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fA K / L/P INTRODUCTION WELCOME TO THE SHADOWS. Whar Newt asi Rare Types settings Shadow Activity SEE HOW THEY RUN [AND SO) IT CAME TO PASS ... Slouching Toward ‘Apocalypse (1999-2010) 2m ane tage a MITAS The Miwe Black Death 25 2011—The Year of Chaos 2s 1149 Tues, Tis Must Me the UCAS (2012-2018) Py The ian War are The Treaty of Denver Fy Welcome te Our Weed (2018-2020) a Cobarszaton » The Crash of"29 x0 Secession and War (2030-2037) 30 Corporate Machinasoms (2035-2088 ” Momane snd Metas— rom Bad to Worse (2036-2086) 33, fe on the Cutting edge (2040-2060) » Bug, City 3 een fever au orp War Fy 2000 arc! Bayon FS ‘GAME CONCEPTS 6 ‘Manto Shadowrun a6 The Abstract Nature of Res » Making Tests 3 ‘Making Dice Rts a Dither Types of Tests » Time » ‘Combat Turns » ‘Acsions « ‘Suadowrunning by the Numbers 40 The Concept 2 Inaive a age a sus a @ | Shaciowrun, Third Edition rr VA o, © ~ ral A | ry 4 pe GO ev UNO ALA ima ae J UA > » ‘Doar tees CREATING A SHADOWRUNNER, ‘Sample Characters ‘ating « Skadowrunner The Pratt Syste ‘Choosing Your Race Choosing Atrbues ‘Assen Ste Asigring Resou'srs Sample Characters Using Serpe Char ‘SKILLS ‘Active Shll nowiecge Ss Language Site ‘Skat Ratings Spectatzaton Detanteng, The Oréauing Process Umis on Detauting Active Skill Categories ‘ullRepa Shite Magical Sis Sordl Sa eric Site About Knamtedge Shits Geog wie a ‘Academic Knowledge Stee, World Krowesge Background Keowee veut ange Se eacing anc Wining Using Skis ng the Tome Using Chastomna-Linked Skits iy ) ts DL ee, tare Socery Using Baikal Sls Using Strat Using Knawealge Sams Using Langage Skits ‘Complementary Sais ‘Creating Your Own Skills compat nda ‘Combat torn Sequence ly Damage aed Sa Single Shor Mone Project Weapons Projectile heapon Types Grenades taste Lnincers Aescving Rocket Medes Combet oon race Caras Cieetoneee tumage Sasuna hat aeenien Shack Weapons Magical Characters anc Damage VEHICLES AND DRONES About Ringers Cargo Factor Seaing Special Vehicle Barings The Oring Tout Sensors tnd Sener Ratings Sensor Tess ‘Sersor and Remote Deck Ranges Eeerane Courtermeaures ECM The Manewver Score Vehicle Actions juenger Acre using Vehicle Comoe Venice Damage age’ Darage Verucie Damage ar Cetin sth Osis Vehicle Bamage ram Weapons Kepasning Venicies Vehicles aed Mage ‘Spee Agairat Characters ne abies ancl Natur Darina 9 Riggers ane! Spies n0 sting Mage tom Vericies ma Atel Projection fem Vehices 122 Vehice Gamnery a Seraoe Linanced Carmeny 123 stag Drones ns About Brane na na ands ts is ns heed Meghho mages sate ne takave 0 x ne The Shorinic Locige The Hermetic Grcle 3 ‘Adept Rowers Astral Perception Astral Comb m3 Sestery os os Contrcling saree Comte Detection Spel 192 ro Mar 196 Feiehine THE MATRIX 199 ‘Accessing the Mates 00 eins 200 cot Database System Raslogs 15 ating 105 Saiegfornat 206 Resnonae crease vor anning the Mass 208 perception 209 Non Combat Actors 209 pocieny 28 ‘Secarty Tay no Ged Secariey Tae mn esta Reset mr

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