48<
,=>, ?@A +97009B +2C72D0896 1E FGH,G
5 Nail one to a telephone pole. Hide one. And burn the other.
Then consult your pineal gland.
O (7= W("" #7(P:)>
6@A0 J0 K,C3?E *CGQ J?N
6@A0 0,? J0 K,C3?X 1A? J0 K,C3?Y
#$%& 5
This Mysteree Rite is not required Ior initiation, but it is oIIered by many
POEE Priests to proselytes who desire a Iormal ceremony.
1) The Priest and Iour Brothers are arranged in a pentagon with the Initiate
in the center Iacing the Priest. II possible, the Brothers on the immediate
right and leIt oI the Priest should be Deacons. The Initiate must be totally
naked, to demonstrate that he is truly a human being and not something
else in disguise like a cabbage or something.
2) All persons in the audience and the pentagon, excepting the Priest,
assume a squatting position and return to a standing position. This is
repeated Iour more times. This dance is symbolic oI the humility oI we
3) The Priest begins:
I, (complete Holv Name, with Mvstical Titles, and degrees, designations,
offices, &tc.), Ordained Priest of the Paratheo-anametamvstikhood of
Eris Esoteric, with the Authoritv invested at me bv the High Priest of It,
Office of the Polvfather, The House of The Rising Podge, POEE Head
Temple, Do herewith Require of Ye.
SOMETHING? The initiate answers YES.
initiate answers YES.
ERISIAN MOJEMENT? The initiate answers PROBABLY.
here leads the Initiate in a recital oI THE ERISIAN AFFIRMATION.) The
4) All present rejoice grandly. The new Brother opens a large jug oI wine
and oIIers it to all who are present.
5) The Ceremony generally degenerates.
;(S= #:R# !5:! (;:S ;(S= #:R# !5:! (;:S ;(S= #:R# !5:! (;:S ;(S= #:R# !5:! (;:S
#:R# !5:! 6" :S" #:R# !5:! 6" :S" #:R# !5:! 6" :S" #:R# !5:! 6" :S"
:77 &)'2(S)# :)R6:R :77 &)'2(S)# :)R6:R :77 &)'2(S)# :)R6:R :77 &)'2(S)# :)R6:R
3. And though Omar did bid of the Collector of
Garbage, in words that were both sweet and
bitter, to surrender back the cigar box
containing the cards designated bv the Angel as
The Honest Book of Truth, the Collector
was to him as one who might be smitten
deaf, saving onlv. Gainst the rules,
HBT, The Book of Explainations, Chap. 2
The Discordian Society has no deIinition.
I sometimes think oI it as a disorganization oI Eris Freaks. It has been called a guerrilla
mind theatre. Episkopos RandomIactor, Director oI Purges oI Our People`s Underworld
Movement sect in Larchmont, preIers 'The World`s Greatest Association oI What-ever-
it-is-that-we-are. Lady Mal thinks oI it as a RENAISSANCE THINK TANK. Fang the
Unwashed, WKC, won`t say. You can think oI it any way you like.
is one who preIers total autonomy, and creates his own Discordian sect as The Goddess
directs him. He speaks Ior himselI and Ior those that say that they like what he says.
A Discordian Society Legionnaire is one who preIers not to create his own sect.
II you want in on the Discordian Society
then declare yourselI what you wish
do what you like
and tell us about it
iI you preIer
There are no rules anywhere.
The Goddess Prevails.
#,-A ".JDQ,.,DAD #,-A ".JDQ,.,DAD #,-A ".JDQ,.,DAD #,-A ".JDQ,.,DAD
@/LA / ,0AO-/0 G/3/4 @/LA / ,0AO-/0 G/3/4 @/LA / ,0AO-/0 G/3/4 @/LA / ,0AO-/0 G/3/4
#,-A F,+Q ?,1A?@A+N #,-A F,+Q ?,1A?@A+N #,-A F,+Q ?,1A?@A+N #,-A F,+Q ?,1A?@A+N
#,-A 0ALA+ K, AZ.4/J0N #,-A 0ALA+ K, AZ.4/J0N #,-A 0ALA+ K, AZ.4/J0N #,-A 0ALA+ K, AZ.4/J0N
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top
oI the slide where I stop and I turn and I go
Ior a ride, then I get to the bottom and I see
you again! Helter Skelter!
-- John Lennon
The CoIden AppIe Corps* Is an honorary posItIon Ior The Keepers oI The
Sacred Chao, so that they can put "KSC" aIter theIr names.
It says little,
does less,
* Not to be confused with The Apple Corps Ltd. of those four singers. We thought of it
DIscordIans have a tradItIon oI
assumIng HOLY NAMES. ThIs Is not
unIque wIth ErIsIanIsm, oI course.
suppose that Pope PauI Is the son oI
Mr. & Mrs. VZ
!"# %"&#
Rev. Dr. HyocrnIes Mngoun, F.F.
FO FRI5T, Oknnwn CnbnI
When Hypoc was through medItatIng wIth St. CuIIk, he went there
Into the kItchen where he busIed hImseII wIth preparIng the Ieast and In
hIs endeavor, he Iound that there was some oId tea In a pan IeIt standIng
Irom the nIght beIore, when he had In hIs weakness Iorgot about Its
makIng and had Iet It sIt steepIng Ior 24 hours. t was dark and murky
and It was Hypoc`s IntentIon to use thIs oId tea by dIIutIng It wIth water.
And agaIn In hIs weakness, chose wIthout Iurther consIderatIon and
pIunged Into the physIcaI Iabor oI the preparatIons. t was then when
deepIy Immersed In the pIeasure oI that trIp, he had a sudden cIear voIce
In hIs head sayIng "It Is bItter tea that InvoIves you so." Hypoc heard the
voIce, but the struggIe InsIde IntensIIIed, and the pattern, prevIousIy
estabIIshed wIth the physIcaI IaborIng and the muscIe messages
coordInated and unIIIed or perhaps coded, contInued to exert theIr
InIIuence and Hypoc succumbed to the pressure and denIed the voIce.
And agaIn he pIunged Into the physIcaI orgy and compIeted the
task, and Lo as the voIce had predIcted, the tea was bItter.
The HeII Lnw snys IhnI HeII s reserved excIusveIy
jor Ihem IhnI beIeve n I. FurIher, Ihe LowesI
Rng n HeII s reserved jor Ihem IhnI beIeve n
I on Ihe suosIon IhnI Ihey`II go Ihere j
Ihey don`I.
HT, The CoseI Accordng Io Fred, 3:1
One day Mal-2 asked the messenger spirit Saint Gulik to approach the
Goddess and request Her presence Ior some desperate advice. Shortly
aIterwards the radio came on by itselI, and an ethereal Iemale Voice said
"O! Eris! Blessed Mother oI Man! Queen oI Chaos! Daughter oI
Discord! Concubine oI ConIusion! O! Exquisite Lady, I beseech You to liIt
a heavy burden Irom my heart!"
"I am Iilled with Iear and tormented with terrible visions oI pain.
Everywhere people are hurting one another, the planet is rampant with
injustices, whole societies plunder groups oI their own people, mothers
imprison sons, children perish while brothers war. O, woe."
"But nobody wants it! Everybody hates it!"
At which moment She turned HerselI into an aspirin commercial and
leIt the PolyIather stranded alone with his species.
A Sage oI Ancient China and OIIicial Discordian Missionary to the Heathen
Chinee. He who originally devised THE SACRED CHAO. Patron oI The
Season oI Chaos. Holyday: Jan 5.
A Head Doctor oI Deep AIrica and Maker oI Fine Dolls D.H.V., Doctor of
Hoodoo and Jexes, Irom The Greater Metropolitan Yorba Linda Jesus Will
Save Your Bod Home Study Bible School; and F.I.H.G.W.P., Fellow of the
Intergalactic Haitian Guerrillas for World Peace. Patron oI The Season oI
Discord. Holyday: Mar 19.
NOTE. Erisians of The Laughing Christ
sect are of the sillv contention that Dr.
Mofo is an imposter and that
True Second Apostle. Lord Omar claims
that Dr. Mofo heaps hatred and curses
upon Patamun:o, who sends onlv Love
Jibrations in return. But we of the POEE
sect know that Patamun:o is the Real
Imposter, and that those vibrations of his
are actuallv an attempt to subvert Dr. Mofos rightful apostilic authoritv bv
shaking him out of his wits.
His name is Sanskrit, and means. All affirmations are true in some sense,
false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense,
true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense,
and true and false and meaningless in some sense. He is an Indian Pundit
and Prince, born oI the Peyotl Tribe, son oI ChieI Sun Flower Seed and the
squaw Merry Jane. Patron to psychedelic type Discordians. Patron oI The
Season oI ConIusion. Holyday: May 31. NOTE. Sri Svadasti should not be
confused with BLESSED ST. GULIK THE STONED, who is not the same
person but is the same Apostle.
A hard nosed Hermit oI Medieval Europe and Chaosphe Bible Banger.
Dubbed "OIIender oI The Faith." Discovered the Five Commandments.
Patron oI The Season oI Bureaucracy. Holyday: Aug 12.
A wandering Wiseman oI Ancient Mediterrania ("Med-Terra" or middle
earth), who Iollowed a 5-pointed Star through the
alleys oI Rome, Damascus, Baghdad, Jerusalem,
Mecca and Cairo, bearing a sign that seemed to read
"DOOM". (This is a misunderstanding. The sign
actually read "DUMB". Mal-1 is a Non-Prophet.)
Patron and namesake oI Mal-2. Patron on The Season
oI The AItermath. Holyday: Oct 24.
being a BIBLE of The Erisian Movement
and How It was Revealed to
of Limbo; and Master Pastor of the Church Invisible of
The Laughing Christ, Hidden Temple of The Happy 1esus,
Laughing Buddha 1esus (LB1) Ranch
From The Honest Book of Truth
1. There came one day to Lord Omar, Bull Goose of Limbo, a Messenger of Our Lady
who told him of a Sacred Mound wherein was buried an Honest Book.
2. And the Angel of Eris bade of the Lord: 3" 4. -.)*. 5)% %+6 1-. 7#(1-8 1-51 4. 954 *"9.
1" :)"; +1 5)%8 :)";+)6 +18 /<#.5% +1 5)%8 /<#.5%+)6 +18 ;5$$"; +) +1 5)% ;5$$";+)6 +) +18 $+. +)
+1 5)% $4+)6 +) 1-. 7#(1- 8 =.*"9. 5 >".1 ", 1-. !"#% 5)% 5 ?54.# ", ?54+)6/ @ @ 5)%
+)/<+#51+") 1" 5$$ 9.) 5)% 5 ?*#+=. 1" 1-. 3"%/A
3. So Omar went forth to the Sacred Mound, which was to the East of Nullah, and thereupon he worked digging
in the sand for five days and five nights, but found no Book.
4. At the end of five days and five nights of digging, it came to pass that Omar was exhausted. So he put his
shovel to one side and bedded himself down on the sand, using as a pillow a Golden Chest he had uncovered on
the first day of his labors.
5. Omar slept.
6. On the fifth day of his sleeping, Lord Omar fell into a Trance, and there came to him in the Trance a Dream,
and there came to him in the Dream a Messenger of Our Lady who told him of a Sacred Grove wherein was
hidden a Golden Chest.
7. And the Angel of Eris bad of the Lord: 3" 4. -.)*. 5)% $+,1 1-. ?15/-8 1-51 4. 954 *"9. 1" ";) +1 5)%8 ";)+)6
+18 /-5#. +1 5)%8 /-5#+)6 +18 $"B. +) +1 5)%8 $"B+)6 +) +18 %;.$$ +) +1 5)%8 %;.$$+)6 +) 1-. ?15/-8 =.*"9. 5 >".1 ", 1-.
!"#% 5)% 5 ?54.# ", ?54+)6/ @ @ 5) C)/<+#51+") 1" 5$$ 9.) 5)% 5 ?*#+=. 1" 1-. 3"%/A
8. But Omar lamented, saying unto the Angel: !-51 +/ 1-+/ /-+18 95)D !-51 *5#. C ,"# 1-. !"#% 5)% ?54+)6/D
!-51 *5#. C ,"# 1-. C)/<+#51+") ", 5$$ 9.)D !-.#.+) %"./ +1 <#",+1 5 95) 1" =. 5 ?*#+=. 1" 1-. 3"%/ ;-.) 1-. ?*#+=./
", 1-. 3"B.#)9.)1/ %" )"1-+)68 4.1 5#. <5+% =.11.# ;56./D
9. And, lo, the Angel waxed in anger and Omar was stricken to the Ground by an Invisible Hand and did not
arise for five days and five nights.
10. And it came to pass that on the fifth night he drempt, and in his Dream he had a Vision, and in this Vision
there came unto him a Messenger of Our Lady who entrusted to him a Rigoletto cigar box containing many
filing cards, some of them in packs with rubber bands around, and upon these cards were sometimes written
verses, while upon others nothing was written.
11. Thereupon the Angel Commanded the Lord: 75:. 4. 1-+/ E")./1 0"": ", 7#(1- 1" 1-+). ="/"9 5)% *-.#+/- +1A
'5##4 +1 ,"#1- +)1" 7-. F5)% 5)% $54 +1 =.,"#. G+)6/ ", H51+")/ 5)% '"$$.*1"#/ ", 35#=56.A >#.5*- ,#"9 +1 ()1" 1-.
I+6-1."(/8 1-51 1-.4 954 #.)"()*. 1-.+# ;54/ 5)% #.<.)1A
/"(0'(-*"(1) /,1"2
In the year 1166 B.C., a malcontented hunchbrain by the name oI GreyIace,
got it into his head that the universe was as humorless as he, and he began to
teach that play was sinIul because it contradicted the ways oI Serious Order.
"Look at all the order about you," he said. And Irom that, he deluded honest
men to believe that reality was a straitjacket aIIair and not the happy
romance as men had known it.
It is not presently understood why men were so gullible at that particular
time, Ior absolutely no one thought to observe all the disorder around them
and conclude just the opposite. But anyway, GreyIace and his Iollowers took
the game oI playing at liIe more seriously than they took liIe itselI and were
known even to destroy other living beings whose ways oI liIe diIIered Irom
their own.
The unIortunate result oI this is that mankind has since been suIIering Irom a
psychological and spiritual imbalance. Imbalance caused by Irustration, and
Irustration causes Iear. And Iear makes a bad trip. Man has been on a bad
trip Ior a long time now.
Bullshit makes
the flowers grow
and that`s beautiful.
!!!%+ !!!%+ !!!%+ !!!%+
Climb into the Chao with a friend or two
And follow the wav it carries vou,
Over the Waves in whatever vou do.
(HBT, The Book of Advice, 1.3)
;":)65'7"E /? ?@A 2@J0ADA 7/C0K+,-/? N N N
from The Honest Book of Truth
revealed to Lord Omar
- I -
1. BeIore the beginning was the Nonexistent Chao, balanced in Oblivion by the PerIect
Counterpushpull oI the Hodge and the Podge.
2. Whereupon, by an Act oI Happenstance, the Hodge began gradually to overpower the
Podge - - and the Primal Chaos thereby came to be.
3. So in the beginning was the Primal Chaos, balanced on the Edge oI Oblivion by the
PerIect Counterpullpush oI the Podge and the Hodge.
4. Whereupon, by the Law oI Negative Reversal, ** the Podge swiItly underpowered the
Hodge and Everything broke loose.
5. And therein emerged the Active Force oI Discord, the Subtle ManiIestation oI the
Nonexistent Chao, to guide Everything along the Path back to Oblivion - that it might not
become lost among Precepts oI Order in the Region oI Thud.
6. Forasmuch as it was Active, the Force oI Discord entered the State oI ConIusion,
wherein It copulated with the Queen and begat ERIS, Our Lady oI Discord and Gross
ManiIestation oI the Nonexistent Chao.
7. And under Eris ConIusion became established, and was hence called Bureaucracy;
while over Bureaucracy Eris became established, and was hence called Discordia.
8. By the by it came to pass that the Establishment oI Bureaucracy perished in a paper
9. Thus it was, in accord with the Law oI Laws.
10. During and aIter the Fall oI the Establishment oI Bureaucracy was the AItermath, an
Age oI Disorder, in which calculation, computations, and reckonings were put away by
the Children oI Eris in Acceptance and Preparation Ior Return to Oblivion to be Iollowed
by a Repetition oI the Universal Absurdity. Moreover, oI ItselI the Coming oI AItermath
waseth a Resurrection oI the Freedom-Ilowing Chaos. HAIL ERIS!
11. Herein was set into motion the Eristic pattern, which would Repeat ItselI Five Times
Over Seventy-three Times, aIter which nothing would happen.
* This doctrine should not be conIused with DOGMA III - HISTORY #6, "HISTORIC
CYCLES," which states that social progress occurs in Iive cycles, the Iirst three ("The
Tricycle") oI which are THESIS, ANTITHESIS and PARENTHESIS; and the last two
("The Bicycle") oI which are CONSTERNATION and MORAL WARPTITUDE.
* * The LAW OF NEGATIVE REVERSAL states that iI something does not happen
then the exact opposite will happen, only in exactly the opposite manner Irom that in
which it did not happen.
NOTE. It is from this text from The Book of Uterus, that POEE has based its Erisian
Calendar with the vear divided into 5 Seasons of 73 davs each. Each of the Five Apostles
of Eris has patronage over one Season. A chart of the Seasons, Patrons, Davs of the
Week, Holvdavs, and a perpetual Gregorian converter is included in this edition of
The seeds oI the ORDERS OF DISCORDIA were planted by GreyIace into his early
disciples. They Iorm the skeleton oI the Aneristic Movement, which over emphasizes the
Principle oI Order and is antagonistic to the necessary compliment, the Principle oI
Disorder. The Orders are composed oI persons all hung up on authority, security and
control; i.e., they are blinded by the Aneristic Illusion. They do not know that they belong
to Orders oI Discordia. But we know.
is Ior all oI the soldiers and bureaucrats oI the world.
2. The Political Order oI THE PARTY FOR WAR ON EVIL. This is reserved Ior
lawmakers, censors, and like ilk.
3. The Academic Order oI THE HEMLOCK FELLOWSHIP. They commonly
inhabit schools and universities, and dominate many oI them.
CITIZENS. This is mostly a grass-roots version oI the more proIessional military,
political, academic and sacred Orders.
5. The Sacred Order oI THE DEFAMATION LEAGUE. Not much is known
about the D.L., but they are very ancient and quite possibly were Iounded by GreyIace
himselI. It is known that they now have absolute domination over all organized churches
in the world. It is also believed that they have been costuming cabbages and passing them
oII as human beings.
A person belonging to one or more Order is fust as
likelv to carrv a flag of the counter-establishment as
the flag of the establishment - - fust as long as it is a
5'WO[O\O]E 5'W [O\O] 5'WO[O\O]E 5'W [O\O] 5'WO[O\O]E 5'W [O\O] 5'WO[O\O]E 5'W [O\O]
P( !( R(&S 7"9!OS'P5!NNNN P( !( R(&S 7"9!OS'P5!NNNN P( !( R(&S 7"9!OS'P5!NNNN P( !( R(&S 7"9!OS'P5!NNNN
The second concept Wiener has to establish is that oI entropy.
Probability is a mathematical concept, coming Irom statistics. Entropy
comes Irom physics. It is the assertion - - established logically and
experimentally - - that the universe, by its nature, is "running down", moving
toward a state oI inert uniIormity devoid oI Iorm, matter, hierarchy or
That is, in any given situation, less organization, more chaos, is
overwhelmingly more probable than tighter organization or more order.
The tendency Ior entropy to increase in isolated systems is expressed
in the second law oI thermodynamics - - perhaps the most pessimistic and
amoral Iormulation in all human thought.
It applies, however, to a closed system, to something that is an
isolated whole, not just a part. Within such systems there may be parts,
which draw their energy Irom the whole, that are moving at least
temporarily, in the opposite direction; in them order is increasing and chaos
is diminishing.
The whirlpools that swirl in a direction opposed to the main current
are called "enclaves". And one oI them is liIe, especially human liIe, which
in a universe moving inexorably towards chaos moves toward increased
--Albert Einstein
PLANETARY PI, which I discovered, is 61.
It`s a Time-Energy relationship existing
between sun and inner plants and I use it in
arriving at many Iacts unknown to science.
For example, multiply nude earth`s
circumIerence 24,902.20656 by 61 and you
get the distance oI moon`s orbit around the
earth. This is slightly less than actual
distance because we have not yet considered
earth`s atmosphere. So be it. Christopher
Garth, Evanston.
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BeIore he became a hermit, Zarathud was a young priest, and
took great delight in making Iools oI his opponents in Iront oI
his Iollowers.
One day Zarathud took his students to a pleasant pasture and
there he conIronted the Sacred Chao while She was contentedly
"Tell me, you dumb beast," demanded the Priest in his
commanding voice, "why don`t you do something worthwhile.
What is your Purpose in LiIe, anyway?"
Munching the tasty grass, The Sacred Chao replied "MU".*
Upon hearing this, absolutely nobody was enlightened. Primarily
because nobody could understand Chinese.
* "MU" is the Chinese ideogram for NO-THING.
!:( 9:
9')= W":2"
6'!5 :
The SACRED CHAO is the key to illumination. Devised
by the Apostle Hung Mung in ancient China, it was
modiIied and popularized by the Taoists and is sometimes
called the YIN-YANG. The Sacred Chao is not the Yin-Yang oI the Taoists. It is
the HODGE-PODGE oI the Erisians. And, instead oI a Podge spot on the Hodge
side, it has a PENTAGON which symbolizes the ANERISTIC PRINCIPLE, and
instead oI a Hodge spot on the Podge side, it depicts the GOLDEN APPLE OF
The Sacred Chao symbolizes absolutely everything anyone need ever know about
absolutely anything, and more! It even symbolizes everything not worth knowing,
depicted by the empty space surrounding the Hodge-Podge.
II you are not hot Ior philosophy, best just skip it.
The Aneristic Principle is that of APPARENT ORDER, the Eristic Principle
is that of APPARENT DISORDER. Both order and disorder are man made
concepts and are artificial divisions of PURE CHAOS, which is a level deeper
than is the level of distinction making.
With our concept making apparatus called "mind" we look at realitv
through the ideas-about-realitv which our cultures give us. The ideas-about-
realitv are mistakenlv labeled "realitv" and unenlightened people are forever
perplexed bv the fact that other people, especiallv other cultures, see "realitv"
differentlv. It is onlv the ideas-about-realitv which differ. Real (capital-T True)
realitv is a level deeper than is the level of concept.
We look at the world through windows on which have been drawn grids
(concepts). Different philosophies use different grids. A culture is a group of
with rather similar grids. Through a window we view chaos, and relate it to the
points on our grid, and therebv understand it. The ORDER is in the GRID. That is
the Aneristic Principle.
Western philosophv is traditionallv concerned with contrasting one grid
with another grid, and amending grids in hopes of finding a perfect one that will
account for all realitv and will, hence, (sav unenlightened westerners) be True.
This is illusorv, it is what we Erisians call the ANERISTIC ILLUSION. Some grids
can be more useful than others, some more beautiful than others, some more
pleasant than others, etc., but none can be more True than anv other.
DISORDER is simplv unrelated information viewed through some
particular grid. But, like "relation", no-relation is a concept. Male, like female, is
an idea about sex. To sav that male-ness is "absence of female-ness", or vice
versa, is a matter of definition and metaphvsicallv arbitrarv. The artificial concept
of no-relation is the ERISTIC ILLUSION.
The point is that (little-t) truth is a matter of definition relative to the grid
one is using at the moment, and that (capital-T) Truth, metaphvsical realitv, is
irrelevant to grids entirelv. Pick a grid, and through it some chaos appears
ordered and some appears disordered. Pick another grid, and the same chaos will
appear differentlv ordered and disordered.
Realitv is the original Rorschach.
Verily! So much Ior all that.
The PODCE oI the Sacred Chao Is symboIIzed as The CoIden AppIe
oI DIscordIa, whIch represents the ErIstIc PrIncIpIe oI DIsorder. The
wrItIng on It, "KALLST" Is Creek Ior "TO THE PRETTEST ONE" and
reIers to an oId myth about The Coddess. 8ut the Creeks had onIy a
IImIted understandIng oI DIsorder, and thought It to be a negatIve
The Pentagon represents the AnerIstIc PrIncIpIe oI
Order and symboIIzes the HODCE. The Pentagon
has severaI reIerences; Ior one, It can be taken to
represent geometry, one oI the earIIest studIes oI
IormaI order to reach eIaborate deveIopment;* Ior
another, It specIIIcaIIy accords wIth THE LAW OF FVES.
FnInmunzo Lngnnnndn
t aIso Is the shape oI the UnIted States MIIItary Headquarters, the
Pentagon 8uIIdIng, a most pregnant manIIestatIon oI straIghtjacket
order restIng on a IIrm IoundatIon oI chaos and constantIy eruptIng
Into dazzeIIng dIsorder; and thIs buIIdIng Is one oI our more
cherIshed ErIsIan ShrInes. AIso It so happens that In tImes oI
medIevaI magIc, the pentagon was the generIc symboI Ior
werewoIves, but thIs reIerence Is not partIcuIarIy Intended and It
shouId be noted that the ErIsIan Movement does not dIscrImInate
agaInst werewoIves our membershIp roster Is open to persons oI
aII races, natIonaI orIgIns and hobbIes.
* The Creek geomeIrcnn FYTHACORA5, however, wns noI n IycnI
nnersIc ersonnIIy. He wns whnI we cnII nn XFLODD ANRI5TIC
nnd nn AVATAR. We cnII hm ArchnngIe FyIhngorns.
5. Hung Mung slapped his buttocks, hopped
about, and shook his head, saving, "I do not
know' I do not know'"
HBT, The Book of Gooks, Chap 1
n the Los AngeIes suburb oI WhIttIer there IIves a bowIIng aIIey, and
wIthIn thIs very pIace, In the year oI Our Lady oI DIscord 3125 (1959*),
ErIs reveaIed HerseII to The CoIden AppIe Corps Ior the IIrst tIme.
n honor oI thIs ncredIbIe Event, thIs HoIy PIace Is revered as a ShrIne by
aII ErIsIans. Once every IIve years, the CoIden AppIe Corps pIans a
PIIgrImage to 8runswIck ShrIne as an act oI DevotIon, and thereIn to
partake oI No Hot Dog 8uns, and rumInate a bIt about It AII.
t Is wrItten that when The Corps returns to the ShrIne Ior the IIIth tIme
IIve tImes over, then shaII the worId come to an end:
"E+ E**IN#@
And Fve Dnys Fror Io Ths Occnson The
AosIIe The Ider MnIncIyse 5hnII WnIk
Ihe 5IreeIs oj WhIIer enrng n 5gn jor
AII LIernIes Io Rend Ihereoj: DOOM, ns
n Wnrnng oj ForIhcomng Doom Io AII
Men Imendng. And He 5hnII 5gnnI Ths
venI by 5eekng Ihe Foor nnd DsIrbuIng
Io Them Frecous MAO UTTON5 nnd
WhIIer 5hnII be Known ns The Regon oj
Thud jor These Fve Dnys.
As a pubIIc servIce to aII mankInd and cIvIIIzatIon In generaI, and to us In
partIcuIar, the CoIden AppIe Corps has concIuded that pIannIng such a
PIIgrImage Is suIIIcIent and that It Is prudent to never get around to
actuaIIy goIng.
* Or mnybe I wns 195, I jorgeI.
Do these 5 pebbles really Iorm a pentagon?
Those biased by the Aneristic Illusion would say yes.
Those biased by the Eristic Illusion would say no.
Criss-cross them and it is a star.
An Illuminated Mind can see all oI these, yet he does not insist that any one is really true,
or that none at all is true. Stars, and pentagons, and disorder are all his own creations and
he may do with them as he wishes. Indeed, even so the concept oI number 5.
Convictions cause convicts.
/C6 57D >EC=8
8E4 /*)21#
The real reality is there, but everything you KNOW
about "it" is in your mind and yours to do with as
you like. Conceptualization is art, and YOU ARE
When I was 8 or 9 years old,
I acquired a split beaver
magazine. You can imagine
my disappointment when,
upon examination of the
photos with a microscope, I
found that all I could see was
7. Never write in pencil unless you are on a train or sick in bed.
Written, in some sense, by Mal-2
Unlike a song, chants are not sung but chanted. This particular one is much enhanced bv
the use of a Leader to chant the Sanskrit alone, with all participants chanting the
English. It also behooves one to be in a quiet frame of mind and to be sitting in a still
position, perhaps The Buttercup Position. It also helps if one is absolutelv :onked out of
his gourd.
O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Hung Mung.
O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Mo-Jo.
O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Zara-thud.
O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Elder Mal.
O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Gu-lik. SYA-DASTI, SYA-NASTI, SYA-DAVAK-TAV-
O! Hail Eris. All Hail Dis-cord-ia.
It is then repeated indefinitelv, or for the first two thousand miles, which ever comes first.
!@A+A JD
J0 2@/,DN
?@A "BA
,* ?@A
To be reserved Ior all human beings deserving oI Sainthood. Example: St. Norton the
First, Emperor oI the United States and Protector oI Mexico (his grave near San
Francisco is an oIIicial POEE shrine.)
Good Saint material and deIinitely inspiring.
Example: St. Yossarian (Catch 22, Heller)
Excellent Goddess-saturated Saint.
Example: St. Quixote, (Don Quixote, Cervantes)
Comparable to Lt/Saint but has an established Iollowing (Iictional or Iactual).
Example: St. Bokonon (Cat`s Cradle, Vonnegut)
The Five Apostles oI Eris.
NOTE. It is an Old Erisian Tradition to never agree with each other about Saints
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= On OccuIIsm =
MagIcIans, especIaIIy sInce the CnostIc and the QuabaIa InIIuences, have
sought hIgher conscIousness through the assImIIatIon and controI oI
unIversaI opposItes goodJevII, posItIveJnegatIve, maIeJIemaIe, etc. 8ut
due to the steadIast pomposIty oI rItuaIIsm InherIted Irom the ancIent
methods oI the shaman, occuItIsts have been bIInded to what Is perhaps
the two most Important paIrs oI apparent or earthpIane opposItes:
MagIcIans, and theIr progeny the scIentIsts, have aIways taken themseIves
and theIr subject In an orderIy and sober manner, thereby dIsregardIng
an essentIaI metaphysIcaI baIance. When magIcIans Iearn to approach
phIIosophy as a maIIeabIe art Instead oI an ImmutabIe Truth, and Iearn to
apprecIate the absurdIty oI man`s endeavors, then they wIII be abIe to
pursue theIr art wIth a IIghter heart and perhaps gaIn a cIearer
understandIng oI It, and thereIore gaIn more eIIectIve magIc. CHAOS S
ThIs Is an essentIaI chaIIange to the basIc
concepts oI aII western occuIt though,
and POEE Is humbIy pIeased to oIIer
the IIrst major breakthrough In
occuItIsm sInce SoIomon.
1) On your next Birthday, return to the place oI your birth and, at precisely
midnight, noting your birth time and date oI observation, count all visible
2) When you`ve done this, write to me and I`ll tell you what to do next.
The theorem to be proved is that iI
any even number oI people take seats at
random around a circular table bearing place
cards with their names, it is always possible
to rotate the table until at least two people
are opposite their cards. Assume the
contrary. Let n be the even number oI
persons, and let their names be replaced by
the integers 0 to n - 1 "in such a way that the
place cards are numbered in sequence
around the table. II a delegate d originally
sits down to a place card p, then the table
must be rotated r steps beIore he is correctly
seated, where r p - d, unless this is
negative, in which case r p - d n. The
collection oI values oI d (and oI p) Ior all
delegates is clearly the integers 0 to n-1,
each taken once, but so also is the collection
oI values oI r, or else two delegates would
be correctly seated at the same time.
Summing the above equations, one Ior each
delegate, gives S - S nk, where k is an
integer and S n (n 1)/2, the sum oI the
integers Irom 0 to n - 1. It Iollows that n
2k 1, an odd number." This contradicts the
original assumption.
"I actually solved this problem
some years ago," Rybicki writes, "Ior a
diIIerent but completely equivalent problem,
a generalization oI the nonattacking eight
queens` problem Ior a cylindrical
chessboard where diagonal attack is
restricted to diagonals slanting in one
direction only.
To choose order over dIsorder, or dIsorder over order, Is to accept
a trIp composed oI both the creatIve and the destructIve. 8ut to choose
the creatIve over the destructIve Is an aIIcreatIve trIp composed oI both
order and dIsorder. To accompIIsh thIs, one need onIy accept creatIve
dIsorder aIong wIth, and equaI to, creatIve order, and aIso be wIIIIng to
reject destructIve order as an undesIrabIe equaI to destructIve dIsorder.
The Curse oI CreyIace IncIuded the dIvIsIon oI IIIe Into
orderJdIsorder as the essentIaI posItIveJnegatIve poIarIty, Instead oI
buIIdIng a game IoundatIon wIth creatIveJdestructIve as the essentIaI
posItIveJnegatIve. He has thereby caused man to endure the destructIve
aspects oI order and has prevented man Irom eIIectIveIy partIcIpatIng In
the creatIve uses oI dIsorder. CIvIIIzatIon reIIects thIs unIortunate
POEE proclaims that the other division is preIerable,
and we work toward the proposition that creative disorder,
like creative order, is possible and desirable; and that
destructive order, like destructive disorder, is unnecessary
and undesirable.
Seek the Sacred Chao - therein you will Iind the
Ioolishness oI all ORDER/DISORDER. They are the same!
Revealed by the Apostle Dr. Van Van Mojo as a speciIic counter to the evil Curse
oI GreyIace, the TURKEY CURSE is here passed on to Erisians everywhere Ior
their just protection.
The Turkev Curse works. It is firmlv grounded on the fact that Grevface and his
followers absolutelv require an aneristic setting to function and that a timelv
introduction of eristic vibrations will neutrali:e their foundation. The Turkev
Curse is designed solelv to counteract negative aneristic vibes and if introduced
into a neutral or positive aneristic setting (like a poet working out word rhvthms)
it will prove harmless, or at worst, simplv annoving. It is not designed for use
against negative eristic vibes, although it can be used as an eristic vehicle to
introduce positive vibes into a misguided eristic setting. In this instance, it would
be the responsibilitv of the Erisian Magician to manufacture the positive
vibrations if results are to be achieved. CAUTION - all magic is powerful and
requires courage and integritv on the part of the magician. This ritual, if misused,
can backfire. Positive motivation is essential for self-protection.
Take a Ioot stance as iI you were John L. Sullivan preparing Ior IisticuIIs. Face the
particular greyIace you wish to short-circuit, or towards the direction oI the
negative aneristic vibration that you wish to neutralize. Begin by waving your
arms in any elaborate manner and make motions with your hands as though you
were Mandrake Ieeling up a sexy giantess. Chant, loudly and clearly:
The results will be instantly apparent.
The SOCRATIC APPROACH is most successIul when conIronting
the ignorant. The "socratic approach" is what you call starting an argument
by asking questions. You approach the innocent and simpy ask "Did you
know that God`s name is Eris and that He is a girl?" II he should answer
"Yes." Then he is probably a Iellow Erisian and so you can Iorget it. II he
says "No." then quickly proceed to:
THE BLIND ASSERTION and say "Well, He is a girl and His name
is ERIS!" Shrewdly observe iI the subject is convinced. II he is, swear him
into the Legion oI Dynamic Discord beIore he changes his mind. II he does
not appear to be convinced, then proceed to:
THE FAITH BIT: "But you must have Faith! All is lost without Faith!
I sure Ieel sorry Ior you iI you don`t have Faith." And then add:
THE ARGUMENT BY FEAR and in an ominous voice ask "Do you
know what happens to those who deny Goddess?" II he hesitates, don`t tell
him that he will surely be reincarnated as a precious Mao Button and
distributed to the poor in the Region oI Thud (which would be a mean thing
to say), just shake your head sadly and, while wiping a tear Irom your eye,
go to:
THE FIRST CLAUSE PLOY wherein you point to all oI the discord
and conIusion in the world and exclaim "Well who the hell do you think did
all oI this, wise guy?" II he says, "Nobody, just impersonal Iorces." Then
quickly respond with:
he is absolutely right, and that those impersonal Iorces are Iemale and that
Her name is ERIS. II he, wonder oI wonders, still remains obstinate, then
Iinally resort to:
sophisticated people like himselI recognize that Eris is a Figurative Symbol
Ior an IneIIable Metaphysical Reality and that The Erisian Movement is
really more like a poem than like a science and that he is liable to be turned
into a Precious Mao Button and Distributed to The Poor in The Region oI
Thud iI he does not get hip. Then put him on your mailing list.
SINK is played by and people oI much ilk.
PURPOSE: To sink object or an object or a thing- in water or mud or anything you; can
sink something in.
RULES: Sinking is allowd in any manner. To date, ten pound chunks oI mud were used
to sink a tobacco can. It is preIerable to have a pit oI water or a hole to drop things in. But
rivers - bays - gulIs - I dare say even oceans can be used.
TURNS are taken thusly: who somever gets the junk up in the air Iirst.
DUTY: It shall be the duty oI all persons playing "SINK" to help Iind more objects to
sink, once; one object is sunk.
UPON SINKING: The sinked shall yell "I sank it!" or something equally as thoughtIul.
NAMING OF OBJECTS is some times desirable. The object is named by the Iinder oI
such object and whoever sinks it can say Ior instance, "I sunk Columbus, Ohio."
Post Office Liberation Front
plant your seeds.
II a lot oI people who receive this letter plant a Iew seeds and a lot oI people
receive this letter, then a lot oI seeds will get planted. Plant you seeds.
In parks. On lots. Public Ilower beds. In remote places. At City Hall.
Wherever. Whenever. Or start a plantation in your closet (but read up on it
Iirst Ior that). For casual planting, its best to soak them in water Ior a day
and plant in a bunch oI about 5, about halI an inch deep. Don`t worry much
about weather, they know when the weather is wrong and will try to wait Ior
nature. Don`t soak them iI its wintertime. Seeds are a very hearty liIe Iorm
and strongly desire to grow and Ilourish. But some oI them need people`s
help to get started. Plant your seeds.
Make a Iew copies oI this letter (5 would be nice) and send them to Iriends
oI yours. Try to mail to diIIerent cities and states, even diIIerent countries. II
you would rather not, than please pass this copy on to someone and perhaps
they would like to.
To the legend that iI you throw away a chain letter then all sorts oI
catastrophic, abominable, and outrageous disasters will happen. Except, oI
course, Irom your seed`s point oI view.
Have a Iriendly class talk. Permit each child to tell any part oI the unit on
"Courtesy in the Corridors and on the Stairs" that he enjoyed. Name some causes oI
disturbance in your school.
- - Lord Omar
1. Ye have locked yerselI up in cages oI Iear - - and, behold, do ye now
complain that ye lack FREEDOM!
2. Ye have cast out yer brothers Ior devils and now complain ye, lamenting,
that ye`ve been leIt to Iight alone.
3. All Chaos was once yer kingdom; verily, held ye domination over the
entire Pentaverse, but today ye wax sore aIraid in dark corners, nooks, and
sink holes.
4. O how the darknesses do crowd up, one against the other, in ye hearts!
What Iear ye more than what ye have wroughten?
5. Verily, verily I say unto you, not all the Sinister Ministers oI the Bavarian
Illuminati, working together in multitudes, could so entwine the land with
tribulation as have yer baseless warnings.
=AD.J?A D?+,01 ALJKA0GA ?, ?@A G,0?+/+BE .A+DJD?/0? +C-,+ @/D J? ?@/? J? F/D =AD.J?A D?+,01 ALJKA0GA ?, ?@A G,0?+/+BE .A+DJD?/0? +C-,+ @/D J? ?@/? J? F/D =AD.J?A D?+,01 ALJKA0GA ?, ?@A G,0?+/+BE .A+DJD?/0? +C-,+ @/D J? ?@/? J? F/D =AD.J?A D?+,01 ALJKA0GA ?, ?@A G,0?+/+BE .A+DJD?/0? +C-,+ @/D J? ?@/? J? F/D
;+N ;,-,-,?,HD 3+,?@A+ F@, @/D DF/44,FAK ;+N ;,-,-,?, J0 ?@A ;+N ;,-,-,?,HD 3+,?@A+ F@, @/D DF/44,FAK ;+N ;,-,-,?, J0 ?@A ;+N ;,-,-,?,HD 3+,?@A+ F@, @/D DF/44,FAK ;+N ;,-,-,?, J0 ?@A ;+N ;,-,-,?,HD 3+,?@A+ F@, @/D DF/44,FAK ;+N ;,-,-,?, J0 ?@A
DC--A+ ,* H]]N DC--A+ ,* H]]N DC--A+ ,* H]]N DC--A+ ,* H]]N
Dear Brother Mal-2,
In response to your request Ior unclassiIied agitprop to be inserted in the new edition oI the
PRINCIPIA, hope the Iollowing will be oI use. And please stop bothering us with your incessant letters!
Episkopos Mordecai, Keeper oI the Notary Sojac, inIorms me that you are welcome to reveal that
our oldest extant records show us to have been Iully established in Atlantis, circa 18,000 B.C., under Kull,
the galley slave who ascended to the Throne oI Valusia. Revived by Pelias oI Koth, circa 10,000 B.C.
Possibly it was he who taught the inner-teachings to Conan oI Cimmeria aIter Conan became King oI
Aquilonia. First brought to the western hemisphere by Conan and taught to Mayan priesthood (Conan is
Quetzlcoatl). That was 4 Ahua, 8 Cumhu, Mayan date. Revived by Abdul Alhazred in his inIamous Al
AziI, circa 800 A.D. (Al AziI translated into Latin by Olaus Wormius, 1132 A.D., as The Necronomicon.)
In 1090 A.D. was the Iounding oI The Ismaelian Sect (Hashishism) by Hassan i Sabbah, with secret
teachings based on Alhazred, Pelias and Kull. Founding oI the Illuminated Ones oI Bavaria, by Adam
Weishaupt, on May 1, 1776. He based it on the others. Weishaupt brought it to the United States during the
period that he was impersonating George Washington; and it was he who was the Man in Black who gave
the design Ior The Great Seal to JeIIerson in the garden that night. The Illuminated tradition is now, oI
course, in the hands oI The Ancient Illuminated Seers oI Bavaria (A.I.S.B.), headquartered here in the
United States.
Our teachings are not, need I remind you, available Ior publication. No harm, though, in admitting
that some oI them can be Iound disguised in Joyce`s Finnegan`s Wake, Burroughs Nova Express, the King
James translation oI The Holy Bible (though not the Latin or Hebrew), and The Blue Book. Not to speak oI
Ben Franklin`s private papers (!), but we are still suppressing those.
Considering current developments - - you know the ones I speak oI - - it has been decided to
reveal a Iew more oI our Iront organizations. Your publication is timely, so mention that in addition to the
old Ironts, like the Masons, the Rothchild Banks, and the Federal Reserve System, we now have signiIicant
control oI the Federal Bureau oI Investigation (since Hoover died last year, but that is still secret), the
Students Ior a Democratic Society, the Communist Party USA, the American Anarchist Assn., the Junior
Chamber oI Commerce, the Black Lotus Society, the Republican Party, the John Dillinger Died For You
Society and the Camp Fire Girls. It is still useIul to continue the sham oI the Birchers that we are seeking
world domination; so do not reveal that political and economic control was generally complete several
generations ago and that we are just playing with the world Ior a while until civilization advances
suIIiciently Ior phase Iive.
Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria
- The Discordian Society -
MALIK to Mal-2 pg. 2
In Iact you might still push Vennard`s The Federal Reserve Hoax: "Since the Babylonian
Captivity there has existed a determined, behind-the-scenes under-the-table, atheistic, satanic, anti-
Christian Iorce - worshippers oI Mamon - whose underlying purpose is world control through the control oI
Money. July 1, 1776 (correct that to May 1st, Vennard can`t get anything right) the Serpent raised its head
in the under-ground secret society known as The Illuminati, Iounded by Adam Weishaupt. There is
considerable documentary evidence to prove all revolutions, wars, depressions, strikes and chaos stem Irom
this source." Etc., etc., you know the stuII.
The general location oI our US HQ, incidentally, has been nearly exposed; and so we will be
moving Ior the Iirst time this century (what a drag!). II you want, you can reveal that it is located deep in
the labyrinth oI sewers beneath Dealy Plaza in Dallas, and is presided over by the Dealy Lama. Inclosed are
some plans Ior several new potential locations. Please review and add any comments you Ieel pertinent,
especially regarding the Eristic propensity oI the Pentagon site.
Oh, and we have some good news Ior you, Brother Mal! You know that Zambian cybernetics
genius who joined us? Well, he has secretly co-ordinated the FBI computers with the Zurich System and
our theoriticians are in ecstasy over the new inIormation coming out. Look, iI you people there can keep
Irom blowing yourselves up Ior only two more generations, then we will Iinally have it. AIter 20,000 years,
Kull`s dream will be realized! We can hardly believe it. But the outcome is certain, given the time. Our
grandchildren, Mal! II civilization makes it through this crisis, our grandchildren will live in a world oI
authentic Ireedom and authentic harmony and authentic satisIaction. I hope I`m alive to see it, Mal, success
is in our grasp. Twenty thousand years....!
Ah, I get spaced just thinking about it. Good luck on the Principia. Ewige BlumenkraIt! HAIL
PS: PRIVATE - Not Ior publication in The Principia. We are returning to the two Zwack Cyphers Ior
classiIied communications. Herewith is your copy. DO NOT DIVULGE THIS INFORMATION -
The human race will begin solving it`s problems on the day that it ceases taking itselI so
To that end, POEE proposes the countergame oI NONSENSE AS SALVATION.
Salvation Irom an ugly and barbarous existence that is the result oI taking order so
seriously and so seriously Iearing contrary orders and disorder; that GAMES are taken as
more important than LIFE; rather than taking LIFE AS THE ART OF PLAYING
To this end, we propose that man develop his innate love Ior disorder, and play with The
Goddess Eris. And know that it is a joyIul play, and that thereby CAN BE REVOKED
II you can master nonsense as well as you have already learned to master sense, then each
will expose the other Ior what it is: absurdity. From that moment oI illumination, a man
begins to be Iree regardless oI his surroundings. He becomes Iree to play order games and
change them at will. He becomes Iree to play disorder games just Ior the hell oI it. He
becomes Iree to play neither or both. And as the master oI his own games, he plays
without Iear, and thereIore without Irustration, and thereIore with good will in his soul
and love in his being.
And when men become Iree then mankind will be Iree.
May you be Iree oI The Curse oI GreyIace.
May the Goddess put twinkles in your eyes.
May you have the knowledge oI a sage,
and the wisdom oI a child.
Hail Eris.
P a r t F i v e
This being the 4th Edition, March 1970, San Francisco; a revision oI the 3rd
Edition oI 500 copies, whomped together in Tampa 1969; which revised the
2nd Edition oI 100 copies Irom Los Angeles 1969; which was a revision oI
New Orleans in 1965 in Iive copies, which were mostly lost.
All Rights Reversed Reprint what you like
Published by POEE Head Temple - San Francisco
The foregoing document was revealed to Mal-2 bv the Goddess Herself through manv
consultations with Her within his Pineal Gland. It is guaranteed to be the Word of Goddess.
However, it is onlv fair to state that Goddess doesnt alwavs sav the same thing to each listener,
and that other Episkoposes are sometimes
told quite different things in their
Revelations, which are also the Word of
Goddess. Consequentlv, if vou prefer a
Discordian Sect other than POEE, then
none of these Truths are binding, and it is a
rotten shame that vou have read all the wav
down to the verv last word.
Well, probably you do have one, and it`s unIortunate because
lopsided Pineal Glands have perverted the Free Spirit oI Man, and
subverted LiIe into a Irustrating, unhappy and hopeless mess.
Fortunately, you have beIore you a handbook that will show you
how to discover your salvation through
It will advise you how to balance your Pineal Gland and reach
spiritual Illumination. And it will teach you how to turn your
miserable mess into a beautiIul, joyIul, and splendid one.
to the LoompanIcs EdItIon oI PrIncIpIa DIscordIa
C.H. HIII, San FrancIsco, 1979
AII RItes Reversed ReprInt What You LIke
by CypsIe SkrIpto, SpecIaI Correspondent
t has been ten years sInce met the mysterIous MaIacIypse the Younger.
was Iree IancIng Ior the underground papers and went by POEE Head TempIe at
555 8attery Street to try Ior an IntervIew.
Iound hIm In the TempIe PO 8ox busy wrappIng up the new Fourth
EdItIon oI PrIncIpIa. He seemed ImpatIent wIth me, InsIstIng that he dIdn`t have
the tIme or IncIInatIon Ior IooIIsh questIons Irom reporters. Undaunted, burst
out wIth questIons IIke whether he preIerred Panama Red or AcapuIco CoId and
how the Iuck dId we manage to IIt InsIde oI a tIny post oIIIce box and other
thIngs apropos a naIve young semIIIterate dropout hIppy wrIter. He asked me II
wanted to drop mescaIIne and Iuck aII nIght and saId he knew how to turn
hImseII Into a unIcorn and there mIght be room Ior a tIny IntervIew on the cover
oI the PrIncIpIa II wanted to work Ior the Creater Poop so saId sure, OK, `ve
never dropped mescaIIne In a post oIIIce box beIore.
t turned out was among the Iast to see MaIacIypse. As subsequent
Issues oI Creater Poop reveaIed, he was to dIsappear and POEE busIness was to
be assumed by hIs students at Norton CabaI. ProIessor gnotum P. gnotIus,
Department oI ComparatIve ReaIItIes, was assIgned the Trust oI the POEE
ScrupIe and Rev. Dr. Occupant became Keeper oI the 8ox. The newIy pubIIshed
copIes oI PrIncIpIa were dIstrIbuted by Mad MaIIk, 8Iock DIsorganIzer, who had
dIstrIbutIon contacts wIth the AIumInum 8avarIatI. PractIcaI reIatIons remaIned
In the hands oI concept artIst C. HIII.
When the 1000 PrIncIpIas were gone the Creater Poop stopped
pubIIshIng, Head TempIe cIosed down and the CabaI just seemed to evaporate.
FInaIIy even the box was cIosed. 8ut over the years notIced that copIes were
stIII cIrcuIatIng, and that Independent DIscordIan CabaIs wouId occasIonaIIy pop
out oI nowhere (and stIII do). And wouId wonder what ever happened to
When read the IIumInatus trIIogy resoIved to agaIn IInd and IntervIew
the denIzens oI ]oshua Norton CabaI oI the DIscordIan SocIety.
79J11J26 1 LoompanIcs
' ' '
As cabIed over Nob to San FrancIsco`s StatIon 'O` Post OIIIce couIdn`t
heIp but wonder at Coddess, hand In assIgnIng street addresses to Her
outposts. MaI2 had toId me that Cood Lord Omar aIways IIIed everythIng under
"O" Ior Out OI FIIe.
"Maya Is marveIous" was thInkIng when rapped on the IIttIe metaI door
and was greeted warmIy by a huge beard who Introduced hImseII as ProIessor
gnotIus. He ushered me Into a spacIous wood paneIed and tapestry hung parIor
where three others were IaughIng and passIng around a wIne jug. The sunny
one In a tunIc was the Reverend Doctor Occupant, the trIm khakI and jeans was
Mad MaIIk and the wIne jug cIaImed to be HIII. got the recorder on ....
CYPSE SKRPTO [In response to a questIon]: ...1969 but onIy brIeIIy. guess
mIssed you guys.
MAD MALK: No wonder, he was pretty much a one man show then. We were just
hIs students and were usuaIIy oII on errands. You worked Ior the PoopZ
CypsIe: WeII, Ior one nIght anyway. The IntervIew Is In the PrIncIpIa.
REV. DR. OCCUPANT: MaIIk was the onIy one he wouId ever Iet wrIte Ior the
Poop or get on the Ietterhead.
CypsIe: DId you [MaIIk] have hIgher authorIty than the othersZ
MaIIk: No, [but was aIIowed to speak In the Poop] because [MaIacIypse the
Younger] hated poIItIcs. He was InIurIated wIth ]ohnson and NIxon over VIet
Nam because It was turnIng the renaIssance Into a poIItIcaI revoIutIon and was
steaIIng hIs sacred thunder. So he traIned me In Zenarchy, whIch he Iearned
Irom Omar, and was the oIIIcIaI anarchopacIIIst Ior the CabaI. AIso was
IIaIson to The AncIent IIumInated Seers oI 8avarIa, the ChIcago DIscordIans.
Later Omar actIvated the Hung Mung Cong Tong and ELF, on zenarchIst
prIncIpIes, and aIso OperatIon MIndIuck. was aIso Into those. Though at that
tIme was masqueradIng In Creater Poop as a cremated cabbage to throw oII
the F8.
CypsIe [to HIII]: SInce you wrote It, take It you are an anarchIstZ
79J11J26 2 LoompanIcs
C.H. HLL: SInce then have gIven up anarchy. Too many ruIes hatIng the
government and aII that stuII.
CNOTUM PER CNOTUS: t`s IIke hatIng your own IantasIes.
MaIIk: [Anarchy] Is aIso standIng up and proceedIng Iorward, Iantasy ruIe or not.
The condItIon Is the same.
Occupant: 8rother needs some wIne!
MaIIk: We have had thIs argument beIore, Reverend Doctor 8rother. 8ut wIne
beIore pIatItudes, IIII It up.
CypsIe [to HIII]: And pacIIIsmZ
HIII: `m not sure ever was one. MaI2 was not, MaIIk was. PersonaIIy accepted
seII deIense yet couId never reconcIIe that wIth the IdeaI. IInaIIy gave up on
that one too. ActuaIIy just gave up on IdeaIIsm.
gnotIus: deaIIsm IIves wIth ruIes. ReaIIsm IIves wIth rocks.
HIII: Yeah. get aIong better wIth rocks.
MaIIk: MaI2 once toId me that pacIIIsm was a dIIemma. I everybody was a
pacIIIst then everythIng wouId be perIect. 8ut nobody Is goIng to be a pacIIIst
unIess am IIrst. 8ut II am and somebody eIse Is not, then get screwed. He
saId that there were IIve choIces under that cIrcumstance. The IIrst was
napaImIng Iarmers and the second was executIng your parents. The thIrd was
hypocrIsy, the Iourth was cowardIce, and the IIIth was to swaIIow the dIIemma.
ZenarchIsts are traIned In dIIemma swaIIowIng.
Occupant: So are other ErIsIans, IIke POEE.
gnotIus: That Is characterIstIc oI the DIscordIan perspectIve.
HIII: 8ut oI course traInIng contradIcts DIscordIan prIncIpIes.
MaIIk: Oh so what. ContradIctIons are nothIng to DIscordIans.
Occupant: DIIemma, SchIImemma. [to CypsIe]: What do you thInk oI thIs, pretty
ma`amZ We don`t get to hear your thoughts.
CypsIe: `m reportIng now, you taIk.
Occupant: Later thenZ
79J11J26 3 LoompanIcs
CypsIe: Perhaps. Later.
Occupant: You are smIIIng.
CypsIe: Hey, guy, Iater. [to HIII]: Doesn`t thIs Ieave you a IIttIe schIzyZ
HIII: t`s OK, `m haII CemInI.
CypsIe: What`s the other haIIZ
HIII: Taurus. That makes me stubborn schIzy.
gnotIus: `m a WhaIe.
Occupant: choose Satyr.
MaIIk: SpIrIts don`t have sIgns.
HIII: A character can have a sIgn II want It so.
Occupant: WeII can have a sIgn II want to and screw both oI you.
MaIIk: Come on Creg, you just thInk that we are your characters....
Occupant: You were InhabIted by MaIacIypse the Younger. He caused you to
create roIes and those roIes are beIng perIormed by us spIrIts.
gnotIus: A perIectIy normaI pagan reIatIonshIp.
HIII: WeII you can Iook at It IIke that II you want to, but created MaI2 to my
specIIIcatIons just as conceIved aII the rest oI you.
Occupant: You dIdn`t Invent ErIs. She caused you to thInk you created the spIrIt
oI MaIacIypse.
HIII: Oh buII! 8esIdes, changed her so much the Creeks wouId never recognIze
Occupant: That`s what She wanted!
gnotIus: DeItIes change thIngs around aII the tIme.
MaIIk: What you don`t reaIIze Is that a spIrIt has a seII IdentIty.
HIII: Nope. A spIrIt Is a product oI deIInItIon and the one who Is doIng the
deIInIng around here Is me. Your IdentIty Is what say It Is. ]ust to prove It, `m
goIng to change your name.
79J11J26 4 LoompanIcs
SNSTER DEXTER: t`s OK wIth me. Fate Is Iate. never much IIked "Mad MaIIk"
gnotIus: 8esIdes peopIe conIused hIm wIth ]oe MaIIk In IIumInatus.
Dexter: sort oI enjoyed the conIusIon part.
Occupant: Doesn`t prove anythIng anyway.
CypsIe: That name sounds IamIIIar. Where Is It IromZ
HIII: ts a name came up wIth In the oId days and never used much. ts on page
38 oI the PrIncIpIa reIerrIng to VIce PresIdent SpIro Agnew. aIways thought
Invented It but now It sounds IIke a Stan Freberg name now that thInk about It.
t may have stuck In my preconscIous memory Irom earIy TV.
CypsIe: Can you use It wIthout hIs permIssIonZ
HIII: I It Is hIsZ don`t know. hope so. t means "IeIt rIght" In LatIn and Is a
perIect name Ior a IIbertarIan anarchIst. ActuaIIy In my kInd oI art the questIon
oI what can use IreeIy and what can not Is a very trIckIy probIem.
CypsIe: How do you meanZ
HIII: WeII, take a coIIage Ior exampIe. LIke the earIy one on page 36 oI the
PrIncIpIa. Each IIttIe pIece was extracted Irom some Iarger work created by some
other artIst and pubIIshed and maybe copyrIghted. IInd them In newspapers
and magazInes mostIy. OIten Irom ads. WIth a coIIage you seIect and extract
Irom your envIronment and then assembIe Into an orIgInaI reIatIonshIp.
The PrIncIpIa ItseII Is a coIIage. A conceptuaI coIIage. AII oI It happens
sImuItaneousIy. 8ut vIsuaIIy It Is a montage, passIng through tIme, IIke a book
There Is a Iot oI pIrated stuII In the PrIncIpIa, especIaIIy In the margIns. 8ut aIso
sympathIze wIth artIsts who must own and seII theIr works to earn a IIvIng. Art,
IIke knowIedge, shouId be Iree Iodder Ior everyone. 8ut It Isn`t. t Is perpIexIng.
CypsIe: Where dId aII the thIngs In PrIncIpIa come IromZ
HIII: WeII, a IuII answer wouId take a whoIe book In ItseII. Most oI the wrItIng
credIted to a name Is a true person and aImost aIways a dIIIerent name means a
dIIIerent person. Most oI the noncredIted, you know, MaIacIypse, text Is mIne
79J11J26 5 LoompanIcs
aIthough some thIngs credIted to eIther MaI2 or Omar were actuaIIy cowrItten
and passed back and Iorth and rewrItten by each oI us. The margInaIIa, dIngbats
and pasted In tItIes and heads and thIngs came Irom wherever Iound them
some oI whIch Is orIgInaI but uncredIted DIscordIan output, IIke the page head
on 12 and other pages whIch Is Irom a serIes oI satIrIc memo pads Irom Our
PeopIes UnderworId CabaI. AII page Iayout Is mIne and some whoIe graphIcs IIke
the Sacred Chao and the Hodge Podge TransIormer are mIne but mostIy just
Iound stuII and Integrated It. MostIy dId concept, say 50Z oI the wrItIng, 10Z
oI the graphIcs, aII oI the Iayout.
CypsIe: SpecIIIcaIIy, what are some oI the sourcesZ
HIII: WeII, the poem on the Iront cover Is by WaIt KeIIy and was spoken by one oI
hIs characters In Pogo. The government seaIs startIng on page 1 are Irom a
book oI sampIe seaIs Irom the U.S. Covernment PrIntIng OIIIce. Western UnIon
on page 6 got Into the act because used to be a teIetype operator and had
access to bIank Iorms. Rubber stamps came Irom aII over the pIace and some,
IIke the appIe on page 27, carved myseII. A Iew ordered to my specIIIcatIon,
IIke on page 1. The quote on top oI page 8 mIght be Irom 8arnum, `m not sure.
The jumpIng man on page 12 Is Irom an advertIsement. recognIze the styIe a
popuIar commercIaI artIst but don`t know hIs name. The ChInese on that page
Is a grocery ad, thInk. The Norton money on page 14 Is hIstorIc, pIus my IIttIe
addItIons. The appIe on page 17, as weII as the trIangIe on 23 and the Sacred
Chao on 50 are, beIIeve It or not, pasteups Irom mImeoqraphs, Irom SeattIe
CabaI. That group produced the best damn mImeography `ve ever seen. The
LIck Here 8ox on page 23 Is one oI many tIdbIts makIng the rounds In
aIternatIveJunderground newspapers In those days. TrIp 5 page header on 29
was a chapter tItIe In one oI TIm Leary`s books. The KnIght on the buII wIth the
TV antenna on hIs heImet on page 46 came Irom a very artIstIc magazIne caIIed
HorseshIt and put out by two brothers Irom Long 8each. don`t remember theIr
names. WonderIuI magazIne.
Occupant: ErIs toId MaI2 what to use and where to IInd It.
HIII: Yeah, In a way that Is rIght. That Is why my name does not appear anywhere
on the PrIncIpIa and why It was pubIIshed wIth a broken copyrIght ReprInt What
You LIke. knew was takIng IIbertIes and dIdn`t want my IntentIons to be
mIsunderstood. t was an experIment and was Intended to be an underground
work and that InvoIves a dIIIerent set oI ethIcs than commercIaI work.
CypsIe: There are no reaI names at aIIZ
79J11J26 6 LoompanIcs
HIII: Oh, some. Camden 8enares Is a reaI name because he IegaIIy changed hIs
orIgInaI name to hIs HoIy Name. AIso, Instead oI usIng MordecaI MaIIgnatus
used 8ob WIIson`s reaI name on page 12 because WerewoII 8rIdge was a work
beIore DIscordIanIsm. And oI course reaI peopIe IIke NeIIs 8ohr crop up In
CypsIe: What do you thInk about the PrIncIpIa nowZ WouId you want to change
HIII: consIder It a successIuI work and wouIdn`t want to change It. n some
ways It Is Immature and am not the same person was 10 years ago, but It
accompIIshed the objectIves set Ior myseII and It has the eIIect wanted It to
have. There are a Iew errors though.
CypsIe: LIke whatZ
HIII: Oh, changed a quote Irom Tom CnostIc on page 61 and don`t thInk he
ever dId IorgIve me Ior It. He`s rIght. Starbuck`s PebbIes shouId have been
preceded by the Myth oI Starbuck whIch was beIng saved Ior somethIng eIse and
never got used. shouId have used It when had the chance. And then ErIs dId a
neat IIttIe trIck on me by havIng 8M make the Creek seIectrIc typewrIter eIement
not coIncIde wIth aII the characters on theIr keyboard. So the IIttIe "kaIIIstI" that
IIrst appears on the tItIe page and IastIy on the back cover came out "kaIIIxtI"
and was too dumb to know the dIIIerence.
CypsIe: WIII there ever be a FIIth EdItIonZ
HIII: There aIready Is a FIIth EdItIon, by MaI2. t Is a one page teIegram that
reduces everythIng to an InIInIte aum. Iound It at Western UnIon where a
machIne got stuck and kIcked out hundreds oI pages oI nothIng but m`s. He
made It the FIIth EdItIon and then IeIt.
PrIncIpIaJMaIacIypse was a very personaI work Ior me and actuaIIy took 10 years
to cuImInate. t was one sIngIe statement that IncIuded my adoIescence In the
50`s and my young aduIthood In the 60`s. When IInaIIy had the pasteups done
knew that had IInIshed It. That Is why, quote, MaIacIypse IeIt. knew It was
IInIshed. dIdn`t know exactIy what It was, but It was done.
Occupant: SeeZ
CypsIe: EarIIer you saId that you met your objectIves. ]ust what were those
HIII: WeII, that`s hard to answer because It kept reIInIng ItseII over the years. n
1969 maInIy thought oI myseII as a cosmIc cIown and set out to prove, by
79J11J26 7 LoompanIcs
demonstratIon, that a deIty can be anythIng at aII.
n other words, peopIe Invent gods and not the other way around. Later
decIded that was doIng some kInd oI conceptuaI art.
n the 50`s my cuIture taught me that was created by and Ior a deIty, a specIIIc
maIe deIty, and that aII other deItIes are FALSE. Yet my growIng experIence
showed me that any deIty Is true In some sense and IaIse In some other sense.
So set out to do what my socIety toId me Is ImpossIbIe-make a reaI reIIgIon
Irom a patentIy absurd deIty.
n the 50`s a IemaIe deIty was bIasphemy. n the 70`s a humorous deIty Is stIII
consIdered ImpossIbIe, rIdIcuIous and bIasphemous. As Iar as `m concerned,
have proven my poInt. ErIs Is a reaI deIty and even though don`t promote
ErIsIanIsm as a serIous reIIgIon ....
Occupant: do!
Dexter: You speak Ior yourseII.
gnotIus: Here, here.
HIII: ... do poInt out that It makes just as much sense Irom Its own perspectIve
as aII the others do Irom each oI theIr own perspectIves.
Occupant: thInk paganIsm Is a vaIId spIrItuaI path. encourage ErIsIanIsm
because It makes Iun oI ItseII. thInk thIs Is heaIthy.
gnotIus: I you can IIve rewardIngIy wIth Coddess ErIs you can IIve wIth any
deIty, IncIudIng none or aII.
Dexter: don`t much go Ior the worshIp busIness but agree wIth Occupant
about the spIrIt oI the thIng. We IIve In a tIme oI turmoII, the whoIe pIanet Is In a
state oI change. I we, as a specIes, cower Irom the conIusIon then we dIe wIth
the dyIng. ThIs Is revoIutIon.
gnotIus: am an athIest myseII. There Is no Creg HIII.
[ Iaughter ]
CypsIe [to HIII]: What do you thInk oI IIumInatusZ
HIII: Oh, Iove It. was IInIshIng PrIncIpIa when Shea and WIIson were workIng
on IIumInatus. t took DeII IIve years to pubIIsh It...maybe that Is sIgnIIIcant.
79J11J26 8 LoompanIcs
The 1969 DIscordIan SocIety was a maII network between Independent wrIters oI
varIous kInds. Norton CabaI was just me and my characters and used the other
cabaIs as sort oI a Iaboratory. n return other DIscordIans wouId bounce theIr
stuII oII oI me. We wouId toss In Ideas and anybody couId take anythIng out. t
was a concept stew. The exchangIng oI Ideas and technIques broadened and
encouraged aII oI us.
IIke IIumInatus Ior the surreaIIsm. A very eIIectIve method oI wrItIng.
gnotIus: got mIsquoted. Worse, wasn`t even In that scene and II had been
then wouId have saId somethIng eIse.
Dexter [to gnotIus]: That was me In that scene.
gnotIus: Oh, Is that what that wasZ
Dexter: He got our names mIxed up.
HIII: He got mIxed up about me too, In CosmIc TrIgger. 8ob says that when
OswaId was buyIng the assassInatIon rIIIe, my gIrIIrIend was prIntIng the IIrst
edItIon oI PrIncIpIa on ]Im CarrIson`s Xerox. t wasn`t my gIrI IrIend, It was
Kerry`s; It wasn`t the FIrst Ed PrIncIpIa, It was some earIIer DIscordIan thoughts;
It wasn`t CarrIson`s Xerox, It was hIs mImeograph; and It wasn`t just beIore
Kennedy was shot but a coupIe oI years beIore that.*
The FIrst Ed PrIncIpIa, by the way, was reproduced at Xerox Corp when
xerography was a new technoIogy. WhIch was my second New OrIeans trIp In
1965. worked Ior a guy on 8ourbon Street who was a Xerox saIesman by day.
Dexter: thInk that Ceorge Dorn took too much guII Irom Hagbard. I someone
puIIs a weapon on me, `m more IncIIned to eIther Ieave or kIII the sonoIabItch.
Occupant: You are supposed to be a pacIIIst.
Dexter: `m speakIng IIguratIveIy oI course. `II teII you more tomorrow.
* checked thIs Iurther wIth Mr. ThornIey. He says that the woman In questIon
was not hIs gIrIIrIend, she was just a IrIend, and It wasn`t a coupIe oI years
beIore Kennedy was shot but had to be a coupIe oI years aIter (but beIore
CarrIson InvestIgated ThornIey). CS
79J11J26 9 LoompanIcs
CypsIe [to HIII]: DId you reaIIy transIate erotIc Etruscan poetryZ
HIII: Sure, but used a pen name. sIgned It "Robert Anton WIIson".
[A quIck rap Is heard on the door]
CypsIe: have onIy one questIon IeIt...
Dexter: `II get It.
CypsIe: ...what reaIIy want to know Is how can we aII IIt InsIde oI a tIny IIttIe
post oIIIce boxZ
Dexter [to CypsIe]: t`s a teIegram Ior you, Irom MaI2.
CypsIe: To meZ
[Paper tearIng]
CypsIe [readIng]: "I toId everybody how they couId IIve InsIde oI a post oIIIce
box then everybody wouId stop payIng IandIords and go IIve InsIde theIr post
oIIIce boxes. t wouId coIIapse the buIIdIng! Can you ImagIne, post oIIIces
coIIapsIng aII over the country, the hemIsphere, the PLANET! The whoIe worId`s
communIcatIon system wouId be destroyed. No, no, must not say. dare not!"
) ) )
79J11J26 10 LoompanIcs
FiIth Edition
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being the
+#$&, )-&-./.$-
oI Malaclypse the Younger
Published by Joshua Norton Cabal
San Francisco All Rites Reversed
This PDF Copy oI the Principia Discordia was painstakingly re-scanned and re-
assembled by the 23 Apples oI Eris. It replaces an earlier version we created that had several
printing problems, sub-par graphics, and many misspellings.
This version is about as perIect as we could make it and still be realistically
downloadable (original misspellings by authors were kept). It includes the entire Loompanics
version oI the Principia Discordia, aside Irom the blurbs and commercials Ior other books, as well
as the IllumiNet version`s Forward by Lord Omar. Unlike our Iirst attempt at PDFing the
Principia, no Steve Jackson material was included in this version.
In addition to this PDF version oI the Principia, another almost identical version exists on
the 23 Apples oI Eris Homepage (which may be Iound at CastleChaos.Com) with extensive
annotations by Net Discordians we encourage you to check it out. Also, iI you liked the scans
and want any oI the pictures, the entire Loompanics version oI the Principia is available in JPG
and DOC Iormat.
We would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to everybody who is responsible Ior
the ideas contained here in the Principia, and also encourage you to leave copies oI this
everywhere you can replace those useless books you always Iind in hotel rooms, leave some
REAL reading material in doctor`s oIIices. mail co-workers a page at a time. Whatever strikes
your Iancy.
- Prince Mu-Chao, High Mucky-Muck, 23AE
0)123 4567 81795:3;<=

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