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Blood Wedding Bella Irene Fernndez

Trip to Cordoba Bella Irene Fernndez

Last Thursday I went to the theater. I saw Blood Wedding, a play written by Lorca.I liked the play; it was very interesting because I had never seen it before. The actors were very professional, but one thing happened that I didn't like. Between one part and another part, in the intermission, you shouldn't have clapped but everybody was clapping! Only me and a few more people were silent. It was very embarrassing. As I said before the actors were very professional, they spoke very loud and I could hear them. They were four people as eight or nine characters and this is very difficult to do. After the play I had the opportunity to talk with them, and they were very nice people. One thing surprised me: the actors were truly different from the characters. Trip to Moguer Bella Muriel Toscano & Paloma Vzquez Guerrero

Last month 2 de la ESO traveled to Cordoba. They went to Zuheros, a small town where you could only go uphill or downhill, according to Lea. They were in a camp and Delia said that in the bedroom there were ten beds. I dont think they slept, but I dont know. There they could do a lot of activities, but they couldnt do water activities. They did a lot of dangerous activities. They were in Cordoba for three days. One day they went to Zuheros and as Lea told me, it was very hard to walk in that town. When they were back on the bus to Lepe everybody was very tired, but everybody was happy to have gone on the trip. World Theater Day by Caitlin Wells

The 26th of April the students of 1 E and 2B took a trip to Moguer. The start was at 8:15 AM from IES La Arboleda. When we arrived we got on a train and visited different places: a part of River Tinto, the castle, the convent, the house of Juan Ramn Jimnez, and the cementery. At each one these places we read a fragment of the book Platero y yoof Juan Ramn Jimnez. On this excursion we learned many things about Juan Ramon Jimnez and his era. The arrival at Lepe was at the 2:45 PM but along the way the bus stopped and we arrived later. This excursion has been very interesting and fun (we would do it again)!

On March 27th, the 2 ESO bilingual groups went on a guided tour of the theater in Lepe. The technicians told them all about the lights, sound, pulleys, and curtains, and Bianca and I helped out with a little theatrical magic. The reason for the field trip was World Theater Day, held every year to celebrate theater around the world.

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