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Unicellular and Multicellular Organism

Unicellular Organism Multicellular Organism

- Organism with just 1 cell - Organism made up of more than 1 cell.


Card 2: Give 4 examples of unicellular organism.

Examples of unicellular organism

1. Paramecium 2. Amoeba 3. Yeast 4. Chlamydomanas

Card 3: State the 8 basic living processes of an organism.

Living Processes of Organism

1. Feeding 2. Locomotion 3. Reproduction 4. Respiration 5. Growth 6. Excretion 7. Response to stimuli 8. Heredity


Card 4: What is cell specialisation?

Cell specialisation
Cell specialsation means division of labour among cells. Each type of cell specialises in a specific funtion.

Card 5: State the importance of cell specialisation in multicelluar organism.

Importance of Cell Specialisation


Cells can perform specific task with greater Enable multicellular organisms adapt to various



Card 6: Give some examples of cell specialisation in animal.

Cell Specialisation in Animal

Cell Red blood cells White blood cells Smooth muscle cells Nerve cells Function Transprot oxygen Destroy microorganisms. Engulf foreign substance in the blood stream. Contract and release toproduce movement

Transmits nerve impulse


Card 7: Give some examples of cell specialisation in plant.

Cell Specialisation in Plant

Cell Function

Palisade Mesophyll Cells Guard Cells

Carries out photosynthesis

Control the size of the stomata pore to allow gaseous exchange. Transport water and mineral salt Transport disolved food.

Xilem Phloem

Card 8: List down how cells are organised in a multicellular organism.

Cell Organisation in Multicellular Organism


Card 9: What is cytology?

Cytology (Cell Biology)

Cytology is an academic discipline that studies cells. It's also known as Cell Biology.

Card 10: What is histology?

histology is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals.


Car 11: Name the 4 basic types of tissue in humans and animals.

4 Basic types of Tissue in Humans and Animals

1. Epithelial tissue 2. Connective tissue 3. Muscullar tissue 4. Nervous tissue

Card 12: Name the 3 basic types of tissue in plants.

Basic Types of Tissue in Plants

1. Epidermal tissue 2. Vascular tissue 3. Ground tissue

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