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1. Go into the folder named USB_Prep8 and double-click the following: (usb_prep8.cmd) 2.

Make sure you select the newly created command prompt window and click any key to continue This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 843x547.

3. A new program is started (PeToUSB). Do not change any of the settings; just click start and let it run

4. Once PeToUSB is finished, DO NOT CLOSE any of the windows the program created 5. Go to your start menu and click run if youre using the classic start menu 6. Enter the following command into your run window: (CMD)] 7. Once you have run that command, a new window will appear with the words command prompt 8. Provided that you have used the file setup I suggested, input the following: ( cd

\bootsect ) 9. Type in the following: ( bootsect /nt52 R: ) Replace R with the drive letter of your USB drive 10. You will see the message (Bootcode was successfully updated on targeted volume) if it worked right 11. You may NOW close all the windows except for the window that was created when you ran USB_Prep8 12. Providing you closed all the right windows, the USB_Prep8 Window will now contain seven options This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 843x547.

13. Press 1 on your keyboard this will bring up a window. Locate your XP folder and highlight it. Click OK 14. Press 2 on your keyboard the program will ask for a unused drive letter (example: T or Z) 15. Press 3 on your keyboard the program will ask for your USB Stick drive letter; enter it now. 16. Press 4 on your keyboard to start the USB_Prep8 process 17. The program will ask you if it is OK to format a drive contained in the letter you gave in #14; click yes

18. The program will start to copy the needed files; be patient 19. The program will then ask you if you wish to copy these files to the USB stick; click yes. 20. Finally, once it has finished copying the files, it will ask you if you want to make the stick the preferred boot drive. Click yes, after which it will ask if you wish to unmount the USB stick. Click yes

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