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Course Outline: I. Introduction A. Student introductions B. Pre-Test C.


II. The Substation As A System A. Application B. Common problems C. Ratings

III. Circuit Breaker Maintenance A. B. C. D. E. Maintenance frequencies Inspection Testing Interpreting test results Devices covered 1. Air circuit breakers 2. Vacuum circuit breakers 3. Oil circuit breakers

IV. Insulating Liquids A. Sampling 1. Routine tests 2. Dissolved-Gas Analysis (DGA) B. Testing 1. Color 2. Dielectric breakdown voltage 3. Interfacial tension 4. Neutralization number 5. Moisture 6. Visual C. Dissolved-Gas Analysis (DGA) D. Interpreting test results

V. Transformers A. Types B. Inspection C. Testing 1. Insulation resistance 2. Winding resistance 3. Power factor tests 4. Coree excitation curren 5. Turns ratio (TTR) 6. Gas blanket tests

VI. Lightning Arrestors A. Types B. Inspection C. Maintenance D. Testing

VII. Protective Relays A. B. C. D. E. Application Instrument transformers Inspection Testing Calibration 1. Devices covered 2. Voltage 3. Transformer differential

VIII. Ground Grid Systems A. B. C. D. E. Purpose Grounding theory Types of test equipment Inpsection Testing

IX. Batteries and Chargers A. B. C. D. E. Types of station batteries Battery systems Maintenance Inspection Testing

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