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A word has its opposite meaning with another word, this is called antonym.

Antonym is words that have their opposite meaning with another words. It is different with synonym which has the same meaning with another words, that is why antonym is the oppposite meaning with synonym. Antonymy holds a place in human life. Consider about the word female and male that always we found if we go to the public toilet, or about word push and pull that we found if we go to a store, and there are still many others such as big/small, long/short,beauty/ugly,opened/closed, etc. Antonymy, if we see from its characterteristic, it is divided into several types, they are absolute antonym, gradation antonym, relational antonym, hierarchy antonim and compound antonym. Absolute antonym is that a word which has the absolutely opposite meaning with another word, for example in word live and in word dead. Those two words are opposed each other absolutely, because if something does not dead, then it must be live. On the contrary, if something does not live, then it must be dead. The other example is in word new and old. If something is in new condition then it should be does not old, so be it for the word old. The second type is gradable antonym, it means the antonymy word has unclearly boundary opposite meaning, it has changeable meaning. Please consider between word rich and poor. We can not measuring someone so that we call him/her as a rich person, how much money does someone should have to be called a rich or a poor person. That is why it is called as gradable antonym.

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