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Necessary Details About Allergies Latex Allergies Passing on of infectious diseases to healthcare workers have been prevented by latex

glove use. An increase in latex allergy incidence have been reported due to latex exposure. "Latex" is a term used on a naturally derived rubber from the sap of the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis. Synthetic rubber, though sometimes called "latex", does not release the proteins that activate latex allergic reactions. Certain proteins in natural latex rubber causes the reaction in latex allergy. Latex sensitization depends on the extent of exposure to latex. However, the exact amount is little known. A greater exposure to latex proteins will also double the chances of the development of allergic reactions. Insect Sting Allergy Facts Anaphylaxis can affect the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include difficulty of breathing and wheezing. It may also be manifested by swelling of the face, throat, unexplained anxiety, restlness, dizziness,rapid pulse and a sudden drop in blood pressure. An individual with insect sting allergy should carry epinephrine at all times. Epinephrine should be asministered immediately to prevent life and death situations. Insect stings can cause a severe allergic reaction affecting the entire body. This severe allergic reaction is often termed as anaphylaxis. Bees, fire ants, yellow jackets, hornets, and wasps are common insects that can cause allergic reaction. Insect sting allergy can manifest symptoms like swelling also redness that can last a week or two. Nausea, fatigue, and low-grade fever are also common manifestations of sting allergy. In rare situations, a full body allergic reaction can occur. This is a severe form of allergy called anaphylaxis.

Pet Allergy Explained Pet fur can cause pet allergy among people. According to some researchers, saliva protein can cause allergies. Proteins from saliva remains as the animal licks itself. Another source of protein allergen is urine. Proteins are able to float in the air because the substance that holds it dries up. Cats may carry more allergens as they are being more and spent more time with. In addition to this, cats lick more. People now are fast accepting other pet types guinea pigs and gerbils as great pets. Rats and mice, as well as other rodents may cause allergies due to these animal's urine. Allergy Symptoms Facts A person experiencing allergies may have skin rashes, runny nose, coughing, itchy eyes, and sneezing as symptoms. There are various ways a person may come in contact with the allergen and the allergic reaction is dependent on it. I.E., inhalation of pollen causes difficulty in breathing, application of an allergen on the skin causes dermatitis, and ingestion of food with an allergen causes vomiting and nausea. Some allergies are inherited. This is referred to as atopic allergy. Girls are less likely to inherit allergy. On the contrary, babies who are born light in weight are more prone to develop inherited allergy. Mild, moderate, and severe are the levels of allergic reactions. Some cases may be life threatening. This is referred to as anaphylaxis. Being a medical emergency, anaphylaxis must be attended to right away.

Mold Allergies There are thousands of types of yeasts and molds that belong to the fungus family Single-celled organisms like yeasts have to divide in order to form clusters. Molds are composed of many cells and they grow as branching threads called hyphae. Both could probably cause allergic reactions, but in reality, the widely recognized cause of a mold allergy would only belong to a small number. The fungis reproductive pieces or its seeds are called spores. Among other mold, we could spot how different spores are by their shape, size and color, among different types of mold. In order for millions of spores to be produced, each spore that fertilizes would give rise to new mold growth. If you are ingesting certain foods that are processed by fungi such as cheese, you will have a greater risk of having mold allergy symptoms. Sometimes, mushrooms and dried fruits can also produce allergy symptoms.

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