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Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows

Version 5.5

Administration Guide


Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows

Version 5.5

Administration Guide


Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in "Notices".

Edition notice This edition applies to Version 5.5 of the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (5608-HSM), IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition (5806-ISX), Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows (5608-HSM), and to any subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters. Changes since the previous edition are marked with a vertical bar (|) in the left margin. Ensure that you are using the correct edition for the level of the product. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v About this book . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Who should read this book . . . . . Publications . . . . . . . . . . Support information . . . . . . . Getting technical training . . . . Searching knowledge bases . . . . Contacting IBM Software Support . . Conventions used in this manual . . Accessibility features . . . . . . Whats new for V5.5.0 HSM for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii . vii . vii . viii . viii . ix . xi . xi . xii Running migration jobs from the HSM for Windows client GUI . . . . . . . . . . 38 Running migration jobs with other applications output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Scheduling a migration job . . . . . . . . 38

Chapter 5. Retrieving migrated or archived files . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

| Chapter 6. Configuring reconciliation 47 | Changing volume mount paths . . . . . . . . 49

. . . . . . client

Chapter 1. HSM for Windows client overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Prerequisites and considerations . . Migration overview . . . . . . Stub file overview . . . . . . Reconciliation overview . . . . Client commands and GUI overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 4 4 5

Chapter 7. Using commands . . . . . 51

dsmclc.exe . . . . . dsmfileinfo.exe . . . dsmfind.exe . . . . dsmhsmclc.exe . . . dsminfo.exe . . . . dsmReconConverter.exe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 52 53 53 55 56

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Chapter 2. Installing the HSM for Windows client. . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Considerations for a clustered environment installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Clustered configuration installation steps . . . . 9 Installing in user mode . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Installing in network mode . . . . . . . . . 10 Registering the HSM for Windows client . . . . 10

Chapter 8. Backup-archive client integration overview . . . . . . . . . 59

HSM for Windows client backup integration with the backup-archive client . . . . . . . . . . 60 Impacts of changing file encryption . . . . . 61 Restoring HSM files with the backup-archive client 62

Chapter 9. HSM advanced parameters and file location settings . . . . . . . 65

| File location preferences . . . . . . . . . . 65 |
Recall service settings . . . . . . Recall quota entries deletion interval . Tracing preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 . 67 . 67

Chapter 3. Using the HSM for Windows client GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Running the HSM for Windows client Configuration Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . File groups overview . . . . . . . . . . . Creating a new file group . . . . . . . . Edit a file group . . . . . . . . . . . . File recall quotas . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing file recall quotas . . . . . . . . . Defining file recall quotas . . . . . . . . Creating a new file space . . . . . . . . . . Regional settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 17 17 18 18 19 19 21 22

Chapter 10. Problem determination . . 71

Troubleshooting steps and information . Antivirus considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 . 72

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Chapter 4. Migration jobs . . . . . . . 23

Backing up files before migrating them . Creating migration jobs . . . . . . Examples of including and excluding files Calculate a migration jobs space savings Executing migration jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 24 32 37 38

Trademarks .

. 100

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007



IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Summary of version 5.5.0 HSM for Windows client changes . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Node Registry Entries . . . . . . . . . 8 HSM for Windows client GUI functions 11 Example base file set . . . . . . . . . 33 Summary of include and exclude examples 33 Target set for include condition example 1 33 Target set for exclude condition example 2 34 Target set for exclude condition example 3 34 Target set for include conditions example 4 35 Target set for exclude conditions example 5 35 Incorrect target set for include and exclude conditions in example 6a . . . . . . . . 35 Correct target set for include and exclude conditions in example 6b . . . . . . . . 36 Example target set for example 7 redundant exclude condition . . . . . . . . . . 36

| 14.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

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25. 26.

Reconcile settings window field descriptions HSM for Windows client command shell commands . . . . . . . . . . . . dsmclc.exe command prompt options . . . dsmclc.exe return codes . . . . . . . Command line options for dsmfileinfo.exe Command line options for dsmfileinfo.exe dsmcsmclc command variable descriptions dsmhsmclc.exe command examples . . . Command line options for dsminfo.exe dsmReconConverter command variable descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . Backup-archive HSM for Windows option names . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advanced parameters descriptions . . . . Tracing preferences window field definitions

49 . 51 . 51 . 52 52 53 54 . 54 55 . 56 . 59 . 65 68

Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

About this book

This book provides information to help you perform the following tasks: v Installing the HSM for Windows client v Registering the HSM for Windows client with a Tivoli Storage Manager server v Configuring the HSM for Windows client v Defining migration jobs v Configuring reconciliation v Executing and scheduling migration jobs v Performing additional administration functions such as search and retrieve migrated and archived files v Using tools for problem analysis v Setting log levels for problem analysis

Who should read this book

This book is mainly intended for persons who are responsible for installing, setting up, and administering the HSM for Windows client.

Tivoli Storage Manager publications and other related publications are available online. You can search all the Tivoli Storage Manager publications in the Information Center: You can download PDF versions of publications from the IBM Publications Center: pbi.cgi You can also order some related publications from this Web site. The Web site provides information for ordering publications from countries other than the United States. In the United States, you can order publications by calling 800-879-2755.

Support information
You can find support information for IBM products from a number of different sources: v Getting technical training on page viii v Searching knowledge bases on page viii v Contacting IBM Software Support on page ix

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Getting technical training

Information about Tivoli technical training courses is available online.

Searching knowledge bases

If you have a problem with Tivoli Storage Manager, there is a variety of knowledge bases you can search. You can begin with the Information Center, from which you can search all the Tivoli Storage Manager publications: tivihelp/v1r1/index.jsp

Searching the Internet

If you cannot find an answer to your question in the information center, search the Internet for the latest, most complete information that might help you resolve your problem. To search multiple Internet resources, go to the support web site for Tivoli Storage Manager: IBMTivoliStorageManager.html. From this section, you can search a variety of resources including: v IBM technotes v IBM downloads v IBM Redbooks If you still cannot find the solution to your problem, you can search forums and newsgroups on the Internet for the latest information that might help you resolve your problem.

Using IBM Support Assistant

The IBM Support Assistant is a free, stand-alone application that you can install on any workstation. You can then enhance the application by installing product-specific plug-in modules for the IBM products you use. The IBM Support Assistant helps you gather support information when you need to open a problem management record (PMR), which you can then use to track the problem. The product-specific plug-in modules provide you with the following resources: v Support links v Education links v Ability to submit problem management reports For more information, see the IBM Support Assistant Web site at


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Finding product fixes

A product fix might be available to resolve your problem. You can determine what fixes are available by checking the product support Web site. 1. Go to the IBM Software Support Web site: tivoli/products/storage-mgr/product-links.html 2. Click the Support Pages link for your Tivoli Storage Manager product. 3. Click Fixes for a list of fixes for your product. 4. Click the name of a fix to read the description and optionally download the fix.

Getting E-mail notification of product fixes

You can sign up to receive weekly E-mail notifications about fixes and other news about IBM products. 1. From the support page for any IBM product, click My support in the upper-right corner of the page. 2. If you have already registered, skip to the next step. If you have not registered, click register in the upper-right corner of the support page to establish your user ID and password. 3. Sign in to My support. 4. On the My support page, click Edit profiles in the left navigation pane, and scroll to Select Mail Preferences. Select a product family and check the appropriate boxes for the type of information you want. 5. Click Submit. 6. For E-mail notification for other products, repeat steps 4 and 5.

Contacting IBM Software Support

Before you contact IBM Software Support, you must have an active IBM software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. The type of software maintenance contract that you need depends on the type of product you have. v For IBM distributed software products (including, but not limited to, Tivoli, Lotus, and Rational products, as well as DB2 and WebSphere products that run on Windows or UNIX operating systems), enroll in Passport Advantage in one of the following ways: Online Go to the Passport Advantage Web page ( software/sw-lotus/services/cwepassport.nsf/wdocs/passporthome) and click How to Enroll By phone For the phone number to call in your country, go to the IBM Contacts Web page ( and click the name of your geographic region. v For IBM eServer software products (including, but not limited to, DB2 and WebSphere products that run in zSeries, pSeries, and iSeries environments), you can purchase a software maintenance agreement by working directly with an IBM sales representative or an IBM Business Partner. For more information about support for eServer software products, go to the IBM Technical Support Advantage Web page: If you are not sure what type of software maintenance contract you need, call 1-800-IBMSERV (1-800-426-7378) in the United States. For a list of telephone

About this book


numbers of people who provide support for your location, go to the IBM Contacts Web page,, and click the name of your geographic region. Perform these actions to contact IBM Software Support: 1. Determine the business impact of your problem. 2. Describe your problem and gather background information. 3. Submit your problem to IBM Software Support.

Determine the business impact

When you report a problem to IBM, you are asked to supply a severity level. Therefore, you need to understand and assess the business impact of the problem you are reporting.
Severity 1 Critical business impact: You are unable to use the program, resulting in a critical impact on operations. This condition requires an immediate solution. Significant business impact: The program is usable but is severely limited. Some business impact: The program is usable with less significant features (not critical to operations) unavailable. Minimal business impact: The problem causes little impact on operations, or a reasonable circumvention to the problem has been implemented.

Severity 2 Severity 3 Severity 4

Describe your problem and gather background information

When explaining a problem to IBM, be as specific as possible. Include all relevant background information so that IBM Software Support specialists can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions: v What software versions were you running when the problem occurred? v Do you have logs, traces, and messages that are related to the problem symptoms? IBM Software Support is likely to ask for this information. v Can the problem be re-created? If so, what steps led to the failure? v Have any changes been made to the system? For example, hardware, operating system, networking software, and so on. v Are you currently using a workaround for this problem? If so, be prepared to explain it when you report the problem.

Submit your problem to IBM Software Support

You can submit your problem to IBM Software Support online or by phone. Online Go to the Submit and track problems page on the IBM Software Support site . Enter your information into the appropriate problem submission tool.

By phone For the phone number to call in your country, go to the contacts page of the IBM Software Support Handbook on the Web and click the name of your geographic region.

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM Software Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Software Support provides a workaround for you to implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the IBM product support Web pages daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolutions.

Conventions used in this manual

This manual uses the following typographical conventions:
Example autoexec.ncf hsmgui.exe DSMI_DIR Description A series of lowercase letters with an extension indicates program file names. A series of uppercase letters indicates return codes and other variables or values.

dsmQuerySessInfo Boldface type indicates a command that you type on a command line, the name of a function call, the name of a structure, a field within a structure, or a parameter. dateformat Italic type indicates an option, the value of an option, a new term, a placeholder for information you provide, or for special emphasis in the text. Monospace type indicates fragments of a program or information as it might appear on a display screen, such a command example. A plus sign between two keys indicates that you press both keys at the same time.

maxcmdretries plus sign (+)

Accessibility features
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The major accessibility features of Tivoli Storage Manager are described in this topic. v Server and client command-line interfaces provide comprehensive control of Tivoli Storage Manager using a keyboard. v The Windows client-graphical interface can be navigated and operated using a keyboard. v The Web backup-archive client interface is HTML 4.0 compliant, and accessibility is limited only by the choice of Internet browser. v All user documentation is provided in HTML and PDF format. Descriptive text is provided for all documentation images. v The Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Console follows Microsoft conventions for all keyboard navigation and access. Drag and Drop support is handled using the Microsoft Windows Accessibility option known as MouseKeys. For more information about MouseKeys and other Windows accessibility options, please refer to the Windows Online Help (keyword: MouseKeys).

About this book


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Whats new for V5.5.0 HSM for Windows client

Before installing and using version 5.5.0 of the HSM for Windows client, fully review this list of changes. Some changes require you to plan how you first use V5.5.0 of the HSM for Windows client so you dont encounter an out-of-space condition.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

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Table 1 provides a summary of the 5.5.0 enhancements.

Table 1. Summary of version 5.5.0 HSM for Windows client changes Area Stub file integrity and backup-client archive integration Description Enhanced integration with the backup-archive client ensures there is a current copy of the file content in a Tivoli Storage Manager server backup for each backed up stub file. With this enhancement you are always able to recreate the complete file from the backup, even if the IBM TSM HSM Recall Service is not is running. Before V5.5.0, a backup or archive of a migrated file backed up the stub independently from previous backups and thus the backup-archive client could not restore the complete file. Now a stub is only backed up if a current copy of the resident file exists in the backup. The stub is still backed up as such, but the copy of the resident file and the stub are bound together on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The following considerations can help you plan your use of V5.5.0 features: v The object containing the file content is not expired from the server as long as there is still a stub object that references it. v If the complete file has not been backed up before, a migrated file is recalled to the local file system and then sent to the backup storage pool. You can configure the HSM for Windows client to backup all files before migration so the recall of a migrated file that is not backed up does not occur. v The backup-archive client only archives the contents of a migrated file and never the stub file. The same is true for selective backup. The migrated files are recalled during archive or selective backup operation. Only incremental backups backs up stub files as such.

v In order to avoid an out-of-space condition caused by the recall of non-backed up files, see Chapter 8, Backup-archive client integration overview, on page 59. v To use the full integration of V5.5 of the HSM for Windows client backup-archive client you cannot use a version prior to V5.5 for either the backup-archive client or the Tivoli Storage Manager server. v To control the space usage of the file system, the backup-archive client has a new backup option Skip migrated files (SKIPMIGRATED), (see HSM for Windows client backup integration with the backup-archive client on page 60). Additional integration affects the backup-archive client restore function. One option determines whether the backup-archive client restores just the stub or the resident file. Another option determines whether the backup-archive client checks the integrity of the stub (see Restoring HSM files with the backup-archive client on page 62): v Restore as migrated file (RESTOREMIGSTATE) v Restore resident if not accessible (RESTORECHECKSTUBACCESS)

About this book


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Table 1. Summary of version 5.5.0 HSM for Windows client changes (continued) Area reconciliation and orphan stubs Description Prior to V5.5.0, if a migrated file was deleted locally or was modified and migrated again, obsolete copies remained on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. With V5.5.0, reconciliation deletes these obsolete files from the server. As well, if a stub file in the file system has no corresponding object in the HSM archive (an orphan), the HSM for Windows client generates a message in the hsmmonitor-admin.log and writes the name of the file in the hsmmonitor-orphan.log. The volume is processed, but no files are deleted. You then check the log for any orphans and restore them from the backup. You configure and run reconciliation using the new dsmhsmclc.exe command or the HSM for Windows client graphical user interface (GUI). Prior to reconciling any system, see Reconciliation overview on page 4 to ensure you have the information you need. For example, you might need to run the new command, dsmReconConverter.exe, to convert the old stub files to the new reconciliation format (see dsmReconConverter.exe on page 56). Configuration tools The following settings are configurable in the HSM for Windows client: v Log settings for all applications v Trace file and listings file settings v File recall settings v Reconciliation settings Performance enhancements Migrating files The following list describes some scalability and file system scan improvements: v Memory handling uses far less RAM to build candidate lists. v File scanning, backup before migration (if used), and file migration occur in parallel to speed up migration. The following list describes some improved migration processing: v Splitting of file reading processes allows parallel buffer read and writes. v Detailed status information is displayed during migration. Retrieving files v The HSM console sorts file retrieval by tape order so the Tivoli Storage Manager server retrieval time is reduced. v The HSM console eliminated a re-query step to the Tivoli Storage Manager server by storing a key for each file. v Files can now be retrieved when the IBM TSM HSM Recall Service is not running. A Tivoli Storage Manager HSM administrator can use the dsmclc command or the HSM for Windows client GUI. Recalling files Restart is no longer required to make Tivoli Storage Manager service configuration changes, such as changing the number of recall threads. Improved memory usage of the HSM file system filter driver allows a quicker file recall and reduces uses of Windows non-paged pool memory.

Filter driver enhancements


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

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Table 1. Summary of version 5.5.0 HSM for Windows client changes (continued) Area Messages Description In V5.5.0 of the HSM for Windows client, there are additional messages written by the driver to the trace files to help with support of the product. These messages are only written to the trace file, not to the administrative log, and need to be set in the Tracing Preferences window of the HSM for Windows client GUI (see Tracing preferences on page 67).

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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Chapter 1. HSM for Windows client overview

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for HSM for Windows client provides Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) for Windows NTFS file systems. HSM is a data storage system that automatically moves data between high-cost and low-cost storage media. HSM exist because high-speed storage devices, such as hard disk drives, are more expensive per byte stored than slower devices, such as optical discs and magnetic tape drives. While it would be ideal to have all data available on high-speed devices all the time, this is prohibitively expensive for many organizations. Instead, you can use HSM to store the bulk of your enterprises data on slower devices, and then copy data to faster disk drives only when needed. In effect, HSM turns the fast disk drives into caches for the slower mass storage devices. The HSM for Windows client monitors the way files are used and lets you automate policies as to which files can safely be moved (migrated) to slower devices and which files should stay on the hard disks. The HSM for Windows client manages the migration of individual files, files from parts of NTFS file systems, or complete NTFS file systems to remote storage in IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. The migration of files is transparent to Windows users and applications. Windows users see migrated files the same as any file that is physically stored on the file system. Migrated files can be accessed the same as any other file and opened and updated by the Windows application corresponding to the file extension. In addition to the migration and recall of files and the reconciliation of file systems, the HSM for Windows client provides additional functions beyond the scope of traditional HSM: v An administrator can define migration jobs for each volume, including or excluding files based on the file type (extension) and various criteria related to the age of a file (creation, modification, last access). The files eligible for each migration job can be stored in separate file spaces in Tivoli Storage Manager storage. v An administrator can define recall quotas to limit the number of file recalls during a specified time period. Quotas can be a system wide default quota or particular user and group quotas. v The HSM for Windows client can also be used for archiving purposes. In this case, files are purely archived in Tivoli Storage Manager and the original files are either kept on disk or deleted. v Search and retrieve options are available to the administrator for migrated and archived files. Selected files or complete file spaces can be retrieved either to their original location in the file system or to a different location in the file system. v When migrated files are recalled and changed by a user, several versions of a migrated file are kept in Tivoli Storage Manager storage until the file system was reconciled. A user recall always accesses the latest version of a file. However, an administrator can retrieve any available version of a file. The following are some advantages of these facilities beyond those of the classical HSM approach:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007

v The scope of individual migration jobs can be limited with regard to the number of files and data volume. v Individual jobs can be executed at different times. v Migration jobs can be organized according to the logical structure of a volume (including different parts of the directory structure) and thus potentially reflect the structure of an organization or user groups, etc. v Migration jobs can be organized according to different types of files such as office documents, images, and text files. This organization provides a more logical view on data than pure HSM. The HSM for Windows client comes with a comprehensive graphical user interface (HSM for Windows client GUI), which you use to define and run migration jobs, reconciliation, searches and file retrieval, and to define general settings. You can also use several executables from a Windows command prompt (see Chapter 7, Using commands, on page 51). On each file server where an HSM for Windows client is installed, local NTFS file systems can be browsed, and parts of the directory structure can be excluded or included in a migration job. For each selection, filters can be applied to include or exclude files based on the file type (extension), and various criteria related to the age of a file (creation, modification, last access). Each migration job is stored in an XML structured file (job file). The actual migration can be scheduled using any standard scheduler, or it can be started manually from a command line. In addition, the HSM for Windows client administrator can initiate immediate execution of a migration job directly from the HSM for Windows client GUI. It is highly recommended to have a valid backup before migrating any file. This can be ensured by selecting the backup before migrate option when you define a migration job in the HSM for Windows client GUI. When a security descriptor is changed on a migrated file on the file server, the next migration job on that file will recall and remigrate the file, so that the security of the file is stored correctly on the Tivoli Storage Manager Server. The HSM for Windows client utilizes an Installable File System (IFS) filter driver and uses Windows reparse points and sparse files to leave stubs of migrated files on the local disks. The reparse points generated by the HSM for Windows client have a worldwide unique ID, which has been provided and registered by Microsoft. The HSM for Windows client supports local NTFS file systems under Windows 2003. Windows FAT partitions are not supported. With regard to the Tivoli Storage Manager server, the HSM for Windows client acts as a Tivoli Storage Manager client exploiting the Tivoli Storage Manager Clients archiving API.

Prerequisites and considerations

Before installing and using the HSM for Windows client review these prerequisites and considerations. v The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Client must be installed on the file server before you can use the HSM for Windows client. To use the V5.5 HSM for Windows client integration with the backup-archive client, you must also use V5.5 of the backup-archive client. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager is a separate client-server licensed program that provides storage management services. v The HSM for Windows client requires complete implementation of the NTFS V5 file system. In particular reparse points and sparse files must be fully supported. Specifically the HSM for Windows client runs on a 32 bit Windows 2003 Server or Enterprise Server (original version, SP1, R2, or SP2).

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

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v The machine on which the HSM for Windows client is installed must have at least: a Pentium processor, 512 MB of memory, and 50 MB of available disk space. v An incremental backup of migrated files usually does not recall the data in the file but backs up the stub (the sparse file representation of a migrated file with a reparse point attached). v A restore with the backup-archive client transparently either restores the stub or the resident file, depending on the configuration and the content of the HSM archive. v Before you migrate files with the HSM for Windows client you should back up the original files using the backup-archive client or by selecting the Backup Migratable Files check box during configuration (see Running the HSM for Windows client Configuration Wizard on page 12). v Before you recall files ensure that sufficient space is available on the volume. If an NTFS volume that is completely full, the behavior of Tivoli Storage Manager is undetermined. v The hostname of the HSM file server must not be changed. Otherwise retrieving or recalling data will be impossible. v The HSM for Windows client by default only migrates files larger than 4 kb and larger than the NTFS cluster size of the volume. To increase this size, change the value of following registry keys from default (dec) 4096 (bytes) to a higher kilobyte value: HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion\HsmClient\ dsmclc\FileSizeMinimum for dsmclc.exe and HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\ADSM\ CurrentVersion\HsmClient\dsmgui\FileSizeMinimum for dsmgui.exe v Jobs that have been defined with actions of Delete or Keep supersede the registry key FileSizeMinimum as well as the volume cluster size and the hard coded limit of 4 kb. The result is that jobs with actions Delete or Keep archive files independently from the file size. However, your administrator can specify file size limits in archiving jobs.

Migration overview
Migration is the core process you perform with the HSM for Windows client. Although you can migrate files at any time from a command line, most migrations occur from scheduled migration jobs. Migration jobs are defined thru the HSM for Windows GUI. When the HSM for Windows client migrates a file, that file is moved from the client to another, usually less expensive, form of storage on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. A placeholder stub of the file is left on the client to enable recall of the migrated file if a user needs that file. This recall happens automatically and transparently via the stub. You can also use the HSM for Windows client to archive files when defining a migration job. Migration jobs are policies that define a set of files to be migrated. When the Delete or Keep options are selected when defining a migration job, archiving is performed instead of migration. Some policy parameters for defining migration jobs are: v Include/exclude by directory v Include/exclude by file size v Include/exclude by file type extensions v Creation, modification, or last access date v Absolute or relative dates v Combination of rules
Chapter 1. HSM for Windows client overview

Note: You can use the migration program from a Windows command prompt to list and retrieve files in a file space (see dsmclc.exe on page 51).

Stub file overview

A stub is created for and replaces each migrated file. On the local system, a stub file looks and act like a regular file. When you or a Windows application accesses a migrated file stub, the Windows operating system transparently directs a file access request to the HSM for Windows client file system filter driver. This driver retrieves the full file from the repository to which it was migrated. Note: v The file system filter driver and the recall application must be installed on all servers on which files are migrated. When files are migrated from a server where these components are not installed, or the recall application is not active, each attempt to access a migrated file results in an error. v When user action restores a file but the user does not change the file, that file is re-stubbed during the next automated migration process. v When user action restores a file and modifies the file, that new version of the file is stored in archive system. Subsequent recall restores the most recent version. v As well, an administrator can use more advanced retrieve functions to obtain previous versions of a file. An administrator can also obtain a file whose stub was deleted if the file was not deleted by reconciliation in the meantime. The HSM for Windows client file system filter driver (ithsmdrv.sys) is an Installable File System (IFS) filter driver. When a user or application accesses a migrated file stub, the file system filter driver and the IBM TSM HSM Recall Service (hsmservice.exe) running in the Windows user space perform the following steps: 1. The file system filter driver connects to the recall application running in the Windows user space and requests to recall the file. 2. The IBM TSM HSM Recall Service reads the file data and restores the file content. 3. The file system filter driver returns control to the Windows operating system and the I/O request is completed. | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Reconciliation overview
Reconciliation is the process of synchronizing a file system, which you have configured for reconciliation, with the Tivoli Storage Manager server you contact for space management services. After running reconciliation, exactly one migrated object exists on the Tivoli Storage Manager server for each migrated file. By removing old and obsolete objects from the Tivoli Storage Manager server storage, reconciliation helps you to reduce your storage and license expenses. It also checks whether there are migrated files without a copy on the Tivoli Storage Manager server in the file system. The HSM for Windows client performs reconciliation automatically at intervals specified with the reconcileinterval option you define using the using the HSM for Windows client GUI or with command line tool dsmhsmclc.exe. An administrative user can also start reconciliation manually at any time.

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

| | | | | |

Use the HSM for Windows client GUI to configure reconciliation (see Chapter 6, Configuring reconciliation, on page 47 for more information). Note: When upgrading from a HSM for Windows client before V5.4, use the dsmReconConverter program to convert your stub files into a format that the reconciliation tasks can process (see dsmReconConverter.exe on page 56).

Client commands and GUI overview

Once you install and register the HSM for Windows client you use the HSM for Windows client GUI or run commands from a Windows command prompt to use the clients features. For information and usage details on each of the commands, see Chapter 7, Using commands, on page 51. The HSM for Windows client GUI is used in many examples throughout the book, such as configuring, migrating, and reconciling.

Chapter 1. HSM for Windows client overview

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Chapter 2. Installing the HSM for Windows client

You can install the HSM for Windows client in user mode or network mode. In user mode you step through a series of installation windows to collect necessary information and manage the installation. A network installation only copies the product to a network drive for a shared installation. Note: v To install the HSM for Windows client you need administrative rights. v If you are installing the HSM for Windows client in a clustered environment, make sure you read Considerations for a clustered environment installation. v For the most up-to-date installation instructions and last minute addenda, see the release notes file (relnote_hsmwin550.html) located on the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for HSM for Windows 5.5 Quick Start CD. This file is also available online at the Tivoli Information Center Web site: v The HSM for Windows client uses the directory of the previously installed backup-archive client as the default installation directory. v You must reboot to complete the installation. Do not configure the HSM for Windows client until after the reboot. v Once you install the HSM for Windows client refer to Running the HSM for Windows client Configuration Wizard on page 12 for information on using the Configuration Wizard.

Considerations for a clustered environment installation

If you are installing the HSM for Windows client in a clustered environment, read these considerations and scenario before installation. Currently only Microsoft cluster environments (MSCS) are supported. Tivoli Storage Manager for HSM for Windows may be installed in a Microsoft cluster in both active-standby and active-active configurations. The HSM for Windows client cluster installation is transparent. However, some additional installation steps are required in order to set up and operate the system in a clustered environment. The section that follows explains the necessary steps for installation in a clustered environment together with several issues of which the system administrator must be aware.

Clustered Scenario
The following example installation is based on a cluster setup with two nodes (Node1 and Node2) and two cluster groups (Cluster Group 0 and Cluster Group 1). The description can be extended to any more complex cluster setup. It refers to an active-standby configuration as well as to an active-active configuration of the cluster. Where differences exist with regard to this configuration they are stated explicitly. Before detailing the additional steps required for installation in a clustered environment you need to understand what happens with HSM for Windows client in a Windows cluster after a failover if the additional steps are not taken.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Files are migrated from volume Y: by Node1 Node1 fails Cluster Group 0 fails-over to Node2 Recall of migrated files from Y: fails on Node2 Retrieve of migrated files from Y: fails on Node2

File migration
During migration the HSM for Windows client stores the complete UNC pathname of a file in the Tivoli Storage Manager database as well as in the reparse point left as the stub on the file server disk. This pathname includes the hostname of the node.

Recall operation after failover

During a recall operation, from Node2 which is now the controlling node, the IBM TSM HSM Recall Service (hsmservice.exe) looks for the pathname found in the reparse data and verifies if it is a local path. This is important as the driver that actually restores the file can only work on local NTFS disks. Because this pathname contains the name of Node1 as hostname, the recall operation fails.

Retrieve operation
The retrieve operation also fails because it constructs pathnames with Node2 while the files stored in Tivoli Storage Manager contain Node1 as the hostname.

In order to address these node name issues, HSM for Windows client maps the node names and volumes in a cluster to the generic cluster name and its volumes. This mapping is done automatically for any cluster resource volume of any cluster group, which can failover and which are with the HSM for Windows client. The mapping is done automatically during the first startup of the HSM for Windows client. For the described configuration the following registry entries are made on both nodes:
Table 2. Node Registry Entries Name Y: Z: Type REG_SZ REG_SZ Data \\CLUSTER\Y$\ \\CLUSTER\Z$\

HSM for Windows client checks this mapping and replaces the node name for each volume defined by the cluster name. This applies to all operations involving the following: v Reparse data v Path names in Tivoli Storage Manager v Search and retrieve operations

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Attention: These settings define the HOST and DRIVE NAMES on which data is stored. These settings are STORED in the REPARSE POINTS that are NEEDED to recall files. Changing this mapping AFTER a file has been migrated MAKES USER RECALL IMPOSSIBLE. In a failover situation, migration jobs defined on Node1 may no longer be executable from Node2. In the example described if the job files are stored on the local disk C: of Node1, they will not be accessible when this node fails. This limitation can be avoided by storing the job files on volume Y: of Cluster Group 0 in an active-standby configuration. The job files directory to be searched by Tivoli Storage Manager for HSM for Windows may be redefined using the HSM for Windows client GUI (select Tools Preferences Path Configuration, see File location preferences on page 65). In a failover situation, the job files must be applied to the new node name. Otherwise the source files cannot be found on the second node when executing the job. In an active-active configuration this approach is not feasible, as Node2 is running its own migration jobs. However, job files may be stored on a shared directory accessible from both cluster nodes.

Clustered configuration installation steps

After reviewing the considerations for clustering, use these steps to install the HSM for Windows client in a clustered environment. The basic steps required to ensure proper operation in a clustered environment are as follows: Note: v You follow these same steps with a non-clustered environment, but you perform these steps on each node in the cluster. v Register the HSM for Windows client for the cluster (see Registering the HSM for Windows client on page 10). 1. Install the Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Client on all nodes. 2. Install the HSM for Windows client on all nodes using either the user or network mode (see Installing in user mode and Installing in network mode on page 10)

Installing in user mode

You can install the HSM for Windows client in user mode by clicking on the setup icon or running the setup command from a command line. Note: v The Repair option reinstalls missing or damaged files, shortcuts, or registry entries. v The Remove option removes the product from the machine. However, the HSM for Windows client installation directory including the jobs, listings, and logs folders remain on the machine. v After installation or deinstallation, you must reboot the system to load the file system filter driver. v After adding new hard disks or volumes to a server already running the HSM for Windows client, the recall service (hsmservice.exe) running as a Windows service (IBM TSM HSM Recall Service) must be restarted.
Chapter 2. Installing the HSM for Windows client

Use the following steps to install the HSM for Windows client in user mode: 1. Insert the product CD into a CD drive. 2. Open Windows Explorer. 3. Change to the <cd-drive>:\ location, where <cd-drive> is the drive letter of the reader where you placed the installation CD. 4. Double-click the setup.exe file. Note: In 3 you could choose to open a command prompt on the CD drive and issue the setup command.

Installing in network mode

You can install the HSM for Windows client in network mode to share the installation. Use the following steps to install the HSM for Windows client in network mode: 1. Insert the product CD into a CD drive. 2. Open a command window. 3. Change to the <cd-drive>:\ location where <cd-drive> is the drive letter of the cd reader. 4. Type msiexec /a IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows client.msi and press Enter. 5. Step through the user interface dialogs by typing the necessary information. The file IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows client.msi is copied to the assigned network drive. 6. To install the product, right-click this .msi file, select Install, and step through the setup windows.

Registering the HSM for Windows client

Before the HSM for Windows client can connect to a Tivoli Storage Manager server it must be registered as a Tivoli Storage manager client node at the server, by your Tivoli Storage Manager administrator. Provide the following information to your Tivoli Storage Manager administrator: v The node name (the node name that you will specify in the HSM for Windows client Configuration Wizard). v The initial password that you want to use, if a password is required. v Contact information, such as your name, user ID, and telephone number. v If you have installed the HSM for Windows client on a clustered environment, you additionally need to provide the global Tivoli Storage Manager node name for the cluster. The global Tivoli Storage Manager node name is identical to the cluster name by definition and cannot be chosen. For this global node, the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator must grant proxy authority to each node of the cluster. Once the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator has set up your node you can start the HSM for Windows client GUI (hsmgui.exe). The first time that you start the program, the Configuration Wizard guides you through the required configuration steps to connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Chapter 3. Using the HSM for Windows client GUI

The HSM for Windows client GUI (dsmgui.exe) is a visual, menu-based environment where you: migrate files; setup and run migration jobs; setup and start reconciliation; search and retrieve files; create file groups, file spaces, and quotas; and define regional and log settings. You can also run these same tasks using commands in a Windows command prompt. You must start the HSM for Windows client GUI with administrative rights on the file server on which it is administered. Each file server on which the HSM for Windows client is installed must be administered locally. Table 3 describes some key functions of the HSM for Windows client GUI:
Table 3. HSM for Windows client GUI functions Function Define and run migration jobs Description You can create new migration jobs or edit existing jobs. For each migration job, you must specify the name of a file space in Tivoli Storage Manager. The drives, directories, and files are displayed in a Windows Explorer-like window. From this window, you use filtering criteria to select which files to migrate from complete drives, directories, subdirectories, or you can select individual files. For more information see Chapter 4, Migration jobs, on page 23. You can select a defined migration job and click Execute Job Immediately to start the migration process. For more information see Running migration jobs from the HSM for Windows client GUI on page 38. Use the search function to find any migrated or archived file in existing Tivoli Storage Manager file spaces under several search criteria. As a result of the search process, all entries of the file space matching the search criteria are listed. For more information see Chapter 5, Retrieving migrated or archived files, on page 43. You can retrieve the complete or partial set of files from a search operation. You can specify the (locally mounted) volume and a destination directory for the retrieved files (the default is to retrieve to the original file location). In addition, older versions of files can be retrieved to the original or a new location. For more information see Chapter 5, Retrieving migrated or archived files, on page 43. You can define and start reconciliation that synchronizes your local file systems by deleting obsolete copies of files from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. For more information see Reconciliation overview on page 4 and Chapter 6, Configuring reconciliation, on page 47. You can create file groups by extension or directories to facilitate creating migration jobs. For more information see Creating a new file group on page 17. You can create new file spaces on the Tivoli Storage Manager server directly from the HSM for Windows client GUI. For more information see Creating a new file space on page 21. You can change the settings and directories of the log files for HSM client applications. For more information see Tracing preferences on page 67.

Search for migrated or archived files

Retrieve searched files

| |

Configure and run reconciliation

Create file groups

Create file spaces

Change log settings

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Table 3. HSM for Windows client GUI functions (continued) Function Define and view quotas Description You can define and view quota settings from the HSM for Windows client GUI. Quotas define how many files can be restored in a defined time frame. For more information see Viewing file recall quotas on page 19 and Defining file recall quotas on page 19. You can change the regional settings such as your language, time, date and number format of the HSM for Windows client GUI. For more information see Regional settings on page 22.

Change regional settings

Running the HSM for Windows client Configuration Wizard

When running the HSM for Windows client GUI for the first time, the Configuration Wizard guides you through necessary configuration steps. You can also run the Configuration Wizard any time from the Tools menu. If you have not registered your node with your Tivoli Storage Manager administrator, read Registering the HSM for Windows client on page 10 to be able to connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Before configuring HSM for Windows client, read these considerations: v A policy domain contains policy sets the management classes that control how Tivoli Storage Manager manages the files that you migrate. The HSM for Windows client uses the default management class. v The HSM for Windows client stores its parameters (Tivoli Storage Manager server, node name, password mode) in the dsm.opt file located in the HSM for Windows client installation directory. It does not use the dsm.opt file that is used by the Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Client. For further information about the options in the backup-archive client dsm.opt file, refer to the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Backup-Archive Clients Installation and Users Guide. Attention: We recommend you only use the HSM for Windows client GUI to change HSM for Windows client options. Editing the HSM for Windows client dsm.opt file could lead to you being unable to access to your data. v Password and names of file spaces are also stored and managed separately from the backup-archive client. They are stored and managed with the Windows registry entries of the HSM for Windows client. However, if you select the Password Generate option in the Configuration Wizard, the Tivoli Storage Manager API uses the registry entry of the backup-archive client to store the automatically generated password. If you want to keep the logon parameters of the HSM for Windows client separate from those of the backup-archive client, register the HSM for Windows client under a node name different from the one used by the backup-archive client. Run the HSM for Windows client GUI by issuing the dsmgui.exe command in the HSM for Windows client installation directory: 1. In the Option File Task window, select which task you want to perform and selected Next.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Figure 1. Configuration: Option File Task window

2. In the TPC/IP Parameters window, enter the server address and port for the Tivoli Storage Manager server and select Next. Each HSM for Windows client can connect to only one Tivoli Storage Manager server. This server might be different from the one used by the backup-archive client.

Figure 2. Configuration: TCP/IP Parameters window

3. In the TSM password access window, select the password access option and select Next. The recommended option is Password Generate. With this option, Tivoli Storage Manager automatically handles the password. As a result, there is no need to maintain a password or deal with password expiration. If you select the Password Prompt option, you must specify a password to be used by the HSM for Windows client to logon to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. This password is stored and encrypted by the HSM for Windows client and is used automatically for each logon to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. In addition, in Password Prompt mode, a password is not needed to perform functions such as running migration jobs or searching a file space.

Chapter 3. Using the HSM for Windows client GUI


Figure 3. Configuration: TSM password access window

4. In the TSM authentication window, enter the name under which your client node has been registered on the Tivoli Storage Manager server and select Next.

Figure 4. Configuration: TSM authentication window

5. In the Set or Change Password window, enter the initial password that has been assigned to your node by the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator and select Next. 6. In the Initial File Space Registration window, enter the name of the file space that will be used as the default, to store migrated files from your client node on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The file space will be generated automatically. If you want to create a file space later, select the Skip file space creation check box (see Creating a new file space on page 21). Select Next.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Figure 5. Configuration: Initial File Space Registration window

7. In the Additional Migration Options window, decide if files should be backed up before a migration job is run (see Backing up files before migrating them on page 23 for more information). By default, the Backup Migratable Files option is checked. This sets the default to Backup before Migrate when creating a new migration job. If this option is unchecked, the default, when creating a migration job, is not to back up before migration. The setting can be changed for each job individually. Select the Next button.

Figure 6. Configuration: Additional Migration Options


If you are running in a clustered environment, an information window displays, reminding you to issue a command on the Tivoli Storage Manager server similar to:
grant proxynode target=<clustername> agent=<nodename>

Note: Where <clustername> is the name of the cluster and <nodename> is the node name you defined in the 4 on page 14. Write down the proxy node relationship command and have your Tivoli Storage Manager administrator issue the command. Select Next. 9. If the HSM for Windows client is not running on a cluster node, you come directly to this dialog, you will see the Completing the TSM HSM Configuration Wizard window. If all options are correct, click Finish. If you need to make corrections click the Back button.

Chapter 3. Using the HSM for Windows client GUI


Figure 7. Configuration: Completing the TSM HSM Configuration Wizard window

10. Acknowledge the successful saving of the configuration to the options file by clicking on the OK button in the Completing the TSM HSM Configuration Wizard.

Figure 8. Configuration: Completing the TSM HSM Configuration Wizard window

When the HSM for Windows client connects successfully to the Tivoli Storage Manager server you can define and run migration jobs.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

File groups overview

To facilitate the grouping of files for migration, you can create and edit file groups. You define file groups by file extension types. You can associate any number of file types to one file group. For example, you could have a group called Image Files consisting of these file extensions: bmp, jpg, eps, and gif. You can define another file group called Office Files consisting of the following file extensions: doc, xls, and ppt. Note: v A file group can be used in the definition of migration jobs. v Every file group is global and any changes to the group will change its definition anywhere that group is used or selected. v You can define a file group, on-the-fly, within other tasks, such as when defining a migration job.

Creating a new file group

Use these steps to create a new group using the HSM for Windows client GUI. Note: The creation of a new file group is global. The new file type you create here will be included in the lists of types under Tools File Groups. 1. Select Tools File Groups. 2. Click theNew file group button. 3. Enter the name of the file group you want to define.

Figure 9. File Group: New file group window

4. Enter the file extensions you want to be included in this file group, separated by spaces as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. File Group: Executables window

5. Click the OK button.

Chapter 3. Using the HSM for Windows client GUI


See Edit a file group for steps on editing existing groups.

Edit a file group

Use these steps to edit an existing file group using the HSM for Windows client GUI. Note: Any changes you make to a file group affect that file group globally, wherever it is used or selected. 1. Select Tools File Group. 2. Select the file group you want to edit and select the Edit button.

Figure 11. File Group: Executables window (edit)

3. Edit the file extensions you want to be included in this file group. See Creating a new file group on page 17 for steps on creating groups.

File recall quotas

You can create file recall quotas to limit the number of possible file recalls for a specific time period. You can use a system-wide (Default Quota) quota or create quotas for particular Windows (local or domain) users and groups. When a file recall quota is exceeded, a subsequent file recall request is rejected, and the HSM for Windows client returns the code STATUS_FILE_IS_OFFLINE. The actual behavior of the calling application depends on the response of the calling application to this return code. Note: v Because some backup and archive operations recall files, too low of a file recall quota might not allow you to back up or archive all files. v Group and user quotas can be defined for local users and groups as well as for Active Directory (Domain) users and groups (domain local groups). Quotas currently cannot be defined for domain global groups. v Quotas can be updated at any time using the HSM GUI. The update is effective immediately without restarting the HSM for Windows client. v Quotas only affect the recall of migrated files from users accessing stub files. Quotas do not have any influence on retrieving files with the HSM for Windows client GUI. v The default quota defines the general number of possible file recalls in a time period for group and users for which no specific quota has been defined.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

v Group quotas define the allowed number of recalls in a time unit for user groups. If a user is a member of two or more groups and has no defined user quota, the group with the least restrictive quota will be applied for this user. v User quotas define the allowed number of recalls in a time unit for an individual user. If a user quota is defined, only this quota is applied for the user. Default and group quota do not have any influence in this case. v The quota configuration is stored in ..\<hsmclient_installdir>\config\ quota.cfg. After changing quotas, a backup of quota.cfg is saved in ..\<hsmclient_installdir>\config\backup\quota.cfg.

Viewing file recall quotas

Use the HSM for Windows client GUI to view define quotas. 1. Select Tools Quotas View Quotas to display the Users and defined quotas window. 2. Use the Look in control to choose whether you want to view quotas for local or domain users. You can also filter the view by entering a name or a part of a name and pressing the Filter button. 3. You can now scroll thru the list and view quotas. The second column displays the type of quota, and the third column displays the quota.

Defining file recall quotas

Use the HSM for Windows client GUI to define the default, user, and group quotas. 1. Select Tools Quotas Define Quotas to display the Recall Quotas window.

Figure 12. Recall Quotas window

2. To change the default quota using the System Default Quota window, select the Change button that is to the right of Default Quota.

Chapter 3. Using the HSM for Windows client GUI


Figure 13. System Default Quota window

a. If you want to define this quota as Unlimited Recalls or No Recalls, select one of those options in the Predefined quotas list and then select the OK button. b. If you want to define a time span for this quota, select the Configure quota option in the Predefined quotas list, enter a numeric value in the Number of files that can be recalled box, select values for the Timespan for this quota values, and select the OK button. Figure 13 sets a default quota of one file per day. You can also choose hours, minutes, and seconds. 3. To change a user quota click the Change button that is to the right of User Quota (see Figure 12 on page 19). a. In the User Quotas window, use the Look in control to choose whether you want to assign quotas to local or domain users. You can filter users by entering a name or a part of a name and pressing the Filter button.

Figure 14. User Quotas window

b. Select the user for whom you want to define a user quota and click the Change button. After selecting a user, you can also delete their defined quota by clicking the Delete button.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

c. Follow the substeps in step 2 on page 19 to define the quota for the selected user. 4. To define a group quota, click the Change button that is to the right of Group Quotas (see Figure 12 on page 19). a. In the Group Quota window, use the Look in control to choose whether you want to assign quotas to local or domain groups. You can filter groups by entering a name or a part of a name and pressing the Filter button.

Figure 15. Group Quotas window

b. Select the group which you want to define a user quota and click the Change button. After selecting a group, you can also delete their defined quota by clicking the Delete button. c. Follow the sub-steps in step 2 on page 19 to define the quota for the selected group.

Creating a new file space

You can create new file spaces on the Tivoli Storage Manager server directly from the HSM for Windows GUI. Use the steps in this task to create a new file space: 1. To create a new file space select Tools Create New File Space. 2. Enter a name for the new file space. 3. Select the OK button.

Chapter 3. Using the HSM for Windows client GUI


Regional settings
Use the Regional Settings window to set your language, time format, date format, number format, and define if you want log, listing, and trace files in Unicode. Note: You must restart the HSM for Windows client GUI for any of the settings in Figure 16 changes to take effect. 1. Select Tools Preferences and then select the Regional Settings tab. 2. Make changes as needed and select the OK button.

Figure 16. Preferences windows for regional and Unicode settings


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Chapter 4. Migration jobs

Before creating a migration job review these considerations to enhance your planning. You need to have an overall migration plan, such as pre-migration, quotas, file spaces involved , file sets to migrate, a migration schedule, etc. v When files are migrated to an existing file space, each file is checked to see if it already exists in Tivoli Storage Manager file space. If it exists and the content of the two versions is different, the new version is migrated to the file space. If the file exists but has not been changed, it is simply replaced (again) by a stub pointing to the original entry in the Tivoli Storage Manager file space. v When only file attributes or times (creation time or last modification time) have changed, the file is not re-appended to the file space. Instead, the attributes or file times are updated in Tivoli Storage Manager for the current (latest) version of a file. However, when security attributes have changed, the files are recalled and then stored again in Tivoli Storage Manager file space with the same version number. The old entry is deleted in Tivoli Storage Manager. Because files are recalled, you must have enough temporary disk space. Attributes and file times are stored in the Tivoli Storage Manager database, and they can be updated by the HSM for Windows client. In contrast to this, the file security is part of the binary data blob, and it cannot be updated or modified by the HSM for Windows client. Instead the file must be uploaded a second time to reflect such changes. v Due to the Tivoli Storage Manager API low-level qualifier length definition, a HSM for Windows client file name cannot exceed 256 bytes. The path length (the API high-level qualifier) cannot exceed 1024 bytes. A path and file name includes the file server name, the volume, and the directory portion of the full UNC name, for example \\FILESERVER\E:\directory\filename.ext. The Unicode representation of a character can occupy several bytes, so the maximum number of characters that a file name might contain can vary. v Due to Windows Explorer limitations, when using the HSM for Windows client GUI, path names can be a maximum of 254 characters only. For path names that exceed 254 characters, you must use dsmclc.exe from a Windows command prompt. v When deciding what files to include in a migration job, consider both the frequency of use of the files and their retrieval times (the time to retrieve it from the storage repository). Although most file retrieval is transparent to users, network bandwidth, storage repository speed, and file size all determine the file retrieval speed.

Backing up files before migrating them

Before running an HSM for Windows client migration operation, files should be backed up for disaster recovery. The backup-before-migrate feature allows files to be backed up automatically before they are migrated. However, a hierarchical storage management application such as the HSM for Windows client does not replace the practice of routinely backing up files and its backup-before-migrate feature is not a substitute for regularly backing up your files. When you ran the Configuration Wizard for the HSM for Windows client, the Additional Migration Options window allowed you to define a global setting to back up files before a migration job (step 7 on page 15 in Running the HSM for
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007


Windows client Configuration Wizard on page 12). Regardless of what you selected for that global setting, you can select the pre-migration backup option when defining each migration job (see Figure 19 on page 25). If a migration job is marked for backup before migration, a list of resident source files is written to a temporary file. After a (non-empty) list of files has been successfully written to the backup list file, those files are backed up by the dsmc.exe backup-archive client program. Only files that have been backed up successfully are migrated. The other files will be skipped If in the past you selected to not backup files before migrating them you may want to review the following section: and HSM for Windows client backup integration with the backup-archive client on page 60. Note: The path name length limits differ for migrated files and for files backed up before migration. When backing up files before migration, the file name cannot exceed 256 bytes, and the path length plus the file name cannot exceed 8440 bytes. Refer to the Tivoli Storage Manger for Windows Backup-Archive Clients Installation and Users Guide for detailed information on these length limits.

Creating migration jobs

Use the HSM for Windows client GUI to define migration jobs. The core function of migration jobs, and why you have more than one, is to select different file sets to migrate by selecting different include and exclude conditions such as file age, size, subdirectory, and groups on files or directories. Note: v Due to the Tivoli Storage Manager API low-level qualifier length definition, an HSM for Windows client file name cannot exceed 256 bytes. The path length (the API high-level qualifier) cannot exceed 1024 bytes. A path and file name includes the file server name, the volume, and the directory portion of the full UNC name, for example \\FILESERVER\E:\ directory\filename.ext. The Unicode representation of a character can occupy several bytes, so the maximum number of characters that a file name might contain can vary. v Due to Windows Explorer limitations, when using the HSM for Windows client GUI, path names can be a maximum of 254 characters only. For path names that exceed 254 characters, you must use dsmclc.exe from a Windows command prompt. To complete the following steps to define a migration job, run the HSM for Windows client GUI. 1. Select Job New Job or right-click in the windows white space and select New Job.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Figure 17. New Job menu selection

2. Name the new job icon to a name of your choice.

Figure 18. New migration job: rename window

3. Double-click the new job icon to display the New Job window.

Figure 19. New migration job: General tab

4. In the New Job windows General tab, use the File Space menu to select the name of the file space in which you want to store migrated files. If you need to create a new file space, see Creating a new file space on page 21.
Chapter 4. Migration jobs


5. Decide if you want to Specify whether files converted by this job should be backed up before migration. Note: Existing migration job files from pre-5.4 versions of HSM for Windows client versions can still be processed without the backup-before-migrate attribute set. If you plan to run a legacy migration job, edit the job file in the HSM for Windows client before running it so you can select to back up files before migration. 6. Select the Source Files tab so you can begin to select files to migrate by files or by directories.

Figure 20. New migration job: Source Files tab

7. To add a new directory, skip to step 8 on page 29. For each file you want add, follow these substeps: a. Select the Source Files tabs New File button. b. Select the Browse button. In the Browse for File window, select the drive you want and select OK. c. Use the file selection window that displays to drill down to the file you want and select the OK button.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Figure 21. New migration job: Source Files General tab (Browse for File, Select Drive)

d. Select a migration action. The default Replace the file with a shortcut to the file space option performs a migration and creates a stub file. The Keep the original file archives the file, but keeps the original file as is on the local system, while Delete the file archives the file and then deletes it from the local system. Note: Dont run reconciliation on the file spaces used for this job, if you select Delete the file.

Figure 22. New migration job: File General tab Action (migration) window

e. Select the Source File windows Advanced Conditions tab and select the New Include button. The following steps use the Include Conditions windows as examples, but you could also chose the New Exclude button, which follows the same convention. And you can combine include and exclude conditions.
Chapter 4. Migration jobs


Note: The files that are selected for migration through a combination of include and exclude conditions are based not only on the include and exclude condition type and parameters you select, but are also determined by the order of the include and exclude statements. We recommend before you continue to create a migration job, you review Examples of including and excluding files on page 32 for detailed examples of combining include and exclude conditions.

Figure 23. New migration job: Source File Advanced Conditions tab

f. From the Include Condition windows top drop-down menu choose the type of condition you want for the selected file(s), define the settings for the condition specific settings and select OK. Use Figure 24 through Figure 26 on page 29 as examples to continue to define your include and exclude conditions.

Figure 24. New migration job window to include files based on file size


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Figure 25. New migration job window to include files by time

Figure 26. New migration job window to include files based on age

g. Continue to define include and exclude conditions for the selected file(s) and select OK when complete. 8. To add new directories from the New Job windows Source Files tab, select the New Directory and then Browse buttons. Select the directory you want to add and select the OK button to add it. Continue to add as many directories as you need, then follow these substeps to define the details of the migration job: Note: The migration action and include and exclude conditions you apply to a subdirectory-based migration job applies to the individual files in the selected subdirectories. a. Select a migration action. The default Replace the file with a shortcut to the file space option performs a migration and creates a stub file. The Keep the original file archives the file, but keeps the original file as is on the local system, while Delete the file archives the file and then deletes it from the local system. Note: Dont run reconciliation on the file spaces used for this job, if you select Delete the file.

Chapter 4. Migration jobs


Figure 27. New migration job: Source Directory General tab

b. Select the Include Subdirectories check box if you want to include all files in the selected directorys subdirectories. c. Select the Advanced Conditions tab and then, the type of include condition you want to define. Use Figure 28 through Figure 33 on page 32 to understand the conditions in each of the include or exclude types.

Figure 28. New migration job: Advanced Conditions window Include Condition options


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Figure 29. New migration job window to include files by subdirectory

Figure 30. New migration job window to include files by group (by directory)

Note: See Creating a new file group on page 17 and Edit a file group on page 18 for steps on creating and editing groups.

Figure 31. New migration job window to include files based on file size (by directory)

Chapter 4. Migration jobs


Figure 32. New migration job window to include directories by time (by directory)

Figure 33. New migration job window to include directories based on age (by directory)

9. Once you define a migration job you can view estimated space gains without actually running the job. See Calculate a migration jobs space savings on page 37 for more information. 10. Run the migration job by using one of the methods described in Executing migration jobs on page 38.

Examples of including and excluding files

By reviewing a base set of example files and different include and exclude conditions, you can understand how the HSM Windows client determines which files to include and which to exclude. Attention: The following examples are to help you get started with building your own include and exclude conditions. Before relying on a set of these conditions, make sure you test them thoroughly. Table 4 on page 33 lists the base file set used in these include and exclude examples. A base file set includes all files in the selected disk, folders, and, if selected, all subfolders. The content of the base set never changes. Include and exclude conditions you define create a subset of the base files that are valid for the


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

selected operation. This valid subset of files is called the target set. If there is no advanced condition imposed on the base set, the HSM for Windows client uses a default of include all, and thus the base set and the target set are identical.
Table 4. Example base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB 100 GB

Table 5 summarizes the include and exclude examples. The examples are not cumulative, in that each is a stand-alone example to show you various ways to create the subset of files you need for your file system.
Table 5. Summary of include and exclude examples Table Table 6 Table 7 on page 34 Table 8 on page 34 Table 9 on page 35 Table 10 on page 35 Table 11 on page 35 Table 12 on page 36 Table 13 on page 36 Include / exclude condition include all files < 300 MB exclude all files < 300 MB exclude all files < 30 GB include all files < 300 MB include all files with extension = pdf exclude all files < 300 MB exclude all files with extension = pdf exclude all files < 3 GB include all files with extension = pdf include all files with extension = pdf exclude all files < 2 GB include all files with extension = html exclude all files with extension = log

Example 1: one include condition

This example is an include condition that creates a target set of all files that match the include condition. The files that do not match the include condition are excluded. Table 6 shows the target set that results from the following include condition:
include all files < 300 MB Table 6. Target set for include condition example 1 Base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB
Chapter 4. Migration jobs

Target file set File name File size

test.html test.bmp

50 K 250 MB


Table 6. Target set for include condition example 1 (continued) Base file set File name test2.pdf test.dwg File size 11 GB 8 GB File name Target file set File size

Example 2: one exclude condition

This example shows an exclude condition. The first exclude condition includes all files into the target set which are not excluded by the condition. Table 7 shows the target set that results from the following exclude condition:
exclude all files < 300 MB Table 7. Target set for exclude condition example 2 Base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB 8 GB test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg 2.7 GB 11 GB 8 GB File name test.log Target file set File size 1.5 GB

Example 3: one exclude condition

In this example, Table 8 shows that no file is in the target set from the following exclude condition:
exclude all files < 30 GB Table 8. Target set for exclude condition example 3 Base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB 8 GB File name Target file set File size

Example 4: two include conditions

In this example, two include conditions create a target set that includes all files that match either include condition. Files that do not match either include condition are excluded from the target set. Table 9 on page 35 shows the target set that results from the following include conditions:
include all files < 300 MB include all files with extension = pdf


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Table 9. Target set for include conditions example 4 Base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB 8 GB test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB File name Target file set File size

Example 5: two exclude conditions

In this example, two exclude conditions combine to exclude any files that matches either exclude condition. Files that do not match either exclude condition make up the files that are included into the target set. Table 10 shows the target set that results from the following exclude conditions:
exclude all files < 300 MB exclude all files with extension = pdf Table 10. Target set for exclude conditions example 5 Base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB 8 GB test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg 2.7 GB 11 GB 8 GB test.dwg 8 GB Target file set after first exclude condition File name test.log File size 1.5 GB Final target file set File name File size test.log 1.5 GB

Example 6a: incorrect mixed include and exclude conditions

This example is an incorrect example to show how mixed conditions are evaluated from the top down. Assume you want a target set of only .pdf files that are larger than 3 GB. Table 11 shows the target set that results from the following include and exclude conditions are not part of the original goal.
exclude all files < 3 GB include all files with extension = pdf Table 11. Incorrect target set for include and exclude conditions in example 6a Base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB test.pdf test2.pdf 2.7 GB 11 GB
Chapter 4. Migration jobs

Final target file set File name File size


Table 11. Incorrect target set for include and exclude conditions in example 6a (continued) Base file set File name test.dwg File size 8 GB File name test.dwg Final target file set File size 8 GB

Example 6b: correct mixed include and exclude conditions

The next example is the correct example of obtaining the same goal of a target set of all .pdf files that are greater than 3 GB. With the include condition as the first condition, the top-down ordering creates the target set in Table 12.
include all files with extension = pdf exclude all files < 3 GB

Attention: Remember that any include condition uses all of the base target set regardless of the include or exclude conditions that precede it.
Table 12. Correct target set for include and exclude conditions in example 6b Base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB 8 GB test2.pdf 11 GB File name Final target file set File size

Example 7: redundant exclude condition

This example illustrates how an exclude condition may be redundant. Table 13 shows the target set that results from the following include and exclude conditions.
include all files with extension = html exclude all files with extension = log Table 13. Example target set for example 7 redundant exclude condition Base file set File name test.log test.html test.bmp test.pdf test2.pdf test.dwg File size 1.5 GB 50 K 250 MB 2.7 GB 11 GB 8 GB test.html 50 K test.html 50 K Target file set after first include condition File name File size Final target file set File name File size


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Calculate a migration jobs space savings

Before finalizing a migration job, you can calculate the amount of space that will be saved by a migration without having to run the migration job. To calculate a migration jobs space savings perform the following: Right-click on the migration job you want to calculate and select Calculate Space Saving. Alternatively, select the job and select Job Calculate Space Saving. You see three sets of information in both files count and kilobytes: v Current Disk Usage v Disk Usage after Migration v Free Disk space Gain

Figure 34. Estimate Disk Space Gain window

Chapter 4. Migration jobs


Executing migration jobs

Most migrations jobs are run from a standard scheduler. However, there are a few other methods for running migration jobs. You can run migrations jobs any of the following ways: v From the HSM for Windows client v From the Windows command prompt using the dsmclc command v From a scheduled task

Running migration jobs from the HSM for Windows client GUI
After defining migration jobs, you can run them at any time from the HSM for Windows client GUI. Run migration jobs from the HSM for Windows client GUI by right-clicking on a migration job and selecting Execute Job Immediately. Note: You can also migrate files and schedule migrations jobs using the dsmclc.exe. See dsmclc.exe on page 51 for more information.

Running migration jobs with other applications output

As an alternative to creating a migration job from the HSM GUI, you can process output generated by other applications such as the IBM Tivoli TotalStorage Productivity Center for Data (formerly IBM Tivoli Storage Resource Manager). To use output from another application, load dsmclc.exe with the migratelist option and specify the name of the file generated by the application as joblist parameter. The joblist text file must contain the complete path names of all files to be migrated. Each path name must be written on one line of the file, and each line must be separated by CRLF.

Scheduling a migration job

In order to start migration jobs automatically, you must configure those jobs in a standard scheduler program on the machine to run dsmclc.exe. The following example shows how to configure the Windows Scheduler to start a job weekly (each Monday at 1:00 AM). 1. From Windows Start menu, select Settings Control Panel Scheduled Tasks Add Scheduled Tasks to open the Scheduled Task Wizard window. Select the Next button.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Figure 35. Scheduled Task Wizard opening window

2. Select the Browse button to browse and select the migration program (dsmclc.exe). Then select the Open button. 3. Specify an alternative name and time interval for the job to be run and select the Next button.

Figure 36. Scheduled Task Wizard perform task window

4. Specify the time settings you wand and select the Next button.

Chapter 4. Migration jobs


Figure 37. Scheduled Task Wizard day schedule window

5. Enter a user name, password, and confirmation password and select the Next button.

Figure 38. Scheduled Task Wizard password window

6. Check the Open advanced properties for this task box to open that properties definition window.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Figure 39. Scheduled Task Wizard finish window

7. Fill in your settings as needed and select the OK button when finished. The Run parameter is: <dsmclc.exe><jobfile_name> Note: When you select the program by browsing, you still have to manually add the name of the job file in the Run parameter: sample.osj in Figure 40.

Figure 40. Scheduled Task Wizard dsmclc window

Chapter 4. Migration jobs



IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Chapter 5. Retrieving migrated or archived files

When using the HSM for Windows client GUI to search for and retrieve files that have been migrated or archived, first obtain a list files based on your criteria. From this list, select the files that you want to retrieve, and then define specific retrieval options, such a specific version to retrieve or to be prompted before overwriting files. Follow these steps to search for and retrieve migrated or archived files: 1. Select Migrate Retrieve Search & Retrieve. 2. Select the File Space in which you want to search for files. 3. Specify your search criteria and click Search. If you do not specify at least one search criterion, you receive a warning, and all of the files stored in the file space are shown. The Path and Filename fields are case sensitive, but the Volume field is not case sensitive. You can use wildcards in any field: an asterisk matches zero or more characters, and a question mark matches a single character.

Figure 41. Search in File Space window

4. After the list of matching files is displayed in the Search Results window, click Select All to retrieve all files or select individual files and then click Retrieve. If you select just one file to retrieve, you can select a specific version to retrieve (see step 5 on page 44). If you select more than one file, you cannot select specific versions, but can select the directory into which they are saved (see step 6 on page 45). In the Search Results window, you can also click Search again to obtain a different set of files to retrieve.

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Figure 42. Search Results window

After clicking Retrieve in the Search Results window with only one file selected, the Retrieve options window displays. 5. Use the Version menu to select the version of the file that you want to retrieve. Also select one of the following three options in the Overwrite section: Keep existing file(s), stubs will be overwritten, Prompt before overwriting existing file(s), stubs will be overwritten, Overwrite existing files. When you have


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

made your selections, click Retrieve to retrieve the selected file. After clicking Retrieve in the Search Results window with more than one file

Figure 43. Search in File Space window

selected, the Retrieve options window displays. 6. Select to either save the files to their original location or select a directory into which you want to save the selected files. Also select one of the following three options in the Overwrite section: Keep existing file(s), stubs will be overwritten, Prompt before overwriting existing file(s), stubs will be overwritten, Overwrite existing files. When you have made your selections, click Retrieve to retrieve the selected files.

Figure 44. Search in File Space window

Chapter 5. Retrieving migrated or archived files



IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

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Chapter 6. Configuring reconciliation

Reconciling synchronizes your file system with the Tivoli Storage Manager server by logging orphan stubs and by deleting obsolete copies of files. You use the HSM for Windows client GUI to both configure and start reconciliation. You can start reconciliation at any time and can define reconciliation to run automatically in defined intervals. The two main advantages of reconciliation are to reduce costs and to maintain integrity of your file systems. Reconciliation can reduce your costs by removing unnecessary or obsolete migrated objects from the Tivoli Storage Manager server storage. With fewer files, you need less storage and fewer licenses because the HSM for Windows client is volume-licensed based on the amount of terabytes used on the Tivoli Storage Manager server for migrated data. The HSM for Windows client helps you maintain the integrity of your file systems by finding orphan stubs. Those orphans are recorded in the hsmmonitororphan.log. When you check that log file, you decide if you want to delete the orphan stub or if you want to restore the stub from a backup. Note: v Reconciliation should not be used with files paces or volumes with migration jobs that have the action Keep the original file or Delete the file (see Creating migration jobs on page 24). v Reconciliation is not supported for configurations, where clustered volumes are nested into other volumes. v Because reconciliation deletes objects on the server, it is strongly recommended to back up all migrated files before starting reconciliation. v Reconciliation only works with stub files that have been created by IBM TSM HSM for Windows V5.4 or higher. v Reconciliation can also be configured from the Windows command prompt using the dsmhsmclc.exe command (see dsmhsmclc.exe on page 53). v To improve reconciliation performance and avoid having to use the backup-archive client to restore files, use separate file spaces for each local file system and do not rename volumes. Before configuring a file space for reconciliation, understand the following multiple conditions and consequences: The HSM for Windows reconciliation process needs to find all migrated objects for one file system on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If files from one file system are migrated to several file spaces, the reconciliation process queries all these file spaces. If files from several local file systems are migrated to the same file space, then the server eventually (depending on the names of the files) returns not only the files from the file system, which is currently reconciled, but also other files to the HSM client. Using the current name of the volume and the name of the currently nested volumes, the reconciliation process sorts out the files which do not belong to the file system that is being reconciled.

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If the following conditions are met, then the reconciliation process might erroneously assume that the file has been deleted locally and thus also deletes it from the Tivoli Storage Manager server: - If the name of a volume has been changed after files were migrated from it - If the same file space was used for migration of multiple file systems - If this file space is configured for reconciliation of a file system If this situation occurs, you can use the backup-archive client to restore the complete file space using the backup-archive client (see HSM for Windows client backup integration with the backup-archive client on page 60). But again, it is recommended to avoid this situation by not renaming volumes after files have been migrated from them. v If you restore a file-system image backup and plan to run reconciliation, you must restore the files that have been migrated after the image backup. Otherwise, migrated files, which have been created after the image backup, expire from the HSM archive storage on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Also if reconciliation runs after the image backup and deletion of migrated files, the restored stubs from the image are not readable and must be restored from the file backup. To configure reconciliation, select Tools Reconciliation. Figure 45 displays an example Reconciliation settings window and Table 14 on page 49 describes each of its fields.

| | Figure 45. HSM for Windows client Reconcile settings window |


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

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Table 14. Reconcile settings window field descriptions Field Mount path Description Specifies the volume drive letter or volume mount point for nested volumes of the volume to be configured for reconciliation Specifies the status of the current reconcile configuration for the selected mount path and whether a reconciliation process is running or not running. Click the Refresh button to get the current status. This button displays Unconfigure if the selected mount path is configured. You can select it to unconfigure reconciliation on the mount path. If the button displays Configure, select it to configure the selected mount path for reconciliation. Displays the date and time of the next reconciliation. The default is the current date and time. Specifies the period in hours between the automated reconciliation process runs. An interval of 0 hours, deactivates any automated reconciliation process on this mount path. If selected, specifies that reconciliation runs after you click the OK or Apply button. Selecting this option, always results in an extra run of the reconciliation process. After this extra reconciliation process, the next regular reconciliation will start at the configured Next reconcile time and date. Setting Reconcile interval (hours) to 0 does not deactivate the functionality of the Reconcile now check box. Select one of these options to configure the next reconciliation process to run on all file spaces (those displayed in the Available box) or on just the file spaces that you highlight and move from the Available box to the Selected box. Specifies the integer value to limit the number of reconcile processes. Refreshes the information in the window. Select this button when a volume configured for reconciliation is deleted and the volume is no longer available as a mount path. In this case, the Cleanup button is enabled and allows you to remove the old configuration.


Unconfigure and Configure

Next reconcile Reconcile interval (hours)

Reconcile now

All available file spaces Selected file spaces only

Maximum number of parallel reconcile threads Refresh Cleanup

Changing volume mount paths

Although you can change volume mount paths after files are migrated, it is strongly recommended that you do not because this change might affect reconciliation. There are some methods to mitigate issues, such as lost data, if you must change volume mount paths. As an administrator, you can change the path of a volume. For example, you can change the volume letter from e: to f: or you can change the mount path from e:\nested to f:\nested. This modification does not recall files nor does it affect the accessibility of migrated files. The stubs can still be recalled after such a rename. However, the following example shows how it can affect reconciliation.
Chapter 6. Configuring reconciliation


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If you have a volume e:, a nested volume e:\nested, and a file e:\nested\file, when the file is migrated, it can be found on the Tivoli Storage Manager server under the name \\mynode\e$\nested\file. If you move the nested volume from e:\nested to f:\nested, and you, or another user, then runs a reconciliation on e:, the process cannot determine that there was a nested volume e:\nested. Thus, the process assumes that \\mynode\e$\nested\file is a file that has been deleted. As a consequence, reconciliation removes the object \\mynode\e$\nested\file from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. In order to avoid such a situation, you can migrate the files of each volume to a separate file space on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Reconciliation can then be limited to this file space, only. In this case, the Tivoli Storage Manager server query, which is performed at the beginning of the reconciliation for a volume, does not return any objects from other volumes and consequently does not delete any objects from other volumes. Note: v This is only necessary, if the drive letter or volume mount path is changed. If the configuration is unchanged, reconciliation correctly identifies the volume for each object on the Tivoli Storage Manager server and thus does not delete any data in error. v You can manage which file spaces are used during reconciliation with the FILESPacelist option of dsmhsmclc command or by using the Reconcile settings window of the HSM for Windows client GUI. If reconciliation has already deleted objects in such a case, you then have to restore the files from the backup. Because the HSM for Windows client is integrated with the backup-archive client, you are able to restore the complete data, even if the file content has been deleted from the HSM archive. See Restoring HSM files with the backup-archive client on page 62 for more information.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Chapter 7. Using commands

The HSM for Windows client has several commands you can run from a Windows command prompt. With these commands you can: view settings such as log levels, OS and library versions, file attributes, files eligible for migration; configure and run reconciliation; and convert stub data for the reconciliation task. Table 15 summarizes the HSM commands.
Table 15. HSM for Windows client command shell commands Command dsmclc.exe dsminfo.exe Description Use this command to run a migration job from the Windows command prompt. You can also list files and file spaces. Use this command to list various settings of your installation such as the version of libraries, actual log level settings, the operating system version, and disk information. Use this command to list attributes of migrated and non-migrated files. Use this command to list files that are eligible by a job file or that correspond to a pattern. Use this command to configure reconciliation. Use this command once to convert pre V5.4 stubs and server objects to the V5.5.0 format for enhanced reconciliation.

dsmfileinfo.exe dsmfind.exe

| |

dsmhsmclc.exe dsmReconConverter.exe

Normally you run migration jobs through a scheduler program; however, you can run a migration job from the Windows command prompt using the dsmclc.exe command. You can also list files and file spaces. Note: Entries for file spaces and search patterns are case sensitive. The following is the general usage of the dsmclc command:
dsmclc [migrate] [-l loglevel] <jobfile>

Table 16 describes the command line options for the dsmclc.exe command line migration program.
Table 16. dsmclc.exe command prompt options To: dsmclc command elements List migrated files d:\Office list -g officespace D: \Office Documents\ *.doc Documents\*.doc in the file space officespace. Migrate the files in the job list file migratelist -g <filespace> -x <action> [-l loglevel] joblist. This file is a text file that <joblist> contains the absolute path names of the files, which are to be migrated. The file can be created by a third party application.

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Table 16. dsmclc.exe command prompt options (continued) To: Retrieve files from a specific file space List file spaces Delete files from a file space Create a file space Replace migrated files with stub files Delete archived files Keep archived files Use <search patterns> Match a volume Match a directory Match a filename Use the force option to (overwrite files) Use the loglevel option (default: SEWIL) dsmclc command elements retrieve -g <filespace> [-f][-l loglevel] <search patterns> listfilespaces [*|filespace] [-l loglevel] delete -g <filespace> [-l loglevel] <search patterns> createfilespace -g <filespace> [-l loglevel] Use the <replace> action Use the <delete> action Use the <keep> action Specify at least 3 blank separated search parts. For each part, * and ? may be used to match files. Use <volume-pattern> Use <directory-pattern> Use [file-pattern] -f -l

After executing the command, use Table 17 to understand the status of the processed operations.
Table 17. dsmclc.exe return codes Code Description 0 4 8 All operations completed successfully All operations completed successfully, but some files were not processed. There were no global errors or warnings. The operation completed with at least one warning or one error message. This is measured based on logging severity error/severe. No error exception was received at end of operations. The operation completed with an error exception.


Run the dsmfileinfo.exe program from a command shell to view file attributes. The following command is a usage example:
dsmfileinfo [-r] <filename>

Table 18 shows the options for the dsmfileinfo.exe program.

Table 18. Command line options for dsmfileinfo.exe Option -a -i Description Shows all Show file object id; or -ic to create file object id


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Table 18. Command line options for dsmfileinfo.exe (continued) Option -m -q -r -s -t Description Calculate MD5 key (files only) Query backend version(s) (stubs only) Show reparse data (stubs only) Show file security Show file times, size, and attributes (default)

Run the dsmfind.exe program from a command shell to show files that fit a job file or that correspond to a pattern. Usage:
dsmfind <jobfile|pattern>

You can display the help for this command if you issue the dsmfind command without any command line options. Table 19 shows the options for the dsmfind.exe command.
Table 19. Command line options for dsmfileinfo.exe Option -r -s Description recurse (pattern only) stubs only (pattern only)

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Issue the dsmhsmclc.exe command from a Windows command prompt to define reconcile settings, start reconciliation, unconfigure reconciliation, set log levels, and show file system settings. The dsmhsmclc.exe command has several options, and you can use combinations of the different options in one command. For example, a command for configuring one volume for immediate reconciliation, using all file spaces, and an interval of 1000 hours would be similar to:
dsmhsmclc e:\ -RECONCILEINT 1000

The command for configuring the next reconciliation to start at midnight on the 31st of November 2007 using file spaces filespaceA and filespaceC, with an interval of one year (8760 hours) would be similar to:
dsmhsmclc e:\ -NEXTREConcile 2007-11-31-00-00 -FILESPacelist filespaceA,filespaceC -RECONCILEINT 8760

If you do use an option, you should usually specify a value for the option. For example, the following command specifies a reconcilenow option value of yes:
dsmhsmclc e:\ -reconcilenow yes

If you dont specify a value for an option, then either the value remains unchanged or the default is used. For the following to examples, assume volume e:\ and f:\ are not yet configured for reconciliation. The following command:
Chapter 7. Using commands


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dsmhsmclc e:\

configures the volume and applies the defaults for all options (nextreconcile, filespacelist, reconcilenow, reconcileinterval). The following command:
dsmhsmclc f:\ -reconcileinterval 1000

configures the volume and applies all defaults, except for reconcileinterval, which is set to 1000. Then, if you issue the following command:
dsmhsmclc e:\ -reconcileinterval 8000

the only change is to reconcileinterval, making it 8000. The other options for e:\ will remain unchanged. Restriction: You can only use a variety of options with the dsmhsmclc command with a <vol_mount_path> as parameter. If you use the command with one of the following options: maxreconcileproc, query, or unconfigure; you can only use that one option. Table 20 describes the variable parameters used in the command examples that are not predefined.
Table 20. dsmcsmclc command variable descriptions Variable name used in the command examples Description <file_space> <date_time> The name of a file space. Date and time in the format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM, where YYYY = year; MM = month; DD = year; HH = hour; MM = minutes. The single character for denoting the log level, the default is SEWIL. The possible values are: C (event), D (debug), E (error), F (flush), I (info), K (driver), L (library), T (trace), U (user), W (warning), X (dump). See Table 26 on page 68 for a description of the values. Any root directory such as C:\, D:\, or the path of a mount point (E:\MountedVolumes\Volume).



Table 21 displays example usage for the dsmhsmclc command.

Table 21. dsmhsmclc.exe command examples dsmhsmclc parameter usage examples dsmhsmclc <vol_mount_path> -NEXTREConcile <date_time> Specifies when the next regular reconcile will occur on the specified file system. The default is the current date and time. dsmhsmclc <vol_mount_path> -RECONCILEINTerval <number_hours> Specifies the number of hours between reconciliation runs. The default is 720 hours. The range of acceptable values is 0 to 876000. If this option is set to 0, automatic reconciliation is deactivated. dsmhsmclc <vol_mount_path> -RECONCILENOW (yes|no) If yes, specifies the reconciliation starts immediately. The default is no.


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Table 21. dsmhsmclc.exe command examples (continued) dsmhsmclc parameter usage examples dsmhsmclc <vol_mount_path> -FILESPacelist (ALL|<file_space>[,<file_space>[...]]) A comma-separated list of file spaces to reconcile. You can improve the reconcile performance and scalability by restricting the query to the files spaces that contain migrated files of the volume you are configuring. The default is ALL, which means that all are available file spaces are used. dsmhsmclc <vol_mount_path> -L <log_level> The logging level for reconciliation. dsmhsmclc -MAXRECONCILEPROC <max_number_of_process> [-L <log_level>] Sets the global MAXRECONCILEPROC option to the specified value. This option specifies the number of file systems that can be reconciled in parallel. If this number is exceeded, any pending reconciliation tasks are delayed until the running reconcile tasks finishes. The default is 3. The range of values is 1 to 16. dsmhsmclc -Query [<vol_mount_path>[,<vol_mount_path>[...]]] [-L <log_level>] Without a parameter, this command returns the settings of all configured file systems to the command line. With a comma separated list of files systems as the parameter, only those file systems information is shown. dsmhsmclc -UNCONFigure <vol_mount_path> [-L <log_level>] Unconfigures reconciliation on a volume. dsmhsmclc [-Help|-?] [-L <log_level>] Displays the help text for the dsmhsmclc command.

Run the dsminfo.exe program from a command shell to view HSM for Windows client settings. When you run this command the log file dsminfo.log is created. The following is an example command that shows the defined quotas:
dsminfo quota

Table 22 shows the options for the dsminfo.exe program.

Table 22. Command line options for dsminfo.exe Option all allquota clclog disk domain domgroups domusergr domusers driver Description Performs every task in this table Displays quotas of all users on the given server Displays the dsmclc commands log level Displays hard disk(s) information Displays domain information. Lists the domain local groups Lists the domain local users and the groups of each user Lists the domain local users Displays HSM for Windows file system driver version

Chapter 7. Using commands


Table 22. Command line options for dsminfo.exe (continued) Option errors files filter guilog help infolog installdir ip locausers locusergrl locusers quota save servicelog stamps tivoli user version win Description Displays only messages containing installation errors Checks if all required files are present Displays the attribute file filter and minimum file size Displays the dsmgui commands log level Displays the help for the options for this command Displays dsminfo commands log level Displays the installation directory Displays local machine IP addresses Lists the computer local groups Lists the computer local users, list the groups of each user. Lists the computer local users Displays only defined quotas Saves the output to check_installation.txt (any further run of the command will delete this file) Displays the hsmservice commands log level Displays version information of IBM Tivoli HSM binaries Displays the versions of Tivoli Storage Manager backup archive client and API Displays the current user name Displays the HSM for Windows client version Displays the Windows version and fix pack

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The dsmReconConverter command converts pre-V5.4 stubs to a format compatible with reconciliation. The command also checks all stub files and their Tivoli Storage Manager server objects for inconsistencies and tries to resolve them. Note: For information on reconciliation see Reconciliation overview on page 4. Table 23 describes the variable parameters used in the command examples that are not predefined.
Table 23. dsmReconConverter command variable descriptions Variable name used in the command examples Description <file_space> <log_level> The name of a file space. The single character for denoting the log level, the default is SEWIL. The possible values are: C (event), D (debug), E (error), F (flush), I (info), K (driver), L (library), T (trace), U (user), W (warning), X (dump). See Table 26 on page 68 for a description of the values. Any root directory such as C:\, D:\, or the path of a mount point (E:\MountedVolumes\Volume).


The following example command converts all files in <vol_mount_path> and all


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corresponding objects on the Tivoli Storage Manager server in either all file spaces (ALL) or the selected <file space>, to the needed reconciliation format. After the tool runs successfully on the volume, that volume is ready for reconciliation.
dsmReconConverter <vol_mount_path> -FILESPacelist (ALL|<file_space> [,<file_space>[...]]) [-L <log_level>]

The following command shows the help text for this command:
dsmReconConverter [-Help|-?] [-L <log_level>]

The following two examples show a simple command and show a more complex command that can be used for nested environments:
dsmReconConverter F: -filesp ALL dsmReconConverter G:\myNestedVolume -filesp test2,test3,test4

Chapter 7. Using commands



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Chapter 8. Backup-archive client integration overview

With V5.5.0, three backup-archive client options control the HSM for Windows client data. The Skip migrated files option regulates backup and archive operations on stubs. The two restore options, Restore as migrated file, and Restore resident if not accessible, define how stubs are restored. Full integration between HSM for Windows client and the backup-archive client requires version 5.5 of the Tivoli Storage Manager server and of the backup-archive client. If you do not use V5.5 for both these products, the backup-archive client might not always be able to maintain a copy of the resident and the migrated file, and thus, you might not be able to restore the full file from a backup. Use the backup-archive client HSM for Windows preferences tab to set the HSM for Windows client options. You access that tab by running the backup-archive client GUI (dsm.exe), selecting Edit Preferences, and then selecting the HSM for Windows tab. The HSM for Windows tab in the backup-archive preference editor only displays, if HSM for Windows client is installed. You can also edit the dsm.opt backup-archive client options file and set these values to yes or no. Do not edit the HSM client dsm.opt file, which is separate from the backup-archive dsm.opt file. A yes value is equivalent to not selecting a check box and a no option is equivalent to clearing the check box. Table 24 relates the name of the check box in the HSM for Windows tab with the short option name used in the backup-archive client dsm.opt file.
Table 24. Backup-archive HSM for Windows option names HSM for Windows preferences tab check box name Skip migrated files Restore as migrated file Restore resident if not accessible Short option name (dsm.opt) SKIPMIGRATED RESTOREMIGSTATE RESTORECHECKSTUBACCESS Default Unchecked (no) Checked (yes) Checked (yes)

The integration between the HSM for Windows client and the backup-archive client ensures the backup-archive client, independent from HSM for Windows client, always maintains a copy of the complete file in the backup pool, whether this file is migrated or not. In other words, for migrated files there are two identical versions of the file on the Tivoli Storage Manager server: one is in the HSM archive, created by the HSM client; and one is the backup copy in the backup pool, created by the backup archive client. Because of this, when restoring files, the backup-archive client can always recreate the complete file from the backup only, even in the case of an HSM for Windows client issue (for example, when the copy in the HSM archive has been erroneously deleted). But this is only true when the stubs have been backed up with the V5.5.0 of the backup-archive client. To understand the Skip migrated files option and the HSM for Windows client integration with the backup-archive clients backup function, see HSM for Windows client backup integration with the backup-archive client on page 60.

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To understand the Restore as migrated file, and Restore resident if not accessible options and the HSM for Windows client integration with the backup-archive clients restore function, see Restoring HSM files with the backup-archive client on page 62.

HSM for Windows client backup integration with the backup-archive client
Use the Skip migrated files (SKIPMIGRATED) option of the backup-archive client to manage whether HSM for Windows migrated files are processed by the backup-archive client or not. Tip: v See Chapter 8, Backup-archive client integration overview, on page 59 for instructions on setting this option in the backup-archive client or the backup-archive clients dsm.opt file. v See Impacts of changing file encryption on page 61 to understand the recall impacts when you change encryption on resident or stub files. v If the backup-archive client Skip migrated files check box is not checked or the value is set to no in the backup-archive client dsm.opt file, all files are processed during a backup independent of the migration state. In this case, the backup-archive client ensures that whenever a stub is backed up there is a copy of the complete file in the backup. If a file has not been backed up before migration, the migrated file is recalled during an operation before the backup. On the next run of a migration job, the file will be remigrated and the subsequent back up will then back up the stub itself. The backup is created on the Tivoli Storage Manager server and the copy of the resident file is linked with the copy of the stub in the backup pool. This means that the copy of the resident file does not expire until the stub copy expires. The backup-archive client knows about both the file in the backup and the copy of the stub. Thus, both the resident or the migrated files can always be recreated using the backup-archive client. Interaction between HSM for Windows client and the backup-archive client is handled through a plug-in, which is installed by the HSM for Windows client in the plug-in directory of the backup-archive client. If a file needs to be recalled, but the HSM for Windows client is not able to do so (for example, because the IBM TSM HSM Recall Service is not running or the file is an orphan), the backup-archive client will fail to back up the file with an I/O error. If the option is checked (yes), the backup-archive client does not process any HSM for Windows client stubs. Thus, no file is recalled, and the stubs are not backed up. Stubs not being backed up might lead to an out-of-space condition when you restore files, because they (even migrated ones) are always restored to a resident state. You need to explicitly manage the Skip migrated files option before the first backup after installing the 5.5.0 version of the backup-archive client so that you do not create an out-of-space condition. If you have many files that have not been backed up before migration, and Skip migrated files is unchecked, all of those files are recalled at the next backup. This might create massive recalls during the


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first backup. The number of files recalled will be increased if you have many files that were migrated and backed up with an earlier version, or if you renamed stubs or directories containing stubs. During any backup, you can keep migrated files from being backed up by selecting the backup-archive client option Skip migrated files. But you will probably want to take advantage of the backup-archive client integration and not leave the Skip migrated files permanently checked. You can take advantage of this feature and avoid an out-of-space condition from the recall of files that were not yet backed up by: v Running your first regular backup with the Skip migrated files checked. v Running backups on selected directories with the Skip migrated files option unchecked. You select which directories to manage on a case-by-case basis based on your available space and how many migrated files have not previously backed up in a specific directory. Thus, you manage, for each directory, the number of files that are recalled. v Remigrate the recalled files to free up space. v After you do this for each directory, leave the Skip migrated files option unchecked (no) for regular backup jobs. The following backup-archive client dsmc command runs a backup that skips migrated files:
dsmc inc N:\file.txt skipmigrated=yes

The following list contains additional considerations: v The backup-archive client only archives the contents of a migrated file and never the stub. The same is true for selective backup. So, for the archive and selective backup, the stubs are always recalled during the operation. v For planning, keep in mind that as discussed in this section your first backup after the installation of V5.5.0 and archive and selective backups can take more time than you are used to because the migrated files are first recalled before they are backed up. v Subfile backup, in conjunction with HSM for Windows, is not supported. v Your Tivoli Storage Manager server administrator can set some client options that are available on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Any client option that is set by the server overrides the client defined option value. v Stub files are not backed up during an incremental by-date backup. You must run an incremental backup in order to back up the stub files.

Impacts of changing file encryption

You need to take special care when applying encryption to or removing encryption from resident files or stub files. When you change the encryption of a file, the backup and resident file content is no longer the same. When the encryption of a file has changed, the backup-archive client treats this as content change. If this applies to a migrated file, a recall is triggered at the next incremental backup. Thus, if you change the encryption status of many stubs, a massive recall might be triggered at the next incremental backup, which might cause an out-of-space condition. To avoid this situation, set the encryption status of files before backing up the resident files. If you need to change the encryption status of many stub files, follow these steps:
Chapter 8. Backup-archive client integration overview


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1. Change the encryption status of the appropriate files in one directory of a file system. 2. Run an incremental backup of the changed files in the directory. Stub files with a modified encryption status are recalled. 3. Migrate the changed files. 4. Optionally, backup the files. 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each directory in the file system that contains files with a changed encryption status.

Restoring HSM files with the backup-archive client

Use the Restore as migrated file (RESTOREMIGSTATE) and Restore resident if not accessible (RESTORECHECKSTUBACCESS) backup-archive client options to manage how stub files are restored from Tivoli Storage Manager storage. Tip: v See Chapter 8, Backup-archive client integration overview, on page 59 for instructions on setting these options in the backup-archive client or the backup-archive clients dsm.opt file. v If the HSM for Windows client is not installed, or if the IBM TSM HSM Recall Service is not running, default security attributes are applied to restored files. You can use the Restore resident if not accessible option to verify the readability of a stub file before restoring the corresponding migrated file as a stub. If the stub file is not readable, the file will be restored completely (in the resident state) and not as a stub. If you do not select this check box (no), the backup-archive client does not check whether the migration copy is available in the HSM migration storage pool. The backup-archive client restores the migrated file as a stub file without this verification. Restore as migrated file controls whether the stub is recreated at all, or whether the resident file is always restored. When the Restore resident if not accessible option is unchecked (no), it disables the readability check in the HSM pool. If you do not check the Restore resident if not accessible check box (no) and do check Restore as migrated file check box (yes), then the stub will be always restored. This also means that the backup-archive client does not need to request the data of the resident file from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Thus during a restore, less data is transferred from the server to the client, and less temporary space is needed. Note: v The Restore resident if not accessible option is only evaluated in combination when the Restore as migrated file check box is checked (yes). v In addition to these options, the following conditions must also be met for a file to only be restored as stub: The file was migrated on the last backup The HSM for Windows client is installed The restored object is the active version The original file system and the target file system are of the same type (NTFS) The file system, high level name, and low level name are identical (source and destination)


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The following examples use the backup-archive client dsmc rest command. The Restore as migrated file check box sets the RESTOREMIGSTATE option and the Restore resident if not accessible check box sets the RESTORECHECKSTUBACCESS option. v The default behavior is to restore a stub file as a stub, if it is accessible in HSM archive, otherwise as a resident file:
dsmc rest N:\file.txt restoremigstate=yes restorecheckstubaccess=yes

v Restore a stub file as a stub without checking its accessibility in HSM archive:
dsmc rest N:\file.txt restoremigstate=yes restorecheckstubaccess=no

v Restore stub file as a resident file:

dsmc rest N:\file.txt restoremigstate=no

v Restore a stub to different position that causes a resident restore:

dsmc rest N:\file.txt N:\file2.txt restoremigstate=yes restorecheckstubaccess=no

Use the following summary of the advantages and one disadvantage of these backup-archive client restore options (restoremigstate=yes and restorecheckstubaccess=no) to help you decide how to use them: v Advantages: Less temporary space needed during restore Less network traffic Faster restore v Disadvantage: The combination of checking Restore as migrated file and not checking Restore resident if not accessible is the most space efficient and fastest way to restore stubs. However there might be orphan stubs after such a restore. If you run reconciliation after such a restore, the process detects these orphans, which you can restore individually as resident files. Depending on your settings, when HSM for Windows migrated files are restored, resident and migrated files are sent from the Tivoli Storage Manager server to the client. These objects are stored in a subdirectory under the temporary directory, \~tsmtemp\, in the volume root. At the end of a restore, this subdirectory is deleted, and \~tsmtemp\ is deleted if there is no other subdirectory from another restore. If a backup-archive client restore process is stopped in an unusual way (for example by pressing Ctrl+C or by restarting your system), this subdirectory, and any files in it, are not deleted. In this case you must manually delete them.

Chapter 8. Backup-archive client integration overview



IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Chapter 9. HSM advanced parameters and file location settings

Although most parameters default settings are appropriate, you can customize some settings. Note: See Tracing preferences on page 67 for information on setting log and trace file settings. Table 25 displays the advanced parameters. For all parameters except the Timeout parameter, the Parameter name and description column shows you the parameter name and Windows registry path from the end of this common path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion\HsmClient\. The Timeout parameters full path is listed in the Parameter Name column.
Table 25. Advanced parameters descriptions Parameter name and description Default Notes

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ithsmdrv\Parameters\Timeout Defines the number of seconds after which the File System Filter Driver returns an error, when a requested file has not been received in this period by the recalling application. 60 If you migrate or recall very large files, use a slow tape device, or if the network is slow, it may be necessary to increase this value.

dsmclc\FileAttributesFilter and dsmgui\FileAttributesFilter Configures the registry to prevent files with certain attributes from migration. The dsmclc registry path is for dsmclc.exe, and dsmgui is for dsmgui.exe. 6hidden and system Change this parameter only on technical advice from IBM.

dsmclc\DirectoryAttribuesFilter and dsmgui\DirectoryAttribuesFilter Configures folders with certain attributes that are generally not entered for selecting files for migration. The dsmclc registry path is for dsmclc.exe, and dsmgui is for dsmgui.exe. 6hidden and system Change this parameter only on technical advice from IBM.

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File location preferences

Use the HSM for Windows client GUI Preferences windows Path Configuration tab to define the location of the HSM for Windows client configuration file, migration job files, and temporary files. Access the Preferences Path Configuration tab by selecting HSM for Windows client GUI. Select Tools Preferences Path Configuration. Figure 46 on page 66 contains three fields where you select the path of the three different file types: configuration, migration, and temporary. Click Browse to select an existing directory.

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| | Figure 46. Trace Preferences->Path Configuration window |

Recall service settings

Use the HSM for Windows client GUI to define the recall service settings (IBM TSM HSM Recall Service). Access the Recall Service tab of the Preferences window by selecting Tools Preferences Recall Service. Only change the value in the Thread(s) box on advice from IBM. This value determines the number of concurrent connections you can have for the recall service. The default is 4 and the maximum is 64. Use the Second(s) box to define the number of seconds after which the recall service closes the connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The default is 600. Note: If a file is recalled from a tape, the connection is reset to ensure the tape is not locked after the recall.

Figure 47. Preferences windows Recall Service tab


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Recall quota entries deletion interval

Use the HSM for Windows client GUI to define the interval that the program uses to delete recall quota entries. These entries are created to track quota allocations. Access the Recall Service tab of the Preferences window by selecting Tools Preferences Recall Quota. Use the Minute(s) box to define the number of minutes for the interval the recall service uses to delete expired quota entries. Changing this value to a smaller interval than the default of sixty minutes may give you some hard disk space gain but at a higher CPU performance. Increasing the value has the contrary effect.

Figure 48. Preferences windows Recall Service tab

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Tracing preferences
HSM for Windows client processing, from both the GUI and the commands, creates several log files, trace files, and listings files. You use the HSM for Windows client GUI to define the level of information recorded in these files, their location, and their maximum size. In normal production, these preferences settings should be set to the defaults. The default level records warnings and errors and does not record trace-level messages. You should increase the logging level only when you need to perform advanced diagnostics. The Severe and Error logging levels are active by default and cannot be deactivated. When you change log levels in the hsmservice and dsmgui tabs (see Figure 49 on page 68), you do not need to restart either of those programs for those settings to become active. However other changes, such as file location, require a restart for which you will see a message box telling you to restart the client (the HSM for Windows client GUI) or the IBM TSM HSM Recall Service (hsmservice.exe), or the IBM TSM HSM Monitor Service (hsmmonitor.exe). There are three types of settings you define for the logs: their recording level, their size, the log file location. To access these settings from the HSM for Windows client GUI, select Tools Trace Preferences. Figure 49 on page 68 contains the trace levels and size settings you can select for each executable file or plug-in in the HSM for Windows client program. The example Figure 49 on page 68 is for the dsmgui.exe executable file, but most other tabs (for example, dsminfo, dsmhsmclc, and dsmclc) are identical. The Path Configuration tab is different from these other
Chapter 9. HSM advanced parameters and file location settings


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tabs (see Figure 50 on page 69). Table 26 describes each setting.

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Figure 49. Tracing Preferences window Table 26. Tracing preferences window field definitions Field Trace Levels section Severe Error Warning Info Trace Debug Library Dump Events Flush Records HSM Windows messages that are categorized as severe. Records HSM Windows messages that are categorized as errors. If checked, records HSM Windows messages that are categorized as warnings. If checked, records HSM Windows messages that are categorized as information only. If checked, turns on the tracing of program events and should be used for advanced diagnostics or for problem analysis. If checked, records special debugging information and codes should be used for advanced diagnostics or for problem analysis. If checked, records specific library information and should be used for advanced diagnostics or for problem analysis. If checked, records additional information on issues and should be used for advanced diagnostics or for problem analysis. If checked, records diagnostic information such as function entries and exits, and so on. If checked, records each message to disk before processing continues instead of buffering them. This records all messages one-by-one but may impact system performance, so it should be used for advanced diagnostics. Returns the settings in the Trace Levels section of this window to their default values. Description



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Table 26. Tracing preferences window field definitions (continued) Field Full Trace File Size section Maximum file size File wrapping at Sets a size limit in megabytes for the selected trace file. The default is 10. Defines the percentage of the log file that is kept when the Maximum file size value is reached. The default is 66. Description Returns all available logging and tracing levels.

Log File Size section Maximum file size File wrapping at Sets a size limit in megabytes for the selected log file. The default is 10. Defines the percentage of the log file that is kept when the Maximum file size value is reached. The default is 66.

Figure 50 contains three text boxes where you select the path of the three different files: trace, log and listing. Click Browse to select an existing directory.

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Figure 50. Trace Preferences->Path Configuration window

Chapter 9. HSM advanced parameters and file location settings



IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Chapter 10. Problem determination

You can troubleshoot some common issues, such those caused by antivirus software.

Troubleshooting steps and information

You can follow some general guidelines on troubleshooting and preparing information for IBM support.

Retry the action

1. Shut down the any running HSM service: IBM TSM HSM Recall Service and IBM TSM HSM Monitor Service. 2. Save off and delete the log files. 3. Restart the IBM TSM HSM Recall Service (hsmservice.exe) and see if the service is running. Set the log levels to the highest level. See Tracing preferences on page 67. 4. Retry the action, if you still have an issue, retry the action using another method, for example: v Use the HSM for Windows client GUI instead of the command line or vice versa. v Check permissions by creating a file in the directory of the stub file you are trying to retrieve. v From an application, such as MS Word, open and save the file in question.

Data and files to collect for IBM support

Note: 1. If you did not follow steps 1 through 3 in prior section, follow those steps. 2. Select one or two files and use them to recreate the problem. 3. Write down each step, pipe screen output into text files, capture screens shots, etc. 4. Zip up logs files into 5. Use the IBM Support Assistant plug-in for the HSM for Windows client to gather and send the base information needed by the IBM support team.

Descriptive information to send to IBM support

v Program versions and environment The entire HSM for Windows client version Tivoli Storage Manager versions (server, backup-archive, API) Windows version Disk layout: cluster, shares, local disks, iSCSII, SAN, NAS Types of files involved: MS Office, big, small, where from Your ownership and permissions v Status of the HSM for Windows client installation New / upgraded / or running for xx months Are you migrating new files
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Have you added new users Have you increased volumes or the number of files involved Did you change a configuration setting recently Have file permissions changed v What you want to accomplish v Steps and events you used to create the problem v The file you collected v Related screen shots or system messages

Antivirus considerations
Although in-depth testing occurs with each HSM for Windows client release in regards to industry leading antivirus programs, there are a few considerations you need to periodically review. Note: v Be sure a virus scan runs on files before they are migrated. v Updates of virus signatures and antivirus scan engines could lead to different behavior with the HSM for Windows client. During any troubleshooting, always ask the question What changed? and take special consideration of antivirus updates. v Use antivirus software that supports sparse or offline files. Be sure it has a setting that allows it to skip offline or sparse files to avoid unnecessary recall of migrated files. v The HSM for Windows client has been successfully tested for compatibility with the following programs with the specified settings: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 7.0 and 8.0 Symantec AntiVirus 8.0 and 9.0 Corporate Edition with the following setting: - Under Scan Advanced Options Storage migration options, check Skip offline and sparse files. Symantec AntiVirus 10.0 Corporate Edition with the following two settings: - Under Scan Advanced Options Storage migration options, check Skip offline files. - Under Autoprotect Advanced Options Scan files when, uncheck Opened for backup....


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference

ANS27024E Explanation System action User action Failure creating TSM file space file space name<dynamic info>error text. The TSM file space could be not created. The desired operation can not be executed. Check if the archive already exists, and check server permissions.

ANS27025E Explanation System action User action

Failure deleting TSM file space <dynamic info>file space name<dynamic info>error text. The TSM file space could be not deleted. The desired operation can not be executed. Check if the archive exists, and check server permissions.

ANS27026E Explanation System action User action

The file space <dynamic info>file space name does not exist. The file space does not exist on the server. The operation can not be performed due to a missing file space. Specify an existing file space for the desired operation.

ANS27027E Explanation System action User action

Failure querying if file space <dynamic info>file space name exists:<dynamic info>error text. Querying the Tivoli Storage Manager server for a file space failed. The desired operation can not be performed. Check server permissions.

ANS27028E Explanation System action User action

Failure parsing configuration file <dynamic info>config file name <dynamic info>error text. The global XML configuration file could not be parsed correctly and may contain corrupted data. The desired operation can not be performed. Correct the global XML configuration file with an editor or reinstall the product.

ANS27029E Explanation System action User action

The configuration file <dynamic info>file name could not be found. The global XML job configuration file could not be found. The desired operation can not be performed. Restore the global XML configuration file or reinstall the product.

ANS27030E Explanation System action User action

Failure parsing job file <dynamic info>job file name<dynamic info>error text. The job file could not be parsed correctly and may contain corrupted data. The desired migration operation can not be performed. Restore the job file from backup, or delete the corrupted file and recreate the job from scratch.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007


ANS27031E Explanation System action User action

The job file <dynamic info>job file name could not be found. A migration XML job file could not be found. The migration job can not be executed. Specify an existing job file or create the missing job file.

ANS27032E Explanation System action User action

Failure parsing TSM option file <dynamic info>opt file name<dynamic info>error text. The TSM option file could not be parsed correctly. The desired operation can not be performed as necessary TSM configuration data is missing. Correct the option file or create a new option file in the installation directory using the wizard.

ANS27033E Explanation System action User action

The configuration file <dynamic info>config file name could not be found. The TSM option file %1 could not be found. The desired operation can not be performed as necessary TSM configuration data is missing. Create a new option file in the installation directory using the wizard or copy an existing option file in the installation directory.

ANS27034E Explanation System action User action

The connection to server<dynamic info>server name , could not be closed correctly:<dynamic info>error text. The application could not close the TCP/IP connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager server correctly. The system will release the connection after a timeout. No user response necessary. However, you may restart your server and the application.


The connection to Tivoli Storage Manager server<dynamic info>server name , port<dynamic info>port number , could not be established:<dynamic info>error text. The application could not connect to the configured Tivoli Storage Manager server. The server operation is not performed. Check if the repository server is reachable and well configured, and check your connection data in the TSM option file.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27036E Explanation System action User action

Failure deleting Tivoli Storage Manager server entries for file <dynamic info>file name<dynamic info>error text. A repository file entry could not be deleted on server. An error log entry is written and the system continues with next file entries. Check the Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry server entry file deletion.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

ANS27037E Explanation System action User action

Failure querying the Tivoli Storage Manager server for file entries with pattern<dynamic info>search pattern :<dynamic info>error text. Querying the server for the requested files failed. The Tivoli Storage Manager server entry deletion operation is not performed. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the deletion operation.

ANS27038E Explanation System action User action

Failure opening file deletion transaction:<dynamic info>error text. The application could not establish the transaction context for entry deletion on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The file entry or the file entries are not deleted on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the deletion operation.

ANS27039E Explanation System action User action

Failure closing file deletion transaction:<dynamic info>error text. The application could not close the transaction context for entry deletion on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. None. The operation continues with the next action. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the deletion operation.

ANS27040E Explanation System action User action

An error occurred during file analysis:<dynamic info>error text. The absolute file path could not be obtained. The program terminates. Check file permissions and security settings.

ANS27041E Explanation System action User action

An error occurred during file analysis<dynamic info>error text. File attributes could not be obtained. The program terminates. Check file permissions and security settings.

ANS27042E Explanation System action User action

An error occurred during file analysis:<dynamic info>error text. The backend query for the file failed. The program terminates. Check server accessibility and permissions.

ANS27043E Explanation System action User action

An error occurred during file analysis:<dynamic info>error text. File MD5 key could not be calculated. The program terminates. Check file permissions and security settings.


An error occurred during file analysis:<dynamic info>error text.

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


Explanation System action User action

File reparse data could not be read. The program terminates. Check file permissions and security settings.

ANS27045E Explanation System action User action

An error occurred during file analysis:<dynamic info>error text. File security could not be obtained or evaluated. The program terminates. Check file permissions and security settings.

ANS27046E Explanation System action User action

A program initialization problem occurred:<dynamic info>error text. Registry values, file or directories where missing and could not have been created. The program terminates. Check registry values and installation directory permissions, or reinstall the product.

ANS27047E Explanation System action User action

A program initialization problem occurred:<dynamic info>error text. Logging could not be started. The program terminates. Check logging directory and log file locking, permissions and security.

ANS27048E Explanation System action User action

A program initialization problem occurred:<dynamic info>error text. Memory objects could not be created by the program. The program terminates. Check the memory state of the computer running the program.

ANS27049E Explanation System action User action

Failure querying with pattern<dynamic info>search pattern :<dynamic info>error text. Multiple entries for the same file and version have been found. This error indicates inconsistent file entries in the file space. The operation is aborted. Run the reconciliation tool. Rerun the operation.

ANS27050E Explanation System action User action

Failure querying Tivoli Storage Manager server for file entries with pattern<dynamic info>search pattern :<dynamic info>error text. Querying the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the requested files failed. The Tivoli Storage Manager server entry listing operation is not performed. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the list operation.

ANS27051E Explanation

An error occurred during a file rename operation with pattern<dynamic info>search pattern :<dynamic info>error text. Server file entry rename operation failed.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

System action User action

The Tivoli Storage Manager server entry rename operation is not performed. Check server configuration and permissions.

ANS27052E Explanation System action User action

Failure querying Tivoli Storage Manager server for file entries with pattern<dynamic info>search pattern :<dynamic info>error text. Querying the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the requested files failed. The Tivoli Storage Manager server entry rename operation is not performed. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the rename operation.

ANS27053E Explanation System action User action

Failure opening file rename transaction:<dynamic info>error text. The application could not open the transaction context for an entry rename operation on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The file entry or the file entries are not renamed on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the rename operation.

ANS27054E Explanation System action User action

Failure closing file rename transaction:<dynamic info>error text. The application could not close the transaction context for an entry rename operation on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. None. The operation continues with the next action. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the rename operation.

ANS27055E Explanation System action User action

Failure restoring file <dynamic info>file name<dynamic info>error text. Multiple entries for the same file and version have been found. This error indicates inconsistent file entries in the file space. The operation is aborted. Run the reconciliation tool. Rerun the operation.

ANS27056E Explanation System action User action

Failure querying Tivoli Storage Manager server for file entries with pattern<dynamic info>search pattern :<dynamic info>error text. Querying the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the requested files failed. The Tivoli Storage Manager server entry retrieve operation is not performed. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the retrieve operation.

ANS27057E Explanation System action

Failure resetting connection to Tivoli Storage Manager server <dynamic info>server name<dynamic info>error text. After a file has been retrieved or recalled from a tape library the Tivoli Storage Manager server connection needs to be reset to release the tape. None. The application continues with the next operation.

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


User action

Check server TCP/IP connection and the tape library.


Failure retrieving file(s) <dynamic info>file name or pattern from Tivoli Storage Manager server <dynamic info>server name<dynamic info>error text. Requested file(s) could not be retrieved from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The retrieve operation is aborted. Check server address, configuration and permissions, check file space and disk space on file system.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27059E Explanation System action User action

Failure deleting file <dynamic info>file name from the file system:<dynamic info>error text. The file has been stored on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Removing the file from the file system failed. The file is kept as is. File attributes and file times are recovered. Check file and volume permissions. Rerun the file migration.


Failure preparing file entry <dynamic info>file name for migration to Tivoli Storage Manager server <dynamic info>server name<dynamic info>error text. Tivoli Storage Manager server file entry information could not be completely computed. The file is not migrated to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Restart the file migration.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27061E Explanation System action User action

Failure loading file(s) on the Tivoli Storage Manager server <dynamic info>server name<dynamic info>error text. During the file migration a global error occurred. The file migration will be aborted. Check server address, configuration and permissions, check file space.

ANS27062E Explanation System action User action

Failure turning file <dynamic info>file name into a stub file:<dynamic info>error text. The file has been stored on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Turning the file into stub file failed. The file is kept as is. File attributes and file times are recovered. Check if your files have extended attributes which is not allowed. Rerun the file migration.

ANS27063E Explanation System action User action

Failure sending file data of <dynamic info>file name to Tivoli Storage Manager server <dynamic info>server name<dynamic info>error text. Some file content could not be send to the Tivoli Storage Manager server file space. The file content transaction is canceled. The file is not stored on the server. Check the Tivoli Storage Manager server for data space. Retry the file migration.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

ANS27064E Explanation System action User action

Failure opening file migration transaction:<dynamic info>error text. The application could not open the transaction context for a file migration to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The file entry or the file entries are not migrated on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the file migration.

ANS27065E Explanation System action User action

Failure closing file migration transaction:<dynamic info>error text. The application could not close the transaction context for a file migration to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. None. The operation continues with the next action. Check Tivoli Storage Manager server permissions and sanity. Retry the file migration.

ANS27066E Explanation System action User action

Failure removing protection from file <dynamic info>file name<dynamic info>error text. To migrate a file the file protection (read-only flag) must be removed. The file is not migrated. Attributes are restored. Check file permissions and user permissions.

ANS27067E Explanation System action User action

Failure validating migrated file <dynamic info>file name<dynamic info>error text. A file has been migrated to the Tivoli Storage Manager server but could not be queried on that server. The file is not turned into a stub files. Files attributes are restored on the file system. Retry file migration.

ANS27068E Explanation System action User action

The file <dynamic info>file name specified as parameter was not found. The file specified as parameter could not be found. The program terminates. Specify a path to an existing file.

ANS27069E Explanation System action User action

The program <dynamic info>program name was used in an incorrect way. The specified parameter syntax is not correct. The program terminates. Type the program name for usage information or refer to the documentation.

ANS27090E Explanation System action User action

An error occurred during file analysis:<dynamic info>error text. The file object id could not be obtained or set. The program terminates. Check file permissions and security settings.
Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


ANS27353E Explanation System action User action

An unexpected error occurred when terminating the program. An unexpected error occurred after stopping logging. The application continues. Contact IBM Software Support for help and indicate the message text information.

ANS27354E Explanation System action User action

ALL cannot be used as file space name. The HSM reserved key word ALL was used as file space name. The application aborts. Check the specified file space list.

ANS27355E Explanation System action User action

Unable to copy <dynamic info>. The application cannot copy extension dll to<dynamic info>. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27356E Explanation System action User action

Unable to copy <dynamic info>. The application cannot copy resource type dll to<dynamic info>. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27357E Explanation System action User action

Unable to register the resource type dlls. The cluster state cannot be determined. The installation cannot determine the cluster state. The application aborts. Make sure that the node belongs to a cluster.

ANS27358E Explanation System action User action

Unable to get windows directory of the node. The application cannot get windows directory of the node. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27359E Explanation System action User action

Could not initialize backend libraries. Backend library initialization failed. Extension dialog cant be opened. Please verify that the backend libraries are installed and configured.

ANS27360E Explanation System action

Could not initialize backend libraries or missing configuration file (dsm.opt). Backend library initialization failed or configuration file (dsm.opt) is missing. The application aborts.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

User action

Verify whether the backend libraries are installed and configuration file (dsm.opt) is configured.

ANS27361E Explanation System action User action

Cant save configuration. Mount path no longer exists:<dynamic info>mount path. Extension dialog tried to save a configuration for a mount path that meanwhile has disappeared. The configuration is not saved, but stays in registry, if it was already saved before. The dialog displays another mount path. Select the Cleanup button to interactively remove mount paths from the registry.


Cant save configuration of mount path:<dynamic info>other mount path. The volume is already configured through mount path:<dynamic info>other mount path. Extension dialog tried to configure a volume with a mount path which is already configured through another mount path. The configuration is not saved. The mount path stays configured through the other mount path. To change the configuration, select the other mount path and apply changes there.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27363E Explanation System action User action

The specified volume could not be unconfigured. Deleting the configuration of the specified volume from registry failed unexpectedly. The configuration of the specified volume may be corrupted. Try to delete the configuration again. If deleting the configuration fails again, contact IBM Software Support.

ANS27364E Explanation System action User action

Cannot unconfigure while reconcile is running on volume. You tried to unconfigure a volume while reconcile is running on that volume. Volume stays configured. Wait until the reconciliation of this volume is done. Then the volume can be unconfigured.

ANS27365E Explanation System action User action

Unable to perform COM registration of resource type extension dll. . The application cannot perform COM registration of resource type extension dll. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type extension dll exists under the<dynamic info>and check the log file for error details.

ANS27366E Explanation System action

Unable to perform COM unregistration of resource type extension dll. . The application cannot perform COM unregistration of resource type extension dll. The application aborts.
Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


User action

Make sure that the resource type extension dll exists under the %%WINDIR%%\\Cluster and check the log file for error details.

ANS27367E Explanation System action User action

Unable to unregister resource type dll, because there is still reconcile configuration on the cluster. Unable to unregister resource type dll, because there is still reconcile configuration on the cluster. The application aborts. Delete all of reconcile configurations on the cluster and try the operation again.

ANS27368E Explanation System action User action

Please create at least 1 file space before using the extension panel. To configure volumes for reconciliation at least one file space is required. Extension dialog is not displayed. Create a file space. Then open the extension panel.

ANS27369E Explanation System action User action

Failure creating file needed for reconciliation ( <dynamic info>expected size KB): <dynamic info>file name. Reconcile hashtable file could not be created. The file is needed to store information during reconciliation. Reconcile is aborted for this volume. Make sure there is enough free space on the volume to create the file. Add some extra space as the file size is only an estimate and might need additional space.

ANS27370E Explanation System action User action

Failure running the application: <dynamic info>error message. . An application error occurred. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27371E Explanation System action User action

Cannot define the current node resource. Definition of the Microsoft cluster node failed. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27372E Explanation System action User action

Cannot define owner of the resource <dynamic info>resource name. Define owner of Microsoft cluster resource failed. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.


Failure deleting Tivoli Storage Manager server object. load time: <dynamic info>load time, filespace: <dynamic info>filespace, Tivoli Storage Manager server object id (hi/lo):<dynamic info>. An error occurred while reconciliation tried to delete a server object. Delete operation is skipped and reconciliation proceeds.

Explanation System action


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

User action

Check if Tivoli Storage Manager server is accurately configured and available.

ANS27374E Explanation System action User action

An unexpected error occurred when terminating the program. An unexpected error occurred when deleting instance. The application continues. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27375E Explanation System action User action

Cannot delete resource <dynamic info>resource name. Delete Microsoft cluster resource failed. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27376E Explanation System action User action

The file space names in the list were not unique. There were two file spaces with the same name. The application aborts. Check the specified file space list.

ANS27377E Explanation System action User action

Unable to enumerate the registered resource types on the node. Unexpected error occurred when enumerating the registered resource types on the node. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27378E Explanation System action User action

Failure validating registry key: <dynamic info>registry key Error: <dynamic info>error. A registry key used for reconcile configuration contains invalid data. Operation aborts. Contact IBM Software Support.

ANS27379E Explanation System action User action

Failure while saving configuration for mount path:<dynamic info>mount path. An error occurred while saving configuration to registry. System will reload saved configuration and apply a general validation check. Settings might differ from previous input. Check all settings of currently displayed mount path. If validation fails, contact IBM Software Support.

ANS27380E Explanation System action User action

Unable to set loaded dll free. The application cannot set loaded dll free. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


ANS27381E Explanation System action User action

Unable to unload the resource type extension dll. The application cannot unload the resource type extension dll. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type extension dll exists under the<dynamic info>and check the log file for error details.

ANS27382E Explanation System action User action

Unable to get version number of <dynamic info>dll name. . The application cannot get version number of dll. The application aborts. Make sure that dll exists and has not been modified.

ANS27383E Explanation System action User action

Getting file spaces failed. The program was not able to get the list of file spaces. The conversion program aborts. Please check the connection to the database server.

ANS27384E Explanation System action User action

Cannot get name of the resource <dynamic info>resource ID. Get name of Microsoft cluster resource failed. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27385E Explanation System action User action

Unable to get state of resource type dlls. Unable to get state of resource type dlls. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type dlls (HSMResTypDLL.dll and HSMResTypDLLEx.dll) were registered and copied into the right directory and check the log file for error details.

ANS27386E Explanation System action User action

Unable to get state of registration of resource type dlls. The application cannot get the state of registration of resource type dlls. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27387E Explanation System action User action

The hsmmonitor service has stopped due to an error. Error is written to Windows event log. The hsmmonitor service has been stopped with an error. Error is written to Windows event log. Scheduled reconcile tasks will not execute. Restart the hsmmonitor service as soon as possible to assure that reconcile tasks will be processed.

ANS27388E Explanation

The hsmmonitor service has stopped. The hsmmonitor service has been stopped.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

System action User action

Scheduled reconcile tasks will not execute. Restart the hsmmonitor service as soon as possible to assure that reconcile tasks are processed.

ANS27389E Explanation System action User action

The hsmmonitor service has stopped with a warning. Warning is written to Windows event log. The hsmmonitor service has been stopped with a warning. Warning is written to Windows event log. Scheduled reconcile tasks will not execute. Restart the hsmmonitor service as soon as possible to assure that reconcile tasks will be processed.

ANS27390E Explanation System action User action

<dynamic info>service name. is not yet running. Reconcile tasks will be delayed until it is running. The service is needed for reconcile tasks to execute. Scheduled reconcile tasks will be delayed until the service is running. If the service does not start automatically, start it manually. Otherwise simply wait until it has started.

ANS27391E Explanation System action User action

The HSM recall service is not running. If the HSM recall service is not running, stub file attributes cannot be read. Reconciliation canceled because of the missing HSM recall service. Start the HSM recall service and rerun reconciliation.

ANS27392E Explanation System action User action

Found an inconsistent file: <dynamic info>orphan file name. Found a file without an external object ID or unequal object IDs. The process ignores this inconsistency and continues. This problem can be solved by remigrating the file.

ANS27393E Explanation System action User action

Initialization of extension utility failed: <dynamic info>error message. Failure when initializing an extension utility. The application or reconcile dialog aborts. Make sure application is running under an administrator account. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27394E Explanation System action User action

Installation of resource type dlls failed. The application cannot install resource type dlls. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27395E Explanation System action

Versions of deleted files must be between <dynamic info>minimum versions of deleted files. and <dynamic info>maximum versions of deleted files. The specified value for versions of deleted files was not valid. Show the correct range for version of deleted files. The application aborts.

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


User action

Check the validity of the specified parameter value.


Versions of existing files must be between <dynamic info>minimum versions of existing files. and <dynamic info>maximum versions of existing files. The specified value for versions of existing files was not valid. Show the correct range for version of existing files. The application aborts. Check the validity of the specified parameter value.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27397E Explanation System action User action

The Next Reconcile Time was not valid. The specified next reconcile time was not valid. Show the correct format of next reconcile time. The application aborts. Check the validity of the specified parameter value.


The Reconcile Interval must be between <dynamic info>minimum of reconcile interval. and <dynamic info>maximum of reconcile interval ( both inclusive ) . The specified reconcile interval was not valid. Show the correct range of reconcile interval. The application aborts. Check the validity of the specified parameter value.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27399E Explanation System action User action

Please give <dynamic info>yes or <dynamic info>no to the RECONCILENOW-option. The specified value for option RECONCILENOW was not valid. Show the correct value for option RECONCILENOW. The application aborts. Check the validity of the specified parameter value.

ANS27400E Explanation System action User action

License expired. License expired. Extension dialog cant open. Check license.

ANS27401E Explanation System action User action

License expired. License expired. The application aborts. Check license.

ANS27402E Explanation System action User action

License Registration failed. License Registration failed. Extension dialog cant open. Check license.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

ANS27403E Explanation System action User action

License Registration failed. License Registration failed. The application aborts. Check license.

ANS27404E Explanation System action User action

Unable to load required dll <dynamic info>dll name. The application cannot load required dll. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27405E Explanation System action User action

Unable to load resource type extension dll. The application cannot load the resource type extension dll. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type extension dll exists under the<dynamic info>.


Invalid Max Reconcile Process Number. It must be a number between <dynamic info>minimum number of max reconcile process. and <dynamic info>maximum number of max reconcile process (both inclusive). Value of max reconcile process out of range. Show correct range of max reconcile process. The application aborts. Check the input value of max reconcile process.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27407E Explanation System action User action

A file space was not in search list (file: <dynamic info>orphan file name. file space: <dynamic info>file space name). The file space name of this stub file was not in search list for processing. Less objects are processed by the operation - processing continues. Include this file space to search list for a complete processing.

ANS27408E Explanation System action User action

Reconcile aborted due to a removed volume in: <dynamic info>volume mount point. The hsmmonitor service was stopped and aborted the running reconciliation. Reconciliation of the volume has not entirely completed. During reconciliation do not remove any volumes. Doing so can create data loss.

ANS27409E Explanation System action User action

The resource type dlls are missing. The installation might not be completely. The resource type dlls are missing. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type dlls (HSMResTypDLL.dll and HSMResTypDLLEx.dll) were registered and copied into the right directory and check the log file for error details.

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


ANS27410E Explanation System action User action

Mount path no longer exists: <dynamic info>mount path. A mount path disappeared configuring the mount path. The configuration of the mount path stays in registry, if it was already saved before. The dialog displays another mount path. Select the Cleanup button to interactively remove mount paths from the registry.

ANS27411E Explanation System action User action

Not enough memory. The application cannot allocate enough memory. The application aborts. Make sure that enough memory is available and check the log file for error details.

ANS27412E Explanation System action User action

The local host is not the owner of the reconcile configuration resource <dynamic info>resource name. The application accessed a resource, which is does belong to the local host. Access denied. Operation on the resource aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27413E Explanation System action User action

No access to a file or a directory: <dynamic info>file name. The process has no access to a file or a directory. Without access to all files, the operation cannot complete. Please check the access permissions of the file or the directory.

ANS27414E Explanation System action User action

No available file space. No available files space. The application aborts. You need to create at least one file space.

ANS27415E Explanation System action User action

Cannot take resource <dynamic info>resource name offline. Taking the Microsoft cluster resource offline failed. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27416E Explanation System action User action

Found an object of a pre TSM HSM 5.4.0 client: <dynamic info>file name. Pre TSM HSM 5.4.0 server objects are not processed by reconciliation. Reconciliation does not remove obsolete pre TSM HSM 5.4.0 server objects. Use the tool dsmReconConverter.exe to upgrade these objects.

ANS27417E Explanation

Cannot bring resource <dynamic info>resource name online. Bringing the Microsoft cluster resource online failed.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

System action User action

The application aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27418E Explanation System action User action

Unable to open a enumeration handle. The application cannot open a handle to enumeration registered resource types. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27419E Explanation System action User action

Unable to load required function <dynamic info>function name from <dynamic info>dll name. The application cannot load the required function from dll. The application aborts. Make sure that the dll exists and has not been modified.

ANS27420E Explanation System action User action

Cannot open handle to <dynamic info>resource name. Opening the handle to Microsoft cluster resource failed. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27421E Explanation System action User action

No data on the TSM Server found for file: <dynamic info>orphan file name (file space: <dynamic info>file space name). The process found an orphan file (no data on the TSM Server). The operation cannot be completed if any orphan stub file has been found. Please replace the orphan stub file with the last backup to solve the problem.


The specified Next Reconcile Time is not valid. It must be at least one interval (of the reading volume configuration setting ( <dynamic info>actual interval of reading volume configuration. minute(s) )) after the current time. The specified Next Reconcile time is in the past. The application aborts. Enter a new Next Reconcile Time. It must be at least one interval (of the reading volume configuration setting (default 60s)) after the current time.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27423E Explanation System action User action

Failed to read command line arguments. Cannot allocate enough memory to save command line arguments. The application aborts. Please reserve enough memory for the application.

ANS27424E Explanation

Reading Number of Max Reconcile Process failed. . Reading max reconcile process number from registry failed.
Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


System action User action

No max reconcile process read from registry. The application aborts. Check access permission of registry.

ANS27425E Explanation System action User action

Reading volume configuration from registry failed. Reading volume configuration from registry failed. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27426E Explanation System action User action

Reconcile aborted due to shutdown of hsmmonitor service. Volume: <dynamic info>reconcile volume. The hsmmonitor service was stopped and aborted the running reconciliation. Reconciliation of the volume has not entirely completed. Reconciliation of this volume will be executed again when hsmmonitor service starts. No need to schedule an additional reconciliation.

ANS27427E Explanation System action User action

Conversion aborts because of running reconciliation jobs. One or more reconciliation jobs are currently running. Conversion process aborts. Wait until reconciliation jobs are finished before restating conversion.

ANS27428E Explanation System action User action

Unable to register the resource type extension dll. The application cannot register the resource type extension dll. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type extension dll exists under the<dynamic info>and check the log file for error details.

ANS27429E Explanation System action User action

Unable to register the resource type dll. The application cannot register the resource type dll. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type dll exists under the<dynamic info>and check the log file for error details.

ANS27430E Explanation System action User action

Unexpected error. Saved configuration disappeared, mount path: <dynamic info>mount path. The extension dialog cannot find a configuration after saving it. This is probably due to a manual registry manipulation. The mount path is not configured. Try to save the configuration again. If it fails again, check the log file for details or contact IBM Software Support.

ANS27431E Explanation

Saving volume configuration failed. Saving volume configuration failed.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

System action User action

No volume configuration will be saved into registry. The application aborts. Check access permission of registry and check the log file for details.

ANS27432E Explanation System action User action

Could not restore the object ID of a file: <dynamic info>orphan file name. Restore of an external file object ID failed. The process ignores this problem and continues. Please check the access permissions of this file.

ANS27433E Explanation System action User action

Setting Max Reconcile Process Number failed. Setting max reconcile process number failed. No max reconcile process number will be written in registry. The application aborts. Check access permission of registry.

ANS27434E Explanation System action User action

Cannot set the value of NumberOfServerObjects of the resource resource name. Setting the NumberOfServerObjects parameter of the Microsoft cluster resource failed. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27435E Explanation System action User action

Cannot set value of ReconcileNow of the resource <dynamic info>resource name. Setting the ReconcileNow parameter of Microsoft cluster resource failed. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27436E Explanation System action User action

Cannot set the value of a parameter of the resource <dynamic info>resource name. Setting the parameter of Microsoft cluster resource failed. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27437E Explanation System action User action

Cannot set value of ReconcileRunning of the resource <dynamic info>resource name. Setting the ReconcileRunning parameter of the Microsoft cluster resource failed. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource belongs to the local host. Check the log file for error details.

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


ANS27438E Explanation System action User action

A program initialization problem occurred. Cannot start cluster features. The application aborts. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27439E Explanation System action User action

A program initialization problem occurred. Cannot start conversion. The application aborts. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27440E Explanation System action User action

A program initialization problem occurred. Cannot start domain controller. The application aborts. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27441E Explanation System action User action

A program initialization problem occurred. Cannot start storage. The application aborts. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27442E Explanation System action User action

An unexpected error occurred when terminating the program. An unexpected error occurred when stopping cluster features. The application continues. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27443E Explanation System action User action

An unexpected error occurred when terminating the program. An unexpected error occurred when stopping conversion. The application continues. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27444E Explanation System action User action

An unexpected error occurred when terminating the program. An unexpected error occurred when stopping domain controller. The application continues. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27445E Explanation System action User action

An unexpected error occurred when terminating the program. An unexpected error occurred when stopping driver. The application continues. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27446E Explanation

An unexpected error occurred when terminating the program. An unexpected error occurred when stopping logging.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

System action User action

The application continues. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27447E Explanation System action User action

An unexpected error occurred when terminating the program. An unexpected error occurred when stopping storage. The application continues. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27448E Explanation System action User action

Syntax error or wrong parameter. Please check the usage. Syntax error or wrong parameter. Show command usage. The application aborts. Check the usage.

ANS27449E Explanation System action User action

The following specified file space(s) are not available : <dynamic info>unavailable file space(s). There are unavailable file space(s) in the specified file space list. The application aborts. Check the specified file space list.

ANS27450E Explanation System action User action

An unexpected error occurred: <dynamic info>unexpected error. . An unexpected error occurred (MFC exception). Operation or program aborts. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27451E Explanation System action User action

An unknown unexpected error occurred. An unknown unexpected error occurred (unknown exception). Operation or program aborts. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27452E Explanation System action User action

Uninstallation of resource type dlls failed. The application cannot uninstall resource type dlls. The application aborts. Check the log file for error details.

ANS27453E Explanation System action User action

Unknown file space(s) in list of selected file spaces: <dynamic info>file space. A mount path configured by another mount path has unknown file spaces in list of selected file spaces. Unknown file spaces are in list together with known ones. Select mount path that configures this mount path and change the setting.

ANS27454E Explanation

Unknown file space not added to selection: <dynamic info>file space. A file space previously set in configuration now does not exist.
Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


System action User action

File space is removed from list of selected file spaces in volume reconcile configuration. The change can be accepted by selecting the Apply or OK button. To avoid this message, a file space should be removed from all configurations before it is deleted.

ANS27455E Explanation System action User action

Unable to unregister the resource type extension dll. The application cannot unregister the resource type extension dll. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type extension dll exists under the %%WINDIR%%\\Cluster and check the log file for error details.

ANS27456E Explanation System action User action

Unable to unregister the resource type dll. The application cannot unregister the resource type dll. The application aborts. Make sure that the resource type dll exists under the<dynamic info>and check the log file for error details.

ANS27457E Explanation System action User action

Found unresolved objects. Unresolved objects are found during file system scan. The operation cannot complete if any unresolved objects are detected. Please solve all problems with unresolved files and restart the process.

ANS27458E Explanation System action User action

Conversion failed of a pre TSM HSM 5.4.0 client object: <dynamic info>file name. An error occurred during conversion of a pre TSM HSM 5.4.0 client object. Conversion stops if any upgrade failed. Check the log file and contact IBM Software Support for help.

ANS27459E Explanation System action User action

Failure getting volume for UNC path: <dynamic info>UNC path Error description: <dynamic info>error message. The volume of an UNC path could not be determined. Reconciliation aborts. Make sure network connection is activated and properly configured.

ANS27460E Explanation System action User action

Failure analyzing Backup-Archive client trace file for backup failures: Trace file: <dynamic info>TSM Backup-Archive client trace file name. The Backup-Archive client trace file cannot be exploited to analyze backup failures. No backup will be performed before file migration. Check the log file for a more detailed reason description.

ANS27461E Explanation

Failure running TSM Backup-Archive client executable: <dynamic info>originator error string. The Backup-Archive client executable could not be run.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

System action User action

No backup will be performed before file migration. Check the log files for more detailed information.

ANS27462E Explanation System action User action

The TSM Backup-Archive client must not be configured to prompt interactively for a password. Option file: %1. Migration job files with the backup before migration option cannot be processed correctly. No backup will be performed before file migration. Configure the Backup-Archive client to maintain the password automatically (PASSWORDACCESS=GENERATE).

ANS27463E Explanation System action User action

No password access mode found in the TSM Backup-Archive clients option file. Option file: <dynamic info>option file path. For migration job files with the backup before migrate option, the Backup-Archive client need be configured with password access generate. No backup will be performed before file migration. Configure the Backup-Archive client to maintain the password automatically (PASSWORDACCESS=GENERATE).


The currently installed TSM Backup-Archive client API version Backup-Archive client version string. is not supported with TSM HSM client version <dynamic info> HSM client version string. You need to install at least Backup-Archive client version <dynamic info>required HSM client version string. The Backup-Archive client API version is too old to run the TSM HSM client. The currently installed Backup-Archive client API will not be used by the TSM HSM client. Install a newer Backup-Archive client version.

Explanation System action User action


Failure configuring target= <dynamic info>configuration target string, key= <dynamic info>configuration key, value=<dynamic info>configuration value: <dynamic info>error string. The desired configuration changes could not be applied. The configuration has not been changed. Check if the specified target and the configuration key are valid and if the value is in range for the key.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27466E Explanation System action User action

The listing file <dynamic info>listing file name already exists. TSM HSM applications need to open a new listing file during startup. The listing file name is created based on the current time. The TSM HSM application terminates. Wait a moment and restart the desired operation.

ANS27467E Explanation

Failure running migration for job file <dynamic info>migration job file name: <dynamic info>originator message. The migration job did not run properly.
Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference


System action User action

The job was not run or canceled. Check the reason for the failed migration and correct the problem.

ANS27468E Explanation System action User action

Failure opening listing file <dynamic info>listing file name. TSM HSM applications need to open a new listing file during startup. The listing file name is created based on the current time. The TSM HSM application terminates. Make sure that the listing file directory is accessible and permissions are sufficient to write the listing file.

ANS27469E Explanation System action User action

The log file <dynamic info>log file name could not be opened. TSM HSM applications need to open their log files during startup. The TSM HSM application terminates. Make sure that the log file is not locked by another application, and that no other reason, like missing access rights, prevents the TSM HSM application from opening the log file.


Failure retrieving content of stub file <dynamic info>stub file path from Tivoli Storage Manager server <dynamic info> Tivoli Storage Manager server name, file space <dynamic info> Tivoli Storage Manager server file space: <dynamic info>error string. The stub file could not be restored from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The recall for the stub file will be canceled and the recalling user application will be released from waiting. Check the log files for more detailed information. Check why the stub file could not be restored from Tivoli Storage Manager server.

Explanation System action User action

ANS27481E Explanation System action User action

The multithreaded TSM Backup-Archive client API could not be initialized: <dynamic_info>. The Backup-Archive client API reports an error during initialization. The TSM functionality cannot be used. The TSM interface library will be unloaded. Check the error message of the Backup-Archive client and solve the reported issue. Retry the desired operation.

ANS27482E Explanation System action User action

Failure analyzing Backup-Archive client audit trace file for backup failures: Audit trace file: <dynamic info>. The Backup-Archive client audit trace file cannot be exploited for backup result analysis. No backup will be performed before file migration, the migration will not be run without backup. Check log file for a more detailed reason description.

ANS27483E Explanation

Failure while loading configuration values for the TSM Backup-Archive client: <dynamic info>. The TSM HSM for Windows backup-archive client configuration is not valid.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

System action User action

The backup operation cannot be run. Check error text and log file for a more detailed reason description. Correct the configuration or reinstall the product and retry the desired operation.

ANS27485E Explanation System action User action

NTFS change journal has been truncated for volume: <dynamic info>. The NTFS change journal size was too small for all file system changes. Process has been aborted to avoid a possible data loss because of the truncated NTFS change journal. Please increase the size of the NTFS change journal.

Appendix. HSM for Windows messages reference



IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Term definitions in this glossary pertain to the HSM for Windows client. If you do not find a term you are looking for, you can refer to the IBM Software Glossary on the Web at this address: This glossary might include terms and definitions from: v The American National Standard Dictionary for Information Systems, ANSI X3.172-1990, copyright (ANSI). Copies can be purchased from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036. v The Information Technology Vocabulary, developed by Subcommittee 1, Joint Technical Committee 1, of the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC JTC2/SC1). A Archiving This is the process of storing files in a Tivoli Storage Manager File Space and either keeping the original file or deleting the original file. D dsmfind.exe This program lists files that are eligible by a job file or that correspond to a pattern. dsmfileinfo.exe This program lists attributes of migrated and non migrated files. dsminfo.exe This program lists various settings of your installation. F File server This is the Windows 2003 file server with an NTFS file system, on which the HSM Client may run. H HSM client for Windows This is a synonym for Tivoli Storage Manager for HSM for Windows. The term Client is used as Tivoli Storage Manager for HSM for Windows acts as a Tivoli Storage Manager Client. J Job file This is an XML file containing a migration job. M Migration This is the process of storing files in a Tivoli Storage Manager File Space transparent to users of these files. Execution of a migration job. Migration job This is an XML file containing the configuration/setting of a migration job.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007


N Node This is a computer running the HSM Client.

Node name This is the name under which the HSM Client registers with a Tivoli Storage Manager server. Q Quotas A view or recall limitation for users set through the HSM GUI. R Recall This is the process of accessing migrated files from a Tivoli Storage Manager File Space transparent to the user. The content of the files is written back (recalled) to their original location in the local file system. Reconciliation Reconciliation synchronizes the local file system with the Tivoli Storage Manager server HSM archive pool and removes old and obsolete objects from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Reparse point This is a feature of NTFS redirecting IO requests to a file system filter driver loaded into the Windows kernel space. Retrieve This is an administrative function to retrieve files from a Tivoli Storage Manager file space to a local file system. Migrated files can be retrieved to the original location in the file system or to a new location. When several versions of a file have been migrated each of the versions can be retrieved. S Sparse file This file allocates disk space only for regions that do not contain blocks of zero data. The sparse files generated by the HSM Client consume one cluster of disk space. Stub This is a shortcut on the Windows file system generated by the HSM Client for a migrated file to allow transparent user access. In other words, a stub is the sparse file representation of a migrated file, with a reparse point attached.


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Index A
accessibility features xi antivirus stub file and recall 72 troubleshooting 72 dsmfind.exe overview 53 summary 51 dsmhsmclc.exe options maxreconcileproc 53 nextreconcile 53 reconcileinterval 53 reconcilenow 53 overview 53 summary 51 dsmhsmclc.exe option filespacelist 53 unconfigure 53 dsminfo.exe 51 overview 55 dsmReconConverter.exe overview 56

backup 3 backup-archive client backup integration 60 backup integration with HSM dsm.exe command 59 restore integration 62 59

calculate migration savings 37 closing idle server connections 66 clustered environment installation considerations 7 steps 9 commands dsm.exe (backup-archive client) 59 dsmfileinfo.exe 52 summary 51 dsmfind.exe 53 summary 51 dsmhsmclc.exe 53 summary 51 dsminfo.exe overview 55 summary 51 dsmReconConverter.exe 56 summary 51 configuration file setting location of 65 configuring using GUI 12 Connections parameter 65 ConnectionTimeout parameter 65 creating file space 21 customer support, contacting ix

education see Tivoli technical training viii encryption recommendation about changing 61 example exclude conditions 32 include conditions 32 exclude conditions examples 32 migrating 24

file group creating 17 editing 18 overview 17 file locations 65 file quota defining 18, 19 file sizes 3 file space creating 21 file spaces listing command files listing command 51 FileSizeMinimum 3 filespacelist dsmhsmclc option 53 fixes, obtaining ix


date format setting 22 default quota defining 19 DirectoryAttribuesFilter parameter drive letters changing 49 dsm.exe 59 dsmclc.exe overview 51 dsmfileinfo.exe 51 overview 52 65

group quota defining 19 group, file 17 GUI configuring 12

Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007


hostname renaming 3 HSM for Windows client GUI overview 11 hsmservice.exe 9

IBM Software Support submitting a problem x IBM Support Assistant viii, 71 IBM TSM HSM Recall Service 9, 60, 66 IBM TSM Recall Service restoring default security attributes 62 idle connections closing 66 include conditions examples 32 migration jobs 24 installation network mode 10 installing 9 clustered environment 7 network mode 7 user mode 7, 9 Internet, search for problem resolution viii Internet, searching for problem resolution ix

migrating (continued) search for file 43 with other input 38 migration dsmclc.exe 38 running from command shell space savings 37 migration job files setting location of 65 mount paths changing 49 msi 10 msiexec 10


network mode installation 10 nextreconcile dsmhsmclc.exe option 53 no recalls quota 19 number format setting 22

options filespacelist 53 maxreconcileproc 53 nextreconcile 53 reconcileinterval 53 reconcilenow 53 restore as migrated file overview 62 restore resident if not accessible overview 62 restorecheckstubaccess 59 restoremigstate 59 skipmigrated 59, 60 unconfigure 53 out-of-space condition avoiding 61

jobs running migration 38

knowledge bases, searching viii

language setting listing files 51 listings files settings 67 log file settings 67 22

parameters advanced 65 pre-migration backup 3 prerequisites 2 problem determination describing problem for IBM Software Support x determining business impact for IBM Software Support submitting a problem to IBM Software x publications download vii order vii search vii

maximum connections parameter 65 maxreconcileproc dsmhsmclc.exe option 53 messages 73 migrating considerations 23 defining jobs 24 dsmclc.exe 38 exclude conditions 24 include conditions 24 overview 3, 23 retrieve file 43 run jobs from HSM for Windows client GUI running jobs 38 scheduling job 38

quotas defining 18, 19 viewing 19 38


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

recall quota interval to delete tracking entries 67 viewing 19 recall service settings 66 reconcileinterval dsmhsmclc.exe option 53 option 4 reconcilenow dsmhsmclc.exe option 53 reconciliation overview 4 reconciling running 47 settings 47 regional settings 22 registering HSM for Windows client 10 renaming hostname 3 restore as migrated file 59 option 62 restore as migrated file option 62 how to set 59 restore resident if not accessible how to set 59 option 62 restore resident if not accessible option 62 how to set 59 restorecheckstubaccess 62 restorecheckstubaccess option setting 59 restoremigstate 62 restoremigstate option setting 59 restoring files backup-archive client 62 restorecheckstubaccess option 62 restoremigstate option 62 retrieve archived file 43 migrated file 43 return codes 73 running migration jobs 38

stub files overview 4 support information vii Symantec Antivirus 72

temporary files setting location of 65 threads recall service 66 time zone setting 22 Timeout parameter 65 Tivoli technical training viii trace files settings 67 training, Tivoli technical viii troubleshooting antivirus 72 steps 71

unconfigure dsmhsmclc option 53 Unicode setting 22 unlimited recall quota 19 user mode installation 9 user quota defining 19

volume changing drive letters 49

whats new for V5.5.0 xiii

security attributes restoring default 62 skip migrated files 59 option 60 skip migrated files option how to set 59 skipmigrated option 60 skipmigrated option setting 59 Software Support contacting ix describing problem for IBM Software Support x determining business impact for IBM Software Support stub file backup archive integration xiii integrity xiii




IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows: Administration Guide

Program Number: 5608-HSM

Printed in USA


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