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States Project

Edward Sandoval period 3 State: Florida

Florida was admitted into the union on March 3rd 1845, as the 27th state at the tail end of the exhausting second Seminole war Florida has a intricate history, inhabited by many Indians, the most famous where the Seminoles who made there abode in the everglades, and who put up the most resistance, Florida was allegedly discovered by Juan Ponce de Leon, but he may not have been the first European there, Florida gets its name from La Florida which means the flowered or flowery land, Florida change ownership many times but finally ended up on the hands of the Americans, not that this mattered much to the native Seminoles who dug in for a protracted war in the defense of there homes, and to halt the encroachment of white settlers, after three wars the American army was unsuccessful in removing the Seminole Indians who yet reside in Florida a testament to there bravery and perseverance. Florida Ceceded from the union and fought in the civil war but was eventually brought back into the fold and all was well again Florida is known for its orange juice... and its gators Florida is world famous for its sandy beaches tourist hotspots and amazing wildlife, everywhere from the keys to Disney world and the everglades, also Florida is an enormous producer of oranges. Florida is the 4th most populous state with a large amount of Hispanics and Latinos especially Cubans , 65% of the population is White with the rest falling accordingly with that of the est of the united states Florida has 27 electoral votes and is a major swing state, usually playing a key (see what I did there?) part in Elections, Florida leans toward the middle In the McCain Obama campaign Florida supported Obama in the 2004 elections Florida went right and supported bush

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