Organic Cotton, Coir, Bamboo, Linen (Flax) and Paper Are All Considered Sustainable Fibres

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Textiles Year 8

Sustainable Fibres Research Assessment Task

STUDENTS NAME: ___________________________________ TEACHERS NAME: Ms Alexander TASK DESCRIPTION:

POINT GROUP: __________

Research sustainable natural fibres and how they can be of benefit to the environment.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be able to: Conduct research on various fibres and present the information clearly Clarify their knowledge by presenting a detailed presentation on one of the fibres researched Demonstrate the use of an appropriate ICT program


1. Investigate the term sustainable and write a definition in your own words, explaining the term.

Organic cotton, Coir, Bamboo, Linen (Flax) and Paper are all considered sustainable fibres.
2. Research each of these fibres, concentrating on the following headings and present your findings in a chart or spread sheet form;
Characteristics of the fibre Processes involved in its production Uses of the fibre Any positive or negative impact on the environment or the producers (workers)

3. Select ONE of the above fibres and using the information you have included in your research as a starting point create ONE of the following options;
A magazine discussing the fibre appropriate for a teenage audience, include designs, puzzles etc. A utube clip discussing the fibre and its value to the environment An imovie about the fibre and some aspect you found interesting from your research An advertisement aimed at manufacturers to encourage them to buy the fibre, (detailed poster or electronic).


Refer to attached rubric for assessment criteria for this task.


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