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If I can not have crispy lechon I can write crisp blogs :)

Kuya Avel a.k.a the guru of blogging in SOCSKSARGEN area advised that I should write shorter blog entries. Here goes my attempt at a less than 300 word blog.

First lesson that I learned when I was a new lawyer barely a year and a half ago was how to introduce one's self in the court room. Seriously when you are a new lawyer you fret the small stuff. Thankfully, coming from a family of lawyers and still friends with most of my classmates and block mates who became lawyers ahead of me, I received a few basic tips. I'm sharing some.

1. Be polite. Do basic pleasantries. Say good morning or good afternoon which ever is appropriate. 2. Do not be shy that you are a new lawyer. Inform the court that you are a new lawyer. Some judges, not all, are lenient to new lawyers especially if you come from a school with no OLA or its equivalent (practicum or supervised law student practice.) Even your opponent will cut you

some slack. They had been new lawyers once. 3. Clearly pronounce your name. Speak slowly. The court stenographers will love you if you speak slowly and clearly. Remember that they jot down a number of words per day. Slow and clear speakers are their favorites.

4. Recite your Roll Number. There are actually some people who had the audacity to appear in court and comport themselves as lawyers when they did not even take a law school entrance exam. This shows good faith on your part and would help fellow lawyers who do due diligence verify the veracity of your claim. 5. Bring your calling card. This will assist court employees in sending orders/ summons/ etc. It would also be useful if you have a very difficult name to spell or pronounce. My spiel for my entry of appearance when I was new was: " Good morning your Honor. I am Atty. Psyche Rizsavi B. Fontanilla. Respectfully entering my appearance as counsel for the petitioner. I am a new lawyer and this is my first time to appear in this sala. My roll number is 57700." Hope this helps. :)

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