Mexican American Artists

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Mexican American Artists

Written portion 50 %
The written part of your assignment will consist of four paragraphs that will each answer specific questions. Each paragraph should be at least 5 sentences long. Papers that plagiarize will not be given credit. Papers that do not include a bibliography will see a significant reduction in their grade. You must use two parenthetical citations in your paper. Keep track of all your sources for the Works Cited page. See the Works Cited handout for the requirements for your sources. First paragraph - biographical information When and where was the artist born? Discuss their education - especially art training Why did this person decide to become an artist? Include any other information that you think is important to know about their artistic career. Second paragraph - What story/narrative is the artist giving us and why? What is the subject of his or her artwork? What is the artist trying to express in his or her artworks? Use a quote or two from the artist herself/himself. What influenced this artist to express himself or herself in this way? (this might be a teacher, or a social or political problem or a family member or???? Was this artists influenced by ancient Mexican history? How? Refer to specific artworks in your writing. Underline the titles. Third paragraph artists style How do they convey their narrative/story? What types of artworks does (or did) this artist produce? (Paintings or mixed - media?) What materials does he or she use?

Describe the kinds of colors they use and/or the way that they use the colors. Include any characteristics that make this artists work unique. Use at least one of their works of art to illustrate your words. For this paragraph, you might need to view several of their works and make some generalizations about how they painted. Fourth paragraph Comments about your work of art and your opinion of the artist - This must be completed after you have done your work of art. In what ways did you interpret the artists work? How is your art similar? In what ways have you used your own ideas? What did you think of this artists work? What impressed you the most about it? In your opinion, do you think that the artist fulfilled his or her intentions? Your bibliography is to be in MLA format A separate handout will follow

Art work - 50%

You are to create a work of art in the STYLE of the artist you researched. Think about the media (paints or colored pencils or markers) you might want to use. What colors did the person often use? What subject did they paint? How could you add your own creativity to this piece. This is not to be a COPY of that artists work. It should be your own work in that artists STYLE.

Here are the artists you may choose from:

Carmen Lomas Garca Yolanda M. Lopez Ester Hernandez Judith Baca David Botello Wayne Healy Frank Romero Santa Barraza Patssi Valdez George Yepes

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