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At the middle school level this course continues to reinforce the elements of art and design that were studied in elementary school. These include: line, shape, value, texture, form, space and color. The students will be exposed to a variety of creative processes in order to promote further learning of the above elements. In addition to art elements, students will explore various movements and artists. By the end of 8th grade, students will have covered the following periods and the artists of the times: The art of early Greece Medieval art and architecture Impressionism Surrealism Pop Art

Students will be working with a wide array of mediums that include colored pencils, watercolor, pastels, self-drying clay, tempera, acrylic, markers, conte crayons and ink printing materials.

INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS Lecture, art reproductions, hands-on demonstration, teachers samples, notes, discussion and analysis.


Students grades will be based on the average of the following criteria: Projects Tests (Grades 7 & 8 only) Notes (Grades 7 & 8 only) Classroom conduct and participation Cleanup

At the beginning of every school year, the students sign contracts stating acknowledgement of the grading policy. They are made aware that incomplete projects are not acceptable. All work must be made up on Thursdays and Fridays during recess or after school. If needed, I will allow students to sign out supplies so that the work may be completed at home. I look forward to a creative, fun and educational year with the middle school students at St. Rose of Lima Academy!

Sincerely, Julia Goggi Art Teacher

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