English Learning - Phrasal Verbs

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BBC Learning English

Face up to Phrasals
Bob & Jackie's Chemistry Project _________________________________________________

Episode 1: Let's Get Started Jackie: Ok, chemistry project. Let's get this up. Are you ok, Bob? experiment set

What's all this about a chemistry project? And what's the matter with Bob? Find out in episode 2 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project.

Episode 2: Bob's Tired. Bob: Ooh, sorry Jackie, I must have nodded off for a few minutes. Are we ready to start?

Will they be able to start the experiment? Don't miss episode 3 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project!

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Face up to Phrasals bbclearningenglish.com BBC Learning English 2008 Page 1 of 5

Episode 3: Come On, Bob! Jackie: Bob, wake up and help me! We have to finish this project today if we don't want to fall behind.

Will Bob wake up and help her? Is he interested in the chemistry project? Find out in episode 4 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project.

Episode 4: Helpful Bob? Bob: Ok, sorry would you like me to chop this glove up?

How will Jackie answer Bob's question? Don't miss episode 5 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project!

Episode 5: Jackie's Not Impressed Jackie: Bob! Stop messing about and come over here!!!

Will Bob start behaving himself now? Don't miss episode 6 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project!

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Episode 6: Essential equipment? Bob: Jackie, do we need one of these food mixers? Shall I plug it in?

Bob's not being very helpful. What will Jackie say next? Find out in episode 7 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project!

Episode 7: Losing Patience Jackie: Bob, I'm not going to put up with your behaviour any more. Stop being stupid and start helping me!!!

Will the experiment ever get started? Come back for episode 8 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project

Episode 8: Instructions Jackie: Right Bob, settle down and listen to me. You need to boil this mixture for exactly 2 minutes.

Was Bob listening carefully? Come back for episode 9 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project!

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Episode 9: What Did She Say? Bob: What did she say? Heat for 10 minutes seems like a long time to me I hope it turns out alright.

Oh no! She said 2 minutes, not 10! What's going to happen?! Come back for episode 10 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project!

Episode 10: Bob's Worried Bob: It's starting to smell a bit funny I hope it doesn't blow up or anything!

Ooh Bob, it isn't supposed to smell like that! What's going to happen next? Don't miss episode 11 of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project.

Episode 11: What Happened? Jackie: Bob! Are you alright? Bob! Come on Bob, sit up! What happened?

Is Bob going to be alright? Find out in the final Episode of Bob and Jackie's Chemistry Project!

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Episode 12: You should have listened, Bob! Bob: Ooh Jackie. I feel terrible. I can't see properly and I think I'm going to. throw up.eeuurrgghhh!!!

Let's hope Bob has learnt his lesson! Come back soon soon for the next series of Face up to Phrasals!

1: Let's get started 2: Bob's tired 3: Come on, Bob! 4: Helpful Bob? 5: Jackie's not impressed 6: Essential equipment? 7: Losing patience 8: Instructions 9. What did she say? 10. Bob's worried 11. What happened? 12: You should have listened, Bob!

Jackie Bob Jackie Bob Jackie Bob Jackie

Text Ok, chemistry project. Let's get this experiment set up. Are you ok, Bob? Ooh, sorry Jackie, I must have nodded off for a few minutes. Are we ready to start? Bob, wake up and help me! We have to finish this project today if we don't want to fall behind. Ok, sorry would you like me to chop this glove up? Bob! Stop messing about and come over here!!! Jackie, do we need one of these? Shall I plug it in?

Bob, I'm not going to put up with your behaviour any more. Stop being stupid and start helping me!!! Jackie Right Bob, settle down and listen to me. You need to boil this mixture for exactly 2 minutes. Bob (to What did she say? Heat for 10 minutes seems like a long time to me I himself) hope it turns out alright! Bob (to It's starting to smell a bit funny I hope it doesn't blow up or anything!
himself) Jackie Bob! Are you alright? Come on Bob, sit up! What happened? Bob

Ooh Jackie. I feel terrible. I can't see properly and I think I'm going to. throw up.eeuurrgghhh!!!

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Face up to Phrasals bbclearningenglish.com BBC Learning English 2008 Page 5 of 5

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