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Alnie A. Demoral CH400P2 Engr. Lorraine A.

Carrillo Chair, Chemical Engineering Department April 2, 2012 REACTION PAPER ON WORK ETHICS

Intelligence makes a good employee but work ethics makes an efficient one. Same as good grades enables an applicant get the position but good attitude makes him stay in it. There is a surplus of applicants in our country, some are fresh graduates and even far better than those presently employed. That makes it easier for employers to change an employee if he performs poorly at work. Some examples are when an employee always does unnecessary absences that does not just affect his work but with his co-workers as well, lack of loyalty in the company by leaking out confidential information for self-interest and simply being non-cooperative. That is why aside from being good at learning your lectures in school, a student must also learn to develop his personality as well. Better start off by practicing humility. They say remove humility on your system and you will lose all your virtues. One day you will become an engineer and might end up in a huge company with a high salary, but always remember to be humble. Because, as I see it, employees who do have bad work ethics are usually those who think highly on themselves, who always feel like Who cares? Im the boss! or They could not exist without me anyway! Now, since we will be taking up internship, we will be considered employee as well. As an employee we must possess strong work ethics of being punctual, honest, a team player, organized, optimistic, resourceful, selfmotivated and loyal, along with humility.

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