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Workers What motivators and what demotivators

In our day is significant how to know supervise the workers motivation so that your business is going well. Many companies employed psychologist do this job, one of the best theories of motivation was an American psychologist , Abraham Maslow in his book titled Motivation and Personality, where his says the basic human needs which are divided by following 5 classifications : physiological, security, social, esteem and self-actualisation.

Financial many companies are different way to motivation there employees same chose giving a bonus , other chose to give target and consistently evaluate. Job Satisfaction - is very important the employee come to work knowing he has a committee of colleagues who understand very well and another job satisfaction is offer the employee opportunity to promote and have a better salary and facility what do the employee be focus at work and this increase the benefit. Good environment- every person wants a job where the environment be nice, clean in which have all conditions indifferently what weather is out side, the person enjoys to coming at work and there productivity increases.

Beauracracy- some jobs demotivate the workers because spend more time in office complete paper work and administration document then do it something important for example police spend more time in office then do it on the street. Also with teachers use there time marking paper or completing student report and administration paper then spend time in the classroom with the children teaching. Stress(increases responsibility)-when the employee have more responsibility and need to do more jobs, feel pressure, worried because not finishing at time or when have the deadline. Another reason for feel stress is unfair pay when you do more jobs and you are paid only for one, this thing make the employee feel exploited and the productivity of workers is low. Unclear objectives- a good reason to de-motivate employee it is a contract where is not writing clear what need to do or specification the period time you work, what make the employee feel unsecure and in danger because is possible tomorrow lose the job.

In my opinion to achieve high production target is essential have a good management, labour organisation, big salary, happy working environment, chance to promote and their opinions is valued.

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