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Can fingernails be cut @ night??

Can we cut our fingernails @ nite? Of course we can!Who say that we can't?

Maybe u've heard the restriction by the oldies that fingernails can't b cut @ nite.They might said that cutting the fingernails @ nite can reduce our lifespan.In other word,immediate death!!!Actually,u can do that!Up to date,there r no single measly prove 2 verify the accuracy of that restriction. However,y did the people of the past created & obeyed this superstitious rule???????????

The truth is,there r no fingernails cutter @ that time!What's being used by the human in the past 2 cut their fingernails?????They've used parang!! And there r also no electrical lamp in the past!They'd only the less-reliable gasoline lamp...........Cutting fingernails @ nite using parang is definitely fatal bcoz the parang which was swung swiftly can also cut the finger.

That's the reason of the creation of the superstitious rule............What??U also can't cut ur fingernails in the evenin'??????????Hm..........Maybe this 1 is rite......Whatever it is,choose the mornin' as the most suitable tine 2 cut ur fingernails!!!

Sakata Gintoki
Kantoi Dah,Sakata Gintoki;Copyright Protected 2011.

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