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Engineer Rocks

Nizanthi Thinagaran
Chee Yew Bond Shalani Tharumanathan

1071113038 1071113512

Part 1: Ethical Case Study

Section 1: Introductory Background

What is an oil spill?
A hazardous pollution where liquid petroleum

hydrocarbon was released into the eco-system

BP -formerly known as British Petroleum -founded in 1909 -established for more than 100 years -responsible for Deepwater Horizon oil spill -due to lack of engineering ethics!

Section 2: Problem Presentation

Timeline of the accident 15/2/2010 Deepwater Horizon begin operation in the Gulf of Mexico.
22/4/2010, 10.21am Deepwater Horizon sank into the ocean.

20/4/2010, 7am BP canceled experimental test.

20/4/2010, 9.45pm Deepwater Horizon exploded and was engulfed in fire. 22/4/2010, 10.21am Deepwater Horizon sank into the ocean. 22/4/2010, 2.30pm Oil leakage is spotted and BP closed the area from outsider access.

12/5/2010 BP publicly announced the situation following the congress ruling.

16/6/2010 BP set up 20 billion spill response funds.

15/7/2010 The oil leakage from the ocean bottom had stopped.

19/9/2010 The oil leakage effort had finally been concluded.

Today The oil leakage pollution is still persisting around the affected area.

Section 3: Problem Analysis

Can be analyzed from the following engineering ethics perspectives:

1. Economic Impact
2. Humanitarian Concerns 3. Regulatory Issues

4. Reputation Matters
5. Professional Responsibility 6. Legal Obligations 7. Environmental Ethics 8. Responsibility for Safety

9. Risk Assessment

Section 4: Conclusions and Suggestions

Conclusion: BPs lack of engineering ethics practice had cause great damage

Reform and restructure BPs managing directors board

Part 2: Code of Ethics Development

The new Code of Ethical Standards will

target on this issues:

Engineering Ethics Engineering Safety Public Welfare and Environment

Thank You

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