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Project Management meeting techniques Purpose; To learn how to handle meetings in general and Project Management meetings in particular.

Introduction/Explanation of P.A.L..-(5 min) Leadership in meetings-(5 min.) Action Items and how to handle them-(5 min.) Wrap up techniques-(5-min) Meeting dos and Donts-(5min)

Agenda (Continued)
Project Management meetings
Video-(5 min+/-) Discussion-(5 min) Meeting format-(30 min) Wht works for you-(15 min) Wrap -up and evaluation-(5 min.)

Limit-90 min

P= PurposeThe topic or reason for the meeting

A=AgendaItems that will be discussed in the meeting

in order.

L=LimitThe amount of time to be spent on each item

When you lead a meeting..

Use the P.A.L. format Set ground rules Ask initial questions and clarify Mediate any disagreements Identify areas of agreement Summarize shared information Obtain commitments and establish an action plan Summarize ,Wrap-up, Follow-up

Action Plans
Action Plans Must be Concrete,Clear,Credible They should always have:
A time line Identify any data and resources needed Have real names attached Include communication and follow-up plans Have a measurement and evaluation of success

Wrapping up ...
Decisions reached Issues raised Unfinished business Agreed upon next steps Follow-up arrangements made

Agenda Items for the next meeting The feedback you have received and how you will use it

Wrapping up (continued)
Dont Forget to..
Thank the group for participating Conclude on a positive note Recognize the groups successes Evaluate the meeting

Most importantly begin and end your meeting on time!!!

Checklist for effective meetings

Prepare a P.A.L. Start and End on time Use a warm-up and wrap -up Know whos coming Prepare the setting Encourage participation Inform everyone of your goals Recognize your personal styles (+)s and (-)s Evaluate the meeting

Surprise people with new topics Let late comers disrupt the meeting Forget that the meeting is full of people Take too much on alone Fail to use or implement outcomes Overlook the styles or talents of others Skip the beginning , middle , or end

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