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Nazca 200 BC-700 AD World History Ms Wynne

! There are three Stages of Nazca Culture ! Early, Middle and Late (250-750 AD) ! The Nazca lines are the most interesting feature of this culture ! The lines are shallow designs in the ground where the reddish pebbles that cover the surrounding landscape have been removed, revealing the whitish earth underneath.

! These large geoglyphs drawings on the earths surface, make no sense on the ground. We can recognize the features only from the air.

! There are several kinds of figures such as fish, birds, monkeys, a whale, spiders and plants.

! These lines spread on the ground more than 800 miles (1,300 km), some of which extend 12 miles (20 km) long

! The purpose of the drawings is uncertain, but it is believed to be connected to their religious beliefs. ! According to anthropologist Johan Reinhard, the Nazca people believed that mountain gods protected humans and controlled the weather. These gods also affected water sources and land fertility. ! Each figure might have a different meaning for the Nazca people depending on their social class.

! The straight lines, as sacred paths, from Nazca to Andean highlands are still used to bring water. ! Today people often have ceremonies beside the water flow. ! The figure of spirals depicts seashells and the ocean, and the figure of zigzags illustrates lightning. ! The bird figures, representing a heron, pelican or condor, are believed to be signs of faithfulness to the mountain gods. Other sea birds are associated with the ocean. ! Monkeys and lizards represent the hope for water. Shark or killer whale motifs show the success of fishing. ! Spiders, millipedes and plants are associated with the rain.

! Even though the Nazca River was located near this cultural area, river water was not enough to support their agricultural needs. ! Some questions are still debated among specialists. ! Why were so many lines necessary? ! How and why did people draw such large figures on the ground without any aerial vision or aerial equipment? ! We may never understand the true meaning of the Nazca Lines, but we can decipher pieces of the traditional Andean people's belief system from these great geoglyphs.

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