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Chapter 11 ElGamal Encryption Scheme

11.1 Cryptosystem
Published in 1985.
 Based on the DL problem in Zp or GF2k .

Extension of the D-H key exchange for encryption.

Alice choose private key kprA = aA compute kpubA = aA mod p = bA Bob choose private key kprB = aB compute kpubB = aB mod p = bB

kAB = baA = aA aB mod p B y = x  kAB mod p

bA ,! bB , y ,!

kAB = baB = aB aA mod p A

,1 x = y  kAB mod p


ElGamal: Set-up:
1. Choose large prime p.
 2. Choose primitive element 2 Zp .

3. Choose secret key a 2 f2; 3; : : : ; p , 2g. 4. Compute =


mod p.

5. Public Key: Kpub = p; ; . 6. Private Key: Kpr = a.

1. Choose k 2 f2; 3; : : : ; p , 2g. 2. Y1 =

mod p.

3. Y2 = x 

mod p.

4. Encryption: = ekpub x; k = Y1; Y2.

x = dkpr Y1 ; Y2  = Y2 Y1a ,1 mod p:


Question: How does the ElGamal scheme work?

dkpr Y1 ; Y2  = Y2 Y1a ,1 = x  k  k a ,1 ! but = a = x a k  k a,1 = x  ak  ,ak =x


ElGamal is essentially an extension of the D-H key exchange protocol.
Y2 = x1  Y3 = x2  k

Thus for every message block xi choose a new k! Message expansion factor .  of y bits = 2dlog 2py e = 2  of x bits dlog 2pxe

9 = ; if x1 is known,

can be found from Y2.

11.2 Computational Aspects

11.2.1 Encryption

Y1 = k mod p = apply the square-and-multiply for exponentiation Y2 = x  k mod p ;

11.2.2 Decryption

x = dkpr Y1 ; Y2  = Y2 Y1a ,1 mod p.

Question: How can Y1a ,1 be computed e ciently? Derivation: b 2 Zp:

be = bqp,1+r = bp,1 q  br

= 1q  br mod p = br mod p

 e = r mod p , 1

 Thus, be be mod p,1 mod p, where b 2 Zp and e 2 Z

The above derivation can be used for decryption: Y1a,1 = Y1,a = Y1,a mod p,1 mod p = Y1p,1,a mod p

Note: Y1p,1,a mod p can be computed using the square-and-multiply algorithm.

11.3 Security of ElGamal

Oscar knows: p; ; = a; Y1 = k ; Y2 = x  k . Oscar wants to know: x He attempts to nd the secret key a: 1. a = log mod p  hard, DL problem. 2. x = Y2Y1a ,1 mod p  easy. He attempts to nd the random exponent k: 1. k = log Y1 mod p  hard, DL problem. 2. Y2  ,k = x  easy.
 In both cases Oscar has to compute the DL problem in nite elds Zp or GF2k . He can use index-calculus method which forces us to implement schemes with at least 1024 bits.


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