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Name: siti radhiya salim Class: VII 8

Juice avocado
*3 old avocado *100 ml of sugar syrup *100 ml of mocha syrup *100 g of ice cubes, crushed *4 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk chocolate

how to make:
# Scratching the flesh of an avocado. Put in a blender bowl. # Add the sugar syrup. Process until smooth. # Place the mocha syrup into 2 cup serving of fruit. Pour the smooth avocado. # Give ice cubes. Pour sweetened condensed milk. # Serve immediately.

Bahan: 3 buah alpukat yang tua

100 ml sirop gula 100 ml sirop moka 100 g es batu, memarkan 4 sdm susu kental manis cokelat Cara membuat: # Keruk daging buah alpukat. Taruh dalam mangkuk blender. # Tambahkan sirop gula. Proses hingga lembut. # Taruh sirop moka dalam 2 buah gelas saji. Tuangi alpukat halus. # Beri es batu. Siram dengan susu kental manis. # Sajikan segera.

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