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Tempo comodo, quasi vivace F, ChopivOtan Jin sonnnesas tg —= [=== iPS 2 a a a Fbave got a mine, just fit-tlemin- ute, b ca 25 pas cad _ ree dts as, |F Shr = = oul” FFL FF] FF PR iy @ 2) $ 2 atye = oS = < J J = ire 8. Solo aA BS a Saas = Laaveon fyyot 2 mit ule,justa mineute Thaveon lygol a minute thatie allths time Lave to sing this OR Pov EE PR 8. Sole Cre al tin-y lit-temin-ste waltz it ign cosy but €ll try, then T-got-ta_ say good-bye but first Ml eae or 4 74 Pre “Pa SSS luke a min-ate and put in it ey-"y notethat Chop-in wrote and 1 shall sinuthe Tit- de min - ue SSS 7 Bees | ey SS Pao. 2 8.8clo $.588 ie [== & 8. Solo 5. Soke Pn. X, » ¥ —=—s ee waltz and bope that XL cansingwithne Paults and thot ies £ ERFE a = 5 SoS ev = ‘ty last breathe Though this kind of so-lo aoe aya woowith-In miy bo « dy vwas-rit his in ten-tiou, aT nope tit ,Chop-in hype rt he ie fate EE sft Fi tite. w a * - a Dis tie ‘E — J £ | 4 SSS SrS singeing evry note will so wilh yourper-mis-sion not dowon-derefor mythroat i px andor -mmis-sion, 1 wills horse: of that ecom-po-ser woke. och? Poe a SF Fa agers Bis nm aaa poe » . Si Ta scat verry thril-ting, but ae! andthawag er that made: Fi Ratthomon-ey bul the ‘aR ve~ ry wil Ting ef pte 3 \ B SS get liom win-ringmon-ey “on thissil- ly kind of het! sole [@ = Fe =f sen the minute. Pao, » iia 1 \ 4 ‘ sm Pied Ay Fig e sescett © ie 2f5 ofthe 8 a # ~ — Y 2 = oot! |, $4284 : ven Leder Solo gore Tee = @ ask, =a Fee . Je ; ace at Se : “aes Pooks, eee 7 “ Zz 4 J” $.Soke rae —SS=s =a SS aie eee) 1a aa WE sec-onds,Jesstactir-ty, les dan Ball & woin-uls, 1 bavelessthanhiety seconds lesstbanhall a 2p gee —— eer = Se ———— h Sal 8.S0l0 er —— car ie Tin-utetscomeploto us ty lit-te min-ute waltz. on evry poethatsin thinscore while She neds of rk. @ ea 3=- els Paco a | "SSS att . atenpe sto (GP are Ly =a ae ae Boe att ti bee ee eer tEE + “Tos r # a i tt jf Fel ‘= 4s aaa en 7 8. Sola (ies Goer dl buy ahon-2y of attupley formy-selite potup on a Toncnsseccians won, plicit ee Poa * aa Ee sil ei ils st est, 7 Bl Sin ie 3 Sr Le Oh, the see-ordbund is rust-inground thediatand though I'd like ‘o end this. tor-ture with @ smile un- oy Citi teh tat te E “eg t-te et + = 8. Solo = Pho. s.solo ff Fight it tle meas-ures to com-plete thissong Butl'a at - raid my lit-tlelungs will hursthecforetoo lang, if * (Pocetpie pitt pyr Pk tite tt tee eee. 2 - o ” # ret "Le foe fof tt EE ‘0 _ 8. Sol ie =< fo a! 2 BSS ST See only T can fast the scale 1 wont have foiled to sing this little min-ute waltz ag Pho, i>

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