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Nguyn Hu in Khoa Ton - C - Tin hc HKHTN H Ni, HQGHN

Gii thiu

Lm mt cun sch l mt qu trnh lu di v tch ly kin thc vit ra. Ti khng bn lun v vn vit sch cc loi tham kho, gio trnh,... nh th no y. Ti ch hng dn ln khung mt cun sch, phn cn li l ngi vit in vo. Mt cun sch bao gm tiu ca sch, li ni u, mc lc, cc chng, p n tr li bi tp nu c, ti liu trch dn, ch mc cc t, ... thun tin ti chia cc mc trn thnh cc tp p lp cho ti tn cc chng ca cun sch. Nh vy phi c mt tp gom tt c cc tp li thnh mt ti liu thng nht. Nh v d mu km theo y ti chia sch thnh cc tp: noidungsach.tex - y l tp chnh, cha nh dng v gi cc tp sau y vo; biasach.tex - ba cun sch bn thit k loinoidau.tex - Li ni u ca xut bn kyhieu.tex - Cc k hiu hoc vit tt trong sch chuong1.tex - ni dung chng 1 ca cun sch chuong2.tex - ni dung chng 2 ca cun sch chuong3.tex - ni dung chng 3 ca cun sch chuong4.tex - ni dung chng 4 ca cun sch chuong5.tex - ni dung chng 5 ca cun sch tailieu.tex - cc ti liu trch dn

Thit lp nh dng cun sch

Tt c nh dng cun sch v nh ngha trong LaTeX nn t ti tp noidungsach.tex v bao gm cc phn. 1 - Nguyn Hu in 1. Lp vn bn v cc gi lnh cn cho vn bn c t ngay t u \documentclass[11pt,twoside,openany]{book} \usepackage{amsmath,amsxtra,amssymb,latexsym, amscd,amsthm} \usepackage{indentfirst} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancyplain} \pagestyle{fancy} \usepackage{picinpar} \usepackage{floatflt} \usepackage{epic} \usepackage{curves} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{longtable}% \usepackage{multicol}% \usepackage[tight,vietnam]{minitoc}% \usepackage{fancybox} \usepackage[utf8]{vietnam}

2. nh dng chiu di v rng ca trang sch cng vi tiu chy trn u mi trang \textheight 21truecm %%16.2truecm \textwidth 14truecm %11.3truecm \parskip 3pt \headsep=12pt \renewcommand{\headwidth}{14truecm} \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]% {\markboth{\it #1}{}} \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]% {\markright{\it \thesection\ #1}} \lhead[\fancyplain{}{\thepage}]% {\fancyplain{}{\rightmark}} \rhead[\fancyplain{}{\leftmark}]% {\fancyplain{}{\thepage}} \cfoot{} \sloppy 3. Cc lnh t nh ngha v dng danh mc t kha \renewcommand{\binom}[2]{C_{#1}^{#2}} \def\cung#1{\buildrel \frown \over{#1}} \def\g.#1.{\widehat{#1}} \newcommand{\chia}{\;\vdots\;} \newcommand{\kchia}{\not\vdots\;\;} \makeindex - Nguyn Hu in 4. nh ngha cc mi trng nh l, mnh , b hay bi tp \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{definition}{nh ngha}[chapter] \theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem{theorem}{nh l}[chapter] \newtheorem{proposition}{Mnh }[chapter] \newtheorem{lemma}{B }[chapter] \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{baitap}{Bi tp}[chapter] 5. Lit k mc lc ca mi chng ngay sau tn chng \usepackage[tight,vietnam]{minitoc}% \renewcommand{\mtctitle}{\ } %khng dng tn ca mc lc chng \setcounter{minitocdepth}{1}

6. Dng gi lnh answers.sty to ra tp bi tp cho tng chng a vo sau ny. \usepackage{answers} \Newassociation{loigiai1}{Answer}{loigiaichung} \Newassociation{loigiai2}{Answer}{loigiaichung} \Newassociation{loigiai3}{Answer}{loigiaichung} \Newassociation{loigiai4}{Answer}{loigiaichung} \Newassociation{loigiai5}{Answer}{loigiaichung}

Cc phn trong tp chnh

1. Thc hin lm mc lc ca tng chng \dominitoc 2. Ba sch v nh s theo La m

\pagenumbering{arabic} \include{biasach} 3. Li ni u v k hiu \newpage \setcounter{page}{3} \setlength{\baselineskip}{16truept} %\adjustmtc %danh so chuong cho dung \include{loinoidau} \include{kyhieu} - Nguyn Hu in 4. In ra mc lc ca cun sch \markboth{{\it Mc lc}}{{\it Mc lc}} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{{\bf Mc lc\rm }} \tableofcontents 5. Gi ni dung cc chng \include{chuong1} \include{chuong2} \include{chuong3} \include{chuong4} \include{chuong5} 6. Ti liu tham kho \newpage \setlength{\baselineskip}{12truept} \include{tailieu} 7. Danh mc t kha \newpage \markboth{{\it Danh mc t kha}}{{\it Danh mc t kha}} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{{\bf Danh mc t kha}} \printindex

Cc phn trong tp mt chng

Mi chng u c cu trc nh nhau; trnh nh ngha ring cho tng chng m tt c tp chnh. mi chng c phn chnh sau: 1. Tiu chng v cc cng c cho phn m u chng \chapter{ thi olympic irland}% \minitoc % mc lc nh mi chng \thispagestyle{empty} \Opensolutionfile{loigiaichung}[baitapC1] %m tp baitapC1.tex ghi cc li gii v p n cc bi tp \vspace*{1cm} %khong cch tiu v vn bn chnh 2. Cc phn ni dung ca chng \section{Gii thiu} <Ni dung ghi vo y> \section{Phn ni dung chng 1} <Cc nh nghia, nh l, dng cng thc ton> \section{Phn ni dung chng 1} <Cc nh nghia, nh l, dng cng thc ton> - Nguyn Hu in 3. Cc mi trng nh l, mnh , b c thc hin bnh thng \begin{theorem} <Ni dung> \end{theorem} .................. \begin{lemma} <Ni dung> \end{lemma} ................. 4. Phn bi tp, ni dung bi tp \section{Bi tp} \begin{baitap}%1 <Ni dung bi tp> \begin{loigiai1} <Li gii ghi vo baitapC1.tex> \end{loigiai1} \end{baitap} \begin{baitap}%2 <Ni dung bi tp> \begin{loigiai1} <Li gii ghi vo baitapC1.tex> \end{loigiai1} \end{baitap} 5. ng tp ghi li gii v a vo cui chng hoc a vo cui sch. \Closesolutionfile{loigiaichung} \section*{Li gii bi tp chng 1} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Li gii bi tp chng 1} \markright{Li gii bi tp chng 1} {\small\input{baitapC1}}

6. Ch : nu mun in tt c li gii v ch thch mt chng ring th mi chng ch c lnh ng tp. Cn lnh a vo th thi n chng cui cng nh: \charter*{Li gii} \input{baitapC1} \input{baitapC2} \input{baitapC3} \input{baitapC4} \input{baitapC5} - Nguyn Hu in

Cc chi tit khc ca cun sch

Mi chi tit u ly t VieTeX c d dng. 1. Danh mc t bng lnh \index{}

\index{o hm cp hai}, \index{hm lin tc} 2. Ti liu tham kho \begin{thebibliography}{99} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{{\bf Ti liu tham kho}\rm }% \bibitem{rade} H. Rademacher, {\it Higher Mathematics from an Elementary point of view}, Birkhauser, 1983. ........................... \end{thebibliography} 3. Bng d liu \begin{table}[!ht] \centering \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline & & & & \\ \hline & & & &\\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{*}\label{tab:*} \end{table} 4. Hnh nh \begin{figure}[!ht] \centering \includegraphics[height=2cm,width=3cm]{*.eps} \caption{}\label{fig:} \end{figure} 5. Dng cc mi trng dng cng thc ton \begin{align} &\\ & \end{align} - Nguyn Hu in

Cc tp km theo hng dn ny

bai32korea.tex bai3korea.tex bai5bkorea.tex bai5korea.tex baitapC1.tex baitapC2.tex baitapC3.tex baitapC4.tex baitapC5.tex biasach.tex Book.cls chuong1.tex chuong2.tex chuong3.tex chuong4.tex chuong5.tex ENGLISH.MLD kyhieu.TEX loinoidau.tex maulamsachhelp.pdf maulamsachhelp.tex noidungsach.pdf noidungsach.tex Tailieu.tex

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