Weebly Student Agreement

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Student Weebly Agreement

Mrs Maher-Jodah
Nagle Catholic College

General Use
Students will only post appropriate material. Students will ask permission of other students or persons included in their lms and photographs, to use their image. Students will only use appropriate language. While students are allowed to post work created in their own time, the Weebly is for educational purposes and only work related to the courses and subjects using the Weebly should be included. Students will be supportive of each others' work. Students will not post any insulting or degrading comments on other students work. All comments will be moderated by the teacher. Student blogs should be based around the work of the class and should not contain any moments that are too personal in nature.

Students will attempt at all times to seek permission to use copyrighted works. Where permission cannot be sought, students will credit the original owner and creator of the work in the place or moment of use. For example, by linking to the original source under the le on the Weebly. The purpose of the Weebly is to showcase the students' own works and copyrighted works will only be used for educational purposes under the Creative Commons Licence.

Students who break the agreement will face the following consequences: First offence - Letter home. Second offence - Letter home and Weebly use removed for 1 week. Third offence - Detention and Weebly use removed for 2 weeks.

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