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Downloading music without paying is stealing and could destroy the music industry.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Nowadays, downloading music is a word that is talking in the world and it has let more arguments between people. There are people that are agreeing to download music and other people that thinking that the music should buy, because the copyrights have disappeared. I think that the music should buy because if we did the same with the other products, finally, everybody would steal from each other. Firstly, we remember that some years ago, more people went to shop to buy a cassette and didnt exist the Internet to download music. Of this way, the copyrights were protected and there isnt any problem. But, when they discovered the computers and then the Internet, the world was changed. The reasons so we buy the music are because if we allow downloading music, the music industry will disappeared. In addition, Im agreeing to downloading music but instated must be buy. In the other hand, there are people who think that downloading music is not stealing because the Internet is a website where everybody are free to do what he wants. This people that are thinking of this way, they should pay all the money which they stole. In conclusion, I think that the solution for this problem is that the governments apply the law to allow the copyrights and the people who buy the music in the Internet have paid.

Marc Nogales Snchez 2n Batxillerat A Institut Julio Antonio

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