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Downtown Oakland Association/ Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association Joint (S.O.B.O.

) Sidewalk Operations Beautification Order Committee May 15th, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. - Cathedral Conference Room A Agenda 1. 2. 3. Introductions Approval of minutes from March 22nd, 2012 meeting Security Ambassador Report Ted Tarver -May 1st Events/OPD Response Maintenance Ambassador Report Rick Williams District Service Coordinator Report Andrew Jones -Beautification -Surveillance Camera Task Force -Preliminary 2013 Budget Planning Session Projects Project Maintenance Budget Staffing Other Next Two Meetings: July 17th and September 18th Action Item

4. 5.

6. 7.

BROWN ACT: Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting. The Corporation posts agendas with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, #101. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Copies of the agenda are available from the Downtown Oakland Association at 388 19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax 510.452.4530

Downtown Oakland Association/Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association Joint Sidewalk Operations and Beautification Order (SOBO) Committee March 22nd, 2012 1:00 p.m. Cathedral Conference Room Present: Michelle Lane; Laurie Berberich; Martin Ward; Michelle Mansfield-Hicks

Excused Absence: Staff: Steve Snider/District Manager, Andrew Jones/District Services Coordinator, Victoria Decker/Office Manager, Rick Williams/Peralta Service Corporation, Harold Dees/ Peralta Service Corporation, Ted Tarver/Block by Block

Guests: Discussions held and decisions made by the SOBO Committee

Introductions Approval of minutes from February 21st, 2012 meeting


Michelle moved and Laurie seconded the motion to approve the minutes from February 21st, 2012. The motion was approved unanimously.

Security Ambassador Report: Ted Tarver

Ted highlighted a few incidents that occurred in the districts recently, and noted that Captain Israel has contacted Ted about further utilizing the Safety Ambassador Team. Ted also noted that OPD is monitoring our radio, and we have an OPD radio paid for and on its way to the CBD office for use by the Safety Ambassador team. Michelle noted that most of the issues that we encounter involve the mentally ill, and inquired if there was a solution, other than calling OPD, who release them after 24 hours. She suggested looking into community programs. Ted responded that there is not much that we can do. OPD does not usually respond to the mentally ill unless they are a threat to themselves or others. Andrew reported that we have looked into various programs that deal with the mentally ill,

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax 510.452.4530

Maintenance Ambassador Report: Rick Williams

District Service Coordinator Report: Andrew Jones a) Beautification/Hanging plant maintenance contract with Columbine b) OPD/DA meetings c) Surveillance Camera Task Force d) Meeting with City Administrator regarding PWA issues e) Service provider RFP

but they have severe time restrictions and the individuals must be willing to go, which for the most part they are not. He also noted that staff is looking into creating a nudity kit. Ted noted that staff has been documenting all interactions and issues with the top 10 most problematic individuals for use when we have the opportunity to work with OPD or Public Health. Rick asked if the Health Department could intervene in this issue. Ted responded that it is staffs intention to ask the Health Department for help, and that is the purpose for documenting the incidences with these individuals. Rick noted a spike in graffiti at the Saturn building and the surrounding area of 24th and Broadway, as well as an increase in calls from business owners regarding urine abatement, which is common at the beginning of spring. Rick noted that he attended a few meetings with Job Corps on Treasure Island in order to implement a year round youth internship program. a) Andrew reported that we hung dual hanging baskets on 35 poles in the Uptown. These were purchased and installed through Trimacs. Plans for maintenance and money budgeted for hanging plants in the Uptown were discussed. Steve mentioned that the districts have applied for a neighborhood revitalization grant from LISC. b) Andrew gave a brief overview of the staff meeting with DA Paul Hora, and the CBDs developing relationship with OPD. c) Andrew gave a brief overview of the potential issues surrounding the installation of a security camera system on Broadway. He noted that there is more than enough legal precedence for us to move forward, but we have to consider the community reaction. There was further discussion of the potential issues connected with this project. d) Andrew noted that staff and the board presidents will be meeting with the City Administrator on April 4th. f) Andrew stated that we are required to

re-bid our service providers. The committee discussed various possibilities, requirements, and potential problems regarding the service provider RFPs, as well as the possibility of internally raising funds. Andrew also stated that instead of hiring an outside contractor staff can do some of the manual labor such as landscaping. Andrew gave an update about the back of BART planter project. BART raised the concern that people might sit or stand on the planters and fall. It was suggested that we bevel the edge of the planter to make it uncomfortable to sit or stand on. This is an added cost. Andrew has contacted a vendor in Alameda who can make concrete forms in Oakland, for a lower price. This option also avoids the shipping fee of $2,000.00. This brings the total increase in cost to $7,500.00. This additional cost means that there will be 3 uncovered BART entrances, unless we increase the budget by $7,500.00. There was discussion about whether or not to allocate additional funds for this project. It was decided that staff will move forward with the project and keep the current budget. The chairs will meet to look at budgets and decide if it is possible to allocate the additional funds. Andrew mentioned that he was featured on NPR discussing the new SeeClickFix program. Staff quickly reported the success of the program. Budget meeting: Thursday, March 29th Committee: May 15th


Next Meeting Dates

Minutes taken by Fiona Simms, Administrative Assistant

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