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The Sun is a star characteristic of intermediate size & luminosity.

The solar light & other radiations take place by the conversion of helium hydrogen in the ofnse interior & warms up of the Sun Although this nuclear fusion turns 600 million tons of hydrogen per second, the Sun has as much mass (2 1027 tons) that can continue shining with its present luminosity during 6,000 billion years.

This stability allows to the of velopment of the life & the Earth survival. In spite of the great stability of the Sun, one is a star extremely activates. In their surface dark sunspots appear & disappear being contiguous with intense magnetic fields in cycles of 11 years. The sudofn particle outbreaks loaofd coming from the solar brilliances can cause auroras & alter the electromagnetic Earth signals; a continuous flow of protons, electrons & ions leaves the Sun & it moves by the Solar System, forming spiral with the rotation of the East Sun solar wind it forms the ion tails of comets & leaves his signs in the lunar ground; the space ship Apolo, in its mission to the surface of the Moon, brought samples to the Earth of these signs .

In the present time nine main planets are known. Normally they are diviofd in two groups: the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Tierra & Mars) & the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto). The interiors are small & rock & iron are madeup mainly of. The exteriors (except Pluto) are more & they are madeup, mainly, of hydrogen, ice & helium.

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