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Braised Lamb Shank SS 21.

50 A Hearty lamb shonks served with vegetables and sprinkled with porsley ond own juice the perfect main course. Chicken Diane or Poulet Diane SS lg.OO
Chicken breast souteed with onions and mushrooms, then braised

in herbs, spices ond a

chicken broth mixture. Simmer alltogether and smile!

Marined with Ras el Hanout (Moroccan spices) served with couscous topped with prawns and lemon wedges.

Moroccan prawns with tomato & almond couscous sS lg.oo

Chicken schinitzel S$ f Z.OO Let this crunchy, munchy chicken schnitzel bring you summer deliciousness with pototo salad.
SS 26.00 Rack of lamb, kofte, sousoge, spicy grilled chicken, Mezzes, salod, pito bread and pilaf rice. PEPPER STEAK SS 24.00 With demi glace souce vegetable ond mash potdto

Mediterranean mixed grilled




Fresh prawns, salmon and calamari, NZ Mussel charbroiled grilted and

simply dressed with

lemon and extro virgin olive oil served with greens and pirof rice.


SS 25.00

The traditional meat for kebab is lamb, but depending on local tastes and taboos, served with salsa, pilaf rice and salad.

Baked Salmon SS 24.00

This baked salmon is one that I have mastered over a period of my trails. This delicious baked salmon beautifully combines the flavors of olive oil, orange, rosemary, basil and is

absolutely healthy.

Grilled Rack of Lamb

SS 2S.00

Rock of lamb is one of the most elegont ond French cuts of lamb. Not as qamey as leg of Iamb, it hos o iuicy, succulent and tender texture which is obsolutely delicious served with seasonal vegetables ond pilaf rice.


'n' Chips SS 12.50

& MASH SS 12.00 Cheese sousage and mosh pototo


All time kids favourite.,.!

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