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Astronomy & Astrophysics Phy 334 Assignment Sheet 1 - Cosmology 1.

What is the bolometric flux density of the Sun at the surface of earth (assume no absorption by the atmosphere). Calculate the energy incident on a 10m telescope over the course of a year. 2. Find the flux density of a star of absolute magnitude 5 3. Show that the surface brightness of an object is independent of distance in static Euclidean space. 4. Find the wavelength (nanometre) and frequency of a 10 KeV X-ray photon 5. Derive the black body intensity expression B (T, ) in the Raleigh-Jeans limit. Derive the expression for frequency dependence of brightness temperature for a source of spectral index 6. Derive the angular dependence of radiation intensity due to circular motion of an electron of non-relativistic speed v. 7. Calculate the expected cosmological redshift of a comoving galaxy at a distance of 100 Mpc. If the galaxy also had a peculiar velocity of 3000 kms-1 what would the observed redshift be? 8. Let a galaxy GA (of redshift zA) lie along the null geodesic between another galaxy GB and (redshift zB) our Galaxy. If a photon from GB reached us with a redshift zB at the present epoch what would the redshift of the same photon have been for an observer on GA ? 9. An optical image includes 37 galaxies with a starburst signature in the redshift range [2.00, 2.01] and 30 galaxies in the redshift range [1.0:1.02]. Has there been a change in the incidence of starburst phenomenon between the two epochs? If so, what is the magnitude of the change? 10. Show that the surface brightness of an object scales as (1+z)4 in an expanding universe. 11. Determine the time dependence of the scale factor for the following cases: a) R = 0, NR = 0, L = 0, k = 0 b) R = 0, NR = 1, L = 0, k = 0 12. Find the redshift at which the angular diameter distance peaks for case-b in the previous question 13. Calculate the redshift of the epoch when radiation domination ended 14. Calculate the redshift of the epoch when recombination happened

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