Shah Faesal Recommended Books

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A list of 30 must-read books.

A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a f riend.

1.Never Let Me Go- Kazuo Ishiguro 2. Tipping Point & Outliers, Malcom Gladwell (2 books) 3.India from Midnight to Millennium - Shashi Tharoor 4. The Valley of Kashmir - Walter Lawrence 5. Absent State-Neelesh Misra & Rahul pandita 5. When We Were Orphans-Kazuo Ishiguro 6.India after Gandhi-Ramachandra Guha 7. Crossing The Rubicon- C. Rajamohan 8.Alchemy of Desire-Tarun Tejpal 9.100 years of Solitude -Gabriel Garcia Marquez 10.My Melancholy Whores-Gabriel Garcia Marquez 11.My Name is Red-Orhan Pamuk 12.Everybody Loves a Good Drought -P .Sainath 13. Confessions of an Economic Hitman-John Perkins 14.Steve Jobs Biography 5.Man Watching-Desmond Morris 16. The Scarlet Pimpernel 17.Discovery of India 18. A Passage to India 19. Listening to Grasshoppers - Roy 19. Memoirs of a Geisha 20. Letters to Felice- Franz Kafka 21-The Trial-Kafka 22. Crime & Punishment-Fyodor Dostoyevsky 23. Freedom at Midnight - Lapierre 24 Being & Nothingness -Sartre 25. The Second Sex- Beauvoir

26 1984-George Orwell 27. Animal Farm- Orwell 28. Papillon - Henri Charriare 29.Sunzu- The Art of War 30. Ernest Dowson - Cynara

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