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Democratization of communication

All political system committed to democracy are seeking various combination of political, social economic and cultural democracy but in reality, they do not have a satisfactory arrangements. There are variations shown within a democratic system which are often related to varying social and political structure. Some democratic systems may consider health and education as functions or income while others may treat them as a functions of human rights.

Again for certain social systems, the concentration of wealth in a few hands can coextreme poverty situations without affecting the fabric of democracy while for others, democracy implies elimination of wealth as well as poverty.

The decade of 1990s has ushered in democracy all over the world. Communication and information revolution has resulted in the fall of socialist regimes and even communist nations have opened to new market economic force. With the ending of the cold war, bipolar power structure has given way to a unipolar capitalist power system. However, within the capitalist system, there is emergence of new economic centers such as Japan in Asia, Germany in Europe besides USA, and most of all the EEC (The European Economic Community)

These new realities have promoted transnational economic enterprises which demand international laws related to freedom of economic enterprise, which liberty of political representation and ecological and environmental preservation problems. Markets economy may be remedy for all developmental problems of the developed and in the developing world but it has influence even in the socialist or communist nations.

Local or regional socio-cultural, econmic and political consideration have to be given serious consideration for development of the developing nations besides free market economic forces.

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