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Gourmet Coffee

Espresso S$ g.SO
A perfect ottroct from fresh coffee bean with thick and creamy crema thot infuse your polate

with mouthful of oromo.

Espresso Doppio SS 4.OO

Double dose of perfect espresso. An extro burst of energy.

Espresso Macchiato SS 4.20

A perfect espresso with a dash of dense

froth. For those who prefer their

espresso with

little of worm milk.

Long Black SS 3.50

Double espresso topped over hot water with

full ond rounded flovour.


SS 4.20

Most popular espresso-bosed drink, on espresso with perfectly steomed frosty milk.

Cappuccino Aroma SS 4.50

For those who want an extro touch of the classic recipe. Choose

flovour from the ronge.

Latte Macchiato SS 4.20

Warm milk iniected with a shot of espresso: a nourishing made-to-order specialty thot provide the perfect energy.

Latte Macchiato Aroma SS 4.5O

A classic Lotte Mocchiato with extra touch of flavour of your choice.

Turkish Coffee

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Cold & Chilled

lced Black Coffee
SS A.ZO Gently chilled with strong body and wholesome fullfavours. Stroight ond simple.

lced Cafe Latte SS 4.50

Smooth, round flovour of espresso with creomy chiiled fresh milk.

lced Latter Arome*



Extro touch of flovour gently infused into your all time flavour icy cold latte.

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