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CCEA Executive Meeting Minutes May 18, 2012 7:00 7:35 am at Lakeview

Present: Andrea Conley, Annie Enzbigilis, Lisa Boyer, Janet Oliver, Joy DeFors, Jeannie Wyse, Kim Swaekauski, Erika Myers, Terri Smeltzer I. Approval minutes from April meeting II. III. Annie motioned to approve the minutes, Lisa seconded the motion. The April minutes were approved No update to budget Thank you cards being sent out to negotiations team Treasurers Report

Positives/Concerns Lakeview +New traffic pattern seems to be working well +Negotiations went well, good support -Staff meetings that are mandatory should be mandatory for all -During health survey, Carol Tedeschi was sitting right where surveys were handed in. People felt that it was a lack of confidentiality. Prarieview +Teachers appreciated being part of the superintendent search Ide -Temperature continues to be an issue in classrooms -Concern over curriculum instruction position

IV. Regional Council Report See May minutes Naomi wants to meet with CCEA at the start of next school year Ballots are to be sent out to election committee, elections will take place during lunch next week Lets figure out a plan to contact new members at start of school year in fall

V. Presidents Report

V. Adjournment Annie motioned to adjourn the meeting. Lisa seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at

7:35 a.m.

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