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Anatomy and Physiology I Fall 2009 Muscle Review Please be able to define, describe, and/or discuss the following:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

muscle types muscle functions epimysium perimysium endomysium organization of muscle fibers a. sarcolemma b. t tubles c. myofibrils d. fibers e. sr f. triad g. cisternae 7. sarcomere 8. bands, zones, lines 9. Sliding filament mechanism 10. troponin 11. tropomyosin 12. Calcium 13. ATP 14. Rigor mortis 15. muscle contractions thick and thin filaments, Ca, myosin, actin, etc 16. neural control of muscle contractions a. Ach, action potential b. Coupling c. Synaptic terminal, motor end plate, etc 17. know the contraction cycle, duration 18. isometric 19. isotonic 20. relaxation 21. fatigue 22. cori cycle 23. 3 types muscle fibers 24. anaerobic & aerobic exercise 25. cardiocyte characteristics 26. intercalated disc

27. cardiac tissue functions 28. smooth muscle 29. characteristics of above 30. functional characteristics of above 31. 4 patterns of fascicle org a. parallel b. convergent c. pinnate d. circular 32. 3 lever types and examples 33. origin 34. insertion 35. action 36. agonist 37. antagonist 38. synergist 39. 9 names for muscle size 40. aging and muscular system

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