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Jadwal Rois Musyawarah harian Malam Senin = ( Fiqih Lisan ) Malam Selasa = (Nahwu ) Malam Rabu = ( Ilmu Tafsir ) Malam Kamis = ( Shorof ) Malam Jumat= Kondisional Siti Kholilah + Fauziah Nur Halimah Putri + Ummi Sakinah Ofa Muafaha+Masluhah Siti Nur Halimah +Nur Rafiqah Eva Luqmana + Fatiyah Musyaraofah + Desi Puspita Sari

Malam Sabtu = ( Fiqih ) ( Usul Fiqh )

Semoga khidmah kita membawa manfaat dan barokah

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