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Create New Game Drag in Images from folder into Library / images Create new actors by dragging images

! ! Modify ball - collision shape, movable, restitution .5 (bounciness) Modify peg - collision shape, not-movable, restitution .5 (bounciness)

Drag background onto scene Drag in some pegs ! Edit ball behaviors -Accelerate - Direction 270, (down) & Speed 400

Drag ball onto scene TEST ! Edit ball behaviors - Collide - pegs & balls


Rule - - Event - overlaps / collides with peg

Delete ball from scene

Create new actor - control -> set opacity to 0% Create a rule ! - Mouse down - Attribute -> device - mouse position Y - >240 - Spawn Actor - devices - mouse - position X (repeat for Y)

TEST Create Goal Drag goal onto scene Click Attributes inspector Create new attribute - rename score Set Score to 0 Click Actors inspector Edit Control

Drag in Display Text behavior -> change color -> expression editor - game.Score

Edit Ball Add rule -> overlaps / collides with goal - play sound chime & Change Attribute

game.Score To game.Score + 50

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