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CCEA Executive Meeting Minutes April 20, 2012 7:00 7:35 am at Lakeview

Present: Jeannie Wyse, Kim Swaekauski, Terri Smeltzer, Karen Onorato, Erika Myers, Lisa Boyer, Jake Little, Janet Oliver, Annie Enzibigilis, Andrea Conley, Terri Smeltzer, Joy DeFors I. Approval minutes from March meeting II. Annie motioned to approve the minutes, Erika seconded the motion. The March minutes were approved Treasurers Report III. The budget has been updated, Annie has one more check to deposit. We would like to look at a gift for the negotiations team It was suggested to keep Becky Foellmer on as a negotiations consultant in the future after she retires. Should this be taken into consideration for dues? Positives/Concerns Ide -Teachers would like one day of the health screening to take place at Ide Prarieview +Teachers liked that they were included in the Superintendent search with the meet and greet and the evaluation forms -Teachers dont like that Pulaski Day is no longer a day off on the 2012-2013 school calendar -Teachers requested that the fall 2012 open house take place in the morning rather than the morning. They have not gotten a response. Lakeview -Concern over track practice taking place in the parking lot. It is a safety concern with parking lot traffic. Is there an alternative? IV. Regional Council Report See April minutes Are there people willing to take on CCEA positions for the upcoming election? Several suggested, members will follow up with individuals. V. Presidents Report

V. Adjournment Joy motioned to adjourn the meeting. Andrea seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 a.m.

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