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SPE 75137

Injection Well – Producer Well Combinations in THAI ‘Toe-to-Heel Air Injection’

T X Xia and M Greaves, University of Bath, England, A T Turta, Petroleum Recovery Institute/Alberta Research Council,
Calgary, Canada
Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.
The recovery in the latter case was only 70% OOIP due to the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium loss of air injectivity during later stages of the combustion.
held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, 13–17 April 2002.
Significantly, THAI also preserves the very substantial
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
thermal upgrading which occurs in the mobile oil zone,
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to averaging an increase of 6 to 8 API points.
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
Key words: In Situ combustion, Air injection, Heavy oil recovery,
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is Downhole upgrading, THAI, Horizontal wells, Well combinations,
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 Short-distance oil placement.
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. 1. Introduction
The three natural oil recovery mechanisms include solution
Abstract gas drive, gas cap expansion drive, and water drive. Water or
THAI – ‘ Toe-to-Heel Air Injection’ is a new, short-distance gas injection drives are known as secondary recovery
displacement process, that achieves high recovery efficiency methods. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is usually considered
by virtue of its stable operation and ability to produce to apply at the tertiary stage, but can also be applied as
mobilised oil directly into an active section of the horizontal primary or secondary methods.
producer well, just ahead of the combustion front. THAI, For light oil reservoirs, the ultimate oil recovery by
therefore, avoids the pitfalls inherent in most conventionally conventional methods can reach up to 50%, or more, using
operated in situ combustion (ISC) processes, which employ water injection. However, for highly viscous oils, comparable
vertical injection-vertical producer wells to achieve long- recoveries would only be about 5% to 15%, and essentially
distance displacement. However, the problem of achieving zero in the case of extremely viscous oils, or bitumen.
efficient ignition and start-up still requires critical attention, in The main objective of an EOR process is to achieve high
order to ensure optimal process operation. oil recovery and high production rate. The low recovery for
A series of 3-D tests on heavy Wolf Lake crude (10.5 heavy oil is mainly due to its high viscosity, i.e. too viscous to
API) and Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen (8 oAPI) were made flow to the producer wells at rates sufficient to support an
using well configurations: vertical (VI) or horizontal injection economic operation. Thermal EOR methods are required for
(HI) and horizontal producer (HP) wells in direct line drive heavy oil production. Thermal EOR processes are achieved
(VIHP, HIHP); staggered line drive (VI2HP) and line drive by injecting a hot fluid (steam), or air for combustion, with the
(2VIHP). Experimentally, the horizontal injector configuration aim of increasing the reservoir temperature to reduced the
(HIHP) was found to be the most efficient for achieving rapid viscosity of the heavy oil 1, 2. Because of the dramatic effect
start-up, i.e. the shortest time to achieve stable combustion of temperature on heavy oil viscosity, more oil is mobilised at
front propagation. However, injection of air via a horizontal a higher temperature and is capable of being displaced.
well is not a very practical design for field operation. The Steam injection, (steam flooding, cyclic steam injection,
single vertical injector configuration (VI2HP) was slow to and steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) 3), and in situ
achieve stable operation, due to the development of a much combustion (ISC) are the most important thermal EOR
smaller ignition zone, initially, compared with the HIHP techniques for heavy oil and bitumen recovery. The
configuration. When hot air was used for ignition, the time temperature in the oil-bearing formation is raised by the latent
delay for oil production is related to the reservoir temperature. heat of condensation during a steam injection operation. ISC
When the initial temperature in the sandpack was 15oC, then a has some advantages over other thermal EOR processes in
vertical injector, placed high in the sandpack, combined with a heavy oil reservoirs because the thermal energy required is
horizontal producer well (VIHP) achieved slower start-up than generated in situ, enabling higher temperature. Thus ISC
VI2HP for post-steam flood THAI, with the initial sandpack at gains in a number of ways:
100oC. All of the tests achieved very high oil recoveries, (a) high efficiency in terms of heat utilisation, because heat
averaging greater than 80% OOIP, except in the VIHP test. loss in the injection wells is eliminated.

(b) high temperature (> 450oC) enables a more effective represented conceptually in Fig. 1 and shows an element of a
hot gas displacement. direct line drive configuration. In this case, air is injected via
(c) in situ upgrading of heavy oil, via thermal cracking of either a horizontal injection well (HIHP), or a vertical well(s)
heavy residua ahead of the combustion front, produces light (VIHP, 2VIHP). The well configuration can be also extended
oil. through the reservoir in a staggered line (HI2HP), by
(e) potential for totally self-sufficient process by virtue of employing additional horizontal producer wells (see Fig. 2).
energy recovered. The significant feature of THAI is the creation of a mobile oil
zone (MOZ) immediately ahead of the combustion front.
ISC is a more complex process, which involves multiphase By placing the injection well and horizontal producer well
flow (gas, oil, and water) in a porous medium and chemical close to the top and bottom, respectively, of the oil layer, the
reactions (fuel formation, fuel combustion). The technology flow of gas, water and oil occurs only in a MOZ ahead of the
has been extensively studied in both the laboratory and field4,5. combustion front, and it is a ‘quasi-top-to-bottom’ flow. The
The ultimate oil recovery depends very much upon the short flow path associated with the MOZ has a controlling
volumetric sweep of the combustion front propagation. In a effect on gas overriding. This ensures that there is a stable
combustion tube test, because of the high temperature propagation of the combustion front through reservoir.
combustion front sweep, oil recovery reaches about Furthermore, this property, of concentrating the oil
90%OOIP. However, in field conventional ISC operation, gas mobilisation/displacement in the MOZ, should, effectively
override and channelling can dramatically reduce the make the process less sensitive to global reservoir
volumetric sweep efficiency, so that ultimate oil recovery is heterogeneity effects.
much lower. Despite some significant successes in the The high temperature in MOZ ahead of the combustion
field, lack of an effective solution to control gas override and front provides not only for very efficient thermal sweeping of
poor selection of reservoir have been the two main reasons the oil layer, but also optimal conditions for thermal cracking
for failure. of heavy residua, and hence thermal upgrading 6. The short-
The mobilised oil in conventional ISC, using vertical- distance oil displacement mechanism, active by virtue of the
injection and vertical producer wells (VIVP), banks up in the MOZ, allows thermal upgraded oil to be drawn down into the
colder downstream regions of the oil-bearing formation, exposed section of the horizontal producer, immediately
before it eventually reaches the production well. The large below. In conventional ISC, the mobilised oil is caused to
distance between where the oil is mobilised and the vertical bank-up in the downstream, colder region, leading to
production well classifies conventional ISC as a ‘long-distance many operational problems – emulsion blocking and loss of
displacement’ process. air injectivity. Thus, THAI is able to capture and preserve the
Horizontal well technology has contributed significantly to full extent of thermal upgrading produced by thermal
improving light oil as well as heavy oil recovery. By cracking reactions.
combining advanced horizontal well concepts with EOR Thermal cracking of heavy molecular weight components
processes, the mechanism of fluid flow in a heavy oil reservoir ahead of the combustion front produces the fuel for
is radically different to that operating in a conventional EOR combustion reactions, sustaining stable combustion front
process (using vertical wells) 6, 7. propagation. It also produces more mobile, lighter oil,
SAGD typically uses a single horizontal injection well and contributing to the high oil rates achieved in THAI.
a single horizontal production well, placed close together at The performance of THAI for heavy oil and tar sand
the bottom of the oil-bearing layer. The same well bitumen has been extensively studied in the laboratory by the
arrangement can be used for solvent flood, known as VAPEX IOR Research Group at the University of Bath 6, 10, 11-16.
(Vapour Extraction) 8. The use of horizontal producer wells Results from more than 50 previous experiments using three-
into ISC: COSH (combustion override split-production dimensional physical models have been shown that THAI is a
horizontal well) and THAI (Toe-to-Heel Air Injection) are very stable process, and that consistently very high oil
new techniques for heavy oil and bitumen production 9, 10. recoveries, up to 85% OOIP, are achieved. The produced oil
Although these processes use different injection-producer well is also substantially upgraded by as much as 8 - 10 API points.
arrangements, they all operate by means of a ‘short-distance There are also very substantial reductions (ca. 90%) in sulphur
displacement’ mechanism 6. Mobilised oil is not forced to and heavy metals (V, Ni). Compared to combustion tube tests,
flow through the cold oil region, but instead takes the shortest the air/oil ratio (AOR) is low, at about 1000 Sm3/m3
path to the production well. (4500scf/bbl). THAI is also a robust process, by virtue of its
SAGD, VAPEX and COSH were all developed using the reduced sensitivity to global reservoir heterogeneity 17. The
same principle: creation of a steam, solvent (vapour), or flue potential advantages of THAI, compared to other EOR
gas chamber in the reservoir. The oil, mobilised at the edge of processes for the recovery of heavy oil and bitumen are given
this chamber, is displaced into the horizontal producer well in Table 1.
below, principally by gravity. In order to ensure optimal process operation, it is very
THAI, however, is a radically different process, in which important that efficient ignition and start-up are achieved
the combustion front propagates along the horizontal producer during THAI. In this paper, a series of six 3-D combustion
well, from the ‘toe’ position to the ‘heel’ position. This is cell THAI tests were carried out using different combinations

of the injection and production wells for heavy oil and Athabasca tar sand bitumen are listed in Table 2. The
bitumen recovery. The main objective is to investigate the experimental conditions are given in Table 3. In Run 2000-04,
effect of the ignition and start-up periods of the experiments THAI was investigated as a secondary recovery process,
on the overall performance of the THAI process. Some details following steam flood on Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen. The
of these tests have been reported in previous papers 6, 15, 16, 18. steam flood test used a new process called Toe-to-Heel
Steam Flooding16.
2. 3-D Combustion Cell Experiments After each experiment, the sandpack was carefully
The 3-D combustion cell arrangement used to carry out the unpacked from the 3-D cell, and samples were taken for
THAI experiments for heavy oil and tar sand bitumen residual oil analysis. The produced oil was first separated
recovery comprises the following equipment: from any water, before measuring the viscosity and density.
(1) Gas injection unit – to supply N2 or Air, at a required Other measurements, such as elemental S, N, Ni, V and SARA
rate and pressure, to the 3-D cell. (Saturates, Aromatics, Resins and Asphaltenes) analyses were
(2) 3-D combustion cell also conducted on some of the oil samples.
Two rectangular stainless combustion cells were used to The performance of the 3-D cell experiments are presented
carry out the in situ combustion experiments (Fig. 3). Cell-1 below, according to the combination of injection and producer
has a length of 0.40m while Cell-2 is 50% longer, at 0.60m. wells used in the 3-D cell tests. Some other details of the
The longer cell was originally built to investigate more fully results have been reported in earlier papers 6, 15, 16, 18.
the performance of wet combustion, by enabling longer
experiments, at higher air fluxes. Cell-1 was used for earlier 3. Results and Discussion
tests (Runs 984, 985 and 987), and Cell-2 for the most recent 3.1 HIHP Well Combination – Wolf Lake Heavy Oil and
tests (Runs 2000-01, 2000-04 and 2000-05). Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen
Tracking of the combustion front propagation during a 3-D The main results from these experiments are presented in
cell test [both cells have the same width (0.40m) and depth Table 4. Runs 984 and 985 were THAI tests using 3-D Cell-
(0.10m)] was achieved from temperature measurements in the 1. Unconsolidated washed silica sand, incorporating 3%
sandpack, using an array of 76 and 85 thermocouples. These Kaolinite, which was used with Wolf Lake heavy oil. The
were arranged on three levels: at the TOP, MIDDLE and same 3-D cell was used in Run 987, but with the addition of a
BOTTOM of the sandpack, and placed at 0.02, 0.05 and 6mm thick layer of ceramic fibre insulation to the inside
0.08m, respectively, from the top surface of the cell. surface of the combustion cell. This was done in order to
(3) Ignition mimic the adiabatic condition created by the overlaying and
In the earlier experiments, an electric heating element, near underlying rocks in an actual reservoir. Run 2000-01 used 3-
to the horizontal injection well, was used for ignition. It D Cell-2 with virgin Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen again with
consisted of a coiled Nichrome wire controlled by a voltage internal insulation. All of these tests were performed using an
regulator. In field operation, vertical wells as injectors are electric ignitor element.
preferred. The more recent tests used a hot nitrogen, or air Air injection started when the temperature close to the
flow, for the ignition, with either one or two vertical injection electric ignitor reached 500oC. The peak temperature profiles
wells. A special heating element was constructed to deliver measured downstream of ignition zone in the sandpack are
injected gas at high temperatures, 500 to 600oC, at different shown in Fig. 4. The ignitor was switched-off after 180
flow rates. minutes, and the combustion front temperature reached 500oC
(4) Heat loss compensation (pseudo-adiabatic control) to 600oC. The combustion temperature recorded during Run
Either six or nine 300w heating tapes were used to achieve 2000-01 was very high, reaching 900oC after 30 minutes from
near-adiabatic condition in the combustion cell sandpack. This the start of air injection. The ignitor was then turned off,
pseudo-adiabatic control was the same in both 3-D cell tests. and the peak temperature declined to a stable value,
(5) Gas/oil separation above 600oC. More vigorous combustion and stable
(6) Oil sample collection combustion front propagation was sustained, due to the higher
(7) Produced gas analysis air flux and greater fuel laydown in the test on the Athabasca
Tar Sand Bitumen.
In addition, data acquisition and control for on-line The aerial temperature distributions in the sandpack during
monitoring of the experiments was achieved using a PC. Run 987 are shown in Fig. 5. The internal insulation reduced
More details of (4) to (7) can be found in the previous the axial heat transfer from upstream to downstream regions in
papers 6, 14, 15, 16, 18. the sandpack. Hence the combustion peak temperature during
The tests used different combinations of injection and Run 987 was 50oC higher, compared to Runs 984 and 985.
producer wells. In the first three tests, done with cell-1, Wolf This resulted in a more vigorous and sustained combustion
Lake crude oil was used as a heavy oil (specially dried by front propagation. Even after six hours of air injection, the
British Petroleum Plc). In the last three tests, using cell-2, temperature at the production end of the sandpack was only
virgin Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen, provided by the about 130oC in Run 987, which is about 50oC lower than in
AOSTRA Oil Sand Sample Bank (Lease 86-19), was used. Run 985.
The physical properties of Wolf Lake heavy oil and the

With the improved adiabatic condition in Run 987, the confirming vigorous combustion. The temperature profile
temperature contours in Fig. 5 provide a good guide as to what (Fig. 8) shows that a high temperature combustion region was
might be expected in a field situation. The heat transport from maintained, above 600oC, for the whole test after the ignitor
the heated horizontal producer well may be less significant in was switched-off. The effect of increasing the air flux in a
its effect on the oil mobility than in the experiment. stepwise manner on the combustion performance, from
Oil production started immediately once air injection had 12Sm3/m2h to 22 Sm3/m2h, during Run 2000-04, was found to
commenced in Run 985. During the other earlier three tests, be the same as that observed for primary operation of THAI
oil production started 5 to 10 minutes (Fig. 6). Due to the with Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen (Run 2000-01). This did
short distance oil displacement mechanism in THAI, oil in the not have any effect on stable combustion performance, except
ignition zone quickly becomes mobile as the temperature of for a small increase in the produced oxygen level.
the oil increases, lowering the viscosity. Oil is then displaced Compared with THAI as primary oil recovery method for
into the ‘toe’ section of the horizontal producer well by the gas Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen (Run 2000-01), the post-steam
flow. Thus, fast oil production is achieved by THAI. Without flood THAI test also achieved vigorous, stable combustion
internal insulation on the inside surface of the 3-D cell in propagation through the sandpack. This resulted in high oil
earlier tests (Runs 984 and 985), the initial oil production was recovery (83%OOIP), but oil production was delayed because
very high (18 ml/min) for an air injection rate of 6 l/minutes. of the high water saturation. The produced oil collected
This is mainly due to the additional oil production from the during Run 2000-04 was also substantially upgraded,
heated downstream region, which is an artifact. After a short averaging 16 API points, compared to only 8 API points for
period, the oil production reduces to a stable rate in these two virgin Athabasca bitumen.
tests. In contrast, the initial oil production was more steady In the post-steam flood THAI test, (Run 2000-04) a large
overall in Runs 987 and 2000-01, especially so for 2000-01. amount of water was produced initially during the ignition
Increasing the air flux, from 12 Sm3/m2h to 16 Sm3/m2h stage. Once stable combustion was established, oil production
during Run 2000-01, caused the oil production rate to increase started at a very low rate, after 180 minutes of air injection.
from 7 ml/min to 8 ml/minute. However, this did not affect The oil production rate gradually increased to a higher rate (>
stable combustion performance, except for a small increase in 10 ml/min) at t = 250minutes. There are two reasons for the
the produced oxygen level. delay in oil production in Run 2000-04:
When water injection (wet combustion) was initiated, oil (1) following steam flooding, the sandpack had a higher
production increased (Fig. 6), due to the enhanced steam initial water saturation than the virgin Athabasca Tar Sand.
effect on the oil displacement. The ratio of relative permeability for water and oil (krw/kro) is
When the HIHP well arrangement was used for 3-D Cell high at these experimental conditions, and therefore, the water
THAI combustion with heavy Wolf Lake oil and Athabasca in the sandpack should be displaced first before oil production
Tar Sand Bitumen, stable combustion front propagation along commences. This caused a much higher AOR
the horizontal well was sustained, following good ignition. (~13,000sm3/m3) during this period.
The oil recovery obtained from these tests was very high, at (2) since the heat capacity of air is quite low (Cp = 1
approximately 83% OOIP. The very effective ‘toe-to-heel’ kJ/kgK), an air injection rate of 10 l/min at 500oC only
sweep of the sandpack by the high temperature (>500oC) gas delivers about 40 J/s.
front is considered to be a principal factor in this.
The trends of oil upgrading due to thermal cracking Consequently, the overall AOR in Table 4 is more than
(carbon rejection) are shown in Fig. 7. Very significant 50% higher in the post-steam flood THAI test. However, once
upgrading of heavy oil and bitumen, 8 to 10 API points, was most of the water had been displaced, the AOR drops to a
achieved in each of these tests. The high oil recovery and in more reasonable value (1290 Sm3/m3).
situ upgrading of heavy oil and bitumen achieved makes The combustion performance (in terms of peak
THAI a very promising technology for exploiting the vast temperature and combustion gas analysis) observed during
reserves of these materials. However, it remains for THAI to post-steam flood THAI (Run 2000-04), using a VI2HP well
be tested in field operation. arrangement, was very similar to that of Run 2000-01
(primary THAI) on Tar Sand Bitumen using the HIHP well
2. VI2HP Well Combination - Athabasca Tar Sand combination; a slight difference was in the O2 percentage in
Bitumen the produced gas, which was slightly higher in the post-steam
A staggered line drive experiment with one vertical injection flood, although the initial temperature of the post-steam flood
well and two horizontal producer wells (Run 2000-04) was pack was considerably higher.
completed by using 3-D Cell-2. This test involved THAI oil
recovery from Athabasca Tar Sand as a secondary method 3. VIHP Well Combination –Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen
(post-steam flood). The results of this experiment are Run 2000-5 used a combination of a single vertical-injection well
summarised in Table 4. For ignition, hot air was injected into and a single horizontal-production well (VIHP). The results of
the 3-D cell at 550oC. Fig. 8 shows the production gas this experiment are presented in Fig. 9 and Table 4.
composition, oil production rate and peak temperature profile. Similar to Run 2000-04, hot air was injected at 550oC to
After 180 minutes, the produced oxygen was only 1%, create ignition. It took 300 minutes for the hot air injection to

achieve a stable combustion. Oil production started much later When the pay thickness of the oil layer is large (20-40 m), and
(280 minutes), compared to only 180 minutes in Run 2000-04. the oil viscosity is much higher than 5000 mPas, but oil still has a
The reasons for this are: (a) low initial sandpack temperature and certain mobility, will be more difficult to anchor the initial
(b) low heat capacity of air. The initial sandpack temperature was segregated front at the toe. In this more complex case, three
only 15oC, compared with an initial temperature of 100oC in the distinct phases should be considered:
post-steam flood THAI test (Run 2000-04). Thus, much more (1) establishement of initial communication (link) between
thermal energy was required to reach a sufficiently high injectors and/or injector(s )– producer(s)
temperature for combustion to commence. (2) ignition, generation of the linear ISC front and its
When the peak temperature in the sandpack reached more anchoring at the toe
than 500oC, the oxygen concentration in the produced gas (3) its propagation along the horizontal section of the well
decreased to a very low level (< 1%, after 240 minutes of hot air
injection). Cold air injection started at 310 minutes and vigorous In these cases, steam injection can be applied to develop the
combustion (>700oC) was established. The combustion process initial communication, via:
was very stable during the cold air injection stage, even when the 1. direct steam injection between adjacent future vertical
air flux was increased from 12 Sm3/m2h to 18 Sm3/m2h. At injectors, for the simple case (relatively low pay thickness and oil
these very high temperatures (600oC to 750oC), very high viscosity)
oxygen utilisation (>95%) was observed during the stable 2. an initial stimulation of future vertical injectors by
combustion period. cyclic steam stimulation, followed by direct steam injection
The oil production rate increased after t = 280 minutes, between adjacent future injectors, for less favourable case (higher
reaching a high level (13 ml/min) at 540 minutes. The oil pay thickness and oil viscosity)
production rate was maintained at 8 to 10 ml/min for an air flux 3) In case of tar sands THAI exploitation, methods similar to
of 18 Sm3/m2h, but it decreased to 5 ml/min when the air flux those applied in SAGD start up can be designed, including steam
was reduced to 12 Sm3/m3h. The oil recovery obtained during re-circulation and cyclic steam stimulation, in a first phase. Then,
Run 2000-05 was quite high, at 70 %OOIP, which is about 15% steam injection between adjacent future injectors may be
lower than in Runs 987 and Run 2000-01. This is mainly because necessary.
of a loss of air injectivity after 960 minutes in Run 2000-05. The choice between these alternatives depends mainly on the
Even when air injection had stopped at the end of the test, the pay thickness and the distance between wells, as well.
temperature in the sandpack remained high at 650oC, and the The ISC process should be initiated at the uppermost part of
oxygen level in the produced gas was only about 1%. the reservoir, by using a row of vertical injectors 10, 19. Then, once
the linear ISC front is generated, it will be propagated towards the
4. Some Considerations Regarding Field Application lower part of structure, from row to row. Few wells are needed, as
In the field either direct line drive (DLD) or staggered line each horizontal producer will be converted into an injector once it
drive (SLD) can be applied. Out of the main configurations is intercepted by the ISC front. To this effect, the horizontal wells
shown in Fig. 2, in the field only those using vertical injectors may be provided with a vertical pilot hole, to be used just for
(Figs. 2b, 2c and 2d) can be used; the configurations from Figs. injection. The description above easily explains why for a
2a and 2e are not practical, as a horizontal well cannot be used as peripheral line drive operation using THAI, for a fixed pattern
injector due to very serious safety concerns. Therefore, only the area (equal to the product of the well length by the distance
configurations from Figs. 2b, 2c and 2d will be discussed. From between wells), the number of necessary wells is reduced to
the point of view of a commercial application (repeated modules) almost half, compared to SAGD and Vapex; each pattern area
the configurations from Figs. 2b (VI2HP) and 2d (2VIHP) are comprises two wells for SAGD and Vapex and only one for
equivalent, and both represent a unit from a SLD configuration. THAI. Exception to this comparison makes the upper portion of
Fig. 2c (VIHP) represents a unit from a DLD configuration. reservoir where for the initiation of the THAI process, a row
The concept of controlled gas override during the THAI of vertical wells is necessary.
process is an important concept and it should be taken into In an existing direct line drive ISC commercial operation,
account in the design of the whole process, including the first performed with vertical wells, the conventional operation can
phase of generation of the linear ISC front and its anchoring at the be converted to a THAI operation by simply in-fill drilling
toe of the horizontal producer well. with up-hill toe horizontal wells, in between the existing
When the oil viscosity is relatively low (probably lower than production wells of the first rows. The ISC front anchoring at
5,000 mPa.s) and the pay thickness of the layer is relatively small the toe may be promoted by slightly curving upwards the toe
(probably <8m-10m), it may be feasible to start the process portion of the horizontal section, in order to initially “attract”
exactly as in the laboratory testing. By performing a normal the ISC front.
ignition operation, the hot air will generate the ISC front, which For a field piloting the scheme to be adopted is that from
will be automatically anchored at the toe of the horizontal well, Fig. 2d (2VIHP). Therefore, at least two vertical injectors and
due to the short distance between the ISC segregated front and the one horizontal producer are needed. However, for a more
toe. This is the simplest case and only the following two phases reliable evaluation of the pilot as far as the air-oil ratio and
need to be considered: (1) ignition and (2) ISC front propagation incremental oil recovery are concerned, a pilot consisting of
along the horizontal section of horizontal well

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level and the amount of heat injected during Upgrading Using ‘Toe-to-Heel’ ISC - Horizontal Wells Process”,
communication phase and/or ignition phase Proc., 7th. UNITAR Int. Conf. on Heavy Oil and Tar Sands,
5. Once high temperature was attained and combustion Beijing, China, 27-30 October (1998) 1837-1842.
stabilised, the combustion front propagated through the 15. Greaves, M., Ren, S.R., and Xia, T.X.: “New Air Injection
sandpack in a ‘toe-to-heel’ manner, no matter what Technology for IOR Operations in Light and Heavy Oil
injection-producer well configuration (HIHP, VI2HP, and Reservoirs”, Paper SPE 57295, 1999 SPE Asia Improved Oil
Recovery Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct. 25-26.
HIHP) was used. 16. Xia, T. X., and Greaves, M.: “Upgrading of Athabasca Tar Sand
Using THAI – Toe-to-Heel Air Injection”, Paper SPE 65524/PS
2000-164, 4th. Int. Conf. and Exhibition on Horizontal Well
Acknowledgements Technology, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Nov. 6-8 (2000).
The authors are grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences 17. Greaves, M., and Al-Honi, M.: “Three-Dimensional Studies of In Situ
Research Council (EPSRC), United Kingdom, for supporting the Combustion – Horizontal Wells Process With Reservoir
THAI and CAPRI Process research via Research Grant No. Heterogeneities”, JCPT, (2000) 39, No. 10, 25-32.
18. Xia, T. X., and Greaves, M.: “Downhole Upgrading of Athabasca Tar
GR/M93017. We would like to thank the AOSTRA Oil Sands Sand Using THAI – SARA Analysis”, Paper SPE 69693, the
Sample Bank, for supplying the Athabasca Tar Sand. Thanks are SPE/DOE International Thermal operations and Heavy Oil
also due to Mr. Adrian Tuddenham (Research Technician) for Symposium, Margarita, 12 March (2001).
the design and construction of the steam injection system and 19. Turta A.: “In-Situ Combustion - From Pilot to Commercial
also to Mr. Mufta Werefilli for assistance with the Application”, Proc. of the Field Applications of In-Situ
experiments. Combustion - Past Performance/Future Application Symposium,
Tulsa, April 21-22, 1994.
1. Burger. J., Sourieau, P., and Combarnous, M.: Thermal Methods of
Oil Recovery, Insitut Francais du Petrole publications, (1985).
2. Lake, L.W.: Enhanced Oil Recovery, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, (1989).
3. Butler, R. M., and Stephens, D, J.: “The Gravity Drainage of
Steam Heated Heavy Oil to Parallel Horizontal Wells”, JCPT,
(1991) April-June, 90-96.
4. Sarathi, P.S.: “Nine Decades of Combustion Oil Recovery – A
Review of In situ Combustion History and Assessment of
Geologic Environments on Project Outcome”, Paper No 1998-
124, 7th. UNITAR Int. Conf. on Heavy Oil and Tar Sand,
Beijing, China, 27-30 October (1998).

• Gas override is controlled, upright in situ combustion front
• All mobilised liquids and combustion gases are drawn down into exposed section of horizontal producer well
• High sweep efficiency, related to the absence of any gas coning (channelling) in the producer
• Significant environmental benefits due to in situ removal of sulphur and heavy metals
• Unique enhanced mobility oil zone downstream of the in situ combustion front reduces sensitivity (preferential
advancement) to reservoir heterogeneity in the virgin zone, mainly for extra-heavy reservoirs
• Fluid injectivity is increased due to higher permeability in the burned out zone and production mostly of upgraded
and heated oil, immediately downstream of in situ combustion front
• Front tracking capability via its “toe-to-heel” propagation with tight control of propagation
• For a commercial line drive operation, for a fixed well pattern, the number of wells is reduced to almost half due to
their use first as producers and then as injectors
• Creates ideal conditions for downhole catalytic upgrading, via the novel CAPRI TM in situ upgrading of heavy oils
process, displaying enhanced upgrading, similar to surface upgrading

Wolf Lake Crude Athabasca Tar Sand
API Gravity 10.5 8
o 3
Density @ 25 C (g/cm ) 0.995 1.0077
Elements (wt %)*
C 83.77 81-84
H 10.62 10.-11.0
N 0.25 0.3-0.6
S 4.5 4.6-5.6
o 4 6
Viscosity @ 15 C(mPa.s) 48,500 *1.8×10 -1×10
SARA composition (wt%)**
Saturates 25.2 14.5
Aromatics 37.4 34.8
Resins 27.3 38.0
Asphaltenes 10.1 12.7
Porosity 34
Oil Saturation (wt%) 13.6 -- 15.3
Water Saturation (wt%) 1.75
* Values from Strausz, O. P.: “Bitumen and Heavy Oil Chemistry”, in AOSTRA Technical Handbook on Oil Sand,
Bitumens and Heavy oils, ed. by Hepler, L. G. and His, C. AOSTRA, Edmonton, Alberta (1989)
** Analysis by University of Salford


Run 984 985 987 2000-01 2000-04 2000-05
Matrix Silica W50 + 3% Clay+ Wolf Lake Oil Virgin Athabasca Tar Sand
Length of 3-D cell (cm) 40 60
Internal insulation Non Non Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ignition Electric heater Electric Hot gas Hot gas
Porosity (%) 38.5 38.5 38.5 ~30
Soi (%) 75 75 75 13.55* 11.8* 14.2*
Swi (%) 20 20 20 1 –2* N/A 1 –2*
Initial temperature C 20 20 20 20 100 20
Combustion mode Dry Dry & wet Dry & wet Dry & wet Dry (post- Dry
steam flood)
3 2
Air flux (m /m hr) 9.0 9.0 9.0 12 – 18 12 -- 22 12-18
3 3
WAR (m /1000m ) 0 0.83 0.75 1.1 0.0 0.0
Well configuration Direct line Direct line Direct line Direct line Staggered Direct line
drive drive drive drive line drive drive
Back pressure (psig) 20 20 20 10 to 20 15-20 10 to 20
* Weight percentage of oil for original Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen

Run 984 985 987 2000-01 2000-04 2000-05
Recovery method Primary Primary Primary Primary Post-steam Primary
Length of 3-D cell (cm) 40 40 40 60 60 60
COMBUSTION MODE Dry Dry & wet Dry & wet Dry & wet Dry Dry
Overall period (hrs) 14.25 12.5 14.9 14.5 14.5 16.8
Dry phase (hrs) 12.0 9.0 8.7 9 11.5 11.8
Wet phase (hrs) 0 1.5 4.2 2.0
Peak Temperature ( C) 550 620 600 600-750 600 -700 600 -750
Produced gases
(%, Average)
CO2 12.74 12.13 11.56 17.0 15.4 13.0
CO 4.10 4.25 4.2 5.6 3.18 2.74
O2 1.96 2.15 2.27 1.38 2.54 1.77
CO/(CO2+CO) 0.243 0.259 0.266 0.248 0.171 0.714
H/C 0.490 0.671 1.47 0.0 0.401 1.453
O2/fuel requirement 1.93 2.00 2.7 1.63 1.8 1.7
O2 utilisation (%) 90.7 89.8 89.2 93.4 87.9 91.6
Fuel burned (kg) 0.442 0.388 0.413 0.566 0.596 0.887
Fuel consumption (%of 9.31 8.17 11.6 8.2 9.5 12.7
Air/oil Ratio (m3/m3) 1080 920 1510 1080 1690 2020*
Oil recovery (% OOIP) 85.0 86.5 85 81.5 83 70
Combustion front 0.0025 0.003 0.025 0.035 0.038 0.031
velocity (m/hr)
6.8 6.0 7.5 11.0 8.2 17.1
Residual oil (%OOIP)
* Loss of injectivity towards the end of the test

Combustion Mobile oil Cold Heavy

front zone (MOZ) Oil

Air & Water


Fig. 1—Schemati diagraph of ‘Toe-to-Heel Air Injection’


Injection well Producer well

(a) HIHP (c) VIHP

(b) VI2HP

(d) 2VIHP (e) HI2HP

Fig. 2 – Injection well – producer well combinations in THAI

Bottom Top
Horizontal well M id d le
B o tto m
H o r iz o n ta l w e ll

10 40
35 10 35
30 30
0 25 25
5 20 0 20
10 5
15 15 10 15 15
20 10 20 25
25 30 10
30 5 35 40
35 45 5
40 0 50 55 60 0

(a) 3-D cell-1 (40cm × 40cm × 10cm) (b) 3-D cell-2 (60cm × 40cm × 10cm)

Fig 3 – 3-D combustion cells


ignitor off
ignitor off
Peak temperature (oC)


Peak temperature ( C)

stabilized period
stabilized period
0 0
-60 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 -60 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720
Time (min) Time (min)
(a) Run 984,Wolf Lake Oil (b) Run 985, Wolf Lake Oil
No internal insulation No internal insulation
stabilized period

ignitor off ignitor off

700 1000

Peak temperature ( C)
Peak temperature ( C)



400 600

400 stabilized period
200 stabilized period


0 0
-60 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 -60 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600
Time (min) Time (min)

(c) Run 987, Wolf Lake Oil (d) Run 2000-01, Athabasca Tar Sand
Intrenal insulated Internal insulated

Fig. 4 – Peak temperature profiles of combustion tests using HIHP


40 40
250 200
35 150 35 400 350300 250 200
350 150
30 300 150
400 30
25 25
Y (cm)


Y (cm)
20 250200 150 Horizontal 20 300 250
350 150
15 350
300 15
10 10
400 150
5 150 350 150
250200 5 300 250 200

0 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

10 10
8 8
Z (cm)
Z (cm)

6 Vertical 6
4 mid-plane 4
2 2
0 0 100
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 150
X (cm) X (cm)
(a) t = 180 min (b) t = 360 min 250
40 400
200 200 40
250 250 450
35 300 150 250
350 300 250
350 35 300 500
400 550
30 400 350
30 200
25 200 450
400 450 450 350 25 400
Y (cm)

500 200
Y (cm)

20 250
300 Horizontal
20 250
15 400
350 450
200 15 450
350 200
400 300 250 400 400
150 5 350
0 400
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40

8 10
Z (cm)

6 Vertical 8
Z (cm)

4 mid-plane 6
2 4
0 2
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0
X (cm) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
X (cm)
(c) t =540 min (d) t =720 min

Fig. 5 – Temperature profiles of Run 987. Primary recovery, HIHP


20 20
Wet combustion
3 2 WAR: 0.83m3/1000m3
Air flux: 9 sm /m h
Oil production rate (ml/min)

Oil production rate (ml/min)

15 15

Air flux: 9 sm3/m2h

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 0 120 240 360 480 600

Time (min) Time (min)

(a)Run 984 (Wolf Lake crude oil) (b) Run 985 (Wolf Lake crude oil)

10 20
Wet combustion Air flux: 12 sm3/m2h
WAR: 0.75m3/1000m3 WAR: 1.1 m3/1000sm3
Oil production rate (ml/min)

Oil production rate (ml/min)

Air flux: 9 sm3/m2h Air flux: 18 sm3/m2h

Air flux: 12sm3/m2h Air flux: 12sm3/m2h


0 0
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 0 120 240 360 480 600

Time (min) Time (min)

(c) Run 987 (Wolf Lake crude oil) (d) Run 2000-02 (Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen)

Fig. 6 – Oil production rate of 3-D cell THAI tests

Primary recovery, HIHP

20 20
API density of the produced oil

API density of the produced oil

15 15

10 10
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 0 120 240 360 480 600 720

Time (minutes) Time (minutes)

(a) Run 984, Wolf Lake Oil (b) Run 985, Wolf Lake Oil

20 20
API density of the produced oil
API density of the produced oil

15 15

10 10
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 0 120 240 360 480 600 720

Time (minutes) Time (minutes)

(c) Run 987, Wolf Lake Oil (d) Run 2000-01, Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen

Fig. 7 -- Thermal upgrading of the produced oil in THAI process. Primary recovery, HIHP


Air flux
2 2
700 12 Sm /m h

Peak temperature (

500 Air flux Air flux

2 2
Air flux Air flux
15 Sm /m h 18 Sm2/m2h 2 2
22 Sm /m h 3 2
15 Sm /m h


200 Hot air injection

Cold air injection

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840
Time (min)

Produced gas compostion (%)


10 O2

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840
Time (min)

Oil production rate (ml/min)



0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840
Time (min)

Fig. 8 – Peak temperature, gas and oil production

(Run 2000-04, post-steam flood THAI for Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen)


Peak temperature ( oC)

Air flux
600 12 Sm2/m2h
Air flux Air flux Air flux Air flux
500 18 Sm2/m2h 15 -->8
15 Sm2/m2h 12 Sm2/m2h


200 Hot air injection

Cold air injection

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020
Time (min)
Produced gas compostion (%)




120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020
Time (min)

Oil production rate (ml/min)


0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020
Time (min)

Fig. 9 – Peak temperature, gas and oil production

(Run 2000-05, Primary THAI for Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen)

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