Bharat Bhavan

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Bharat Bhavan is a multi art centre inaugurated on 13th Feb 1982, by the then Prime Minister of India, Shrimati Indira Gandhi and designed by the world renowned architect Charles Correa. This art centre was developed to create an interactive proximity between the verbal, visual and performing arts.

Bharat Bhavan is located on a beautiful site at Shamla Hills whereby a gently sloping plateau overlooking the Upper Lake and the historic city of Bhopal across the water. The design of this complex comprises of various low lying magnificently constructed buildings on the banks of the upper lake. Bharat Bhavan art centre comprises of four distinct halls dedicated to different arts. First one is the Rang Mandal, dedicated for theatre and sustained theatre movements. The second one is an indoor theatre called Antrang while the third one is an outdoor theatre known as the Bahirang. Lastly, the hall for classical music is called the Vagarth. This art centre also houses a vast library containing books on poetry. The library boasts of a collection of more than 7000 books of poetry in various Indian languages. Visitors at this complex also get a chance to see an open air auditorium along with the famous museum of art known as Roopankar. This museum comprises of two sections, one displaying contemporary Indian art and sculpture while the other displaying an amazing collection of tribal and art folk. This complex also houses Anhad, a Library of Classical and Folk Music and an Ashram which is built as a resting place for the guest artists.


Bharat Bhavan is a multi-arts complex without parallel in Bhopal, India housing a museum of the arts, an art gallery, a workshop for fine arts, a repertory theater, indoor and outdoor auditoria, rehearsal room, and libraries of Indian poetry, classical and folk music providing interactive proximity to the verbal, the visual and the performing arts. The Bharat Bhavan, literally 'Abode or Home of India'. It was conceived and established as a cultural complex in the early 1980s. Since then, this museum-library, theatre and music centre has played a vital role in the contemporary art sense, attracting artists and performers from all over India and abroad.

Inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Shrimati Indira Gandhi on 13th February 1982, Bharat Bhavan is multi art centre set up to create an interactive proximity between the verbal, visual and performing arts. It provides space for contemporary expression, thought, quest and innovation. Bharat Bhavan seek to provide a creative and thought provoking milieu to those who wish to contribute something new and meaningful, in contemporary scene in the fine arts, literature, theatre, cinema, dance and music. It houses some of the best and most lasting that is being created in our towns, villages and forests.

Bharat Bhavan consists of the following units Roopankar (Museum of fine arts) Rangmandal (A repertory) Vagarth (A centre of Indian poetry) Anhad (A library of classical and folk music) Ashram (A residence for guest artists).

The Bhavan regularly organizes special exhibitions, programmers and 'happenings' that may interest the visitor. This wonderful combination of architecture as well as cultural extravaganza is a must see for every visitor.

FRIENDS OF BHARAT BHAVAN MEMBERSHIPYearly- for One Person- Rs. 200/Yearly- For Two Person- Rs. 300/Lifelong Membership (for one person) - Rs.-2000/Entry Fee Rs. 10/- per Head, (No entry fee the members of the friends of Bharat Bhavan) FRIDAY ENTRY FREE-

Entry in the Drama performances free for the members. GALLERY TIMINGS: 1st. Nov. to 31st Jan. from 1 pm. To 7 pm. 1st. Feb. to 31st Oct. from 2 pm. To 8 pm. HOLIDAY : Monday and Central Govt. declared holiday. ADDRESS : Bharat Bhavan J. Swamination Marg Shamla Hils Bhopal - 462002 PH. 2660239, 2661398 Fax : (0755) 2660353
Bharat Bhavan (Bhopal)
In February 1982, a unique cultural complex called Bharat Bhavan opened in Bhopal. Built and designed by the well known architecture Charles Correa, the complex is set in a number of the number of low building set around the banks of the lake. Here in one compound are the Rang Mandal, the theatre repertory; Anhad, the hall for classical music; Vagath, the poetry Library; Bahirrang, Roopankar, the museum of the art.

Roopankar is divided into two sections. The gallery of modem art represents some of the best examples of contemporary Indian art and sculpture. However, the section devoted to tribal and folk art excites visitors. Some 4000 objects collected from all over Madhya Pradesh form pan of the permanent exhibition on rural arts.

These embody the rich artistic traditions of the different ethnic communities that exist in the state. Artefacts created by the Bhils ofjhabua, Gonds from Mandia and the different communities from Bastar are juxtaposed together. An interesting innovation is a selection of paintings on canvas and bitumen paper by tribal and folk artists experimenting with a new medium. Despite the unfamiliar base, the artists have used the same techniques and strokes to create bold and vibrant paintings.

In a state where artistic traditions are rich and varied, the displayed objects represent the regions and the peoples. Terracotta in the form of

animals, birds, toys and images fromJhabua, Saraguja and Bastar are on view as well as bell metal objects, wooden masks and panels, musical instruments, textiles, baSlHWand panels decorated with mud sculpture adapted from domestic walls.

About Bharat Bhawan

Bharat Bhawan is a multi-arts complex of unparalleled excellence, which was inaugurated on 13th February 1982 by the then Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. It was established and financed by the Government of Madhya Pradesh, and is run by an autonomous trust. Designed by architect Charles Correa, this building houses a museum, an art gallery, a workshop and more.

Set up to create an interactive proximity among verbal, visual and performing arts, Bharat Bhawan is a thriving centre for contemporary arts. The main entrance of this building is marked by a series of terraced gardens that can be seen cascading down to the Upper Lake. Visitors can enter the building at the highest level and walk down the pedestrian spine flanked by a pattern of courtyards in order to reach various parts of the complex.

Different units of Bharat Bhawan include Roopankar (museum of fine arts), Rangmandal (a repertory), Antrang (an indoor theatre) and Bahirang (an outdoor theatre). Vagarth (a centre of Indian poetry), Anhad (a library of classical and folk music) and an art gallery are among other major establishments within the complex. There is also an Ashram which serves as the residence for guest artists. Tourists can reach the complex by bus or auto.

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