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A Family Apart Guidelines

Ch.1-3 1. Name and describe members of the Kelly family. 2. Setting of the story 3. Mothers occupation 4. Problems in the Kelly family Ch. 4 & 5 1. Mikes situation 2. Court decision 3. What happens to the Kelly children/Why? Chapter 6 1. Describe the train. 2. Who are the people on the train? 3. What do they see on the train ride? 4. What events take place on the train ride? 5. The childrens thoughts while on the train. 6. Identify and be able to explain the conflicts in the chapter, both internal and external. Chapter 7 1. Complaints about the children 2. Why did the train come to a stop? 3. Explain what happened in this important event on the train. 4. Who was involved in this event? 5. What was the next terrible incident that took place near the end of the train ride? 6. What happened? 7. Who was involved? 8. How was Mike a hero? 9. What problems came about after Mikes heroism? 10.How did the people react to Mikes situation?

Chapters 8 & 9 1. Reactions of the children when the train reached its destination. 2. Where the children will live. 3. Parting words to Mike from Capt. Taylor. 4. Welcome speech to the children. 5. Available job for Mike. 6. Where the children went while waiting to be adopted. 7. Name of the organization that places adopted children in homes. 8. Which children went to which families. 9. Information Frances was given from Katherine. 10. Internal conflicts of the Kelly children. Chapters 10-13 1.The reason the Cummings came to Kansas 2. The events that took place at the Cummings home when they arrived with Frances and Petey 3. Description of the Cummings home. 4. Know the other characters who enter the story. 5. External conflict Frances had with Elton. 6. Francess new friend. 7. The events with Marshall Dawson. 8. The people hidden in the barn 9. How did Frances help the Cummings with these people. 10. Francess dangerous mission. 11. Name of the organization helping the slaves. 12. Was Frances arrested? 13. What happened to Frances? 14. What did the people discover about Frances? 15. How did the story end with Frances and the Cummings?

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